268426 ,.. WNI7E - CITY CLERK COl1RC11 ���:P.�,� PINK - FINANCE GIT OF SAINT PALTL CANARV - OEPARTMENT � BLUEr_ -MAYOR File NO. � - C n l e ution , Presented By Referred To C mittee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS� Mrs. Danelia Savino had ma.de an application, No. P 11959, for a game room license pursuant to Sections 412.08- . 13 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, for the premises at 959 Payne Avenue, Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, a hearing was held on said application before the License Committee of the City Council on January 12 and 14, 1977, at which the applicant appeared and was represented by counsel, Milton DeJesus; and WHEREAS, testimony was received from Russell Boogren, Glen Hanggi, Lloyd Hansen, Earl Anderson, John Gert.en, Joseph F. Carchedi, License Inspector; Clem Tucker, Ma.rilyn Baeker, Mrs. Danelia Savino, James Cusick, and Theodore Lyo�ns; to- gether with letters, exhibits, photographs and other documentary evidence; and WHEREAS, the evidence established that the ext,erior of the premises to be licensed was boarded up and in an unsightly condition; that the young people frequenting the establishment were responsible for some vandalism and littering i.n the neighbor- ing areas, and for blocking pedestrian traffic outside the establishment; that the applicant employed off-duty police officers to ma.intain order inside the establishment on Fridays and Saturdays, and that such officers on occasion have gone outside to ma.intain good order; that the back door of the establishment can be opened by and used for an entrance with the assistance of persons inside and can be used as an exit; and WHEREAS, the evidence indicated that problems do exist in the neighborhood of the game room, and there is some indication � of a link between the game room and the problems, but that this COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor Hozza ' Hunt Levine _ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Appro ed by City A orne Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By- Approved by iNayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITV CLERK 'j�����6 PINK - FINANCE � COUIICII f �O' '� � CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SA�INT PAZTL � BLUE�, - MAVOR File NO. � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date does not rise to the level of clearly and convincingly establish- ing that the game room constitutes a public nuisance; and WHEREAS, the License Coctunittee recommended, after hearing the evidence and arguments of counsel and a representative of the neighbors, by a unanimous vote, that the license be renewed subject to two conditions, as stated below in the Further Resolved clause; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that Application P 11959 for a game room license for the premises at 959 Payne Avenue in Saint Paul is hereby granted subject to two conditions; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the two conditions under which the license is granted are: 1. That the licensee, Mrs. Danelia Savino, must remove the boards and plywood around the front and side of the licensed establishment, and replace it with window glass, and otherwise restore the exterior of the premises to a decent condition, all to be done within a reasonable time; and 2. That the licensee immediatel�r install and keep in good working order the type of "crash" or 'fire" exit equipment at the rear door of the licensed premises that permits egress in the case of emergency, but that when used, sounds an alarm so that any non-emergency use can be detected and stopped. COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays /` Requested by Department of: Butler j�� Hozza In Favor Hunt 7 �� __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco JAN 1 8 197T Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted ouncil: Date ified Pas y C ecretary BY B Approve Mayor: Date a�N 2�� 4 f Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY FUBLISHED !AN 2 9 �977