268482 WHITE — CITV CLERK COIIIIClI a���� PINK — FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAiTL CANqRY — DEPARTMENT BI.UE — MAVOR File NO. • / / zndnce Ordinance N 0. �`Q l� � Presented By . , Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 15881, approved August 29, 1975, entitled "An ordinance adopting a new zoning ordinance for the City of Saint Paul, repealing Chapters 60, 61, 62, 63 and 64 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul. " THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That the Zoning Map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheets No. 19 and 27, as incorporated by reference in Section 60.401 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, is hereby amended as follows: The property owned by Eugene Liedl located on the North side of Grand Avenue between Lexington Parkway and Dunlap Street, more particularly described as "Lot 23, Block l, Manson & Simonton' s Addition, " is rezoned from RM-2 to B-2. Section 2. This ordinance shall take force and effect in thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval, and publication. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt ^, Levine U Against By R�kr Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted b ouncil: Date FEB � j �9� Ce ' ied P y C ncil Secreta�y BY � • B FEB � g 1977 Approved by Maxor for Submi�ion to Council Appro by Mayor: Date _ By BY ��B��st�Ea FEB 2 61977 - . _: � 1 CQ l�; ; �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� t�� � � �. � Q� C►TY p�� `� +'_�.', '•.r � � `� � � �i � Rose Mix o �•••• '' n � �7 Albert B. Olsos :....:. :�: City Clerk and ad °=:•°-��° ,; `J ry� � � �97( Council Recorder Councid Secretatq/ �'� ,ti� ...« CIfY /�j�..ti_(,�;�1�!�:;! OPFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BUREAU OP RECORDS 386 City Hall St.Paul,Minnesot¢ 55102 Phone 898-.¢&�SZ January 20, 1977 Harriet Lansin� City Attorney Room 647, City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Ms. Lansing: The City Council requests that you prepare an ordinance granting the petition of Eugene Liedl to rezone from RM-2 to B-2 property on the North side of Grand Ave. between Lexington Pkwy, and Dunlap St. ery truly yours, � � � � � � City Clerk ABO/caw � �O ' . , i C�i�� 'BOARD OF ZONING CITY OF SAINT PAUL � OFFICE OF THE MAYOR � CITY PLANNING DONALD L. SPAID AIP PLANNING COORDINATOR December 29, 1976 2s�4�� Rose Mix, City Clerk 386 City Hall St. Paul , Minn. 55102 Dear Madam: This is written in response to the petition of Eugene Liedl to rezone from RM-2 mu]ti family to B-2 community business, property located on the north side of Grand Avenue between Lexington and Dunlap. This matter was heard by the Current Planning & Zoning Committee on November 18, 1976. Several people appeared in opposition to the requested rezoning. A motion recommending denial of the appellant's request, made by Mr. Pangal and seconded by Ms. McGinley, was approved on a 4 to 1 vote, with Mr. Bryan dissenting. The Planning Commission at its regular meeting on December 3, 1976 approved the Current Planning & Zoning Committee's report recommending denial of the petition on a 9 to 5 vote, with one abstention. This matter is scheduled to be heard before the City Council on December 30, 1976. Sincerely, . %����� � Charles L. McGuire Principal Planner Current Planning CLMcG/gf Enc. File No. 8036 � "✓ �7 �'" �� 421 Wabasha Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612)-298-4151 0 , � F'(_APJtJIW�� Cuh1r�ISSIUN OF ST. PAUL ���+�� 4::1 lJabasha Si . Paul , MinnE�sota 55102 A meeting of the Planninc� Commission of the City of St. Paul . Minnesota was held December 3, 1916, at 9:00 a.n�. , in the City Planning Conference Room at 421 Wabasha, St. Paul , Minnesota. Present: Mmes. Mayne, McGinley, Montgomery, Norton, and Piccolo; Messrs. Bryan, Grais, Hanggi , Hummer, Mc0one11 , Pangal , Prifrel , Sherwood, Tobler. Van Hoef, and Willits. Absent: Mmes. Cochrane and Slawik; Messrs. Feder, Stegemoeller, and Wilkening. Also Dianna Dreis; Rf�oda Redleaf, Toys 'n Things; Dan Norrgran, Fire Prevention present: Bureau; Sylvia Carty and Henry R. Thomas, Hallie Q. Brown; Darla Nelson, A�E-NU-GEE; Ruth Be��ner, RAP Head Start; Phyllis Manselle, Wilder Day Care; Patti McInroy, Child Care Council ; Sue Sinna, County Family Day Care Assn. ; Lynn McCann, Sunshirie Chi1d Care, YMCA; Sharon Schultz, Eastside YMCA Day Care; Rick Olson; Zeb Hinz, HRA; Millie Simmons , Mary Bethune Montessori Day Care; Mary Ramstad, Child