268403 WHI7E - CITV CLERK COUIICII `����� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL CANARV - DEPARTMENT - BLUE - MAYOR File NO. Co n il Resolution ��� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The City Council, by its Resolution, Council File Number 265945, dated August 22, 1975, did authorize the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to submit an application to the Department of Housing and Urban Development to participate in the Federal Urban Homesteading Demonstration (said application was subsequently disapproved by the Department) ; and WHEREAS, The City Council, by its Resolution, Council File Number 267966, dated October 7, 1976, did adopt the Guidelines and Operating Procedures for the City of Saint Paul's Urban Homestead Program, and WHEREAS, The City has been invited to reapply to the Department of Housing and Urban Development for the expanded Federal Urban Homesteading Demonstration Program, and WHEREAS, It is necessary to update both the City's application and guidelines to meet the current Federal regulations and �equirements for participation in the Federal Urban Homesteading Demonstration; now, therefore, be it � ' RESOLVED, That upon the recommendation of the Mayor, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve and adopt the attached revised Urban Homestead Guidelines and Operating Procedures for the City of Saint Paul's Urban Homestead Program, which shall be operated by the City in accordance with Chapter 228, Law� of Minnesota for 1974, and the attached Guidelines and Operating Procedures as they may be amended from time to time by the City Council; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That Mayor George Latimer is hereby authorized and directed to submit the appropriate application for establishment of the City's Urban Homestead Program to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development in such form as may be prescribed by the regulations of said Department. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt � Levine _ Against BY Roedler Sylvester � '�°' JAN 1 3 is77 Form Approved by Cit� Attor�e Adopted by ci : Date l ` j4 Ce ied Pas Co .'1 Secretayy BY � ' By� r� , Approv by Wlavoc te • JAa � 4 �9� Appro d by"Ma}�r for S i ion to Council '� By BY PUBLISHED !AN 2 2 1977 1010 University Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 phone 298-5495 • ����0� � DATE � .Ian�sary 7, 1977 • ; HOUSING AND REQEVELOPMENT AUTHOftlTY OF �HE CITY �F SA111T PA►UL, �i1lN���S�TA TO ST. PAUL CIT�' C�UNCIL � FROM xoL�s��c� �� ��r���v�raOP�IENT AVTHORIT�Y SUB�ECT APPLICATION FOR URBA13 HdMLSgEADING DEMONSTi2ATI0N PROGRAM FUN13S . : The attached application fox Urban Homesteading Demonstration funds is essentially the same as that previously agproved by the Council and submitted to HUD i.n August - ' of 1975. Figures were updated where necessary and wording changes have been made in the foLlowing sections: . • Intraductzan Application Docamentatio:� Sections D, E, and F St. Paul Urban Homesteadin� Proor�m Guidelines Addendum to bring guidelines into r..omplianee wifih federal reg�Iations, For each change the originaZ secti.on i� shown followed by the new sec�ion with the �_ changes underli�ed. � O \. . . � • . , � . . • APPLICATIO�i FOR URBAN HOMESTEADING DEMONSTRATION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA INTRODUCTION � In the past few years, the city of Saint paul has made a strong commitment to � aeighborhood presexvation. Seeing the preservation o� the existing housing stock as the backbone of this e£forC, the City svught enabling legislation from � • , the State Legislature to make possible the sale of mun.icipal bonds to £inance . a local housing xehab3,Iitation loan and grant �rvgram, _ Iu a special attempt to ' achieve �aximcm�, impact v�ith the p�rogra.�e`s limi.ted resources, the City chose to place the majoritp of the avaiZable funds in six concentrated areas around the city. In addition ta a guaranteed availability of funds, these concentrated . . areas receive public icugrovements, witihout assessment to the home owners. Cvm- � munity organization efforts were made a part of the program £or the purpose of �- secariag neighborhood, as well as individual, commitment to preservation efforts, it1W S.