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WHI7E - CITV CLERK COURCII ����� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAI�NT PAUL CANARV - DEPARTMENT C. �'�: BLUE - MAVOR � Flle NO• RETEJRtt COPY TO VAI,UAT� HURFAU Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date W'�EAS� the City Valuation Eagineer, aeting pursuant to Final Order, Ccruaci]. File #2�7249, dated l�y 2s, 1976, reccaam�nends th�t the Ci�y purehase an ea�eaent fbr poa�ding p�rpc��es aeces�ary for t�e Lenc�ac-Wildvie� p�o�ect aver the property described in the legal dea�cription att�selsed hereto and ir�- corpa�ated hereia by reference; For the sum of IQineteen Thc��a.nd Fo�ar �ed dollars ($i9�4(�), said eum beittg a Pair $nd r�.soz�ble price far t� sub�ect prc�perty according to the Gity Valuatio� Engineer; nc�ar, theret'ore, be it RESOLV�, tl�at th� Cowzeil of the City o� Saint Paul does hereby autho�ize the purct�sse oP t2ye atta.ehed de�cribed land; and be it FURTI�.R RPSOLVID, t2�t t#ie praper City offic3als are horeby authorized and cii.reeted to p�,y to I,eonard W. and Dia�a x. 1�6►.kens, reeord fee a�rners, the s�m of $19,�00. The conditiaa�s oF said sale are as ahv�ra on tbe Memorandun ori Sale of Rea1 Estate dated December 15, 1976, which ie attached hereto and inecorpora�ed herein by refer�ace. 0� said sum, $9,150 to be pe�id fro� PIl3 l�d 600�0-?1i-400 (L-&XXi), to be reimbur�ed Pro�m 1975 Publie 7�rvv�meut Aid Fluids aaci $10i250 is to be pstid f`�o� PIR �i 60�00-711-000 (L-�(3�-]3�►hich will be re3,�ursed by asaess��, the pa�ym��t to be made upon the City being f'urniahed evidence o�' gaod and marketable title in the aforeaaid vendors, and tY�e total paymeat to be made upon teader by said partiee of appropa.^iate deed:s coaveying title to aaid praperty to the City of 8t. Pa.ul. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler � In Favor F�gce & I� ement Serrri��a � Hozza �J� Hunt '��+�+� '� __ Against By DireCtc� Roedler Sylvester Ted J�1N 1 8 19TT Form Approved b Cit Atto ey Adopt y Council: Date rtified Pass y Co SeecetarY BY v c � 1977 Appro y 19ayor. te N 2�4 Appro by Mayor for Subm' io to ouncil gy By PUBLISHED !AN 2 9 1977 � OM O1z 12�1975 �.�� . ..-� Rev. : 9/8/76 --` - --- EXPLA�'�iAT24N OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, RE50LIITTONS, AND ORDZNANCES ����' Date: Decesber 23, 1qT6 �p; MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER J. �im. Dan�vsn V�lBation S inser Ext. 5317 D rtaeat o!' Fi�nca 8e li�nRg�e� .�R: � �6 � { ) � . 3e�iess RE: I.�aoa�lild�riew Cipe�.ng . Psrcel Kc. l - I�keas 70 Leec�x Ave., st. Paul., i�fian. 55119 � .ACTIDN RE4UESTED: . . A�quisition of one of t�ncee parcel� �'or the stc�ra ae�rer posd aed acqui�sitiau� of , land tcaac atreet oper�ing a$ shv�na caa atfi�ached �p. Coad3.