268457 WHITE - CITV CLERK C�CQA�' / PINK - FINANCE COUIICII F isv��� j CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L � � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. - RETURPi COPY TO Council Resolution Y vaLUAx rr B ���� � Presented B � ,, Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WI�REAS, the City of Saint Paul, acting throu�h its ValuationTngineer, has secured an agreement for the purchase of that certain proper�Gy d.escribed as follows; A permanent easement for street and highway purposes on, over and across that part of Lot 14, Block 20, Battle Creek Hei�hts Plat 3, lying northerly o�' a line 50 feet southerly of and parallel to the north line of Section 2, Tawnship 28 North, Range 22 West. Also teaiporary easements in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fYlls including right of re�oval of lateral support from sub�ect lands or remainder thereof occasioned by eaceavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and paving of BUF4�TS AVENtJE fram Ruth Street to McKnight Road, �s sho�m on Drawing No. 2173, Slope Dr. No. 2 on file and of record in the Depaxtment oP Public Worka. Wl � � , the prnperty described herein is neces�ary for the Buxns Averni.e Opening frarn Ruth Street to McKnight Roa.d, as approved byFinal Order, No. 265502, approved May 27, 1975, and the price at which the property may be purchased is in the amount of $500.00, being a fair and reasonable price for the sub�ect property according tothe appraisal ob�ained by the City Valuation Engineer; and WHE',R'CAS, the City Valuation En�3.neer has recommended the purchase of eaid property at the price stated above; naw, therefore be it R�OLVED, that the C auncil of the City of Saint Paul does hereby authorize the purchase of the above described land, and be it COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: �� Butler Finance and Management 8ervices Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine _ Against BY Rcedler rec o� � Sylvester Tedesco Form Approve,d by ity Attorn y Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary gy ,.\ r By . Approved by IVlayor. Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By , BY WH17E - CITV CLERK (��� �� PINK - FINANCE COUIICII R �• CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L y BLUE - MAVOR File NO. . - � V�IONPBUREAU Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- FURTI�R RESOLVED, that the proper City OffYcials axe hereby authorized and directed to pay to Albert Levin, Jeanne Levin, Theodore Goldman, Arnold Goldman, Stuart Freidall, Richard Sacks, Mitchell Kirsclibaum, Sheldon Verm es, Peggy Vermes, Max�orie Brawn, record. fee oTraers, the sum of $500.00. The conditions of said sale are a� shown on the Memoranc�um on Sale of Rea1 Estate dated Ja�nuary 3, 1977; said mea�orandum is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Said sum to be paid f'rom PIR F'und Code 60000-711-000 (L-7778), to be reimbursed from M.S.A. Funds. The payment to be made upon the City being fl�xnished evidence of �ood maxketable title in the aforesaid vendors, and the total payment to be made upon tender by saj►d parties of appropriate deeds conveying title to said propei�ty to the City of Saint Paul. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: �Q �i Butler � Finance and Mana eanent Services Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine V _ Against BY �`/�^7T Roedler reetor � -��' ,'1 Tedesco � ,JA(1I 2;7 I9T7 Form Approved'�by C y.Attorney Adopted b ouncil: Date � °, < ; t Cer ied Pas by ouncil Secretary BY ' '.�`_".,L � Appro d y �1�layor. Dat J N 31 197T Approv by`Mayor for Sub si te Council By BY PUB�ISHED �EB 5 1977 . � 03� tJl: 12,J297S Rev. z 9/8/76 EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE QRDERS, RESOLUT ONS, �ND ORDTNANCES ����t� � Date: January 7, 1977 T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER n� UG �,rg; Roy T. Bredahl, Jr. - Ass't. Va].uation & Assessment ffizg3.neer, Finance & Mgt. Serv3ces (�. 