Care Coun�cil ; Kathy Young, Neighborhood House; Joe Gaertner, County Welfare Dept. ; Robert McClain, Mt. Olivet Community Center; Vvonne Nienstadt, Dist. 8 Planner; Shirley Smith, Childhood Center; Kathy Roth, Dayton Ave. Montessori Day Care; Mary Stokes , Mary's House of Jack & Jill ; Gary Winget, Greater St. Paul 4-C's; Donna Weatherspoon, McDonough Conxnunity Services; John Schroeder, Citizens League; C. McGuire, M. Murphy, T. Aichinger, J. Belius, E. Muller, R. Schnarr, M. 0'Brien, K. Ford, and ��. Spaid, planning staff. The Flanning Commission at its Decen�ber 3, 1976 meeting took the following action: APPROVED tf�e minutes of the meeting of November 19, 1976. Motion was made by Mr. Hummer, seconded by Mrs. Piccolo,and carried unanimously. APPROVED unanimously a motion by Mr. Bryan, seconded by Mrs. Piccolo, to include Community Development Year III proposals on the agenda. Mr. Bryan announced th��t ti�e Current Planning Comnittee planned to meet only once this mon±h on December 9, 1976. DENIED petition to rezone nor•th side of Grand Avenue between Lexington and Dunlap by approving the Current Planning Committee's recomnendation. Motion was made by Mr. Bryan, seconded by Mr. Hummer, carried by a rollcall vote of 9 to 5 with 1 abstention. APPRGVED request for special condition use for property on the west side of Jackson between Hoyt and Idaho. Motion was made by Mr. Bryan, seconded by Mr. Sherwood, and carried unanimously. Public hearing opened on Recommendations for City's Involvement in Day Care with the following giving testimony� Rhoda Redleaf of Toys 'n Ti�ings and the Board of the Child Care Council of Ramsey County, testified in support of the alternative recommendations for the city's involvement--with the city not supplying funds but serving as a catalyst for the programs. '' ��v y�.� � � MEMORANDUM CITY OF SAINT PAUL • OFFICE OF THE MAYOR CITY PLANNING DATE: November 26, 1976 DONALD L. SPAID AIP PLANNING COORDINATOR TO: Planning Commission Members FR O M : Current Planning & Zoning Comnittee� SUB)ECT: Petition to rezone from RM-2 to B-2 the following property: The North side of Grand Avenue between Lexington & Dunlap. (Lot 23, Block 1 , Manson & Simonton's Addition) Zoning File No. 8036 On September 3, 1976 the City Council referred to the Planning Comnission for recommendation a short form rezoning petition. The petitioner is Eugene Liedl regarding his property at 1123 Grand Avenue. The purpose of the rezoning from RM-2 to B-2 is to allow this duplex to be used for small business. The Current Planning � Zoning Corrnnittee heard this request on November 18, 1976. A motion to recommend denial was made by Mr. Pangal and seconded by Ms. McGinley. This motion passed on a 4 to 1 vote, with Mr. Bryan dissenting. The Committee thought that the mixture of business and residential is essential to the character of Grand Avenue. They also noted that there is a serious parkinq problem on Grand Avenue. The lot is small and granting this rezoning will exacerbate parking problems on Grand. Mr. McGuire, who was not present at this hearing, noted the followinq difficulty. The Council resolution for zoning along this portion of Grand Avenue put all single family residences and duplexes into a B-2 zoning district. Triplexes and other multi family structures were put into an RM-2 zoning district. On the land use map the petitioner's property was mistakenly designated as a triplex and so was put into an RP�1-2 classification. Mr. McGuire regards this as an error in the zoning map. . 421 Wabasha Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612)-298-4151 �o ,�.. , - ' .�• MI�lUTES OF THE CURRElVT PLANNItJG u ZOtJIP�G COMPIITTEC MEETING ON THURSDAY, ' P�OVEI4BER 18, 1976 IfJ CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, ST. PAUL, MIMNESOTA PRESENT: Ms. PqcGinley, Messrs. Pangal , Humner, Sherwood and Bryan of the Current P anning & Zoning Comnittee; f�ir. Thomas Sipkins, Assistant City Attotney; Mr. Richard Amey of the Division of Housing �& Building Code Enforcement; Mr. McGuire and Mnes. Berman and Fox of the Planninq Staff. , EUGEW_E LIEDL (#8036): A petition to reaone from RM-2 to 6-2 property located on the nort side of Grand Avenue between Lexington and Dunlap. The appellant was present. There was opposition. t�1s. Berman showed slides of the subject site and read the Staff Report. Mr. Humner noted that a B-2 zoning existed on both sides of the subject site and that changing Mr. Liedl 's property to B-2 