�ioaa of eale a$ shc�wn os att��hed M�aore�nd� of Sale c�f R�e►1 Bst.a.te. Pt1RPO5E AND �tATIONAI,E FOR THIS ACTION: Par��se autharized by Fine�l Order, Cc�tucil File ]ic: 267�49, ac�opted D1�.T 2�, 19Ff6• Acquisition of poadi�g �sement in the amo�nt of $9,15� to be pek3d fra■ PIEt Ftimd �i0000-711-4Q0 (L-8�06) to be reiabur�d tsam 19'T5 Pfsbli�'?,s�ramsaeat Aid F+�da, and $10,2g0 ta be p�id �'rami PIR �'wzc]. 60�04-711-�00 (I,-8006�1�►hich xill l�e re- iabnrsed by a�asesaments. R E � �l � �� ATTACHMENTS: ��A � 3 1977 1. l�p � � Y . 2. t�eaorandun on Sa1e o� Rea1 r�atate (��-. AT RNEY 3• E�se�ents Description ' 4. Conaail Reeoluticm � .-- � � � � � , . . . (C (� � ������ L��rox - «LD�n r;a - �s lo.r r Ease�erts Descriatio::s - bial:ens ?c.r�P1 '1;0. 1 ' Per��Qnt eases�ent for street nurposes on, over, and a�ross tne ?oL��ring d�scrioed land; tha� �aart o� Lo:s 2, 3, ar.d �, �l.ock 9, Burlir_�t4� Hei�hts Division t�o. 1, l�in� sout�*eriy oi a curve co�cave to the nar�h hatr r_g a radi�as �.f 300 fee� and ppssing tarouoh a �oint on t�e t?oxt:Z- � eas�cerly line of said Lo� � dist��.t 8 feet nortY�:�rester�y of the nost easterly corr?er of said Lot �+ an3 a tioint on the south*.�ester�line of said Lot 2 distant 2.U5�eet son�he?.st of the most zrest�rl5 coraer af said Lot 2. - Except that par�t taken for street easem�a.. A pex�a�ent eas��ent Por gondi,n� purp�ses on, a�er a.�d across Lots 1 and 2, Block 9, Bu.rlin�ton Hei�h�s Division No. I.. - . A perman�nt easement for se^�rer pux-poses over and across : _ the �ollo*:ring �escri.bed 1?nd� �cevt that ��r� �aken for strae� easenent, the nortlr�resterly ten fe�� of Lot Three, Block 9, Buxlington Hei�hta Di rtsi�n,No. 1, Farc�i ���To. 2 A per�tanent easement for street pt.zr�oses on, o�rer and acr�ss the fo?lo;�ing described land; All of L�ts 17 �.n�3 18, B'._oc'_� 9, B�rlir.Qton Heioh.ts Divisian �to, l, lyino s�u�harl� of the follaw-ing described line: Begin.nin; at a �oin� on the nortneas�erl�r line of Block 9, �zrlin�on Hei�h�s Diti-3siQZ� � t�o. ?, 3�: feet northwest�rZy of the east�rl.f nast c�rner oi Lot 17 in said Block 9; thence srnzth;�re�terly on a. line 3� feet ne.rths�resterly of and n�raLel f.o the s�ut�- easterly line af said I,ot 17 a distance of 32.�ifeet; thence on a concave cvrve t� the �I narth ha-�ri.ng a r?dins of 300 feet to a �oi�� • i on tne sautht�resterly line of s3id Block 9, � 2.Oj feet s�utheast of the raost ;�r�s�erl;i ' corner of L�t 2, H1.c+�..� g, �.irli.ugtan �:�{ght� jD;vs�.