268479 (�, RF' :•�1: �WH17E — CITV CLERK COUI1C11 /�..c�����J BL1�E _�a oR E GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. � CANARV —DEPARTMENT �nce Ordinance N 0. �,(on�� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 15881, approved August 29, 1975, entitled "An ordinance adopting a new zoning ordinance for the City of Saint Paul, repealing Chapters 60, 61, 62, 63 and 64 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul. " THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 5AINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. Z'Yiat the Zoning Map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet No. 23, as incorporated by reference in Section 60.401 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, is hereby amended as follows: The property owned by Robert Hurd and Richard Eitel located on the North side of Old Hudson Road from Flandrau Street to W'hite Bear Avenue, more par- ticularly described on the Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated by reference is hereby rezoned from R-3 to B-3. 5ection 2. This ordinance shall take force and effect in thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUIVCILMEK Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza [n Favor Hunt /� Levine U Against BY Aee+�er Sylvester Tedesco .i'`� 7 Form Approved by City Attorney � g L7 197 Adopted by uncil: Date � . , Certif" Passe Co cil retary/ BY �' Approv d y Mayor: Date �B 8 49�: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY PuQt►sHE� �EB 2 61977 r . _ 1(v1�� ��� ��� � : � Commencing on the N line of the SE� of Sec 34, T 29, R 22, Ramsey County, Minn. according to the United States Government survey thereof, distant 252.52 feet, W of the NE corner of said SE4, thence W on said N line a distance of 220 feet, thence S 1183.86 feet to the center line of Hudson Road, thence E' ly along the said center line 221.25 feet, thence N 1193.68 feet to the Point of beginning, except that part thereof which lies N of the S line of Wilson Ave. as now platted extended due E and W, and except N 135 feet of that part there- of lying and being between the said S line of Wilson Ave and the center line of Wakefield Ave. The property is located on the north side of Old Hudson Road from Flandrau Street to V�hite Bear Avenue. EXHIBIT A � , `�� ��r CITY OF SAINT PAUL ��� �� � ��� �� � � � � �� � p � �-���`� �� C►S Y �Q y� ti Rose Mix o ;,.,;;;��;�; '' I tt^i � � if�77 Albert B. Olsoa City Clerk and �` °_"�•�" a �l hi I Y � Council Recorder Council Secretary �m �o ••• �,,,;� G{�Y H-i�"C;�;�.�`,J OFPICE OP THE CITY CLERK BUREAU OP RECORDS 88B City Hall St.Paul,Minnesota 55102 Phone 598-1,2�J2 January 20, 1977 Harriet Lansing City Attorney Room 647, City Ha11 St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Ms. Lansin�: The City Council requests that you prepare an ordinance �ranting the petition of Robert Hurd and Riehard Eitel to rezone f"rom R-3 to B-3 property on the North side of Old Hudson Rd. f'rom Flandrau St, to White Bear Ave. truly yours, � 11 � ' City Clerk � ABO/caw G� a�0 .; . 1 C�1�� BOARD OF ZONING CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ' CITY PLANNING DONALD L. SPAID AIP PLANNING COORDINATOR January 19, 1977 �:����� Rose Mix, City Clerk 386 City Hall St. Paul , Minn. 55102 Dear Madam: This is written in response to the petition of Robert Hurd and Richard Eitel to rezone from R-3 to 6-3 property on the north side of Old Hudson Road between Flandrau and White Bear Avenue. This property is further described by the legal description on file. The rezoning is requested to allow a motel development. This matter was heard by the Current Planning & Zoning Committee on December 9, 1976 at which time Staff recommended approval of the petition. A motion to recommend approval was made by Mr. Pangal , seconded by Mr. Sherwood, and passed unanimously. On December 17, 1976 the Planning Commission passed unanimously a motion made by Mr. Bryan and seconded by Mr. Sherwood to recommend approval of this petition. This matter is scheduled to be heard before the St. Paul City Council on January 20, 1977. Sincerely, � � �� �� ean McGinley, Secretary Current Planning & Zoning Committee JSB/gf Zoning File No. 8052 N � �i.. '��1 421 Wabasha Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612)-298-4151 