would make it a continuous B-2 strip, and Ms. Berman confirmed this. Mr. Eugene J. Liedl of 64 South Avon came forward, and said he thinks he has a desirable spot for a small business similar to the t�larket House on the north side of Grand between Dale & St. Albans. He mentioned inquiries he has had from a beautician, a clothing store, musical repair shop, and a boutique as examples of a small business he would like to establish after rezoning. Mr. A. Keith Hanzel , 614 Degree of Honor Buildin�, an attorney, spoke in opposition. He said he spoke for those persons who will inherit the property at 1134 Grand Avenue, and that he has spoken also to others who live in that area who have expressed opposition to the rezoning, one from 1138 Grand Avenue and some further down the street. He said that the charm of Grand Avenue lies in the fact that it is a mixed area with both residential and business, and that persons in the area want to keep it that way. He said that encroachment of business infringes upon the property investments of residents and that no one wants a neon strip. He mentioned the possible businesses that could come in under B-2 ioning, as well as parking problems if a restaurant came in. Mr. Bryan said that a fast food restaurant wouTd not be allowed under the proposed new rezoning. P�Is. L. Halper, of 1758 Hillcrest Avenue, came forward and said she owns the apartment building across the street from the subject site, and that her property had already been changed f rom B-2 to RM-2. She wondered what would happen if she wanted to convert her apartment building to an arcade, and asked how the Board could now rezone to B-2 across the street from her, She also mentioned that she was concerned about the parking problem if the rezoning were granted. Mr. Pangal noted that on Grand Avenue there is a dentist's office, Mr. Liedl 's property, and a gallery nextdoor, and that the rest of the property as far as Dunlap is residential family homes. He asked why, when the zoning ordinance came into effect, this property had been put into a B-2 classification. Mr. Humner answered, saying it was the result of a compromise with the Grand Avenue business people, who had wanted the entire length of Grand Avenue to be business when the new zoning ordinance was adopted, and, as he understands it, a compromise was wor�C�ad out. . r� � • . � . � � • EUG�NE LIEDL Page 2 Mr. Pangal said he sympathized with Mr. Liedl but the opposition did raise a good point of having a larger restaurant and a minor restaurant in that area. He Sa1d while there is a parking lot, there is still a parking problem, �nd people living in the area would be denied almost any place to park. He said he iS always reluctant to take residential property and start convertinq to business property. Mr. Sipkins interrupted to say that with no new construction and �ust remodelinq, no new parking spaces would be required. Mr. Pangal then made a motion to recommend denial of the appellant's request for rezoning. The motion was seconded by Ms. McGinley, Mr. Bryan said that when the new zoning ordinance was adopted, there was a little spot zoning done, and it would be a good time to clean it up and make all those lots on Grand Avenue B-2. The motion to recommend denial of the rezoning was passed on a 4 to 1 vote, with Mr. aryan dissenting. Submitted by: Approved by: '/rGa�-- ..�! �Gc.rR.w�- - -��"�' _ � ' , `�,l? / .�� f Z .. . Jean S. Berman James Bryan / r - � , PLANNING BOARD STAFF REPORT November 18, 1976 piat I„Iap �0 1. APPLICANT'S NAME : Eugene Liedl 2. CLASSIFICATION ; ; � Amen,dment � Appeal � Permit. � Othex : 3. PURPOSE • Rezone from RM-2 to 6-2 4. LOCATION � North side of Grand Avenue between Lexington & Dunlap 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : Lot 23, Block 1 , Manson & Sirr�nton's Addition 6. PRESEN'� ZONING: RM-2 7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 64.21 Section: Paragraph: 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: 11 -12-76 By� R.B. � A. PROPOSAL: The petitioner wishes to have the zoning changed from RM-2 to B-2. , The p tioner wishes to rent the property to a small comnercial business. � �' . �. FRONTAGE & AREA: The lot has a 40 foot frontage on Grand. The property is 150 . feet deep and has an area of 6,000 square feet. � C.. AMENDMENT: The property is presently zoned RM-2. The petitioner requests that , the, �oning be changed to 6-2. .:. D. SITE CONDITIONS: There is an older 2 story building on the site. It has been . used as a' two family residence with dental offices on the first floor. The .property is bounded by Grand on the south and an alley to the north. There is a clinic adjacent to the east and a pottery gallery to the west. E. AREA CONDITIONS: This is an area of mixed residential and comnercial uses. Bot Lex�ngton and Grand carry a large volume of traffic. The lots adjoining the subject site both to the east and to the west are presently zoned 6-2. . F. FINDINGS: 1 ) Rezoni�ng of this property would make it possible for another business to open in an area which is mostiy comnercial . 