�G y"�•D YI APPLICATI�N FOR URBAN HOMESTEAAING DEMONSTRATION SAINT PAUL, MII3NESOTA " INTRODUCTION � In the past few years, the city of Sai.nt Paul has made a strong comiuitment to neighbarhood preservation. Seeing the preservatz.on of the existing housing stock as the backbone of this effort, the City sought enabling legislation from the State Legislature to make possible the sale of municipal bonds to finance a local housing rehabilitation loan and grant program. In a special attempt to achieve maximum impact with the program's limited resources, the City chose to place the majority of available funds in concentrated areas around the City. Six were chosen for Community Development Year I, an additional seven for �community Development Year II and fi.ve are among the final recommendations to the City Council for inclusion in the Community Development Year III program. . In addition to a guaranteed availability of funds, these concentrated areas receive public improvements, without assessment to the home owners. Community organization efforts were made a part of the program for the purpose of securing neighborhoad, as well as individual, commftment to preservation efforts. � 1, . . - / `.. ��; �K�roduc�on � APPLICA2ION FOit URBAN HOMESTEADII3G DEMONSTRATION ' SAINT PAUL, MiNNESOTA . ������ . � Inte�est �a housing preservation programs continues. The following is a partial list of progxacas that are now in the developmental stages; • I. The develapment of a housing information service, which would pro�vide . '. ca11-in and walk-in services oa a bxoad range of housing matters, . � 2. The developittent o£ a home maintenance program which would allow home � owners to purchase an ongoin� snaintenance arrangement to keep homes ��� � in good condition at low cost. � K 2cJ S.ec 7�e� - - �YT �I'`D �7 CLG �l[�i'1 • APPLICATION FOR URBAN HOMESTEADING DEMONSTRATION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Interest in housing preservation programs continues. The following is a partial list of programs that are now in the developmental stagess 1. T'he development of a housing information service, which would provide call-in and wa2k-in services on a hroad range of housing matters. 2. The development of a home maintenarece program which would allow home owners to purchase an ongoing maintenance-arrangement to keep homes in good conditfon at low cost. � 3. A loan program for rehabilitation of non-owner occupied structures located in a concentrated rehabilitation project area or faced with major rehabilitation due to code enforcement is currently before the City Council. Funds for this program were apprapriated from Community Development Year ZI. - 4. A Commercial Rehabilitation program has been approved by the City Council and is in the. early stages of implementation. Areas eligible for this program will complement housing rehabilitation areas. . .� '2' 7[nrroduction _ f�Pfrca.�ort ~ ' `'- . . _:�_ `-. a..A.;�=�:_ .' ��. • The following is a listing of the amounts of funds available for rehabili- � tation loans and grants; � a. City GeneXal Obligation Bonds '������ � � . s. (1) City-Wide - $3.0 million ($Z.5 mil�ion sold) (2) NllP Areas - $2.0 mi.11ion (none sold, 19�5 Legislature approved) b. Community Development - Year I � � ,' (1) Loans - $400,000 . (Z) Graats for NDP Areas - $400,000 (3) Grants for City-j•tide and Concentrated Rehab�lita�ion � � . . . ProjecCs - $200,004 " (4) Citizen Participation/Administration - $732,254 (5) Code Enforcement - $300,000 (6) Project ImprovemenCs - $900,004 , c. Mianesota HousinR Finance Agency � . ^- A resezvation of funds system is being proposed. - Saint Paul coald - reserve up to $300,000 - $400,OOd for the first si.x months. This . would be for the perfod froa approximately Aug�st 1, 1975 to Feb- _ ruary 1, 1976. . � d. Leveraging with Local Banks � . Amount is un'�cnown. /(�«) s.e_c�io►'► j�, The following is:a .].isting�of the•.amounts of funds'available for rehabili- tation loans and grants: a. City General Obligation Bonds � � (1) City-Wide - $3..0 million available ($2.5 inillion sold) , (2) NDP Areas - $2.0 million (none sold, 1975 Legislature approved} b. Community Development Year II . (1) Loans - $1,72/+,000 . (2) Grants`. $876,1OQ • (3) Rehabilitation for Ndn-owner Occupied $500,000 (4) Commarcial Rehabilitation $500,000 c. Minnesota Housing Finance Agency (1) Loans $200,000 (2) Grants� $718,339 d. Leveraging with Local Banks AmounC is unknown. - � . s .. � , . ' . _ . . .. . �. .. '1 '. ! i(��/�,C�CX.