268464 WHITE - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council ��',����.� CANARY - DEPARTMENT ,•h BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � u cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By 'Date RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve application made by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul for abatement of special assessments for property acquired by the Housing Authority and which property is exempt by statute from all taxes and special assessments, the property being more fully described in Ramsey County Department of Property Taxation File Nos. 91225 and 91271, and the City Clerk is hereby directed to transmit a copy of this resolution to the Ramsey County Department of Property Taxation. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler �_ [n Favor Hozza Hunt n/ Levine ?/' _ Against BY Roedler Te��� ,lA�! 2'7 1977 � Form Approved t�+ C' y AtYajrney Adopt y Council: Date — ; � ;` � i ertified Pass ounc� Secretary BY � . "'� � sy ` � Appr ve 17avor: Date 1 �.�i Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By PUBLISNED FEB 5 1��7 ` ~ �' ��4��""'`l:� • t`.,,', t , DEPARTMENT OF PROPERTY TAXATION COUNTY OF RAMSEY 126-138 Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 LOU McKENNA DIVISION MANAGERS: Director William E. Carlson Janu&Y'y 11: 19�7 Properry Valuation ROGER VIK Assistant Director William M. Killeen Revenue C. Thomas Osthoff Land Records Rose Mix City Clerk Raom 386 Court House Attn; Albert B. Olson Council Recorder Re: Applications for abatement submitted by Housing and Redevelogment Authority. Dear Mrs, Mixt Enclosed are copies of the following abatements; 91225 91271 There are assessments levied against these parcels that are to be cancelled by resolutian of the City Council' as followss 1975 Asseasmentt Dist. Str. Maint. ��32 Local Imp. �k35 5 $ 23.80 $ 11.74 8 8.50 Please take whatever actian is necessary, Very truly yours, Lou McKenna� Director Degartment Qf Property Taxation By � Deguty GHK:ay Enc. ,, �O �.- `REPORT OF ASSESSOR, RAMSEY COUNTY . Abatement tvo. 91'271 AssessmentDistrict: St. Faul Deco 2i, 19 76 Legal Description: PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION CENSUS Water Robertson and Van Etten�s Addition Uistrict Plat Parcel Tract Block Shed Property Coded As: 08 65000 081 05 027 026 --- Address of Property: 272 TY10111&9 Avenue � Applicant: ROb6Y't T. Simon for: Housing and Redevelopment Authority Mailing Address: �� E' . 5tn st. , 55ioi Applicant's Market Value: I,and$ Imp.$ Total$ Insurance$ Assessed as follows: App 1].C a t 1 Ori f O I' Exemp t i on School A YEAR USED ��P Taxable Exempt MARKET VALUES ASSESSEO percent District C REStO Code one Use Own Use Land Bltlg/Other Total Class % Value Owned 25 � ?5 D A 1t�30 5060 6i�90 NH 0 2�96 f Assessor's Recommendation: School U UNITS p�P Taxable Exempt MARKET VALUES ASSESSED percent District 'q EAR USED Code o Ownetl C RESID one Use Own Use Land Bltlg/Other Total Class /o Value 625 tr 75 onl F C 1430 5060 6I.