�ian No. 1. ; f i A �eraanent eas2*�ent for p�n3inj purooses on, ov�r a_n3 across E Lots 20 end 2�, Block 9, Burlingto:� nei?hts �ivisio-� I�o. l. i � - � -. A n�r�tanent ea_seme*�t ior sewer nur�os�s over an� acr�ss f:�� ' iallo;•ring �escxib�d i�r.d; The nor�th�:v�sterly tPr_ °�e� af t�s i i SO:1�}"irl�_°St�rZy 1C� fe�� o� I,o� 1?, ��ock g; ��.irli���o_�z Ii�z�:_4s � Division i��> i. I - E A?so a•rpr bot� P�rcels Mo. 1 and No. 2 � � p.n eas�t in t�e la.n3 necessarg fa; s1o_aes, cu�s and fi31s, s inclndiag riaht o� rem�va.1 0� Iateral slsgpart f'z�a ��b;�ect lerzd � or remainder thereof`, occ�ioa�d by excav��ti.ons th...rt�f or icozst�zuct�on of slopes in the grad3.ng a:� At2.strm Strezt �rcm � Spri�sid� Drlve to P.elacated iJildvievr 11ve�ne and ia R�loca�zd R �Iildviex Avernz� and Lenos Avenne �ram A1lstca St*ert ta yeao� � Aveaua, to the extent shv�rn on Pt2blic 6�or?ts I}r�*.�ng No. 22�9, � 2 er I4o. 2, dat�d �a� �' 1975 � p+r Lc Wvr�s Dr��.,r.� Plo� a �� ITrawer PJo. , a e Auc�'� ��9 �. � � � � � � 4 �¢ . ' a. . . ' .. � . . . i . � .• . � . . . . . � . .. . . • . . . ' . . ._ ,. . . � ' �J. ., - . . . - � � Depar�ment of Finance--& Mar���e�t Ser4fces ,. ' '' �� • : � . . Division oP A� ssments.,& Valua.tionsf.'.. • . .a.+=--�" _ • . . -.� - ' Roon�2$0-C�.ty'H�.2- , " . - . - . ME1�3JRANDQM ON SAI.E OF BEAL ESTATE . • - - - _�E������_ - = - 1. PL:rpose �r sale of Real Estate to Citr Lenox-Wildview Street opening ' and pondina easement ;t. I.c�c�G�•�n af Re�l Estate Between Allston- Stre�t and.Lenox Avenue south of Wildview Av 3. Le:� De�crip�ticn: See attached sheet � . �_ . . - 14 !.. Ii�e and Address af Seller Zeonard W. and I7iana M, Makens - 70 Lenox Rveriue ' ' St. Paul Minnesota 55119 � '� 5, R.P��r.�*nended purchase pr;c� $19.400. � - and Owners Dizpl.�.cate Certificate of.Title. " 6. Seller ta �ftirnish �lby����lb/abstra.ct q'�f/7� ��� FI� �5,����C��4�I�q���( � : �'����¢���������� e ca�e. s and o �tain e is ered Pro erty - f . at closing � . � � . ?. Selte� to gi�e passe�sion to Ci�y � � . ; 8. Se�lar t�-ternu.nate a1i util�tias anch ea vater, gas, �Iect�°3.ci�p, . � tPlephca:�� etc. N A • - . '-9.'� Seller to ellov access to premises to Ci-Ly or its ageirts prior to d�ta . - � � �f p�gsessiez for purpases of i�plQmsnting actioa for the dispositiaa o� - . � _ � 3arprovetr:ents - �/A � � 3Q. Stems ta �ae r�mcved aad re�.,siz�ed by sellsr N/A . - ; � � � . . . ,.. 1 . Il. If se1�,6r is to z'eta3.� ��;�r��*+gs far moPf.rtg N � . „�..� ' . . �,�..� 12. Rent� N A _.� ' 13. I�ti3aellnaeou3 � A � S . �, . HOTE: Gonditio��s 3isted a'�v� a�a �ot�b3z33,ag�tiatiZ apprav�� bg Citg Couucil,� 3e11er: ` CitY: � - Si - �d: ��t/ - _- . . Sfgnad: ' � - � � . ,�� ./ , ; � •:�Arss''t.� Valu.:,tion Enginzer Dntc: ����.�.��7� Date: , � � Signed: �f � //1. �/ ' . 1 G�d�� . _ . . Date: �►�, f 5 I�7k . � r � - `�� . . - . `�^� . . . �"���`�;� Lr�JOX - SvILDVI�rT - AI.LSi0t1 t F,as�er_ts De�cri�tions - I�ial:e�� ?-r�e-_ iFo. 1 Per.�.�?��� easeraent for street �urposes an, over, �r_d ��ross t'r.z foL��ring described land; tha� aart a� Lo;s 2, 3, ar,d �+, �l_oc� 9, Burlir_gto� Hei�ts I7ivisio;� 1�0. l, lyin� s�at�e,iy oi a curve co::cave �o the nortk hz=rir_o a ra3i�as of 300 feet and passing tnrou�. a point o:� t:Ze r_ort�- eas�erly line of sai� Lot 4 dist3nt 8 feet nor��raesterl� of the aos� easterly cor_�!er of said L.ot k and a poi.n� on the s�ut�.