-" �i1 . _. . . . .,,_ �� ... _ .. \ ! D.. FINANCI�G � ������ : 2. Description of federal, state or local public_ funds available for . rehabilitation. The need for rehabilitation and the growing ��nterest in it have resulted in the imrolvement o£ a variety of public agencies, community organiza- tions, neighborhood associations, private developers, and citizens � . - a21 workiag in�rious waxs to rehab�:Iitate houses. and revitalize neighbo�� _ � hoods. The city of Saint Paul has used and is presently using a vaziety o£ � grnrerrnnent programs for financing rehabilitation through federa7., state ; � and local levels. The federal government provides £unds for rehabilita- tion through several programs as follows: . � • . . ,� �r 'a._ Funding to local Housing and Redevelopment Authority for 312-115 Loan aad Grant Program. A rehab and maintenance loan at low interest zates or a grant for people wi�h low and moderate incomes. They are _ available to property owners in designated federal pro3ect areas . whi.ch include all NDP's plus all Code Enforcement Areaso � b. The Home Ownership Program for low and moziarate-income families is a program whereby the mortgage is paid while ownership is earned for single-family units, offered by the HRA. �y� c. Newl.y authorized Community Development F'unds are available foz .local rehab programs.. �- --� - . . .� . ��w s.a_c-ti�n - j� a. Funding to Iocal Housing and Redevelopment Authority for the 3I2 Ioan program. A rehabilitation and u�aintenance Ioan at Iow interest rates is available to property oj,m�rs in designated federal project areas which include a11 NDP's, code enforcement areas and areas receivzn� Community Development funds. b. The Home Ownership Program for low and modexate-income families is a program whereby the mortgage is paid while ownership is earned £or single-family units, offered by the HRA. c. Community D°velopment funds have been appropriated for rehabilitation loans and grants in Community Development Years I and II and are � proposed for Community Development year III. Communi.t�Develo�ment .�..�_�.-------�-----_.._____ . �. _ . ._ � � _ _ •. con�rNu.��l n�..� �.. . ._.. .,__.�. _...�..x. .:.� ����� funds have also been appropriated £or House Recycling, Urban - . Homesteading, loans .and grants for Non-owceer Occup�ed Hous3.n ������ CQmmercial Rehabilitation and P�emoval of Hazardous and. Vacant Building.. programs. xn addit�on to funds for these programs, use af Conmuni.ty Development .Year Ixx �unds for a Handicapped Housing program has - received pre�iminary approval. Orr��na� � - �. d. Section 236 subsidy funds for the rehabilitation of multi-family units through Project Rehab, administered by Community Housing Corporation, for families af low and moderate incomes. s • e. The State of Minnesota, through its Housing Financa ,A.gency, has � authorized a Home Improvea�ent program wher�by home owners of 2ow and . , moderate incomes` are eligible for low-interest home improvement loans.� f. The Saint Paul Hame Rehabilitation Loan and Grant program, administered � by the Housing and Redevelopment Author3.�y, is ava3labl.e city-wide to eligible home owners oflnw and moderate incomeso The loans are � . ' availabZe at flexible interest rates depending upon �am�.ly incvme. � - A priority of the program is the establishmea�. of a concentra�e� rehab program in s�x designated areas of the city. g. The Urbaa Reirrvestment T�sk Force through its Neighborhood Housing � Services Organi�ation offers the use o£ a High Risk Revo�.ving Loan Fund. Loans are made at flexible interest zates and terni� to ho�e ' � owners who ao not meet commercial credit standards. � � �. � �1 L __ _�.. ��� SRG 7�O F�1 fl- c• funds have also been appropriated for House Recycling, Urban Homesteading, Ioans and grants for Non-owner Occupied Housing, Commercial Rehabilitation and Removal of Hazardous and Vacant Buildzno programs. In addition to funds for these programs, use of Community Development Year III funds for a Handicapped Housing program has received preliminary approval. ' �:';: d. Section 236 subsidy funds for the rehabilitation of multi-family units through Project Rehab, administered by Community Housing Corporatiori, for families of low and moderate incomes. e. Section 235 rehabilitation funds provide for substantial rehabili- tation for families of low and moderate income. f. The State of Minnesota, through its Housing Finance Agency, has authorized a Home Improvement program whereby home owners of low and moderate incor�es are e13.gible far low-i.aterest home improvemen� loans and gsan�- � � _...,__ ._,,_ . .. . ,___� _..__......__.�.� -- f"7 pp�i e�G+- �/D r) � (` - ! . ' � . ������ `} �, Rehab assistance graups offer help� to home owners and non-pro£it hous- , ing sponsors. Technical rehab assistance includes and is supplied thro�:gh: . a. Evaluation of rehab work needed, and cost estimates. b. ReferraZ.s to rehab coatractors. c. Assistance with do-it-youzself rehab. � . � d. Help or referral in applying for financial assistance. �. e. Design and architectural services. _ . f. Assistance in organizing neighborhood grouns.