268431 WH17E - CITV CLERK COURCII J • PINK - FINANCE � CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL r�`r�� . BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ' i esolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date itESOLVED, That p�tsu�nf� to Minnesats S�atutes 471.39, �omonly r�tesred to �m the �Joint Yv�iers A�t", �he propsr City oifiaiala are hmr4by au�horissd •�d diract�d to ezecats the attached joiat purahssiag agreNent with the Ci�� of O�kd�le, Misaeaota, seid sgreement providing fcnt the joint puraha�e of equip�ent, material, and suppliss as aeeded, a ac�pq of said agrsesent to be kept on lile and of r�card in the Deper�at ot Finaaa� �nd M�uagemsat Serviaes. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of: Butler J Pt8C1lASING DIYISI�i Hozza [n Favor Hunt ����C-�.t Levine o __ Against BY Roedler S�es#eL �ec�es �N � � t9� Form rove i rne Adopted Council: Date � C ified Yass y Co cil Secralary BY sy Appro e Mayor: Da e N 2'4 19 Appro e by Mayor for Subm' io o uncil By BY PUBUSNEO ,!4N 2 9 1977 QM Ol: I2/I�75 , Rev. : 9/'8/76 � ' EXPLANATIO�t 4F" ADMINISTRATIVE QRI7ERS, � . RESOLUTI4NS, AND ORDINANCES � � ���� Date: ��7 14, 1977 Tp; MAYQR GEORGE LATIMER FR: iilLt�lt s. !!�� ?�SIl�6 �i' RE: Jeinit �sisg fsre��r b�we� tba► d.�r �� St. lrtr�., �s� � ��l 1t.� �i�.�► 0# �rrl�le, �di�t. ACTION RE�UESTED: �t�1.�e �his �g�te�at. PURPOSE AND RATIONAL�� FOR THTS ACTIQN: Miwteso�a St�tues 471.59 �it�tes �� �mi�sipslitias �tt �►a sissed agteeya�s�in fet�e be�ssn �he t�ro before ane �iea�ii� csa �ae t6e bida ot r.�a �h�c. ATTACIi1�ENTS: co�tl R�a�s.�.o�i«s Joias �prc#r�si�g Lgr��at, Cit� o! A�le Ca,�,� - '� ,�'*'''r�"� � �� . :, f . • , . � � � . �6843� " JOINT PURCHASING AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul, procures for other agencies through competitive bidding, various supplies , . commodities and equipment , which are then ordered by or for the agencies by appropriate methods; WHEREAS , the State Legislature by Minnesota Statutes . 1969, Section 471.59, has authorized the State and it's political subdivisions to enter into agreements to exercise jointly the governmental powers and functions each has in- dividually; Wf�REAS, the City of St. Paul and the City of Oakdale wish to combine their pur.chasing functions as is specifically provided below so that the City of Oakdale may avail itself of the prices which have been agreed upon by the City of St. Paul and its vendor. ' . Tf�REFORE, it is the purpose of this agreement to make . � available to the City of Oakdale certain commodities . at the prices and tenns as are available to the City of St. Paul under contracts entered into under competitive bidding. IT IS AGREED that if the City of Oakdale chooses to buy from any such City of St. Paul contracts , it shall purchase . all of its requirements for the above commodities as they arise by placing purchase orders against such City of St. Paul contracts for the commodies stated, in accordance with all conditions, . terms, specifications, and prices stated in such contracts. Orders shall be issued by the City of Oakdale , in accordance with its regularly authorized purchasing pro- cedure. The City of St. Paul contract number shall be shown on the purchase order. � The City of Oakdale shall make payment directly to the vendor in accordance with it' s established procedures. Neither the City of St. Paul nor its purchasing agent, \personally or officially, shall assume an�t responsibility for the account- atiility of funds expended hereunder by the City of 0akdale , or the issuance or non-issuance of any purchase order by the City of Oakdale. Each party shall separately be accountable for its own expenditures of public funds made hereunder. Both parties hereto agree to save and hold each other harmless frcm any loss or damage for any reason arising from this agreement. - CITY OF OAKDALE . CITY OF ST. PAUL � . , By�y�� �, BY � Title Title ayor . Date_��, .�O_ /��'6 $y . r • Title Director, Dept. of � Finance. and Management AP D O ORM Services c Assistant ity Att ey . ' . �*,�" , „ , _ . :. , _ �,.. .,; � ' - - � ���� JOINT PURCHASING AGREEMENT - WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul, procures for other agencies through competitive. bidding, various supplies, � commodities and equipment, which are then ordered by or for the agencies by appropriate methods; _ WHEREAS, the State Legislature by Minnesota Statutes 1969, Section 471.59, has authorized the State and it's political subdivisions to,enter into .agreements to exercise jointly the governmental powers and functions each has in- . - dividually; WHEREAS, the City af St. Paul and the City of Oakdale wish to cqmbine their purchasing functions as is specifically provided below so that the C�ty of Oakdale may avail itself of the prices which have been agreed upon by the City. of St. Paul and its vendor. � • THEREFORE, it is the:purpose of this agreement to make available to the City of 0akdale certain commodities at the . prices and terms as are available to the City of St. Paul under contracts entered into under competitive bidding. IT IS AGREED that if the City of Oakdale chooses to buy - from any such City of St. Paul .contracts, it shall purchase . all of its requirements` for the above commodities as they _ -. arise by placing purchase orders against such City of St. Paul contracts for _the commodies stated, in accordance with all conditions, terms, specifications, and prices stated in ` such contracts. drders shall be issued by the City of Oakdale - in accordance with its regularly authorized purchasing pro- � cedure. The City of St. Paul contract numb�r shall be shown on the purchase order. � ' The City of Oakdale shall make payment directly to the �� vendor; in accordance with it's established procedures. Neither � , . the City of St. Paul ,rior its purchasing agent, personally or -. officially, shall assume anX responsibility for the account- ability_ of funds expended hereunder by the City of Oakdale, or the issuance or non-issuance of any purchase order by the City � �-� . of Oakdale. Each party shall separately be accountable for _ its own expenditures. 4f public funds made hereunder. Both� � parties hereto agree to save and hold each other harmless from � any loss or damage for any reason arising from this agreement, . .: - - - . � _1 _ � C ITY OF OAKDALE ,'. . . C ITY OF ST. PAUL � � : ` ._ By��.��u d�:. � gY ., . � ,. = • Title `- . ' . . _ � Mayor . �- .. , Title - ' : Date��, �o_ /9�'6_ ��;._._ � � . . . _ � ��` � Title` -� `Di�ector, Dept. of - . �. . . - _ .i _ � � � � • _ - . -. Finance and Management . D O � - Services . �.. � _ � � . . . .. ` � . Assistant ity Attor ey . , - . � . _ ; . .�.. , . . . . �.� � � • �; ' , - . . . . .. . . - . .4' .,.s t'. - • . . .