268410 WHITE - CITV CLERK COIlI1C11 �����0 � PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L CANARV - DEPARTMENT BI.UE - MAYOR File NO. u il Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED� That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve application for abatement of special assessments for the years 1974 and 1975, the application being ma.de by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, as to parcel of land more particu- larly described in the Department of Property Taxation File No. 91692, and the City Clerk is directed to transmit a copy of this resolution to the Ramsey County Department of Property Taxation. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ` Butler � In Favor Hozza Hunt J —�e _ Against BY .�ee�er Sylvester Tedesco Adopted by C cil: Date •�A� � 8 t9� Form Approved C' y tYo y Certifie assed oun r a BY Approv d 'N( yor: D JAN 2.4 1977 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY PUBLfSHED !AN 2 9 1977 ' ' � DEPARTMENT OF PROPERTY TAXATION �:�,��,�� COUNTY OF RAMSEY 126-138 Court House $t. Paul, Minnesota 55102 LOU McKENNA DIVISION MANAGERS: Director William E. Carlson Decemlaer 28� 1976 Property Veluetion ROGER VIK Assistant Director William M. Killeen Revenue C. Thomas Osthoff Land Records Rose Mix Gity Clerk Raam 386 GQUrt House Attns Albert B, Olson CQUncil Recorder Re: Agplication far abatement submitted hy Housin.g & Redevelagment Authority.. Dear Mra. Mix: $nclosed is a cogy of the fallowing ahatement: 91692 There are asaessments levied against this garcel that is ta be cancelled by resolutivn of the City Council as follawss 1974 Assessment: Distric.t Str, Maint. ��32 Loca1 Imp, �35 12 $ 3.40 1975 Assessments 12 5.10 $12.16 Plea.se take wha.tever action is necessary, Yours very truly, � Lau McRenna* Director Degartment of Pragerty Taxation By /D<. Deputy GHIZt ay Enc� a�5.5 . ' I��T'ORT OF ASSESSOR, RAMSEY COUNTY Abatement tvo. 91692 AssessmentDistrict: City of St. Paul December 27� 19 �6 LegalDescription: Winters Addition •.• PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION CENSUS Water Uistrict Plat Parcel Tract Block Shed ' � Property Coded As: 12 84500 LO1 02 024 020 --- Address of Property: V8C�i1t LBnd Barbara Houghtelin on behalf of: Appticant: Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Paul Mailing Address: 55 E. 5 th S t. , ', St. Paul, Mn. 55101 � Cancel assessments for: 1974 - 4�32 Street Maintenance - $3.40 , 1975 - 4�32 Street Maintenance and � #35 Local Improvements 17.26 Total $ 20.66 ------ --- .__ _... _. _ _- --.. _ — Reportofinvestigation:• When abatement �k91431 was processed cancelling the taxes for the referenced years, the assessments were not removed from the rolls, although they should have been. They �should be cancelled and the payment of $20.6� refunded. , �. �x.1 A r. Steno ' '����'�x � ' GHK PP GHk j�„� ' , Authorized Signature FORM DPT 1641 �'''= � J . . � � ' . ~ � � • r , �� Form OPT 229 �� �� �-�� r � APPLICATION FOR RELIEF—General Form `�`-t:� 0�' (If reduction requested exceeds $500 make application in triplicate, otherwise in duplica:e) To the CountY Board and CountY Auditor of Ramsey County, and to the Commissioner of Revenue of the State of Minnesota: STATE OF MINNESOTA, County �f Ramsey ss. REs 12�84500-103-02 City,��'acna�an Saint Paul Barbara Houghtelin being duly sworn deposes and says that���� she is ac�Cing on behalf of the Housing and Rede'v'elo.pment Authority of the City of Saint Pau1, Minnesota , andthat an error occurred in processin� a deed on the above referenced parce'1 in the name of the Housing Autihoritq. Abatement Not 91431 removed a11 real estate taxes for the pavable vears 1975 and 1976. This abatement is being processed to abate a 'i assessments. �hcrefore applicant prays that the assessments assessed for the payable yesrs 1975�?27� b� abated., Applicant Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8 da of December A.D. 19 76 �—W �;,t.��.-�.;��..t� A c,.l: �li l'/I',���.�-.:� � . � " ` �/ f � . � . * i L . �' _ • � � � � O ��'� o� d`°� 'I=1 � O � o 0 0 � ,� �' �� o < f m ° � � � � � a .3' � �. � �. e-' -°� m y ^ �E o m L�i F�-�• ¢�, � � D 9 °' o °; a y °.: � ,. �,.3 � �` � �i y m n -C 9 ~ o �00 � °' Ca m � c a � 0 - o m p^ `� �'. m � �� k � � � �: D � O. ` � dA �p^ m� ^'� 9Ey� r `x � w � � � � -�I �� ,� E �.N X a»•� r�. � " O "'� m tn (A •nNi x1 a c�i�� o� ° 1D � � � A rt Q'' y '9 � p Q y w m . � ri j ° �°bfD �'jmm �. � � � (D CD (D � � z�� 3 °, mm �o �.��eN7� � 7 0 � 1—' IJ n � T �� � tn "o a'"o ° B `� m �c°o � ' t �j �� ..�� � �` 'a ry ~'p7 „� ? 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