2) Because the lot is small , it may be difficult to provide adequate off-street parking. 3) Because no specific commercial use has been proposed, it is difficult to estimate the exact impact the requested rezoninq would have. 4) It is unlikely that any comnercial use allowed in a B-2 zone would cause disruption in the area. G. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Staff recommends that the rezoninq be granted. ./ . y CITY OF SAINT PAUL ������ pITY OF '`��'4� �;�a �i ., Rose Mix �� F���oz� y Albert B. Olson City Clerk anc� � 4°°_i�ei:��e,;��,� � Council Recorder Council Secretasy/ �s ^ �c .... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall St.Paul,Minnesota. 5510� Phone�98-/��SI September 3, 1976 Planning Comoonission Grace Buildin� St. Pa.ul, Minnesota 55102 ATTENTION: Mr. Charles MeGuire Deax Sir: The Council referred to the Planning Commission for recommendation the attached petition of Etiig�ne Liedl to rezone property at 1123 Grand Avenue. ours truly, / . " � � �`'. ! Ci y C1erk � �� AO�sc Att. -; ';. ^ L L_ ..- �v. .�r��-��.-� r 1��� C%� �''/`�� �... ;�n ��. ` y� "�/ ,i�r �,� ._...__.._.._ �d�'�.- �� �„ ,. � �:� b s ���.� , �V�%% Z������ ._�.. uu�alrar ;� `�jl��t.$�,'1��r���. "f; �' y�Y, � (`�� ./'}.,� �Cp�! ��G✓t +U -{/ ���f "��\ 7 �'Qtb �� ��,,� ��f �1--.�-�.c.� < � �..;' �°� �o . , � �� ��j � � Short Form Rezoning Petition �� ������ `�C TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul , Minnesota Pursuant to the provisions of LAWS OF MINNESOTA for 1975, Chapter 261 , Section 6, I/we the unders i gned, be i ng the owner(s) of property descr i bed as S�C �.taT i��,� �wN�6 /'/D_ GK �� �',_��.Tr}�t ide���fi�cA�ion : D�st 6�: P��f �/�'Da�� ��� ��80l; S�l�ovl b�s�rict �5y ?•� _ -.�--- and situated (describe location with respect to streets or intersections) 1 0�3 t�@��YL�i � 7'"7�.0 • � �`'• 9! 7?�'� �� A� t �/h� and under � ich p� r o p e rty was p�ious y zoned � __ ��1�-2 Chapters 60 through 64 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is presently zoned �M—a— _, a more restrictive zoning classification, do hereby request that consideration be given by your honorable bodies to rezbne the above described property to a zoning classification of �4,�'�1�L,_ � Z under Chapters 60 through 64 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Subscribed and sworn to before me this � day of � ` � / -_. . � �� , /,� _ t� .�..C�,�-�`'`� Address: �_�,.�Q'1fOH �� �E Notary Public, R�msey Co. , Minnesota . ���d S � � �/ � � My Commission expires ��vC�� ���D Telephone: 1 �,�L -- CHRISTINE A. KUDE�l�A �lotary Public,Ramsey CaUr+�y;Mfl: M�����i�8"��p'�c�� ^�Yr�v ��'�17/75 by the City Attorney. ^� �� � �� CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPAR7MEN7 OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVtCES • ASSESSMENT DIVISION 173 CITY HAII 5T.PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 December 10, 1976 ���`��:�,o, File R1$38, Page Dear Citizen: As a courtesy ta yau, and as required by law, we want to notifq you about a public hearing which may affect qou. The Council of the City of St, paul will hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Conrt House (third floor) at 10:00 a.m. on December 30, 1976 on the; AYPLICATION of Eugene Liedl to REZONE from RM-2 to B-2 Lot 23, Block 1, Manson and Simoaton's Addition to St. Paul in Ramsey County, Minnesota. The property is 2ocated on the ttorth side of Grand Avenue between Lex- ington Parkway and Duulap Street. If you would Iike further information about this hearing, contact the Current Planning Section of the planning Board, 421 Wabasha Street, or telephone 298-4Z54. While the City Charter requires that we notify you of the hearing, we want to help yau to learn fnlly about any action that could affect you or your community. Therefore, I sincerely hope you can attend this hearing, so thaL yoa can make your views about it knawn to the City Council, whether for or against. ROGER A. MATTSON, DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SLRVTCES ��4�� . ;� �: ,.