268456 WH17E - CITV �yI.ERK COl1f1C11 ������ PINK - FINANCE CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL BLUE - MAVOR File NO• ' RE'�T COPY TO Council Resolution V� BUREAU Presented By � "7 � / Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEFt]'�'.�AS, the City of Saint Pau1, acting through its Valuation Engineer, has secured an agreement for the purchase of that certain property described as follaws: A permaxient ease�ent for street and highway purposes on, over and across those parts of Lots 1 through 9 inclusive, Block 20, Battle Creek Heights Plat 3, lying northerly of a line 50 feet southerly of and paxa11e1 to the north line of Section 2, Township 28 North, Range 22 West. Also temporaxy easements in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills including right of remova.l of lateral support from sub�ect lands or rerna.inder thereof occasioned by excav- ations thereof or construction of alopes in the gradin� and paving of BURNS AVF�TLTE �om F�zth Street to McKnight Road, as shown on Drawing No. 2173, Slo�pe Dr. No. 2 on file and of record in the Department of Public Works. WHER�AS; the property described herein is necessary for the Burns Avenue Opening from Ruth Street to McKnight Road, as approved by Fina1 Order, No. 265502, approved May 27, 1975, and the price at which the property may be purchased is in the amount of $17,500.00, bein� a fair and reason- able price for the sub�ect property according to the appraisal obtained by the City Valuation Engineer; : and � � , the City Valuation Engineer has recommnended the purchase of said property at the price stated above; naw, therefore be it RF50LVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Pau1 does hexeby authorize the purchase of the above described land, and be it COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: n Yeas Nays Butler �'inance and Manaarement Serviees �`� _ Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine __ Against BY ree or Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approve�by ity At Orne Adopted by Council: Date � + �, � ` Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY �' B � ���`�—� ' y Approved by Nlayor. Date Approv d y Mayor for Submis �on t Cou�cii ,'' By BY WHITE - CITV �LERK COUIICII /�j\��� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA LT L �� CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. h . RETURN COPY TO Council Resolution VALIIATION BURFAU Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date _2_ FURTHER RFSOI,VED, that the proper City Officials are hereby aut�horized and d.irected to pay to Albert Levin, Jeanne Levin, Theodore Goldman, Arnold Goldman, Stuaxt P'reidall, Richaxd Sacks, Mitchell Kirschbaum, Sheldon Vermes, Peggy Vermes, Mar�orie Brown, record fee owners, the swn of $17,500.00. The conditions of said sale are as shown on the Memorandum on Sa1e of Real Eatate dated Januaxy 3, 1977; aaid memorandum is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Said sum to be paid from PIR �a.nd Code 60000-711-000 (�777$), to be reimbursed from M.S.A. Funds. The�payment to be made upon the City being flzrnished evidence of good marketable ti:tle in the aforesaid vendors, and the total payment to be made upon tender by said parties of appropri.ate deed.s conveying title to said property to the City of Saint Paul. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: �� Butler � Finance an Masi ement Services Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine � __ Against BY ,_/� 7 Roedler - i`eC oT '$'9i�veste�- Ted " Form Approv d by ity t,torney Adopt y Council: Date sA� � 7 19� � i � rtifie by ounci cretary BY �� Appro y Mayor: Dat � JAN 3 1 �9�1 Approve by Mayor fo�Su is ion�t�.Council By BY PUBLISHED FEB 5 1917 ��- - . . .. .-- --- - - --T�,.� . . . . _ t, _. . . . . : . . Department o�' Finance�& Mar3ageme�t Seraices � ' � --' . � � Division of Assessments._& Valuation��.