268497 N�HITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COl�I1C11 - � . CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL n � BI.UE - MAVOR File NO. ��� , Council Resolution Presented By ' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, An Ordinance, Council File No. 268484 granting permission to the County of Ramsey, Minnesota, to construct, operate and maintain the Ramsey County Adult Dete�tion Center encroachments into public rights- of-way of Keliogg Boulevard between St. Peter Street and Wabasha Street and of Wabasha Street between Kellogg Boulevard to 120 feet south of the centerline of Kellogg Boulevard has been prepared and introduced to the Council of the City of Saint Paul and will be adopted on February 17, 1977 to be effective eventually on 1�Iarch 28, 19�7now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That pending the said Ordinance becoming effective the Director of the Department of Public Works is hereby authorized and directed to issue a permit to the County of Ramsey, Minnesota, for the construction of said Adult Detention Center sub,ject to the same condi- tions and requirements established in Ordinance , Council File No. 268484 pending before the Councit of the City of Saint Paul. In- formal approval of the construction of said Adult Detention Center is hereby given in anticipation of the final adoption and approval of said Ordinance. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ^ Requested by Department of: Butler � Pub 1 i c Works � In Favor Hunt , 1 _ Roedler �� __ Against BY i rector, D el J. unf (T / ) Sylvester � Tedesco FEB 1 �� Form Approved by City At rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified ssed y Council ret BY � sy App by Nlayor. Da � 3 1977 Appro Mayor for Subm' i n to Council By By et���.�s;,FO FEB 5 1977 ar� c��: z2/�.s�s Re�. : 9/fi/76 �^ � �XPLAN�TId"7 0� �DL�i?�t�r�ST�1T�V ; UR�ERS, . .�� RESC�L::ixC.�l`3S� -�F3?i ORL�i:t�l!;C�.�'>. ��'84+�� I7at�: January 21 , 1977 TO: MAYQR GEORGE L�,TIriER g�; Pubitc Works-Office Engineering gE; Ramsey County Aduit Detention Street Encroachments ACTION �E��}UESTMD s Ordinance to permit the County of Ramsey to construct, operate and maTntain portions of its Adult Detentfon Center within City street right-of-way of Kellogg Boulevard and Wabasha Street. Resolution wou_id waive the waittng period required under an Ordinance. � lF[1fF?.Pf)S� ?,I+Tt�. RATIOidaLE FOR 1^HZS .'�,1CT1tJN: The County has not received the proper authorizatian to permit the construction of a parking ramp beneath the Kellogg Boulevard viaduct east of St. Peter Street. The Resottitton is intended 'to allow the continuation of construction. ATTACHtS�iE'�T`�S: ord i an e ------ Reso�u t�on TJE/RAH/Jm �" �