268428 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUflCll ���. B��E �MA Ac� E GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. CANARV - DEPARTMENT .I � � ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul , that the Budget for the 1974 and the 1975 Capital improvement Program, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council , is hereby further amended in the following particulars: Transfer $292,200 from the 1974 W.P.A. fund project S-0460DIB St. Anthony Park Storm Sew�er - Ste11a St. to the projects: a. S-1579 VICTORIA ST.-Lafond to Van Buren $ 23,800 b. S-1596 Sewage Lift Station Rehab Program 27,000 C. S-143861 Maria Third Storm System 65,000 d. 5-1590 Tile Sewer Repairs 141 ,000 e. S-1595 ARLINGTON AVE.-Kennard to White Bear 35,400 Transfer $277,500 in the 1975 W.P.A. fund to the project 77-S-0460DIB St. Anthony Park - Stella St. from the following projects: a, S-13216 Cherokee-Ottawa 20,000 b. S-1262 - Carroll Mackubin 80,000 c. S-0460G3B - Bayless CrortnMell 90,000 d. S-1501 - Beaver Lake 25,000 a. S-Og71A - St. Anthony Hill 62,500 ResultiAg tn the foilowing ftnancing: Approved Amended Fi�ancing Change Financing S-1579 VICTORIA ST.-LaFond to Van Buren 1974 WPA Bonds -�- +23.800 23,800 � Tota1 ' ° +� � Z ,800 S-1596 - SEWAC� LIFT STATIt)N REHABILtTATION PROGRAM Sewer Repair Fund 30,000 -0- 30,000 197� WPA 9o�ds -0- +27,000 27,OQ0 Tota} 3�� �'� � 5-1435 e1 - HARIA TH,IRD STORM SYSTEM 1974 wPA Bo�rds: 161 .000 +65,000 226.000 Tota,�, w161 �000 *6- 5�,�0_0 226�000 �..�. . . . v. _:, .__ , .. ___ _, _._ ., ,, _ - cont. next_page COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of; Butler ` Pub ic Wo�ks �- , Hozza [n FaVpr Hunt Levine � � Against BY � "�toedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by C'ty A tomey Adopt€d by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary ; BY . ay- ` Apptoved by iVlayor: Date ' App ved by Mayor for S mi sion to Council By BY , _ . \ _ , W M I 7 E - C I T V C L ER K � ���I1�`C�� .:. PINK ! FINANCE COUIICII M� CANARV�- DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L BL� -MAYpR File NO• ` Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date (Page 2) Approved Amended Financing Change Financing � S-1590 TILE SEWER REPAIRS C� various locations ' � � +� 1974 WPA Bonds -0- +141 000 141 000 � Tota 1 +1 +�1 ,0 1�+1,000 � S-1595 ARLINGTON AVE. - Kennard Ave. to White Bear Ave. �'� A 1974 WPA Bonds -0- + 3�,400 ��,400 �, . Total + 400 4U0 „ � S-1�21 B CHEROKEE - OTTAWA STORM SYSTEM Assessments 48,400 -0- 48,4U0 0 � 1975 WPA Bonds 459,820 -20,000 439,820 �, �, Truck Highway 60,600 -0- 60,600 � � Total 65 8,820 -20,000 � � . � S-1262 - CARROLL-MACKUBI1�tELiEF AREA . Assessments f 98,500 -o- 98,500 1975 WPA Bonds 250,000 -80.000 170,000 Tota 1 �8 00 -�0,000 268 ,''�00 � S-0460G36 BIKYLESS CROMWELL STORM SYSTEM � 1975 WPA Bonds 190,338.99 -90,000 100,338.99 ' �` Assessments 52,000,00 -0- 52,000.00 � � Tota 1 242�8s� -�0 000 1 2 8. ''� � S-1501 BEAVER LAKE RELIEF SYSTEM � `� .