268487 WHITE - CITV CLERK ��(��[}� PINK - FINANCE COURCll . x �� CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAiTL File NO. v v BLUE - MAVOR Resolution Presented B Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That pursuant to the Joint Powers Act, the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and Dakota County whereby the City will conduct tuberculosis detection, diagnosis and treat- ment services for persons referred to the City' s Division of Public Health by said County, said services to be performed during the cal- endar year 1977 and for a fee payable to the City in the amount of $2, 740.00. Funding Code: 33235 Appro as to Funding: A roved: / - i�'-� 7 . ire or, inance & anagemen erv. ' u e ir ec or OUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler � CONNflNNUNITY SERVICES ��. In Favor Hunt Levine _�_ Against BY � Roedler Sylvester Tedesco FES 1 1977 Form A rove City At ney Adopted by Council: Date � __.- Certified P� ed b Council Se�� BY By Appro iVlavor: Date �S 3 197 Appr d by Mayor for Su is ion to Council By BY PUBLISHED FEB 5 1977 � A , + • � ������� CONTRACT B�ETWEEbT DAKOTA COUNTY AND Tf3E CITY QF ST. PAIIL, DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH, FOR TUBERCULAR. C�A,RE. TfRS AGRF�]T, made and entered i.nto this 1 st day �f January', 1977, by and between the County of Dakota., a political subdivision of the 3tate of Minnesota, hereinat`ter referred to as Dakata County, and the City of St. Paul, Division af Pulalic Health, a political subdivision of the 3tate oP Mirmesota, hereinaPter referred to as the Gontractor. WFiF�EAS, the Contractor has facilities for the detection, preven- tion and treatment of tuberculasis and Dakota County presentZy has no such f�.cilities available to it; and it is consid+ered in the best interest of the parties hereto, and in the public welfare to contract for eertain services. NOW T�'ORE„the Contractor agreee to provide at its Publie Health Center, tubereulosis testi.ng, cheat x-rays, propl�lactic and chetnotMerapy services, follow-up sex�ri.ces, and any required ou�gatisat 3ex�rices for tuberculosis control purpoaes; however, the obliga.tion to provide propY�ylaetic and chemotherapy services is canditioned upon the Contractor receiving same without Gharge from the Minneso�a Depart�ent of Health. < Dakota Coun.ty agrees to reimburse the Contractor in. a sum not to exeeed Two Thousand, Seven Hundxed, and Forty Dollar9 ($2,7�+O.QO) for such sez�rices for a perioc� of one year commencing on Ja.nuazy 1, 1977, for such tubereulosis control services under this Agreement. . � �6�48� The cost of servi.ces provi.ded shall be as follows: Blood exeminatioll and urinalysis------ $3.00; Sputum smeaxs and cultures------------ �F.00; Chest X-rays with interpretations----- 8.00; PY�,qsician examination----------------- 8.00; Admi:nistrative and clerical costs----- 3.00. If drvgs are not avai3able without charge from the Minnesota Departmen�G of Health, patients will be given prescriptions to purcha.se the drugs. For each pa.tiezit visit, thEre shall be a charge only far servi.ces provided. Dakota County agrees, prior to referral treat,ment of patients, to give the Pizblic Health Center appropriate authorizations as respects those patients who are to receive such services. The Contractor agrees to submit to the Dakota County Publie Health Nursing Sex�vice monthly reports of services provided, showing the patient for whom sueh services were f'txrnished, the da.te thereof, and an ider�tification of services anci costs. �3'pon receipt of such report, payment will be made by Dakota County Public Nursing Service within thirty (30) days. The Cantractor and the Dakota County Public Health Nursing Servi.ce, in ord.er to ma.in.ta.in lacal eontrol of tuberetxl.osis, a�ree to maintain records of patieat sez�rrices provided, such records to also be used for determining the antici�ated number of patients visiting and costs of tuberculosis control services upon which any fliture renewal agreements may be negotiated. . . -2- : -AN E�UAL OPPORTUNITY II�lPLdYER- ' . , � , _ ' f^'��, � IN WITNF',SS WFiEREOF, Da�ota County and the Contractor have executed this agreement as of the day and year below written. Dated: December 28, 1976 COtTN`I`Y OF DAROTA BY: _ Co�bnersota County Board of BY: �.i�sc�t�or, Dakota County Pub2ic �iealth CITY OF ST. PAUL BY� Mayor $Y= 'rector�tD�� �Ce t of Finance and Approv �to m: By: A.ssistant-C tp Attorae�* Approved. as to Form this ��� day of ��� 19 �'� . ��. � �,��.�' . Assistant Cotultg Attorney Approved as to execution this day of �9 . OM O1: I2f 1975 _--_ ____.._. Raa. : g/8/76 LXPLANATI{�N �F P�DMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, � �,� o�s, �D o����s �68�48'� � ����i�r^�+..�ri�.���.���i�.r.��, � . , � . � Date: January 10, 1977 Tp: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER • gg; WIILIAM G. TIMM, �DIRECTOR .OF ADMINI�TRATION, DIVISION OF HEALTH _ g�; COtlHiCIL RESQLUTION . ACTIpN REQUESTED: That the appropriate City officials be attthorized and directed �. ...,,...,.�� to execute an agreement betNeen the City o� Sa�nt Paul and Dakota County for the . provision of tuberculosis detection,diagnosis and treatrtient services. The City of Saint Pau1 ; Division of Public H�altfi is to provide these services in accordancer�t'h . the terms of the attached contract. Funding Code: 33235 PURPOSE AND RATIONALE' FOR THIS ACTION: The City of Saint Paul , Division of Public Health has the facilities and staff for the detection, diagaosfis and treatment of t�erculosis whereas these services are not readily available in Qai�ota County. It is deemed to be in the best interest of the City to provide this service on a contractual ,basis to Dakota County. Services provided and fee sch�edules are listed in contract. � ATTACBMENTS: Contract_between Dakota County arrd the City of Saint Pau1 ,�Division of Public Health for tubercular care dated December 29, 1976. � • �