•. % - .• . . ' � �Roo�2$6-City�A�.IS'•`: _ _- � . � . MENDRA�tDtJM ON SALE OF EEAL FSTATE , � - � . .. -. ����.���- . - l. R:r��ose �2' sale of Real Estste to Cits Burns Avenue Ot�enin� - Ruth Street ta McKni�ht Road �'� - ---..—. .�..� � ' . ' Burns AverYUe : - , - 2. k+cqt;on of fteal Eatate Vacant property abuttin�wtat of McKnigh.t Road . ..__. • 3. Lt:� De�crip�tiaaz A permanent easement for street and hi�hrray purposes on, over and across those parts of Lots 1 through. 9 inclusive, ' Block 20, Bat�le Creek Heights Plat 3, I.yin; n�rtherly of a line 50 feet southerl;� of and paralle? to the north -- line of Section 2,. To*�rnship 28 North, P,ange 22 West. � I !,� t�a„'�e er.d Address o� Aiso temporary easa�enzs in the land necessary for sl�pes, � , cuts and fills including right of removal of lateral support ,'•" � � �r�m sub�ect lznds or rem3inder thereof occasioned by ~-- ' . � excavations thereof or corst�uction of slopes in t'r.e � �. Re�at**r,ended pu�-�ha: gradi„g ar.d vF�rin�; of BiJRi15 AV.��tJE from Ruth Street to -�- Mci{night Roa3, ss s�o�m on Drazaing No. 2173, Slope �r. ' 6. S�ller -�� •���h ,� ITo. 2 on file ard of record in the Department of Pu�lic i . �;s�/!�[��,o'�f;/�¢�t/�tt T�'orks. . . - � . . . � _ � , .?. Seller �o give p�s�essioa to City at closina " � '�, 8. Se�:I.Rr t�-terminats ali u�ili.ties auch a� watar� ga�, e3sets�.eity� . -_ - . - tolephe3�, etc. � ' � - � . � 9. � Seller to s11.av access ta premise� to City or its a.gerxts prior to date . � Of �?9S@93j.flL' fGr �7ilTPOS@S of izcplemeatiag action for the diap�eit,.�.oa o� - - � . - - � �rovemsAts - TI9 ' . iA. Item� ta be remcved aad re;.,aiaed �iy seller N/A - ! � .. ; ' � � ... � - i 11. If sel�sr is to retain bui7.diagg for mogin,� �/A ...,..�... �,. 1 _ _ w , R �- � OM O1: 12/197� -----_.. Rev. : 9/8/76 EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, - �soLU�rzoNS arrn oRn�r�rr s I� E C E I V E I� � ������ ,1AN 1719��' _ . . . MaYat�s v� Date: JanuarY 7,1977 � . ' T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER �� FR: Boy E. Bredah7., Jr. - As8'�. Valua�ion b Assessment Engineer, Finance b Mgt. Services (Fact..531?) RE: Burns Avenue Qpening - l�.ith Street to McKnight Hoad Paxcel No. l0-A - Goldman, et al Yaeant praperty sauth of and abutting Burns Avernze west of McSnight Road. ACTION RES2UEaTED: . . Acquisition of one paxcel for sub�ect pro�ect. Condition as shawn on attached Memorandum on Sale of Real Estate. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: dmthorized by Fina1 Order, Co�unail File No. 265502, ado�pted-May 27, 1975• Acquisition o�' sa3d paxcel. in the amaunt of $17,500.00 to be paid for by M.S.A. f'unds. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Council Resolution for approval �- 2. Map � 3. Memorandwn on Sale of Rea1 Estate �� � � O..�. ' . • ' ..� N: � • ~ • `� i ' i H1�l�J►s� ' ; ������ � o�� _ �� �� � �� 'aa .��i�tri��w i - —�--�----- --o L—! . �. , t-� � :.�i ',� j � N . . - .. r N � � N _ M . . � _ � . - . .. . � N � � . � . . - ,A � � N � � � � . � . . . . W .. � . � : - � � . , . • � d, � t . f . � . . . , . . . ' : , \ i � � � . ' - � � . , � . t , b � l"� � � � `� Z O � � � � . . - . . . . /^�� . � � • � w ._ � � � v . . � � 1 � — O � T� • t �- _ . s� �'� � � � _ ` . b� � . c -�-. � � �b�� � � � _ � rls, - � � � . - � � � �+ � � �t ; o-o , 1i � M � . � .� r '� � - � �- - " ° C� � _ - , . � ± � a , -- o. ti � ��� , __ . _. �_ � �_ , m ' � � � �.. � � �p . . . � � ot a'- . � `� � Z t� s � . �C �.$ �`�. W U �� � � , - a��Hl�'�►/�- F � �-° � t �� ` - � f E � � i � � p � I t'' I � � . . . l.^ � � � f =� � t� . m , l � � � t 'I � � i � � °—' ' �,: oo�� � v, o��-� G a �( � ' ♦" � I � � �O'91��_� C O G-T—' ' �v � ,o•s( os-� N O I N � ,'., � . -- �r r..r..�.-....�.._...�.�..!'_. '-_-�.�_.�.._�.._.�:� e�� ,... . .