� Assessments 23,200 -0- 23,200 `~ � � 1975 W PA Bond s 1 so,o00 -25,000 165,000 0 � a�i � �s � Total 213,200 -25,000 188,200 � � � S-0971A ST. ANTHONY HILL � �+ � 1973 WPA Bonds 296,000 -0- 296,000 b ua � 1975 WPA Bonds 1 ,243,497 -62,500 1,180,997 ° � � 1977 WPA Bonds 2,356,300 -�- 2 6 00 • � Tota 1 8 �' 7 -'-.5�(� 3i 3�297 � ,�`�� � 3he net change to the 1974 and 1975 WPA funds is zero. � COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: � Yeas Nays Butler � Pub 1 i c Works—��"r �,� Hozza In Favor � Hunt � Levine __ Against BY Rcedler �� —�e�es �AI� Z�� t9n Form Approved by C'ty Attorney Adopte Council: Date C ified Pas y C ecretary BY By ' JAN 2�4 Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to Council Appro d y IVlayor: D t By BY _,, PuBtisHF� ,lAN 2 9 1917 . � �. . .�;�:... " Cz�•�r or� �.�Ll�r r� �"�.v�� �/ ��;: �Y� ._.�`•.� �'- OJ�'k'ICE OF '1'F1f�; CITY COti1�IL ����� �� �; .:•: "�ii r:� ';=? �� ��� � ._ :i��' �+s�`� . -:z��,,� Do t e . January 17, 1977 - _ t.s O t�1f�.��'� i�� � � � ��i � � �1 � �� ` -.._ TC3 ; - Sa�;�'r Paut ��f� Cou�cii_. : �R O r�,� = C O��i'l fiT i?i e E' t?f� FI NANCE, MANAGEMENT AlVD PERSONNEL : ROSALIE BUTLER , choirman, makes ihe fotto�•�ing . report on C.F. C] Ordinance � Resotution '- � Other � � � 1-� � Resolution transferring 1974 Bond Funds � to 1976-1977 Sewer Projects. - � - The Committee today recot�nended approval of the above resolution. CITY F:ALL SE1r'Ei[YTEI FLOO;? SE4tItiT PAUL, Dti`;:�SOT:1 SSIO� �' � � r�r� oi; l2/z��� �� �. - . ` --Y � ��v.�• �/$,�7� ; - XPLANATION OF 'ADMI TSTFtATS�TE OR ERS,, ....� ' . : ,i ,::, RE OLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES � � # � _ ; 1': �� ,. . .. t: . � . . , , , ; > . - . �; � , . , : . Date: Na�nber-3A, 1976 ' . , '� , , , I � , �p; MAS�OR GEO GE LATIMER : FR� P�1 ic, aorks . ; . �� Rawis3ons �0 1974 and 1975 4later Poil�tia�,Abate�ent� F�nd , . � : � - . �_ ACT�ON REQU�STE : App�aval of sttac d reaotattoa for sub�ni.ssi.on to City Cca�us�cil"� . � x ?� � .�s�It�, �- � �17G�► I.f��� a�1i�, �. ��� z� �� �:x . �� w�; � ' a�Q . : �. ���- �� �� .���. � �''����. _ �:. - . PU�?SE AND k�iTIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: _ ; To f�nd �r coe�s�r�rctlan pro}ects p�avicws}y ap�rcivad b+y City Coue�ctl . - _ >a _ : , , t �. , _ � _ ; ,:,. : , ; _ ; ,. . , , , y: .. , , .AT��CHMENTS r �� . , � : � , �� Ca�ncil r�solutton . : ,.,,, J '"''� � � � ' �` - , , � " _ ,. .. � . . . . , : . . ;, .. . : . >� ; � . �•< � ' ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DANIEL J. DUNFORD November 29, 197b DIRECTOR Richard E, Schroeder Budget Di�ector Room �65, City Hall Dear Mr. Schroeder: The Department of Public Works requests your approval of the following changes in the 1974 Water Potlution Abatement Fund: Transfer $292,200.00 from the 1974 W. P.A, fund project S-0460 DIB St. Anthony Park Storm Sewer - Stella St. to the projects: a. 5-1579 VICTORIA ST. - Laf ond to Van Buren $23,800 b. S-1596 Sewage Lift Station Rehab Program 27,000 c. S-1438B1 Maria Third Storm System 65,000 d. S-1590 Tile Sewer Repairs 141 ,000 e. S-1595 ARLINGTON AVE. - Kennard to White Bear 35,400 Each of the above projects were included in programs presented and approved by the CIB Task Force. Transfer $277,500.00 in the 1975 W.P.A, fund to the project 77-S-0460 DIB St. Anthony Park - Stella St. from the following projects: a. S-1321B Cherokee - Ottawa 20,000. b. S-1262 - Carroll Mackubin 80,000. c. S-0460G36 - Bayless Cromwell g0,000. d. S-1501 - Beaver Lake 25,000, e, S-0971A - St, Anthony Hill 62;gf30, Very truly yours, �Gz�ut�� - Daniel J. Dunford JJE/i s cc: Kent Schonberger Jim Schwartz John Eichinger 234 City Hal.l, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 �:s