�90 EX 0 2596 99 1789 6328 8117 Reportoftnvestigation: APP11C&Tlt acquired property on 5/2p/75 through e.ondemnation proeeed- ings and was entitled to exempt classification on 1/2/75 b� statute. Alrendy made exempt for 1/2/76. � � ,/ +' /i j� Ex. �P APPr. �P Steno b�' � :_( _� ; /j.!`:/ � �,Li, - Authorized Signature F01tM DPT 1641 �''= . . R�PORT OF ASSESSOR, RAMSEY COUNTY Abatement No. 91'22� 'Assessment District: St. P9'ul De C. 21-� 19 76 Legal Description: R1C6 and Irvine�s Addition PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION CENSUS Water ' Uistrict Plat Parcel Tract Biock Shed Property Coded As : 05 6l�000 090 36 060 O18 --- Address of Property: �� Irvine P�ark Appiicant: RObEX''t T. Simon for: Housing & Redevelopment Authority. Mailing Address: 55 L-,�� 5.th s t• � 55101 ApplicanYs Market Value: Land$ Imp. $ Total$ Insurance$ .4ssessed as follows: ApP11 C a t 1021 f'OI' E'X@213,p t 1 OTl School U UNITS p�P Taxable Exempt MARKET VALUES ASSESSED Percent District A YEAR USED Cotle o Owned C RESID one Use Own Use Land Bldg/Other Total Class /o Value 625 tr 75 c a l2�_o i69 o x 2 000 E 40 1976 62K U 76 c A i331 158 1 1 182 x 2 3250 � �.0 1673 99 1 1 18020 1 Assessoi s Recommendation: School U UNITS p�P Taxabte Exempt MARKET VALUES ASSESSED Percent District A EAR USED Code o Owned C RESID one Use Own Use Land Bitlg/Other Total Class /o Value 625 U 75 F C 1210 1 0 16g 0 , � 0 6 6 625 U 76 F C 1331 1 8 1 1 182 E 99 i5i3 18020 1. Reportoflnvestigation: App12C8T1.t acquired property 10/14/75 by� condemnation and was entitled to ex_empt classification for 1/2/75 & 1/2/76 by statute. � .,.---� ' , � . • � ,// F.:c. Appr. Steno � ��� ���'��'� ��� �� 1�P RKP b�. Authorized Signature � •FORM DPT 1641 "�'�'-'� � � � ��. v C: , . . y •� � � rn.m AUL' 229 " •�, , ' � APPLICATION FOR RELIEF—General Form ' �T (lf r�duetioo �puwt�d �scNd� =�00 oak.•Pp4e.t�o.ie triolie.a,a6.rwi.. is daylicsa) T�tA�So�rd�(A6�1���nt w C�unt�BevJ ��Cowt�A�It�r ef R��s CwNS. and te t►�Cessirbs�r�t T�aalfe��f t\�31�t�d Ml��wt� 5TATE OF MINNE301`A� County of Ramaey as. Assessment Diatrict �^�-�zt ��u?_ .;ooert T. Si,roon beinQ duly aworn deposes and says that he Fesid'ea�s'L is Chief of_ Lancl ,'.iarlcetin�; of t�ie Housing ac,d __;edevel.oprnent Autilori.t-� oi ��i.� ��ity of Saint Pau.l, ��i�nnesota ,snd that sazd �uthor:ity is a nublic Uody, corporate ancl nclitic, clu.lq or�an.i_:ed and existin� ��l��r Chanter 4"7 , La�as o:C 1947 , as ai�,�ei�ded; tilat OT; :`?2"C�1 2�E, 1975, the Au.thori_ty acqi.iired title to t��e io11o�•�iur describ�.cl reaJ. property locatec? in tlie Ci�y of Saint Z'1U1.