--resterJylinz or said Lot 2 distant 2.05�eet sau�aea.st of �he n�st t•resterly career or said Lot 2. � F.xcept that p�.rt �a_ken for street eas�men�. A �z�a�en� easP.�ent for pondi.n� purposes on, aaer a..�d across Lo�s 1 and 2, �lock 9, Bu.�rlin�ton Heights Divisifln Na. ?., , A permanent easement for s��rer pur��ses over and across : the iollo*rri.r�g described 1?nd� �ccept that �art taken. fflr strAet easement, the north�res�erly ten fe�� of` I�ot Three, Block 9, Burlington Heighta Divisian.Tdo. l. Parcel ?�io. 2 A per�anent easement for street p�.zroases o�, oTer and across �he �o�.�:�ring described land; All of Lats 17 an3 1Q, 3'_oc:� 9, Burlir.gton Heig:�ts Division No. 1, l;�ing sou.�herl� a? the foLow-ing described line: Be�i.rning at a �oin� on t'ne northeastzrl„ line af Block 9, t'i��r?in�ton Hei�h�s �iti-�.sian I� F-;o. l, 3�C fee� rzorthFres�er�y af the e�.st�rZy 'I nost corner oi Lo� 17 in said �lock 9; thence south:�resterly or_ a. line 3�+ feet nc+rthvresterly of arzd p�raLel to the s�uth- e?sterly lir_e of said L�t 17 a distancE of 32.�+feet; thence on a concave c�.rve t� the � north h�ving a r?di�as of 300 feet to a pai�� � ' on �ne srnzth*.•ras�e_*'I;� liAe of s3id Block 9, : 2.05 �eet s�theast of the aost ;rr�s-terly cornzr of L4� 2, B?.oc� 9, Eur�ngt.on �:��g1��� D'iv=�.�ion No. Z. . A �er�anent eas�*�ent for p�ndin� puraoses on, ov�r ar.d across Lo�s 20 and 2', Block 9, Burlington nei�hts Di�risio-! i;o, 1. i -. A nsr�anent e?se�.Qnt ior sewer bur�os�s over and across t;�� � follo�rrino descri��d. lar.d: The no�hveste`�ly tAr_ �aet af t'�� i sou��l�p3t�rly 1.00 feQt oi Lot 19, Block �; burlin�ton Heiv:�s � 177.V1SlOri l�lC:. 1. A?3o mr�r boLh P�c�Is Mo. 1 and P�o. 2 � l�.n easement �n t�e la.n� necessarg for sl�e�, cu�s an3 fiL1s, including right o� r��al o� laterai suppory frfla stxbi�et l�ad or re�a.iader th�reo�, occasioned bp ezcarretions th.�z�P or coastzuct;on of slopes in t�� gradiag of A1lstoa Street �rom Spri�sid� Drive to P.elocated Wild�rlcw Ave�v.e and in R�].ocated �Iildr3.e�r Avean� and Lenoa Avenue �roat A1lstca Stre�t ta �eno�z Aveau�, tfl the e�ent sho�n on Ptib33.c Wor?� I7��ring No. 22k9, 22���syrer'P7oat2, daL�a�'Auaus� �-l�t�lic War�s Dra�r!z�, lYo. f - T +���,�, IF�= �.-°� s'Tly�i._� vFK�:r, W ^ 't ' ,.P'.:' ,�*S^7e��..— ..? �„�':�� � �+-*q""� Yx'_ f k�,� ae„w..�..e ��!4.T��� 'hIM1 '� � �'tr�..� } }}►►�� `` r ���'N ++ � x��'�I �y��, .Y � '.`�, , . � `�'�� ti � �!,-``E � �i1 rd ����a.��,��.�,'9b�.���lt'� R :+^j,`t ! ��q���J{s ,�. . �' . 1� j�„ •� �:: y�A„ .�� .�' t: ,�d i .r�� i�.d n�- , .,� . ^ . . �' ' . 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