� �t; .�� y, ���. � � ���� ..,�. �� I I� �� � �� �� ,�� � , . ; � ,� � �, ��. . ���� .?� ;. .,. " . � l �( �33 � 2 24-4 34 5 • JDHN E. DAUBNEY ATTORNEY AT LAW 73B MINNESOTA BUILDINO �.�7�C��� ��tr7 5T. PAUL. MINNE90TA 55101 December 30, 19'76 ASSOCIATE: JOHN E. TROJACK St. Paul City Council City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Deax President Sylvester and Members of the Council: In conformity with my oral statement made at the public hearing on Thursday, December 30, 1976, I a.m enclosing the following resume and documen- tation of my remarks. On May 6, 1953 the applicant, E�.i.gene J. Liedl, acquired the subject premises: Lot 23, Block l, Manson & Simonton's Addition to St. Paul, by waxranty deed which was recorded as Document #1307031 with the Register of Deeds of Ra,msey County. At that time substantially all of Grand Avenue from Dale Street west to Snelling bore a Commercial District classification. In the subject area, that is, the block f's�om Lexington west to Dunlap, both sides of Grand Avenue were zoned commercial, except the northwest corner of Lexington and Grand, which was improved with two apartment build- ings, one an 18 unit building and the other a 20 unit building. This area had been zoned for C residence. During the consideration of the proposed new zoning ordinance in the Sum¢ner of 1975, the City Council adopted a resolution on July 16, 1975, relative to thi� area, which stated in substance that the axeas along Gran.d Avenue, from Oakland to Fairview, �?ould be design.ated B-2 �Covnnercial), unless they were already improved with multiple residential units of thxee or more, in which case they would be designated an RM-2 classification� see enclosed photocopy of Minutes, Exhibit A. The existing land use map for the area incorrectly designated I7r. Liedl's property as a three unit building, although it had not been used or occupied for that purpose since his acquisition in 1953• �'• Liedl maintained his dental office at this address until his retirement, and thereafter used the space occupied by the dental office for storage. Only two living units were used and occupied for residential purposes. See attached copy of land use map marked Exhibit B. Relying on this error in the land use map, the Planning Staff recommended and the Council adopted the zoning ordinance designating the Liedl paxcel as RM-2. As further evidence of this error in classification, see Planning & 7oning Committee report to Planning Commission bearing date of November 26, 1976 attached hereto and maxket Exhibit C. The entire block on Grand Avenue �rom Lexington west to Dunlap now bears a B-2 classifit�ation with the exception of the 18 and 20 unit r -2- i�unediate apartments at the�northwest corner of I,exington and Czrand, a 10 unit ap�rtment building on the south side of Grand Avenue on Lot 5, Block �-, M�nson & Simonton's Addition, and the Liedl property which is also described as 1123 Grand Avenue. At the present time the Lied7. property is flanked by B-2 zoning on the east, used as a chiropractic clinic, and B-2 for the balance of the block to the west, and 'a store immediately adjacent to the Liedl parcel on the west. In the lexicon of the planners the Liedl property is "spot zoned" at the present time - see L�nd Use Map �27 in St. Paul �Zoning Ordinance. Because the lot size is but �+0 x 150 feet, remodeling into a thre�' unit building would "not be permitted. Many small shops exist in the a�rea o�' Grand �nd Lexington, and Dr. Liedl proposes to remodel`his building fo� `�m�l,, shop purposes. I�. Liedl's application wa,s filed pursuant to Ghapter 261, Section 6, of the Laws of the State of Minnesota fQr �+975, which would permit the property to be zoned back to a B�2 clas.sificatio�' without the requirement of proceeding under a consent petition. Five affirmative votes of �the Council axe required to approve such a rezoning. The Staff recommendation, based on the erroneous classification, was that the petition to rezone should be gr�,nted. See attached exhibit D. The Planning & Zoning Comrnission, on a 4 to 1 vote, on November 18, 1976, denied the application. The Planning Board affirmed on a split vote of 9 to 5 the denial of the application and referred the matter to Your Honorable Body. It is respectfully submitted that the admi-�tedly erroneous classification should be corrected and the zoning conformed to the resolution of intent by the City Council adopted by unanimous vote on ' July 25, 1975, and the property zoned -to a B-2 Commercial classification. Respect lly s b 'tted, I JOHN . D UB EY Att rney or I1r. Eugene J. Lied JED:pr Enc. cc - Keith Hanzel � �' S` . `' '�' 8- � : x e t° f ,. '� 4 ' �� r�. �r � a r*� � �� �'° f���� � �;l q x . �� ���., � r 1 n ���5�z ` � ��rsat�� �f .