� ('.OltCli:} Of Tc'll:.^:�j'� �L`�LC.' O{" Zi.111[lE.'SOf:c1� i`.O—�Jli.: The :s1st 1/?_ of Lot u, T;lxl�, 5, ;o'ueztson and V<vz �,tten's Addition to Saint Paul subject Lo easeraent in "1224" Deects 293, accordin� to the recorded plat ti�ereof on file and of record i.n Liie t�L-fi.ce �r' tlie �;cr�ist'er oi ;���<�citi i_n :�nd for s:+ ici Coiu:Ly .�ncl :;C�lc. LOT 1CC1C�'E�.O�ll,l:'_I).�.: uS fl�l'I_'i: O�: i=t1^ `j'i10fu1:� :J�1�C^�,�i�)�'=01. �.i)11'.l!?I.L1.�: ��CVC�OA)G1CL7�_ y p-ro�ra�,1 �i�S-�i1Ct 7� t�:l�it t;�.C' i1'1t=�1.�?]'l.��T 'lCC�lll_1'�?r'i t'i_t:l(_' �'O SI?'C� �)rL)I)^.i'�y :JCi "^S^<:il .'�F� ��7�)� })y 2 7�_(:7_�:].OLl iII_�;Oi"tC!."1111.at'OI?. i 1]_Cc�. �•;i.j=i1 i.il? (;�_P_7"�. Of �131:?.7_C� `;.7iti'� 011 :;lllG date; �'ti3't :'CtW.�..C[1 Lic1YC_Cl "�� � �_��75 ..^,I'.Cj. t'1C lli'f'_SCCit� :;tG' (�.11Z:11fl1:L�:y' �i�;� �1(J.�.C� 577.<' nT'O[)�Yt�' 1L1 (::1P_ �Ul��].0 11SC.'� C;ZC_':Tl�?t 1Y7('1 c 11 t�1::^:: r'�.IlC� .1u.iC?:i�i'�C'll.t i � DU.1"Sl11Tlt. t0 II7_RIl(�'SOt:1 i��?�UtC i � Section 272.��., S�?bdivisions (1) and (2). �hl7tfOCt applicant praya that �11 real estaL-e ta�;es and a�:.sessments assessed levied and acc,�'ued a�;ainst the aforesaid oroperty payahle i_rt the year 1;76 ve fully �bated, ��f� " L��� ��0" C�c�S��� �'��� 1�T1(lm�a �1 �_ 1�OUSIiQG <:I;� �;�D;.Vr , Lcdi' U'YFIC:i 'LY . _ OT' ;,T s !'TT�' c)T ��^.TT1'r ]'<.?%i, 2ili?t�1?`3nT�1 ' � � � C.-� __� ` ,. ��glicaat , �;obert T. Sin.on, Chief of Land i-iar� in� Subscribed and aworn to before me thia �''"� _day of T`'���' A. D. 18�" • �A��a�a�,���1h�e.a.�A,�.ql,�,�!�I�AA'A�AAJIAM — , 1 ' y���� �..qRD JONES,SR. ti�-��-►-�-' i. '!'1 i-,1i�j� , �, :,::K,�•','" ,, '' !Ir.nrr-i�CountyMn. � ;. ,_,�;,' Nct��.>,� . I�, d EXPIRES ' r i'''�ri�':•,,< MY CU�,r.'.;:5 �P � �f�.r�4• ��; .:�,,y,,.r il 13, 1978 � jcrerrrv�v�+rirvrv�r�r�Y;tn�rt�'��Y't+r'�iMt� 1 ' CEItTIFICATE AND RECOMMENDATION BY COUNTY BOAItD AND COUNTY AUDITOK ` • I,the undersigned, County Auditor of the within named County, do hereby certtiy that s careful ezamu�ation into the , , sllegations and statements aet forth in the within application haa'been made by the Bosrd o!AbRtement or County Board � ot said Countq and by myaelf and that from said examination we are convinced and verily believe thxt.�aid allegationa � and statemenb are true . , ' I further certify that, at a meeting duly hel�1 , ]9 , eaid Board of Abatement or Countq Board, by otficial action upon motion duly adopted and entered upon the minutes of its proceedings ai a pnblic ' record, showing the namee of the taxpayera and other persons concerned and the amounte involved, made the lollowing • rec�mmendation, wherein I hereby concur, upon said application: ' That the aaaeaeed value of aaid property be reduced to and fixed