268430 WHITE - CITV CLERK � ������ . PINK - FINANCE COUf1C11 CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAUL � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. o ci Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � RESOLVED, That pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 471.39, ao�aocilq reterred to as the "Joint Pawers Act", tha prop.r Ci�y oftiQials are hsreby suthorised and direated to szoQUte ths attached 3aia� purahasing agre�nt with the CiCq of Oak Pa�k HsiAhts, Minuas�, seid agre�ment providfng �or tha joiat purahas• o! equip�ent, aaterisl, and sapplies as needed, e copy o! said agree�nt tc bs k�pt on tile aad o! racoYd ia the Depar�mea� of Fin�ance aad Mansgemant Ssrvices. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler .� 2t11ZC1l�l3ItTG DIVI3Il�t Hozza [n Favor . Hunt �� � Levine _��__ Against BY Roedler �� �� JA� 2;0 '9� Form pproved b City t or y Adopted ouncil: Date � C �fied Pas e Council Secretary / BY By Appro il�lavor: Date ' 77 Approv d Mayor for Su is ion to Co`uncil By BY �UBLiSHED ,AN Z 9 1977 � OM 01,: 12/397°5 Re�. : 9/8/76 � EXPLANATIQN 4F ADM,I1�tISTRATTVE ORDERS, � R�SOL IONS, AND f�RDINANCE5 Date: .Tito�t� 1�►, 1977 ., � , TO:. MAYOR GEORGE LATIi�'l,ER , FR: YI3i.� g. 1S�!!, P�S'� l�i � gE: Joiat �siag �g�teeMSlt 1ta^I�e� �e tYt1 �f t�dt �IIIrk tat�e�� �s+� . +�sd t6e Ci�j of St. lMa�.. M3.noes�E�. " ACTIQN REQUESTED: .., .,. ��i�r37aC 'thi�ek �Ste�est. _ FURPQSE AND RATZONALE FQR .THIS ACTION: l�t�ta S�a�s �►71.�9 slestes t4rNt l�uaiei�lities aos� i� ' sig�d �gt�s ia !`e�rs�r �� tha t�o bs�c� o�e rmi�ipn�ity , cas we ltha bids of t@� ai�beq�. , ATTACHMENTS. Co�atsil l�as��i� Jei� 2�at�siog lgre�at�, I�ityr of 0�1c 1°ltrk �i�ts (cra�e crrigiw�l, �s aop7►)• � r . � � JO INT PURCHAS ING AGREEMII�TT ��� . THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this day of , 197 , by and between the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, Ramsey County, Minnesota, and the CITY OF OAK PARK HEIGHTS, Washington County, Minnesota; WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul and the City of Oak Park Heights, pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 471.59, are authorized to enter into agreements to exercise jointly the governmental powers and functions each has individually; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul and the City of Oak Park Heights desire to combine their purchasing functions for the purchase of equipment, materials and supplies in order to secure more favorable prices . NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREED by and between the parties hereto as follows, to-wit: 1. That the City of Saint Paul shall pursuant to the procedures set forth in the Saint Paul City Charter and applicable State Statutes make joint purchases for both the City of Oak Park Heights and the City of Saint Paul of whatever same or similar equipment, materials and supplies are authorized and requested by both the City of Saint Paul and the City of Oak Park Heights . 2 . Each party shall make payment directly to the vendor according to established procedures . 3. Neither party shall assume any responsibility for the accountability of fiinds expended by the other or the issuance of a purchase order by the other party. � _ . .r i r ,''�.� . . . . _ . _ _ . . . . . . . - - � -. � ;..,f�• . . � . . � . t '. . .. • .�� �` +� y � ���� � � ~ ..l:� .�t."..." . �tx.� � <.y� 4 . Each party shall be separately accountable for its own expenditures of public funds made hereunder . 5. After bids have been received by the purchasing department of the City of Saint Paul and awarded, each party shall enter into its own separate contract or agreement with the vendor . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Saint Paul and the City of Oak Park' Heights have executed this. agreement the day and year first above written. : - - CITY OF OAK PARK HEIGHTS . CITY OF SAINT P � . � gY� By / � M or � � , Department of Finance and � Management Services A�proved as to form: � Assistan City At rney . . • ' ��. . -2- . ;. ��;'; `� . �