�t t ig 1 A - 9 t�.� ; �r (+ �:r � , ���� � �� ,�' �� ' #�� ,c � ���,� � ��r i� � � t'u�'�� °� . � � , � f° 1 fi � �, a� ��� �� � y ` '� � �� l f r �� ��� ',, • 1 t '�{t�,a' � �r� � � '�' ,� ,� � ���� �. . :. 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' . � �T,' J1 �' i ::.' � f { 'F ��1 � r�...– ' �� ' ,� . .: j ' p �.�.� ,�'; y . / +d ,•JI ' ) i �. }�] � � � ��� . �; � ' �� - �'. . . • , . , ° E� �� E � n , ' . � . �� ��� � � � �3 �.� � i ;��, ye,• 1 �-.�' � '1.7.t':pM�� .5.:. . , � , , . ... . ... ., . �.. � I .. i ... .. i , ... 1 . . _ .. i� . ,�. . . . , .. . .. _� . . ������ CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY January 25, 1977 HARRIET LANSING Mrs. Rose Mix City Clerk City of Saint Paul 386 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mrs. Mix: Enclosed are ordinances rezoning certain properties as requested. Very truly yours, . . o�. J/P���s THOMAS M. SIPKINS Assistant City Attorney TMS:er Encls. City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612 298-5121 � , �r���• �„�• ,��....y�..�,:. 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' ;....._ _. � h� � , `_ ri ; . .y,.,�._��,.,_'_. r"`*A1 � �.�.,� : �,�i�,�„n.� � I�� �� � . , � , , f ` I� ; v 1 � ,��+`f.�'� .���r9��t'.T °. ,.....���s�aw..�.. .t. ...� . ,� .. R�_:�'. , � � . � � � ; ` �"- , , � � _ . .. �...._..I...I � -.�---� � � � l I I `. 1 ! I I 1 � i : : � � � i � , �, __ __.._ _ _ __ _.. . . _ ._.. ..__-___� __�.�_ . . . _ _�. _.�._ _�._.v.�.-----_ . . .��.�.:_.,� ! � ��a�1� ���' , . � EUGENE LIEDL L�v��� ' AP?LICA�VT • ""' "' ZONIiVG �ISTRiCT BOUNOARY PURPOS� REZONE FROM RM-2 �L� SUBJECT PROPERTY TO B-2 O ONE FAMILY � TWO FAMILY FILE N0. gp3� � � -�- AAULTIPLE FAl1Ai1.Y CATE Nn��.���18, 1q76 �7 ° � � CO�u1MERCtA� SCALE� 1��= 200' �;�p�rH ♦ � �► iNOUSTRIAL SAINT PAUL PLANNINf �tC�►�ia °1 ut4C�4tJT : �.;��:..„�..�. , . __ � I , ���� . __ry . __._. � . _.. . , ° July 16th, 1975, - --- "_� �. • \ .. (Discussion continued from the previous page) . . " Mr. Skor mentioned particular concern about the property ad�oining the filling , station on the north side of Grand and Hamline and said the. Summit Hill Association ob�ects to any spot zoning. His statement was in support of Council�an Sylvester�s proposal. He noted that there are some thirty homes in the two blocks from Lexington to the Short Line and residential homes in the block from Dale to ' Oakland and said the organization opposes an expansion of B-3 uses on Grand Avenue. He asked what would happen to the resident�.al homes owned by the funeral , home and the car dealer on Grand Avenue and said it would be their position j that these properties should have a parking lot classification. He also � ! mentioned ob�ections to a B-3 classification for the Red Owl Store as not appropriate or reasonable at this time. � � Mr. Ray Faricy identified himself as a State Legislator representing a portion i of Grand Avenue and forwarded a petition in support of the RM-2 classifications i (petition is part of the file) . He said Councilman Sylvester's proposal is i onethe people in the area will support. Councilwoman Hunt moved that the matter be laid over to Friday and be placed � as item number 7 on the agenda of that date. j Mr. President Hozza asked for a show of hands of those persons wishing to I speak on the subject. !, Mr. President Hozza said he was going to speak against the motion in as much as � there were only about five persons who wished to be heard. I Councilman Sylvester said he' also wished to speak against the motion. Ae said j the Council can not hear everyone but the matter can be closed for a debate. I Councilwoman Hunt said she would support a substitute motion to close for debate. � Councilman Levine said if there is new information then the Council should hear it. I, Councilman Sylvester offered a substitute motion that debate be closed in five 'I minutes and a vote be taken on the proposal. I Roll call on Councilman Sylvester's motion to have debate closed in five minutes � and a vote then taken on the proposal. !