at a I henby certity that the rewlt of the adoption of eaid recommendation wili be as iollowe: Amonnt of reduction of aaaeaee�i vaiue � _ , being per cent of enid aseesaed �dne; ;...... ....... .....................T,:e� amount of reduction s,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,pen.,Int. dt Cost� ;.......................... .........TOTA L Witness my han�l and olficIsl seal thix � 1 f"t�l_tl��NN� 1?HQNt�A;S�j::Kc�L���, County Auditor. .��..:J:e-'.+�y.....b.iv...�.�:�.YSi�� (SEAL) By — Deputy County Auditor. o'p =���° u�°.� � = �u o .�• : .: � ^ i oFVi � o.�a'-°• � i. : 0 8Y • .'� g r. � Y � ..: . 4 � a � �v � � �p � � a . o� '� a ;,'� � n ' � .a.F M , y � oa 8 y F y . o 1� : 4 � y .. u : � Q �G : E"' •� d'n e� � �,.�k �`+' : � :A 4 A C � Q : � :Q � ° .�. �y �i w ►�o a o,$ u � '��O'� �.� ��F� f"' A A � O C � i�(� O 'e! .�. � �1. 4 u 4.O h : � . iiu.�� � S � � . q� uU� U�' • � • 17 .c•G G � �g ��� < A= � o s= � e ; w,� " S � ;.°�a � 8 � �y►1Z i~a. i ' i , r�A � G ,,,,�C � � •i : .y , � �'� � � ► s.iL/ `� : ,,,, a a c y � •� ,, E � �� C � 6 oug �:r ,,� a o . � ►� �� �Z e� e Q.� e. � . �� � , ���� � ��CQtd ie � V � ues� u �'�A .^� : CI o �piiF : y w � y u � � �'�'« Eu`,•G'� � u : � o ay, � F< - �% +�Awa� 9y.a � ^� A ""� �° . , d,o� o �� ;, o E:b'�s � • °y�" ': ° g ; g� ° �'� :. G '� 'v° � � �� 9!.p� ° R7 u s u pp :� s '� '8 u u A p 01 Y �'0� Y 'C p `, � �'O � ` w w W O } QQ � A � p w ►• `'Q a�yy � p y �`�1 � G: � J� � .�� �� O 'C r0.~ a a �p A O � R • . N ' . t%f .�°ov f'..°.� II o • . 3 . . . F g°3« • iA U �I � �$4 . ry. � o O ± � � w a . 0 • �,�.,' .Z : � a �+ W c ^ ^ � � �v� � . . . • •� ; 'y .p �A o up n e i� � < �� f �": :�'. "" � � G � ..�. -°• L W �,; �1 � 1- y "� � N „ Z � . � � c�`^, � � � N C G a o . � . a �_._` � � @. O 7 y � �. . 1" �"' -•,�.; � � .� �, 6 � 0 ;a � � � : < = I � � J-1 rl M q � r � y � u F� .Tl. O 4 U F 0� d � y� S� � u+ y ° m 8 J0 � �I , . � 1 ` y"�: � .. i� d � '� Q �'t4i .`� W �r i J.� � ' < �: � C 0 : @ � �,� :8 8 ' �� � d � V O� N O � q w a �° � •R � g � 7E : � � W 0'. �:b • •� � � �. � a > �+ • - •� •,�: N 1J � � o � m �I . . . N q � . p, �:� � � � � � .� .� ^ ; g � , • ` �' ^= • � < ;,��y � � ` 'u �� 0 9 ' e rn � •� :& � [-�: r1,,�y,+ � N ,G°, :c �° ; 7 �, � � u � � S < Q �: ��+N � a � � ��� � � � �i : Q � ^ ���� ^ ^ � w V � u 8 � < � . . . . , r ^ z � •� a�: � w g 4. -- � e � . ¢ �: � � .3 ; � . � �^ ,� � ; w �s. o � � �.� � � W s 8 � o q : � � ' a c°a fi : � � t) u . . �n o � . e e � c t a, p� � ■ � O . 04 , � . < . < . ��, . _ � r r � : �; �� � �.,r � a � Y'� �� \ i, �` \ � � '� ��, �� sv c.' Q G c�+•m AUD 229 � � , � , 7 ' . � APPLICATION FOR RELIEF--General Form ' � I�T' (lf r�duetioe rpuwt�d �:eNd� :300 e.k�a�lieaeio�ie triolkat..ot6�rwL� is aaoKat�) T�1h�ew►d�f Ab�1���nt e�Cwnt�B.vJ��Cm�wy A�ItM�f R��.