� � � � : � � . � � ._ � g. Purchase, rehab, aad re-sale of housing units to low and maderate-. . � � income families. - , h. Tool Iending �'library." - . �� ' i. Arranges maving of houses from clearance areas to new S.ocaL-ions a- 3. Financial counseling _____. _. .. ..___ __ __ .. . - . .. _,__.. _.w ._. _ . . ,. ...�. _ __ _ __ _.�__ _. _ . _ � lj,�� ..�"� � �. Rehab assistance groups offer help to home owners and non-profit hous- ing sponsors. Technical rehab asszstance includes and is supplied through; a. Eval.uation of rehab work needed, and cost estimates. b. Referrals to rehab contractors. � " c. Ass�stance with do-it-yoursel£ rehab. d. Help or referral in applying for financial assistance. e. Design and architectural services. f. Assistance in organizing neighborhood groups. g. Purchase, rehab, and re-sale of housing units to low and moderate- income families. h. Tool lending "library." i. Arranges moving of houses from clearance areas to new locations. j. Financial counseling. k. Representation of loan or grant recipients in disputes arising from the loan and grant program. 1. In£ormation on available programs and regulations. -16- Application Docucnentation _ ! • i _. ' _ . _ �.z. .�_ .__..�: � �. Rehab Assistance Groups: . a. Community Design Center..... ................ .........�,b,d,e �, . . . ������ . b. Caamiunity Housing Corporation..... .... ... . .. ...... .. .d,f,g,j . � c, Mode]. 23�ighborhood Development Company, Inc... . . . ... .�,b,c,d,g,h � � d. . Urban Aft�irs Commission-Archdiocese of St. Paul. .. ..a,b,c,d . e. Urban League o£ St. Pau2..... ..... ..... . ... ... . . .... .c,d,f,g,i • 3. Adequacy of public services � The programmireg of public improvements and the continuance of public • services has been a part af Sain� Paul's Neighborhood Development �:... - program and will continue to be part of the Community Development Program. • The programming of public improvements and services would affect the : majority of the homesteading properties because most potential home- _ steading properties fall withiq ongoing projeet areas, Code surveil- , . - • lance, enforcement program, �refuse collection, �treet impro�rements, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and street lighting are all part of the _ effort to icnprave neighborhood properties and faci.lities. � R�.uI S.�-c. on �', Rehab Assistance Graups: a. Community Design Center. . . .. . .. . . .. :.. .. . . .. . . . .. . .a,b,d,e � b. Comrnunity Housing Corporation. . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . .d,f,g,j. �c. Model Neighborhood Development Company, Inc. . . . ... . ..a,b,c,d,g,h � ' � d. Urban Affairs Comm�.ssion-Archdiocese of St. PauZ. ... .a,b,c,d e. Urban League of St. Paul. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .c,d,f,g,i f. Legal Assistance of Ramsey County... . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . .d,j,lc g. Neighborhood Aousing Services .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .a,b,c,d,f,j h. Housing Information Office.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..c,d,j,l 3. Adequacy of publ.ic services The programming of public improvements and the continuance of publi.c services has been a part of Saint Paul's Nieghborhood Development Program and will continue to be part of the Community Development Program. �`' Public improvements have been an integral part of the concentrated rehabilitatian program. ApproximateZy $4,262,500 of Community Development funds have been put into public improvements in the cancentrated areas in � � Community Development Years I and II. The City Council has approved a policy of no assessment to properCy owners for most public imvrovemen��Q� a city-wide basis and. has embarked on a comprehensive street paving plan using bond funds and state and county sid funds Most potential homesteadin� -.,- . --«-_ _ _ � , K.Q Gt1 ,�.Q C��O rt �C o n i7 r 2d • ( �`'�• ' •'. , - �. -. � �dw �i�.cv, ou.� �a9�. � � . �� . - _ . . , _ : _. �'j :_ �, properties fall within the concentrated areas and are directly affecte����j� by the programming of public improvements in those areas. Code surveillance, enforcement program, refuse collectfon, street improvement, curbs, �utters, ' sidewalks, and street lighting are all part of the effort to improve_neig�bo„r- hood properties and facilities. . , , . . :�:...