� a n 'l olution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By � Date
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul
hereby approves the appointment of Richard Broeker to the
position of Executive Assistant to the Mayor; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appointment shall be
effective retroactive to the date of approval of this
resolution by the council, on the date that this resolution
becomes effective.
Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of:
Hozza [n Favor
Hunt �
"��� Against BY
Sylvester ��N 1 $ ��
Form A praved y City t r
Adopted b ouncil: Date , �
Ce ted Pass d Co cil Secretary BY
Approv d Mayor: Appro e y Mayor for S n to Councii
gY By
PuBUSH�� !4N 2 9 1977
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) •
I Richard Broeker
do solemnly swear (or affirm) to support the Constitutions
of the United States and of the State of Minnesota and to
discharge faithfully the duties devolving upon me as
� Executive Assistant to the Mayor
of the City of Saint Paul to the best of my judgment and
ability. . •
Sworn to and subscribed to before me this
� day of _ 19 / �
. � / .
. ' `�`�
� City Clerk '
. � � -2- ��8�1�g
1968-71 Field Program Coordinator/Instructor, Graduate School of
' Social Zdork, University of Minnesota ,
1966-68 LaCrosse Wisconsin: Program Coordinator for the Depart-
ment of Health and Social Services; Consultant� Catholic
Social Services (part-time); Lecturer, Viterbo College
1964-66 i�iinnesota/4+Tisconsin: Foster Care Worker (public welfare)=
Corrections Worker (school for delinquent boys)i Psychiatric
Ceseworker (state mental hospital). All inter�ships.
Considerable public speaking and��, whe3� inspired,- Writer/occasional guest
newspaper columnist. Also professional articles, monographs, research
and numerous other tedious endeavors. Bibliography on request. Since
1970 on-and-off consultant to public agencies, educational institutions
and private business.
Fresident (1973-74), Minnesota Social Services Association - 130 member
agencies and 3200 individual members.
President- (1971-73), Minnesota Chapter, National Association of Social
Workers - 1200 professiona.l social workers.
Vice-President (1970-72), N:innesota Conference on Social Work Education.
Chairman (1972-73)r Ninnesota Camprehensive Welfare Reform Project (A?nTA).
Prograna Chairman (1972)� Minnesota Welfare Conferences 1°+1ho Cares? '�Tho
Pays?" 4 day conference with 3,�00 particigants.
Coordinator, Minnesota A�tion Congresa on Unemployment� Health and
tidelfare� 1971. State AFL-CIOS Minnesota Joint Religious
Legislative Committee; Minnesota Welfare Association.
Vice-President (19?3), Fami7,y Service Society of Duluth.
Board Directorships - pe�st and present
Public Service Options (Citizens League�Upper 2�:idwest Council)
Minnesota Chapter� 2�ational Association of Social '�Torkers
Minnesota Conference on Sociel '+�ork Education
Minnesota Resoures Center for Social 1Jork Education
Minnesota S ocial Services Association
University of Minnesota YMGA
Fami7,y Service Society of Duluth
♦ n
' R ichard Broeker
931 Fa irmount A ve. A ge: 34
st. Paul, Ntn 55105 �
Ph.D. University of Pginnesota 1971
M.S.W. University of N,innesota 1966
B.A. Lawrence L'niversity 1964 (cum laude)
1976 Fellaw of the Institute of Politics, John F. Kennedy School
of Government, Harvard University. And� Bush Leadership
Fellaw. 12 months teaching , and writing about the relation-
ship between governmental issues, politics and the media.
1976 S pecial Consultant to the Deputy Commissioner. Minnesota
Department of.Administration (occasional - analytic consult�tion
on matters relating to state human services reorganization).
1976 Chairman. National :aelfare Reform Group (Institute of Politics
Group of 17 members representing governors� mayors, county
cormnissioners� Congress and the Fresident).
1975 Special Assistant to the Cor►miissioner, Minnesota Department
of Public '+v'elfare (responsible for coor:?inatin� depart-
mental reorganization and 1976 legislative package).
1973-75 Planning Director (State)� Minnesota State Planning A�ency -
in charge of implementing Piinnesota's 1973 Human Services Act.
1973-75 Lecturer in Sociology� Hamline University. (part-time)
197�-75 Graduate Instructor. University of Minnesota. (part-time)
1971-73 Associate Dean�Associate Professor. Graduate School of S ocisl
Development, University of Minnesota (Duluth) - budget manage-
ment, program administration and instructional responsibilities.
1970-�3 Consultant� Commonwealth Management Systems� Cambridge Mass.
(occasional) - service delivery information and management
model design�implementation.
1969-70 Consultant, S ocial Administration Research Institute,
I�Teedham Nass. (occasional) - redesigning child care
reimbursement system (public-private contracts) for 5ureau
of the Budget/Office of the Nlayor - New York City.
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C;�:o�zcF• La-r1�iF.� J3rivaz'y 13, 1976
TO: Council President Robert Sylvester
Honorable Members of the City Council
FROM: Mayor George Latimer ��
SUBJECT: Resolution appointing Richard Broeker
to the position of Executive Assistant
to the Mayor
Attached is a resolution which will appoint Richard Broeker
to the Executive Assistant to the Mayor position. Also attached
is a copy of his resume.
I�n ordinance establishing the position of Executive Assistant
to the Mayor was approved by the Council on December 28, 1976.
Funding for the position was approved in the 1977 budget.
An ordinance amending the Administrative Code by specifying the
�duties and qualifications for the Executive Assistant position has
been sent to the Gouncil Committee on Finance, Management and
Personnel. I believe Mr. Broeker's qualifications fall well within
-those specified in the new ordinance.
Your approval of the appointment of Richard Broeker as Executive
Assistant to the Mayor is respectfully requested.
cc: Rose Mix, City Clerk
cc: T�lomas Gleason, Personnel
_° .,.��