0 . `������ PLANNING COMMISSION OF ST. PAUL 421 Wabasha St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota was held December 17, 1976 at 9:00 a.m. in the City Planning Conference Room at 421 Wabasha, St. Paul , Minnesota. Present: Mmes. Cochrane, Mayne, McGinley, Montgomery, Norton and Piccolo; Messrs. Bryan, Grais, Hanggi , Humner, Pangal , Prifrel , Sherwood, Stegemoeller, Tobler, Yan Hoef and Willits. Absent: Nbne. Slawik; Messrs. Feder, McDonell and Wilkening. Also Gerald Mangle and Zib Hinz, HRA; Sue Sinna, Ramsey County Present: Family Day Care Assoc. ; Dan Norrgran, St. Paul Fire Prevention Bureau; Gary Winget, 4-C; Patti McInroy, Cordinated Child Care Council ; George Carlton, GESCC; Bob Kessler, CD Office; T. Aichinger, K. Ford, M. McAvey, C. McGuire, M. Murphy and D. Spai� Planning Staff. � The Planning Comnission took the following action at the December 17, 1976 meeting: APPROVED the minutes of the meeting on December 3, 1976. Motion was made by Mr. Hummer, seconded by Mr. Tobler and carried unanimously. APPROVED unanimously a motion by Mrs. Mayne, seconded by Mrs. Piccolo to amend the minutes of the October 22, 1976 meeting to include as follows: "DENIED the petition to rezone property on the north side of Front between Avon and Jameson. Motion was made by Mr. Nurrranner, seconded by Mr. Tobler and carried unanimously." Also amended was the motion tabling the petition to rezone property on the west side of Rice, which was s�conded by Mrs. MeGinley, not Mr. Tobler as the minutes had indicated. APPROVED the petitian to rezone property on the north side of Old Nudson Road between Flandrau and White Bear Avenue (Hurd and Eitel ). Motion made by Mr..� Bryan, seconded b� Mr. Sherwood and �pa�sed unanimously. DENI�D the petition to rezone property on the south side of Van Slyke between Churchill and Chatsworth (Fuerst). Motion made by Mr. Prifrel , seconded by i�1r. Pangal and carried unanimously. DENIED the petition to rezone property at the northeast corner of Grand and Chatsworth (Superamerica Stations, Inc. )e �I��?on made by Mr. Bryan, seconded by Mr. Humner and carried unanimously. DENIED the petition to rezone pro erty at the northeast corner of Ohio and Robie (Rivet Transfer Company�. Motion made by Mr. Bryan, seconded by Mr. Sherwood and passed unanimously. Planning Commission Meeting of December 17, 1976 Page 2 By RESOLUTIONS recommended release of the City's interest in the following parcels: (76-72) South 50 feet of Lots 16 and 17, Block 27, Joseph R. Weides Subdivision of Block 27, Arlington Hills Addition to St. Paul , 902 Payne Avenue. 76-73) Lot 12, Block 34, Arlington Hills Addition, 650 York Avenue. 76-74) Lot 2, J. M. Warners Addition, 604 E. Jessamine. 76-75) Part of Lots 4 and 5 bet, the 2 fol lines of first line beg on N line of and 5 ft W from NE cor of Lot 5 th run S to point on S line of Lot 4 and 10 ft E from SW cor of Lot 4 and the second lin� run from NW cor of Lot 5 to point on S line of 4 8/10 ft E from SW cor of sd Lot, 2088 Stillwater Road. (76-76) Lot 7, Block 1 , Se1by, McClung and Van Meters Addition, 464 Marshall . (76-77) Lot 10, Block 9, Lovering Park. Public hearing opened on the 40 Acre Study for the Unidale Shopping Center. There being no one present in opposition to this matter, the public hearing closed on a motion made by Mr. Pangal , seconded by Mrs. McGinley and carried unanimously. By RESOLUTION (76-78) recomnended approval of the requested rezoning of part of Lots 10, 11 , 12, 13 and 14, Block 4, Mackubin and Marshall 's Addition to Saint Paul , from RM-2 to B-3 for the purpose of providing service access and loading area for the proposed retail food outlet in the Uni-Dale Center proaect, and forwarded to the Mayor and Council . APPROVED a motion made by Mrs. Mayne, seconded by Mr. Hanggi and carried by a vote of 15 to 1 , to add an addendum to the resolution stating that Aurora Street should be signed to prohibit movement of trucks to the east of the proposed cul-de-sac when entering or leaving the designated loading area. By RESOLUTION (76-79) adopted an amendment to Chapter II of the Comprehensive Plan of St. Paul entitled, "Pol�cy Recommendations -- Day Care", and transmitted to the Mayor and City Council . By RESOLUTION (76-80) approved