� Adopted. Yeas - 5 Nays - 1 (,Tedesco) I Mr. Israel Rivken, 1896 Grand Avenue, said his home is 'an RM-2 designation I and ob�ected to having to come to the Council should he want to enlarge his ' home. He said he sees no reason for changing the zoning that has existed over the years and he asked for a retention of a B-2 designation. � Mr. Peter Willwerscheid said the Willwerscheid Peters Mortuary does own eighty feet of the property adjacent to it but the only reason the property was bought was to prevent a fast food restaurant or gas station next door and if the property is to be improved it will be used for a parking lot. i James Harrison, 969 Lincoln Avenue, said the latest proposal is an improvement i except for the block east of Lexington Parkway which is predominantly residential. � He said he thinks there should be consideration of RM-2 or a designation much ; closer to the recommendation of the Planning Staff. ; Mr. Wilfred Johnson, 1992 Lincoln, referred to the area west of the Howell Bridge ; and said he is concerned that the character of Grand Avenue be maintained. � He questioned what he called the wisdom of such a precipitous action of the Council at this late date and said the citizens feel that to make a quick � change will not only affect Grand Avenue but the surrounding streets. � Mr. Johnson said he does not feel this type of government action so fast is ' desirable and he would hope that more time be spent on developing the Midway I Development Area rather than disrupting the characteristics of Grand Avenue. ; Councilman Sylvester made the following motion re ardin Grand Avenue: ' rom t e exten e center ine o a an to t e exten e center ne o airview, � the areas along Grand Avenue shall be designated B-2 with the following exceptions: � That all apartment. buildings, i.e. , residential structt�res containing more i than two (2) residential units, with Che exception of �'those apartment ! buildings located in the proposed B-2 area at the inCersection of Grand and i Wheeler, be designated RM-2, and, I, That the B-2 area recommended by the planning staff atlthe intersection of � t+rheeler and Grand shall be approved as recommended, and, i . � I � That the area extending from the center of the Short Line Brid�e to the ,I centerline of Snelling Avenue shall be zoned according' to the recoTrunendation , of the planning staff, and, ', That all businesses presently operating on Grand Avenue which shotild properl.y be classified as B-3 shall be so designated, and, � ' , That all other areas along Grand Avenue shall be zoned according to the recornmendations of the pl:�n�ii.ng staff. � ��.,!�,,�I_�:d. ' 1'cas - 6 ,I.iys - 0 � EXHIBIT A" ��� � �' � � � � - � US AGRICULTURE � 0 Ae NURSER{ES , FARMING , ANIMAL RAISING R�SIDE�dTIAL � ONE FAMILY � TWO FAMILY ✓ �� THREE FAMILY �� FOUR FAMILY . � Q N MULTI—FAMILY � 2 R� ROW HOUSE � ' O H— HOME OCCUPATION O AB ABANDONED BUILDING O RH ROOMING HOUSE OR APARTMENT HOTEL O � GROUP QUARTERS ( DORMS, CONVENTS, SORORITIES, ETC.) . . Q MOBILE HOME , �BIT B � �� � .���. • � • �0 � � ► • � �' � �•7 • . i� . � � � � � , . � � ��•� i� � • � � • � � � " • � t�D • • � � � � • . , � , � . . � �� � � v �� ii , , ii� a • .�•� � i� . � . r� _ � c� , • � � . • � i� • � t!� , . - � -� � � � . . . a � � �o _ . . . ��. c•� . . . � . r. � c•�� - . . � • : • � • � � 1� ' � • • � . E��i � � . . � ���•� � ' � . � . � . • ; E� t�� -�_--�-.� � • � • � . �� • n �� � a • • . . . . � � . . � � ;� a . o: � : . �, Q,' ' . . � � , � : : . • • � � � , • . • � � �L-� � °.4� • � w r� • ' • . : �, � ■i . � ii�i • • � � ' ■� i . • � • � . � a � � �. . • c•�r �r:� ; - � ,r•�, -� t�. �;� � � � - i � � �=� c:�■ � � �' �.-� � � 0 !7 • • � ii o � • r � � �l . m� � � � - � . . �.�, . o • . . � • . . , � � '� ',. � • � i � �' � � ',�..�� • � • �•� � � • • � � � � '� ` `. �, i i 1 i , , . . � OFFICE OF THE MAYUK , ,, CITY PLANNING , DATE: November 26, 1976 DONALD L. SPAID�AIP PLANNING COORDINAT�R TO: Planning Comnission Members ' rrent Plannin Z i ommi ee�� , , SUBJECT: Petition to rezone from RM-2 to B-2 the following property: ' �. . ' The North side of Grand Avenue between Lexington & Dun1ap. . '- (Lot 23, Block 1 , Manson & Simonton's Addition) � ' Zoning Fi1e No. 8036 � � � . On September 3, 1976 the City Council referred to the Planning Comnission for recomnendation a short form rezoning petition. The petitioner is Eugene Liedl ' regarding his property at 1123 Grand Avenue. The purpose of the rezoning from � RM-2 to B-2 is to allow this duplex to be used for small business. The Current Planning $�,Zoning Committee heard this request on November 18, 1976. A motion to recommend denial was made by Mr. Pangal and seconded by Ms. McGinley. This motion passed on a 4 to 1 vote, with Mr. Bryan dissenting. The Committee thought that the mixture of business and residential is essential to the character of Grand Avenue. They also noted that there is a serious parking problem on Grand Avenue. The lot is small and granting this rezoning will exacerbate' parking problems on Grand. Mr. M Guire, who was not present at this hearing, noted the following difficulty.