268447 ' ,. r` o WMITE - CiTV CLERK COI1flC1I �� dt.+� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL - � CANARV - DEPARTMENT � - BLUE -MAVOR File NO. Co nci R solution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WI�REAS, Chapter 148.07 of the Legislative Code authorizes the Council to establish by resolutio�, towing and storage charges for vehicles impounded by the City; and WHEREAS, The Department of Police has recommended a $1.00 per day }�er vehicle increase in the charge for storage and an increase of $1.00 per vehicle for the cost of administration; and WHEREAS, There has existed from February, 1971, to the pres- ent a $2.00 charge for each of the aforementioned cost items; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That effective January �� , 1977, the proper City officials may charge $3.00 pex day per vehicle as a storage fee at the City' s impounding lot and a $3.00 per vehicle administrative fee. � COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler � Hozza [n Favor Hunt / Levine J __ Against By ` • Roedler �"99�1vester Tedesco � Adopted b ouncil: Date �AN 2 5 19 Form roved Cit t ey P � Ce ied Pa y Co ncil Secretasy BY sy Approve b A9ayor: Date ' �aN '6 Approve by Mayor for Submis ' t C�ncil By BY PUBLISHED �AN Z 9 � D E PA RT M E N T R. H. ROWAN CHIEF OF POLICE OF POLICE � C ITY 0 F ST. PAU L ������ � 101 E tOTH STREET ST PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 (61 2)-291-11 1 1 October 29, 1976 George A. Latimer Mayor of St. Paul 347 Courthouse Dear Mr. Latimer: This is a request to amend the ordinance pertaining to the release of impounded cars at our Impound Lot, 681 Barge Channel Road. This Special Revenue account is 34050, and is used for the purpose of impounding disabled and abandoned vehicles and releasing them to the proper owner, or disposing of them at auction or junk, if not released. This lot has been in operation since February 19, 1971 and the rate of $2.00 administration charge and $2.00 per day storage per vehicle has been charged since that time. The cost of operation and maintenance of this account has increased considerably over the years. A new building has been constructed by the Port Authority at the site and the operations were moved from the old mobile trailer on February 21, 1976. The following increases in costs have been realfzed since acquiring the new building for operations. 1977 Estimates Increase in Rent ($947.27 to $1,563.65 = $616.38 per month or $7,397 annually, Increase in Heatfng & Electricity ($3,200 less $900 in 1975) o�c $2,300 annually Increase in Salaries ($92,372 less $81,935 in 1975) $10,437 + .OS salary increase 1$ 0,959 annually Total increase of above items $20,656 To offset this cost of operations, it has been decided to increase the cost of administratfon to $3.00 per vehicle and the cost of storage to $3.00 per day. Incidentally, we have an agreement with West St. Paul (copy attached) whereby they can tow their impounded vehicles to our lot, and their charges are, likewise, $3.00 for administration and $3.00 per day storage. D.J. BLAKELY J.S. GRIFFIN R,F, LABATHE W.W. MCCUTCHEON DEPUTY CHIEF OF POLICE DEPUTV CHIEF OF POLICE DEPUTY CHIEF OF POLICE DEPUTY CHIEF OF POLICE PATROL DIVISION SERVICE DIVISION INVESTIGATIVE DIVISION AD MINISTRATIVE DIVISION O ������ George A. Latimer Page 2 of 2 October 29, 1976 With this increase in charges we could increase our revenue for operation by about $25,000 per year as follows: Estfmated number of cars released - 5,000. Administration income $5,000 Estimated storage income - 1975 actual $41,550 1976 estimate $40,200 50% increase of $40,200 $ 20,100 Total increase in revenue $ 25,100 There is also some discussion about the Finance Department charging fringe benefits of about 15% of total salaries to Special Revenue accounts, so if this should happen, about $14,500 of the increase would be used as operating costs, thus leaving a new deficit of about $10,000. Attached herewith is a 1977 budget projection for account 34050, plus the 1975 operating statements and the 9-month operating sta[ement for 1976 for your perusal of the operations. It is hoped that this amendment to the ordinance will become effective as soon as possible. Very truly yours, R ICHARD H. ROWAN Chief of Police ����11��'�r.. Wm. W: McCutcheon Deputy Chief RJC:eb Enc. � . � DAILY BULLETIP�1 ■ � �����`� � � ������. u r�� � �� ! � i SAiNT PAUL, I�Alfdi�ESOTA �5�41 DEAN MEREDITH R.H. ROWAN COMM13310NER OF PUBLIC SAFETV �500 HOURS FEB. 18 �TO- 1500 HOURS FEB. 19� 1971 CH16F OF P0610E � N 0 T I C E S ; NE�t�T�w�NG CON� T� RACTt \ AT 2400 HOURS ON FEB• 19♦ 1971� FRIOAY� A NEW TOWING CONTRACT GOES INTO EFFECT• THE CONTRACT TOWERS WiIL BES ZONE 1 DON�S ?OWIN(i� 1728 SELBV� 645-1325 2 DoN's Tow�nc. 1728 SE�sv, 646-2398 � 3 818HOP TOwING CO.� 524 LAFAYETTE, 224-3338 4 A►tT•s Tow�tu�� 2384 ENGLISH ST�i 484�7218 OR 484�7219 � � i THE CONTRACT PRICES FOR A NORIAAL TOW W1LL BES 6 � ZONE 1 =13•00 b 2.00s$15.00 � � ZONE 2 a13.00 b 2.00a$15•00 ZONE 3 $12.00 � 2•00�$14.00 ZONE 4 ;15•00 � 2.00+�17.00 THE TYVO DOItARS �2�00� IS AN ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGE• THE STORAGE W{LL REMAIN AT $2�00 PER DAY• � � � � ti • • � . ������ �1, (a t� i; E �t }� ��; `1' T�IlS rl(r�3.Ela�IL�TT , �lated �tli:is 29th d��,y c�:i' Jul_r� , 1�,7� , b�- �tnd be tiveeri ttie CI`.1'Y �"r' ��7�5'i' SAI�tT P�1lJL, til:inneso�,a, a mu.iicil��ll eoa°��oratiori or�;��.n:izecl �ind existin�� uricler_� the l�l��s o_E' Lhe S �ate of �I:int�esot;a, tie-r.ein�i ('i;er .r.e_['elrecl to as "ti�est S��ini; Pc-tul � " ai�cl t}ie CI'.L�Y UI�' SAlN`i' Y�lilL, I�I_i.�iti��sot��., c� nnrt7ici�ral cor��ora t i o�1 �oz•�;an i.ied ��ri�l ex� :; (;_i.ii�; i�ii,l�..r t}ie ] �lt��s o:l' t,lle St�a.t,e of i�l:irinesot�� , liereina:tter reI'e.rrecl to �.� "Git,�r, " jr'IT\ESSETH: IT IS MUTU�II�.,LY �1GItEED 13�.' A.�V7) .E31�;7.'1JEL;V �JLS`1' SAIN'1.' Y��tJl, E�ND C IT�' AS FOLLO��S : 1 . �l'i�.�,t Ltie Ci�ty he reby t;ranl;s to Wes t Sa:iut; P<�.0 L Lile . r:i�ht to clepos:i_ t t;Yiei.r i►n�i�uuded and �olice—t;otived vel�.ic.les in t,he CiL�-' s _impoui�.d:in� :Lot loc��t;ecl aL 6g1. Bar�e Cha,iinel Itoad. 2 , 'i'liat �the CiLy m��y ch�lr•�;e an acl►n:iuis tra.ti_ve 1'eF� of Thz-ee llolla.rs (��3. OU) per �C}1:L('.le ��ncl 7'li.ree Dol7ars (�;�3. 00� per c:iay ��er vehiele �zs �. s�l;vra�;e :fec; tc� owners and�or el�l�i.�n— an�t;s of ��ehicles de�iosil;e�l hereiz�.iclsr. The C_it,,y may �incrc�ase �ucl� i�ees , �.n :it:a CLLSGY'(` I�:LO►l� <�nct i. e s�acr� ac�: �.ol� is t�Lt;en t��; tlle C.i.ti•-, i t �r:i.l.:l f'urti:i�h �1 rev:i.5ed cli�ix•�;c� 1 i.s l; to Wes�t Sa:i.zit Pai��l . F'l�r�t}ier, t;tie Ci I,,y w=i L7. �c t as L}ie cc� 7. 1 �>c t;.ion ��;;�e.ri � i'c�r 1ti'e5 i, Saint P�itil oi sucti 1;o�a.i_ng char�;es ��.s jti'��:;t Sa i_ni. I'anl i,�ay cliar�;e �he osvners ��.rl�l�or c1 cl-iii�a�_its o.L' vel►-ic:1e� ��rc,ce:;sc.ci lieretln�lr>i•, t�ut, tt�f� C:i_ i:;5� :�i�.�ill. -i_uc�ir i�o li�.itli l .i.t,y to luc.si, -..-- , ' . � . ������ �ai.nL P�lii.) lor :,ric,i tow.i.r�� cti,� ���;e:, un L i :! 1►.Lyi�ienf; _i_5 �tc t,t.ia 1.:1y receivec! E'rorn sl�cli o�vriers �.r�d�ur c:L�:i.rn�iii�t;s . j. 7'liai; ��11 veh� c.l.es de.