268446 WHITE - C�TV CLERf( COUIICII ����v PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAiT L � CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. o il Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Board of Water Commissioners and the City of Saint Paul acquired easement rights for a water conduit over certain property, including over a portion of Lot 21 , Block 2 , Borup and Payne ' s Addition to Saint Paul , Ramsey County, Minnesota, by reason of that certain plat of right of way filed by the Saint Paul Water Company, filed July 7 , 1869, in the Office of the Ramsey County Recorder, and also in the Board of Water Commissioners right of way maps to the year 1883; and WHEREAS, The said water conduit over a portion of Lot 21 , Block 2 , Borup and Payne 's Addition to Saint Paul was discontinued by the Board of Water Commissioners and the easement rights so acc{uired are no longer needed for any other public purpose; and WHEREAS, The Board of Commissioners did adopt its resolution abandoning and releasing the said easement rights , and the said Board has rec{uested that the City Council concur in such abandon- ment ; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby concur in the actions taken by the Board of Water Com- missioners of the City of Saint Paul , and does hereby declare that the easement for water conduit purposes heretofore acquired by the Board and City be and is hereby abandoned and released forever. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays _ Requested by Department of: Butler Saint Paul Water Utility Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine Against BY Roedler lmer A. Huset �� General Manager Tedesco Adopted b uncil: ate JAN 2 5 � Form Approved by City Attorney Cert ed Pass � Coun 1 Secretary � BY � Y �' A ro Ma or for b issibn to Council Approve Mayor. Dat �A� 2��7 �9� PP Y Y By BY �UBLISHED ,�AN Z 9 �977 2622 CITY OF ST. PAUL ;,Na_, OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS ��17�� .L-� RESOLUTION —GENfRAI FORM PRESENTED BY ��� ���ba" �� iq76 COMMISSIONER DATE �1'�CJVL� IINBRBAS, ?he Board o� 1lat�r ��aissioaars and tb� City of 8aint Paul acquirsd �as�'�nt r! hts for � ras�r conduit ov��r certain propertr, iatludiag o��r a port�o� of Lot 21� Block x, sosup and Parat's Addition te► Saint P�ul, Aaas�r Couaty. Miaa�sota� br r�ason o! that certain plat ot ri$bt ot ray filed br tb� Sai�t �aui Mater Co�paar, tiled Juir 7. 1�6! in the Of�'ic• o! th� Rus�y County Reeordes, and al�o in tA� Doar� ot Mat�r Coa'iasioners ri�hE o! �►a�r ■sps to the r�ar liiS; and MHERBAS, ?h� ssid xat�r coaduit oves a portion of Lot Z1, D2ock 2, Eorup and Payn�'s AdditioA to saiat Padl Mas diseont:in�ed br th� noard of Mat�r Couission�ss �nd the �as���a�E si�hts so scquirsd ar� no looj�r a��d�d for any oth�r public purpos�; nou, tbes�fore, b• it RH80LV8D, ?hat ths Doard of Mat�r Couissi+�ns�s do D�s�Hr d�clar� that th� �asosent for wat+er conduit purpos�s h�s�tofore scqufrsd by tbe •aid Eoa=d b� and is b�r�br ab�ndon�el and r�1�as�d forev�r, snd the Conncil of tD� City o� Saint Paul is h�s�br r�quest�d Lo adopt its r�sol�tion concusrin� in this d�clar�tiom o! �bandon��nt. Water Commissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas Nays Hunt ��� _ D�catbear 29 19=76 Sylvester Yica I�resiaant Tho�np.on In favor�— Opposed � SECY. �.'['. ' t3M 01., I2J1975 Rev. : 9/8�'�6 �� . . . . � ' � � � -. . EXPLANATI�Ai 0�` A�MINTSTRATiVE ORDERS, � h' �J RESC3LUTIONS, AND ORDINAI�CES Y�/�c,� - � D$te: January 7� 197? �°`�v�� TO;. MAYOR GEt3RGE LATIMER _ FR: Elmer A. Huset� General Manager-Saint Paul Water Utility " RE: Council Resolution for Basement Abandonment � AG"tlQ�t RE4L�'ESTED: � Action will rel�ase all ea.sement rights held by Board of Water Com�nissioners and Cifip of $aint Paul on Lot 21� Block 2� Borup and Payne*s Addition to Saint Paul. PUR�'t3SE A�tD RATT4�TALE F4�t THIS ACTION: The easement is no Ionger required for conveyance of a water supply ar any ,_ other public purpose. •� • �� �iTTACHMENTS: 1.) Board Resolution No. 2622 - 2.) Proposed Cotmcil Resolution � ..--- � ` � �