the Housing Assistance Plan, as revised for the 1977-78 Community Development program year and recommended to the Mayor and the Council for their action. By RESOLUTION (76-81 ) approved submission of report Plannin Commission � Review of Comnunit Develo ment Year III Pro osals Secon Su ement, to t e Mayor, ity Counci , CIB Comnittee and CIB Tas Force. Meeting adjourned at 11 :08 a.m. Submitted by Donald L. Spaid Planning Coordinator Approved by Planning Commission January 14, 1977 . , . ������� ,. MINUTES OF TNE MEETIMG OF THE CURRENT PLANNING & ZONING COMMITTEE ON DECEMBER 9, 1976 AT 3:30 PM IN CITY PLANNING OFFICE, ST. PAUL, MINN. PRESENT: Ms. McGinley and Messrs. Willits, Pangal , Hummer, Sherwood and Bryan of the Current Planning & Zoning Comnittee; Mr. Thomas Sipkins, Assistant City Attorney; Mr. Richard Amey of the Division of Housing & Building Code Enforcement; Mmes. Berman and Fox of the Planning Staff. ROBERT HURD & RICHARD EITEL #8052 : A petition to rezone property located on t e nort side o Hu son oa etween Flandrau and White Bear Avenue. The appellant was present. There was no opposition. Ms. Berman showed slides of the subject site and read the Staff Report. Mr. Richard Eitel , 539 N Avenue N.W. , New Brighton, the appellant, came forward and said there will be no liquor and no restaurant connected with the proposed motel . He then presented to the Committee some photographs of the subject site, and of the proposed development, an econorr�y motel . The question of the height of the proposed motel was raised by Mr. Sherwood and Mr. Bryan said it was two stories. Mr. Willits inquired about the type of signs that would be used, and Mr. Eitel replT�ed that they planned on sharing a sign with Embers to attract freeway traffic. The building would have one sign with just the name of the motel on it. He was asked by Mr. Willits if there was any intention of putting up a tall sign on the site, and Ms. Berman said that in a B-3 zone it was not possible. Mr. Bryan asked about the divider between the residential land on the north and whether lights from cars will be eliminated with the two story height, and also how many feet there are between the building and the residential property line. Mr. Eitel said there were 25 feet between the build�ng and the residential property line. He added that a buffer zone will be put up, which is in agreement with the owner who lives in the immediate area of the proposed motel . Mr. Richard Meyer of 1686 Wilson Avenue asked whether a traffic study had been done regarding Old Hudson Road & White Bear Avenue. said the situation is getting worse for driving, and he wondered what the proposed motel would do to that situation. Mr. Bryan said there would be 96 units, and if the motel were filled every day, not much more traffic would be generated. He said the motel wuuld accomnodate mostly freeway people on an overnight stay, and there would be �o appreciable generation of traffic from this type of motel . Mr. Willits asked about the vacant land on the northeast corner and the new road and parking lot there, and what was it for? Mr. Eftel said it was for the real estate company who owns property north of Superamerica. Mr. Pangal moved to recommend approval of the rezoning. The motion was seconded by Mr. Sherwood, and passed unanimously. Submitted by: Approve� by: > �� .��` ,� ,,.3.r�«-� :___;,�- �/,��,.,..�:. ._.--- �3ean S. Berman J�es Bry� i . . . Cl� . ,����'� .�, PLANDiING BQARD STAFF REPORT December 9, 1976 Piat Map 42 � . i. APPLICANT'S NAME : Robert ��urd, �' Ri chard �i tel 2. CLASSIFICATION . � Amendment � Appeal' � Permit � Other 3. PURPOSE • Rezone from R-3 to B-3 4. LOCATION • North side of O1d Hudson Road between Flandrau & White Bear Avenue 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : . . . See Att�Ched , . � , � .�_ _ . , -- _ +' ; , .