�Cw�tf. �nd te ti�Cossirl�s�r e(T���lie��f t►�Sl�t�d Mb�� � STATE OF MINNESOYA, County of Ramsey ss. Assessment District Saint Paul Robert T. Simon bein¢ duly sworn � deposes and says that he���te,�,�t is Chief of Land Aiarketin� of the Housin� and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota ,and that said Authoritv is a public body, corporate and politic, dulv organized and existing _under Chapter 487, Laws of 1947, as amended; that on August 19, 1975, the Authority acquired title to the following described real property located in the Cit of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, State of P�Zinnesota, to-wit; The Northwesterlv 50 Feet of Lot 3 and the South�aesterly 10 feet of the Northc�aesterly 50 feet of Lot 9, Block 36, Rice and Irvine's ___ Addition to the Town of St. Paul, accordin to the plat thereof on _ file and of record in the office of the P.e�ister ef Dceds in and � _ for said countv and state„ for redevelopment as part of �he West Seventh Community Development Program District 9 ; that the Authoritv acQuired title to said nropertv on Au�ust 19 1975 bv a - �etition in Condemnation filed with the Clerk of District Court on said date; that between August 19, 1975 and the present, the Authority has held said property in the public use, exempt from all taxes and assessments, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, � Section 272.68, Subdivisions (1) and (2). �h�rtfOCt appliCSnt prayR that -a11 real esrate raxPS and a se�ments assessed lev�ed and accrued aQainst the aforesaid pronertv payable in the year 1976 be fully abated. O� " ���IOC�e� — �l�� �o �n�v�, �an�rz .�� �. � - - " L P�INNESOTA , ' ��. �� / < � ` -'"`"� A�ylicant Robert T. 5imon, Chief of Land rlar�eting , Subscribed and sworn to before me thia 14th _day of June A. D. 1976 - ! �fl�� / �,A.a►�►A.A„�AAA►�AA#A,1.�Ai�1���",4A.3.�ss►►le�Nd.�uuu► _ , � c '�.�� �J � ,�17..w., WILLARD SOhIFS,SR. L-- �� '`� ��' . °,�. -�r--�- � J u �, Notary Public.Nr,nnepin Gounty Mn. � t.;,�_.:.`.. "k�'�d '`Y MY CGi,1PJIiSION EXPIRES � '��.,,,.� A�ri{13, 1978 � X ty7'fY'YY�'�lY"�it����r vF�i�7vlv'r v'�'�f�'��X � . r � + �. � CERTIFICATE AND RECOMMENDATION T3Y COUNTY BOARD AND COUNTY AUDITOR I,the undersigned, County Auditor of the within named County, do hereby certify that s careful ezami��ation into the '' allegations and etntements aet forth in the within application has been msde by the Board of Abatement or County Board ot �aid County and by myaelf and that irom said examination we are convinced and verily believa that �aid alle�ations and statementa are true � ^ � � I further certity that, at a meeting duly hel� , 78 , said Board o! Abatement or County Board, by otficial action upon motion duly adopted and entered upon the minutes of it� proceedinge as s public , record, ihowing the