-L iverect to �Llie C:i-Ly by tiJe s�L �aint I'�Lla:l un.uer° I;Ii_is a,t,eeme.ri�, ��re lierel�y iv��rr�Lritecl l�y �les-L Saint P��.ul �L� }i�lve l�eE:r� ob i,aiiiei� iri accord�sric;e w:i Llz -l.he lazv, and t�e:: �, 5��.:i_iit P���.i_I a;;rees i�o liolii 1:iie Ci�i�y }�arrn:less rrom any a�i.�t �ill c:L�Lirz�s o-f' ottie _r• ��ai°I;ies r,o;icer.ni�ih tlie i;:i.�Ly ' s J�i•c�j�E�z• custody o:1' , dauiii��c; to , or mi.ss=in..; or l.ost ��rc�t�e.rLy i'i•om sticli vell icl.es �ls rle7 iv.:re�l to tt�.e Ci (;,y u�- Wes t S�i:iriL �'azi-L uncler• ttiis ag.ree►nent . 4. `1'li��. (; eitl�er• ��art-,y may terrniziale tliis a�;reeiveiit upoii tliix�l;y ( 30) c:it�ys ' ivri.l, l.;en not,ice o:f one �i;o Ll�e otlier, ar�.d sucii no�i;ice magr t�e w.i i�hc�ut; causE� ai�d res tinr oti Llte so:le , c] iscr•cL�io�l of e.i. l;her �iat�t-y. IN 1d1`I'l�I;SS jti'1]i;�tL01,, Llie I�ar. 1=i_e s lie re t;o h�ive se l, ttieir hands th�� ii��.te t':ir•s t, a��o�Te �vritten. CITY 0��' ��II+�S't' S�II.i�T P�1UI: �1�:��.;rove�_l 0.5 i;o I�'�:rm : �_ �� � �� A, t �.� '` ./-,�' lts Mayor j�Jest S• .irii, Pau:l Ci.t.S• L�i,or ,y � 'r . . �^�i�\.��. / i _ ��� �_js'.��!�,.17�� , 1 t-s City Manager c-t���� ur� s�� �:��:c 1�� r� � t11,��i•o�ed ...�; t;o I'or.��u : , �,,-----� �: 7,�'____ �_. ...._. r ! J� '!� � j' • I�IfI.�'O � �'� %j!� f /,' --.__---- :• _� r.• ,,' ` i � /� , // � ! -_ l c ; ' / !f � , - ..___ ...__ _____...�7 7G �\ . � . (, t l „ f1 ! i o r nc.,��_.�'__.____�_._ '._._.l) i �•e� - .�._ �'�1�i.►��I , /� �:, (yT /�,��,1•'.i.311���r�:• �tt�r' �i �rl;l,^t'r:��'tll, tiF?;' b ii�r�:; o� � . � � . � � . _ _ i 4 , • ' g ���,�� . Attac.hment B • � � � Towina and Storaqe Procedures _ Purpo.�e • � ' , � � To establish towing and storaqe procedures for the West St. Paul � Police Department wi.thin the guidelines of State Statutes and applicable West St. Paul City Ordinances . . � Authority: � State Statutes 471. 195, 471. 196 and 168B. 01 through 168B. 13 ; and , applicable West St. Paul City Ordinances . , City Impoundinq Lot: The City of St. Paul Impounding Lot is a Security Area. No one . including Police personnel will enter the lot without first signing in at the lot office and then only on official business. Only vehicles with a West St. Paul Recovery/Impoundment Report will , • be allowed into the lot (Vehicle Report) . Vehicles towed to the City Lot, and are not being held, can be released to the properly identified owner or his agent immediately. When the contract tower arrives at the City Lot, the driver will turn over to the clerk on duty the green copy of the Vehicle Report. The � clerk will physically inspect the vehicle against the report for accuracy and indicate same on the green copy of the Vehicle Report � by signature on the bottom line of the Recovery/Impound Report Section next to the "Recovered Value : " notation. The clerk will prepare a numbered invoice and give a copy to the contract driver. The four copy invoice form is logged into Lhe City Lot Log Book . This Log Book i:s a listing of all vehicles entering the lot, the charges and final disposition. The origirial invoice copy is maintained at the lot until final disposition. The third ' � copy is given to the vehicle owner or his agent upon release. The cardboard invoice copy is given to the accountant each day � Vrhen a vehicle is to be released to the properly identified owner or his agent, this party and the clerk will inspect the vehicle and note on the invoice any comments . The owner will pay the fees, sign the invoice and at this time the vehicle will be removed from the lot. • . , . , Page 2 � , • • � � Vehicl•es on HOLD will be cleared f:or release by the West St. Paul � Police Department before it can be removed from the lot. • ����'�ay No one is allowed to remove anything from any vehicle except � personal items , or to perform any mechanical work until the vehicle � ' is released. Any personal items removed will be noted on the � � ' invoice . Any property of value found in any vehicle will be re- ' moved and turned into the West St. Paul Police Department for proper disposition. � A. Vehicles on HOLD are an exception to the above. � . Any questions about a HOLD vehicle will be � directed to the West St. Paul Police Department. , , The lot clerk will prepare lists of vehicles to be scrapped or auctioned. These lists will be verified by computer for clearances . The lot clerk will prepare a daily list of all vehicles that have actually left the lot by scrapping, auction or release to owners . This list will be given to the Hot Desk for clearing the computer. The yard man at the City Lot will, before any vehicle is auctioned , � or scrapped, remove the license plates , search the glove box, trunk and under the seats for anything of value . If anything is found, it will be turned into the West St. Paul Police Department under the original C. F . number. The City Lot is a 24-hour operation,. phone ext. 353, and is located at 681 South Barge Channel Road. Signs are posted on Concord to indicate the lot location. . � In the event the owner of an impounded vehicle or his agent makes a complaint regarding damage to his vehicle or alleges theft of property off of or from sa�d vehicle at time of his recovering same . from the Impound Lot, Impounding Lot personnel will note same across face of report copy they have, and also make a detailed, comprehensive Supplemental Report under the original C. F. Number. � � This Supplemental Report will be made out as soon as complaint is received and submitted for normal report processing to the West St. Paul Police Department. � , Eliqible Vehicles : Those vehicles , in accordance with State Statute 168B, that are � held for a period in excess of 15 days become eligible for sale at a public auction. The policy of the St. Paul Police Department � - . � f � ._ ' • 'Page 3 s� / ' • y �� � • � �� is to auction vehicles held for a period exceeding 30 days . After 30 days a list of all eligible West St. Paul towed vehicles ' • will be compiled containing the year, make, model, license plate � ' � number, calor and V.I .N. A copy of the liGt will be given to the • � West St. Paul Police Department to verify and check for "police hold. " A computer print out sheet received from the Auto Registration ' Section at the Highway Department will be examined to determine if there is any first seeured party or lien holder. In the event there' is, the Impound Lot personnel will notify said party of the im- � poundment and invite said party to exercise their property interest by payment of all charges owin�g against the impounded vehicle . � Charqes • • The Impounding Lot personnel will be responsible to collect three dollars ($3 .00) admin�stration costs ; three dollars ($3 .00) per " day storage fee and such towing costs as agreed upon between the City of West St. Paul and their contracted tower. , The City of St . Paul wiTl pay to the City of West St. Paul all money aollected for towing of West St. Paul Police Department tows . It will be the responsibility of the City of West St. Paul to reimburse their contracted towing company. All monies collected at the Impound Lot in excess of the contracted towing costs will be retained by the City of St. Paul to defray � costs of .maintenance and operation of the Impounding Lot. - .