�Y' :. . - , �;, 6. PRESENT ZODTING: R-3 �;` '; 7. PURSUANT TO � Zoning Code Chapter: 64 Section: 210 Paragraph: 8. STAFF INVLST�GATION & .REFORT: - Date: December 1 , 1976 BY� J.S.B. A. SUFFICIENCY: The appellant's request was filed on a lon form rezonin suTscri e and-sworn to b?e#ore a n tar 9 q petition, � y public on Octpber� l8, 1976: �t was declared sufficie�lt by� th�e D�partineht 'of Finance & M�nagement Services, Division of AssessmentS and` V�luations, on November 2, 1976, and received by the City Planning Dep��"`tm�nt bn November 16, 1976. B. PROPOSED USE: The appe�liant propbs�s to rezone from R-3, a single family resi- ea�tial istrict, to B-2, a general business district. He intends to use the property for a 96 unit motel which would have 110 parking spaces. It would not have a restaurant. , ._ , . . , , , . . , . C. FRONTAGE AND AREA: This rectangular lot has a 270 foot frontage along Old , u son oa . ts total area is 1 .9 acres. D. SITE CONDITIONS: This large� vacant Site slopes upward, to. the west towards F an rau, an to the north towards Wilson: It is bounded to the west by a greenhouse, which is a iegal nonconforming use in a residential area. It is bounded to the north by houses fronting on Wilson, and to the east by a gas station. Old Hudson Road, �tf�e southern boundary of the site, would provide the only vehicular access to the motel . E. AREA CONDIT� NS: Homes in` this area are newer and are well maintained, but this site is at t e tnterfa�e ;betwe�n`�� residential area and an expressway service area. On the one hand tFfet'e d`re sinqle family homes and a church in the area imnediately. su�rrounding the site. while on the other hand there are also large gas stations serving freeway �raffic, an Embers, and a motel . 1'l�ere is access to Interstate 94 from Whi�t�e Bear Avenue about 100 �ards �from the �su�ject site. This mixture of land uses •is'refl�c`ted in the area zoning. The two gas stations on the north side of Old ,Hudson R ad, �,t white, Bear AKenue a�re, �n;� 6-3 zoning district, whil�e the r��t�r�r�'�� ;���'�'st�tibr�s and mptels bn'�he sduth`side of Old Hudson Road, fronting 'on �the� �freeway, are in ah' expressway service district. Access to the restaurarlt ts`from` Old Hudson Road immediately across from the subject site. . � � . �=� �. � � � ���� � r�,,, ;,,:.��. � ,, � ������ Robert Hurd & R�chard E�tel Page 2 F. FINDINGS: 1 . Except for the church, the property on either side of Old Hudson Road is already basically comnercial in character. 2. Motel traffic will be coming from the intersection with White Bear Avenue and will have little effect on the residential property near the site. 3. The property has comnercial development on three sides and is near a major freeway on-ramp. It is not well suited for single family residential development. 4. There is another motel on the southeast corner of White Bear Avenue and Old Hudson Road. G. RECOMMENDATIONS: On the basis of the above finding�, Staff recommends t at t e su �ect site be rezoned to B-3 to allow a motel development. 4 . � .�- � , , :� ,. . ������� � CtTY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES DIVISION OF ASSESSMENTS AND VALUATIONS + November 2, 1976 To the Council City of St. paul Gentlemen; I have checked the attached petition of Robert Hurd and Richard Eitel filed in the matter of rezoning, Com�aencing on the N line of the SE� of Sec 34, T 29, R 22, Bamaey County, Minn. according to the lTnited States Goverament aurvey thereof, distant 252.52 feeC, W of the NE coraer of said SB�, thence W on said N line a distance of 220 feet, thence S 1183.86 feet to the center line of Hudson Road, theace E'ly aloag the said center line 221.25 feet, thence N 1193.68 fest to the Point of beginning, except that part thereof which li�s N of the S line of Wilson Ave. as naw platted extended due E and W, and except N 135 feet of that part thereof lying and b�ing � between the said S line of Wilson Ave and the cehter line of Wakefield Ave. The property is located on the north side of OZd Hudson Road fraon Flandrau Street to White Bear Aveaue, from R-3 to B-3 for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating a motel, and find that said petition is sufficient. Yours very truly, Roger A. Mattson - Director De asent of Finance and Management Servicea , � �J���,�,-, � Re: � cc: Building Department Zoning Board File Parcels Eligitile - 31 t w�' Parcels Needed - 21 or 66 2/3X ���"���� ���,.� � Parcela Signed - 21 ; . , �: '��;1 � ���� ':'` �.� �.���' �C. ,i �: ,: �� � , '.,J :. �.i�`' r.