�he Council resolution for.,zoning along this portion of Grand Avenue put all single family residences �n� dup1exes into a B-2 zoning district. Triplexes and other multi family structures were put into an RM-2 zoning district. On the land use map the petitioner's property was mistakenly designated as a triplex and so was put ir�Q an RM-2 classiftcation. Mr. McGuire regards this as an error in the zoning m� i , i I , � EXHIBIT C I � , 421 Wabasha Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (6�2)-298-4151 ; : �� , , , . ...,,,,�.;,.,..,.�:,�`-_ . . _ , , ... ci Y1st Mep i '� ,, �ov I � � � q � 6 � - � � � � 1. APPLTCANT'S NAt� : Eugene Liedl . 2. CLASSIFICATION : � Amendment � Appeal � Permit a Other,;, 3. PuttPOSE ' Rezone from RM-2 to B-2 � , . 4. LOCATiON � North side of Grand Avenue between Lexington &: Dunl� : . P 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : Lot 23, Block 1 , Manson & �Simonton's ,ddition � 6. PRESENT ZOIJING: RM-2 , i , 7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 64.21 SecCion: �, . Paragraph. 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION � REPORT: Date: 11-12-76 By: R.$. � A. PROPOSAL: The petitioner wishes to have the zoning changed from RM-2 to 6-2.. The pet t;oner wishes to rent the property tQ a small commercial business. B. FRONTAGE & AREA: The lot has a 40 foot frontage on Grand. The property is 150 feet deep and Fias an area of 6,000 square feet. ; C. AMENDMENT: The property is presently zoned RM-2, The petitioner requests that the zoning be changed to B-2. D. SITE CONDITIONS: There is an older 2 story building on the site. It has been used as a two family residence with dental offices on the first floor. The property is bounded by Grand on the south and an alley to the north. �here is a clinic adjacent to the east and a pottery gallery to the west. E. AREA CONDITIONS: This is an area of mixed residential and commercial uses. o�Ft � exington and Grand carry a large volume of traffic. The ]ots adjoining the subject site both to the east and to the west are pres�ntly zoned B-2. F. FINDINGS: . � 1 ) Rezoning of this property would make it possible for another busaness to open in an area which is mostly comnercial . ' 2) Because the lot is small , it may be difficult to provide adequate off-street parking. _ 3) Because no specific commercial use has been proposed, it is difficult to � estimate the exact impact the requested rezoninq would have. 4) It is unlikely that any commercial use allowed in a B-2� zone would cause disruption in the area. I G. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Staff recommends that the rezoninQ be aranted � � � � �� �► ' � - � EXEiIBIT D _ � ' . � - ` . ; . • � � . : � ; - , � - . ,,* � ; , � � . . . � .�"' , - , � � � . � j . �r. � . . ` : ,�N� ; .: � � - � r : ,:�. : , . - - � . �: � , _ .� , , _ _ ; 7 � ' .,.,.- �o f�3 5 i.�� 4 I 3 � .�2 � _ ,ti , � o .e. .� �. � �� � � � , ;�{; � L , �.+.3 �-r�- • � "' ` [�� �� .'� �- � . 1 � i � r.,J� r��O f- • _i • � wy � � � � i l� r� 1 i � � � : - -��'�'*; i: �► I 3 � � � . , •.t: �� . � � I • x �,#,, : �°• i ��J• � �GY• I i ' ,..,�: :� � —.... } �.�. . � �c�. � aL.o : �ts.: I �it� � �-G��.-� ; � , v o a o ♦ � .�+..o �.-r— p '9So- ,� ^�� j � I �oo I ti�o ��GO ( 1.�00 � .��..�� : � � . �• � .y,le• a + � { 7't�?I q,j�o o � 'p.�°'� � a( -'�+" �" � '.� � --�+� �'� ' '�'��" ( °) '' • ( r d7• ( 2��*�+ � �'� ' '� ,ll-� � �j - � !� � �� � "�rb � ��.�� "�'.'-ao ( Z�c'e'� � �� ( • ` . �#� ,�,�.t„ ��:-s' � �'_� I �Y`'� 3 ° ';: I �-?o (+ ..f`°° 1+' 1�-�d' ; �: � ..f-�- +Z -f3 �-ss...' t3 I �o S ?a`°'°' L�- ._ v� � �_� .. �:.,r � � �_ , __ � �.... ___. .�.::._ . � _ -- __ ._� _.. __ - --- -- �� �. _ __.,_ ,. ._ . s � i=� - -_�ti �_ ��-3 � � ` 10 .�c' � Z -F"L �Z • � i ' �: ��' i ,�.a� �,'�� �� ` � '?�sg�_ � i � ' � �.' 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