5317) RE: Burns Avenue Opening - Ruth:Street to McBnight Road • Paxcel No. 10-B - Go�.dma�n, et al Vacant property so�uth of and abutting Burns Avenue west oP McBnight R�ad. ACTIO�1 REQUESTED: . � Acquis3tion oP one paxcel for sub�ect pro�ect. Condit3on as shawn on attached M�morandum on 5ale of Real Estate. � � a. PtTRPOS� AND RATIONALE FQR THIS ACTION: Authorized by Final Order, Council FYle No. 26550�, adopted 1+�y 27, 1975• Acquisition of said parcel in the amo�ant of $500.00 to be'paid for by M.S.A. f'unds. , ATTACHMENTS: � l. Cauncil Resolution for approval 2. Map 3• Memorandum on Sale of Real. Estate � . . . , -�"•� • � , , .._ . __ ... . . . � - _ . . . .. " Degartment of Finance�& Mac�a.gemeat Seraices - _ _ ' ' � Division of Asses��:nts>& Yaluations-', r" . _ . . � _ - gvasr286..Ci.tY-�- . , _ _ - . � . - . , ._ � • �¢�}RA�iDT1H ON SAS.E OF EEAL FSTATE _. � �''� ��� - . _ �=;:�, �;�,.. . Estate to Cit� nin - Ruth Street to l, A;rpose of 5ale oS Real McKni t Road s Avenue . . . _ . _ . • � t Road � ac . _ �. LrcAt�•�n af Rer�l Estate . . . �� j,�� Descrip�ticn, A permanent easemc�nt for street and highway purposas on, over and across that part of Lot 1�+, Block 20, Battle Cre2�. Heights Plat 3, Iying northerly of a line 5d feet `- sout�erly of and parailel to the north line oi Section �� . 2, Township 28 �+orth, Range 22 West. �oldma� !„ tda�se �nd Add=e�s of nlso te�or�ry easenents in the land n2cessary for slapes, _ � cuts and fills inciuding right of remov2,1 of lateral sunparti ? • ���_ frors subject 1?nds or re,'n�.inder ther�of occasion�d by """� exca�rations Lhereof or constr.;.ction of slones in the � � A�car�Daed purchas gradi.ng and �aving of 3YJR.�`iS A�r NE fro:n Rutn Street to � p,� - P:cKnioh�c Ro�d, as shown on Dra��ring No. 2173, Slope Dr. -. b �,�Ze,. -t�•��,sg � No, 2 on file and of record in tne Department of Public �� • ������1}'��1t1� Wor,�cs. � , . _ . : � � - . � at closin .7. Selle.r tv giv�e pos3ession to City - . ties �uch a� �rater, gas. elec��icity, 8:� 5��.:l.er tv-terminate a13. utili N'IA : � � ' � telephcz8� etc. � : � � � remisea to City or its agents pri.or to data _ . _ . ��q��� Seller to 8110� access $e��'c� i�p7-emsatiag actioa for tha dispoait3aa � � . - af pnssessica _or pui'P_ p : : - � �„rovements - d sel].er N A - " � ].A. Ztem� to �er rsmcved aad re;raine b9 - _ _ . , ��gs �or ma'v'i�8 N � . . . �,. �,1,. If sa].�r is to re�ta.ia 1,2. Rents ' 13. Mi3�ellaneoura been in 1 . . will b t to the e 'stin - � ` . I . . � . 'CT�: Conditl�.�t listed abo9e are aat�bla3i��uatil ��rcved by Git; Ccuncil. ; h � ; , 4 Ci�' g,eller: .- ` �� � � ` 9igacd: I _,('�i����,�1 � .��',� � . Ass' Valu:.tion Engi.n� ; � gignod: � } �,�.%� 8' � 7� , - `-/'c.(ir`i.�-y'%' %�� �% , -f:. �7-� . �, �„�� Date: V�e c , Dntc: _ , , � N: � , • . �` ; , _ H l�l0:J� � � o�--;� �'���� _:_;z ,� ; � � ; ; •aa lE��irl��w ; - - r----- --o L--! . � I . . N . �pl�_.i�i�,.�"""r'�"s� j N j { � . . . � � � � . . � . � . � . � , � . . . � . . � . ; � . �. . � . � . . .. . S ) 3 � i N � _ - . • � � � . . M . � .� � � � . . . . . . . . . N . . � . . . � ' ' . . . � Q� � . � . � . I ' � ' / - .� � N � �, }i � Z ' � � � ,,.�_ � � . V � � rj /��'' ' . (�� : � � . . y1 . . � i t. . . ^' . . ,� � :� �'T `.� _ + i � � � � ` # �� O _ �b. �, ; a. N � : ,cx � � yb�b � � � - :..t . . . �� � �n1 .. � . . . �:� . . . �n . — � � • � - . . �'.i . . {�- . . .. -3 . . . . . "� � . � � . . ��4 '� , M p � o � . � � _ ,' !i. :3. tA -'� .� .� . „ � � - � � _ '�� � � t� :a : _ � t' • b .; _ ,. O `.. �O• .� ti � _ - / -. . .. �11 '� �- n . __� i� W p . c a> I- CC � p y = o � °'- � iN— _ c� £•� - _ _ Z G? Y ._._ .�.... ' c, 1.S �a_ +st �: � � � �__�a�l�,Jf� � � Q f � � � ' ��- � � � i . *. � Z � � � � ` � . o . ' � � � . � � — on� � o�s-� 2 e��t ' ' � = d9� ' . � O . �y O'9� . . . . . . . O'£-) . � . N � � i �°� �.__ ... � . . . . .