` } '�;e. . . , . � Teiephone612/298-5241 113 City Hall, Saint t��`ul, Minnesota 55102 � • ' , f . , ' : CITY OF SAINT PAUL ����'�g . . ..,,,�. . �„''�::�Y' �p � �`% �1 9 � � /�'T'•%�\ % Rot� Y� " �"^,::•n•.. -� AIb�r1�.Olq� City Clsrk and > �x,''c°'_�-'��°� ' Cot�xatii ltsoorder Cox�toil3sorrtary `�-rQ, ,� x o.. Of�ICE OP TNE CITY CLLRII sUR�AII Of RlCORpf � aae Ci�y Xau St.Paul,Mi�nne,ota s6sot Phone tD8-.�.t1 November 9, 1976 Planning Commission Grace Building St. Paul, Minnesota ATTENTION: Mr. McGuire Dear Sir: The Council referred to the Planning Commission for recommendation the attached petition to rezone property on the north side of Old Hudson Road between Flandrau Street and White Bear Avenue. Very truly yours, City Clerk Attach. ABO:dcm � � � ,�� ��� � �1 ,,,�.�, ��r,�� . ��� _ � �, \ �4 "��' � 'r �� D 4' � ��.N r'�" ,� ��\�.\l� . � �v /D , _ , ��"vl !�� � ���. L���(�, ,.. 5 � � �� ,� . �. . � � ., �,`� � �- .; � :�.. . . :1 �� l���- L . �/ _ �� �o CITY OF ST. PAUL DFPARTMIENT OF FiNANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERdICES �����(� ASSESSMENT DIVISION J 113�ITY HALL 5T.PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 January 7, 1977 File 1C1839, Page Dear Citizen: As a courtesy to you, and as required by law, we want to notify pou about a public hearing Which may affect you. _ The Council of the City of St. Paul will hold a public hearing in the Caunctl Chambers of the City gall and Court House (third floor) at 10;00 a.m, on Jgnuary 20, 1977 on the; petition of Robert Hurd and Richard Eitel to REZONE from R-3 ta B-3 for the purpoee of installing, constructing and/or operating a motel. The property is located or� the north side of Ol.d Hudson Road from Flandrau Street to White Bear Avenue and described as follows: Commencing on the north line of the SE� o£ Section 34, Tawnahip 29, Range 22, Ramsey Countq, Minn acearding to the United States Government �urvey Chereof, distant 252.52 feet, west of the northeast corner of said SE'�, thence west on said noxth line a distance of 220 feet, thence south 1I83.86 feet to the center line of Hudson Road, thence easCeriy along the said center line 221.25 feet, theace north I193.68 feet to the point of beginning, except that part tnereof which lies north of the south line of Wilson Avenue as naw platted extended due east and west, and except north 135 feet of that part thereof lying and being between the said soath line of Wilson Avemie a�nd the ce�ter line af Wakefield Avenue. If you wot�ld like further�in£ortnation about this hearing, contact the Current planning Section of the Planning Board, 421 Wabasha Street, or telephone 29$-4154. While the City Charter requires that we notifp qou of the heariag, we want to helg you to learn fully about anq action that could affect you or your co�unity. Therefore, I sincerely hope you can attend this hearing, so that you can make your viewa about it knawn to the City Caancil, whether for or against. ROGER A. MATTSON, DIRECTOqt DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEI�NT SERVICES . , , lst �! � _ 2nd � - � 3rd L� � ' � Adopted '�- "-� � � Yeas Nays BUTLER HOZZA HUNT 1����� p LEVINE � � TEDESCO PRESIDENT (SYLVESTER) � Q � Q � � � 0 0 � � 0 � � '0 � v � O O O O ��b Q �� � w/�� AVE. o �.o � 000T � o oop o > o � � ,� � o � o O O fj �.y,��� � = - - �' -- ' � o 0 -r-r T-T- - - - � 0 III � � ii ' � i � � � I i � � L] • �/ 0 � -� "-� �_1'�- z ___ 0 -�1------- r-r-T �-T-T- - - J ---, ���. O O I I � i � I � �� � ; ' � � � m ; ,' --r � I i .Q �► �O � � i � ��'��iii�VA` � �r' �'� ^� ��� i � i t � Ov � � • G •G I i n H • � I � l._J "� I i � I I � � - - - - i i • - - - - - - - - - I i � � �'�---w � ""'_-� - �`�` ��`� ___' ' � - �U R, •H � , � -------- j" • e i � � � ♦ „ � :1 R a „ — . , , �.....i , , � ; � u � , ' � �►G ' '� I��v �` ' �U�B��••.�.. I _ �•�i.. � � F'24 — �'�,� c`� � � "'�� , '���� R � � � � � . � � ��'' � �. �:�� � �� � � . r- � ��� . �. � �. � RAMSEY � � � • �I �� .. '"t ,t� r� � � o 0 o p o o � °� � � � ' � � � 0 i �� C�NTY � � �� ..� . __�:�__.., _ ----- - �a� �� � �' ; _ �� , � - --._._. _ _ ., , . � . �� .. ___ ._�___ � �3 "� ��'� . . � A�R�A MAP � � APPLICANT ROBERT HURD & RICHARD EITEL LEGEND �� — ZOt�ING DISTRICT 80UNDARY � PURPOSE REZONE FROM R-3 TO B-3 � SU6JECT PROPERTY � O ONE FAMILY FILE N0. 8052 ¢ TWO FAMILY �ATE DECEMBER 9, 1976 �'�` Q MULTIPLE FAMILY • � � COMMERCIAL ��I4�.E � 4"= 200� NORTN ♦ �w•�. INi�U��'��AL ��ONT PAUL PI.ANNING 60ARD V VA�A�NT