names of the taapayera and other persona concerned and the amounta involved, made the lollowing recnmmendation, wherein I hereby concur, upon said application: That the aasessed value ot eaid property be reduced to and flxed at a I heseby cestity that the result of the adoption ot eaid recommendation will be aa follo�va: Amonnt oi reduction oi asserse�i value � _ , being per cent oi eaid asseaisd �alne; s...... ....... .....................T.:es amount ot nduction s....................................Pen., Int. �4 Cos►� � �.......................... .........TOTA L Witness my hand and oR1cIs1 Ka� th�• � � ��� ��".�.�NNA THdMAS J�r�f���i'�Y, County Auditor. ai.tic...�i. -.� 'i�� i (SEAL) gy _ Deputy Couaty A�uditor. � 0.�j • �'�'O'{1 v J7 �+ .ti. : .'�i 'O'C M . ' �� � : ►� '• O C b r U �.y� � ' � : A : Q 8 y � w � � t�. ..' u.� ` : y '" � oae " �„° ° � ' a o� • pY.� � � iQ` /" + ;O " p O . � • h ' 4 - u C� O G O a V � t� ^,.he� G L �.Il �, : � :A '�� A� t/� : � :A r Qq �' �, � � .y r • y� ~ ~ �A : � � � � � �V o O'Cf� � v . q V'4„p � , Y O � �� . � 'a� u o.d U� � r, � '° 'a•C a Q o � t ' Y� Q •�� y� p � y „ ~ -g ` w �� g T. �'n �'� . � u'�'1 Y � + � ~•� � •� Y O'a a ' Z � w ; � QA � wbo „ .� � . ..:� g :� � Y • C Q � w �+ V � o � � ' c �� �;,a �o � " ... . ; .,E ° ,� � o� e Qa e. � : �� � I ° ��,�� � � � e � V � V Q u+ s ^��p� h : G� O �. Y il 4 ��rr O � � w il � •G Y u 4 tl �I (,y yp • � � : G� a W7E ,eY � « <�« F'� ' � u : ,� � ��.. C� �� "a '�A�a� bA� �„ `;�» � '� � �° � �/ � � 7 �1 : Q M M� F� i (`� yo<„ a u+a ^ o E:9�$ 5 -� � : a ,°, � oV y � O '� �e°� � x+'e� p� ° �eu :� � � ° A �� �'pPO � y '� � �i p M -'O � ` i w W �� i q � p Y ~• `A � i p �p �� o �.� a �� �9 e A 4 9 �.� a D 3 E°.. g 8� 7 H _ . (%1 .'�adU Hw°u � o ' N .a . . . . � V.°.�« • • A o u. w I I �y I$� j . " � � ��,.` • � � ~ '„ M � ! «� y � W � . . . • Q �_ , .O �r • W ° ^ ►� � X � •�� ry � � •z' '� �� • � y � G �- � i-y,=� [� � .< C� $ ►- g ^E o.� � '�' � . ' � � • r� ..;+� � : � � o � � � .. i z �+ aA.� sy � �r �' � O : 41 C � '" o a ° � ' � ' r ���� � � � O:� +--I : � p .� O a'O �, � .'n a < = I `�.,'' � tr..�� ' �: O M � • : '' .w • � u F+ o : o � ;,� � � e A . r.� �: P �'n � s �u :r � °° ...a � � • . , .� U ` ��� Q e '� ►-. 8 � a � .a .8 7 I � O � d � � a��P; v] � p o ?� � g� � � � > .±� • ' • - .... 6 x 4� n. am o �I . . . ~ � � � � o � 0 0 " M � . � Z + (/� � •;R� � • � � t t � !� w � • � 4 � a . o �!� � •$ ^" H� �lf`,' ��1 p N o ,q � 'a a ^ � II y r �iS O 7 '4 �: �+ � c�f v � w ; 'y � rl � p� ' 0 4 � t �'� � ^ � a e � u � � < x . � � x � Q •� A �• a�• tn W G� .s .. � U g . . . _ @ V � � •�� � � g "' � .� ; e ..� -- � ai ?L O� O Lf�: �: W � � b j � i u u � p � q L ',a�. (� (,� a':'x Y�'. N `o L ■ � w c u 4 P+ A fi r �' . m ; � : , ' . . < w a , •C : � i • ' 6 : 8 : ' � O : P4 j � : < ; � . � �l �