268474 WHITE - CITV CLERK � "" '� PINK - FINANCE COUIICII ���f����' BLUERV - MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. � 4� Counc ' Resolut ' n Presented By � �- ' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Minnesota State Energy Agency (MEA) is de- veloping a comprehensive state energy conservation plan to eoordinate tlie present and future conservation programs; and WHEREAS, the itrunediate impetus for this program is the availability of fed.eral funds under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (PL94-163) and the Energy Conservation and Production Act (PL94-385) ; and WHEREAS, The Minnesota Energy Agency is requesting propos- als for funded projects which are directed toward meeting long-term energy needs and recognize differences in utility cost and availability among energy sources; and WHEREAS, the Division of Libraries proposes the creation of an Energy Conservation Library for use by the people of Saint Paul; and . WHEREAS, The Minnesota Ener.gy Agency requires that project proposals a�ust be submitted by February 1, 1977; �aow, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper City offieials are directed and authorized to prepare and submit a project proposal for funding as provided by the Minnesota State Energy Conservation Plan. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler ,� Hozza [n Favor Hunt ,�/ Levine v __ Against BY " Roedler "'S�'�Ter- Te Adop by Council: Date �A� 2'7 �97T Form Approved by Cit Attorne ertified P- by Co retfiry BY y� Approve y Mayor: Date 1 �9�7 Approved y Mayor foc Submissio o C lcil By BY % ,PUBLISHED FEB 5 1977 � ' �� . ' ' . • . RETURN TO: MINNESOTA ENERGY AGENCY 740 AMERICAN CENTER BUILDI� ENERGY CONSERVATION PROGRAM QUESTIONNAIRE 150 EAST KELLOGG BOULEVAR ST.PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 (6121 296-8898 or 8899 Z� — -- - - NAME OF O�iGANIZATION: �����4� Saint Paul Pnblic Library �� ' FUNDING SOURCES: - (CURRENT, EXPECTED) �0 2s PROGRAM MANAGER: PHONE: ��+-33�3 , PROGRAM TITIE: Energy Conservation Library �as � PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: ' Develop a limited collection of energy conservation materials for use by our customers. These materials w�ould include: 200 Books @ $20.00 each $4,000.00 20 Periodicals @ $20.00 each 400.00 �one-half time Substitute Library Technician - ($100 week.�Y3 $5,200 annuslly). 5,200.00 , TOTAL one year program: $9,600.00 *The City budget does not allow for new programs�staffing, so staff will be necessary for implementation of this proposal. � 5 � ESTIMATED INiTIAL PROGRAM IS OONGOlNG INo Comptetion Date1 COST OF PROGRAM: $9�600 8nttus1ly OCURRENT PRO,lECT' G[?FUTURE PROJECT' za ESTIMATED ENERGY • � SAVINGS PER YEAR: • at • - � �COMPLETION DATE: / / zs USEO OR SAVED FUEL OR ENERGY TYPE: , xs PART OF DAY IN WHICH 2� PART OF YEAR IN WHICH IMPROVEMENT REGISTERS: IMPROVEMENT REGISTERS: zs AFFECTED CITY: - �s AFFECTEO COUNTY: Saint Pa.ul Ramsey County