��Y,,. _ _. � _ � . t 3. Source of administrative funds �" � The HRA feels that staff from existing programs can be assigned part- time to parform the necessaxy administrative and technical �unctions for Che Urban Homesteading Program. A request for the £unding of other administrative costs, fair appraisals, title -�Lnsurances etc.,' . will be filed at ths ti�e of the Community Developmant Mid-Year Rev�ew in October. �hese costs are_ expected to be modest (approximately � $I0,000 for the entire demonstration program) and obtaining fundiag �or . � them should present no dif£iculty. . . . � . . - � . l��a..u� ��C..�Z On _ _ � 4. Source of admini.strative funds � �/a1"mcr/7 -3 � a.� a-bov�.) The HRA feels that staff from existing programs can be assigned paxt-time . to perform the necessary administrave and technical functions for the Urban Homesteac3ing �rogram. A request for the funding of other adminis�rative � . . ,, costs, fair appraisals, title iasurance, etc, will be filled,with the CiCy Council at the time of approval of the demonstration grant.`�` These co$�s are expected to be modest (approximately $10,000 for the entire demons�ra- � tion program) and obtaining funding for them should present no difficulty. � - l� � .-_ . . ��84�13 . � F. PROPERTY DISPOSITION . � I: Timetable £or property dispositiion . � �� • , 'x�MIICG Ynspection - work write-up (City inspection team and HRA) � week � Advertise - (Show house - open house) 2 weeks Accept Applications 2 weeks Process Applications 1 week � First Lottery 4 weeks � Second Lottery � . . , � Public Hearing • _ R week - . Property comreyance • �, week Homesteaders Agreement . Contractors Arrangements Comrnencement of Work - within 30 days of the execution of Homesteaders Agreement • � � , . Completion of Work - within 180 days of the execution - � � _ �� �� � of Hamesteaders Agreement, _� � " _..,... • . - The timetable and marketing procedures are siiscussed further���.n .:.:- . . Section 5.3 of the Guidelines and procedures. � IteiJ Sc�--�ion . . ,� . . F. PROPERTY DISPOSITION l,. Timetable for praperty disposi�ion EVENT TIMING i I I�#spection - work write-up (City inspection team and HRA) 1 week Advertise - (Show house - open house) 2 weeks Accept Applications 2 weeks � Process Applications 1 week First Lottery . 4 weeks � Second Lottery � I � ; Public Aearing 1 week ; Property conveyance 1 week j Homesteaders Agreement : � Contractors Arrangements • �`� , � . , Commencement of Work - within 30 days of the execution _ � . � of Homesteaders Agreement Completion of Work - within 180 days of the execution of Homesteaders Agreement �except those ` items defined as immediate health and � safety hazards shall be corrected within 90 days from the daCe c� work commencement `. , The timetable and marketing procedures are discussed £urther in . _ Section S of the Guidelines and proecures. - • , . . ,: . - -- __--- _.._. _--- --_. . . . .,.Y;;;� � ������ HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION FOR URBAN HOMESTEADING DEMONSTRATION JANUARY, 1977 APPLICATION FOR URBAN HOMESTEADING DEMONSTRATION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � INTRODUCTION In the past few years, the city of Saint Paul has made a strong commitment to neighborhood preservation. Seeing the preservation of the existing housing stock as the backbone of this effort, the City sought enabling legislation from the State Legislature to make possible the sale of municipal bonds to finance a local housing rehabilitation loan and grant program. In a special attempt to achieve maximum impact with the program's limited resources, the City chose to place the ma�ority of available funds in concentrated areas around the City. Six were chosen for Community Development Year I, an additional seven for community Development Year II and five are among the final recommendations to the. City .Council for inclusion in the Community Development Year III program. . In addition to a guaranteed availability of funds, these concentrated areas receive public improvements, without assessment to the home owners. Community organization efforts were made a part of the program for the purpose of securing neighborhood, as well as individual, commitment to preservation efforts. Strong, active neighborhood organizations in Saint Paul are an important element in the City's commitment to preserve the existing housing stock. Such organiza- tions have been responsible for initiating the following efforts: 1. The passage of a "red-lining" ordinance, which makes illegal the practice of not granting loans in certain areas of the City by private lenders simply because the area is not considered a good risk. 2. The passage of a vacant building ordinance, which requires the regis- tration of vacant buildings with the City and imposes a fine for failure to comply. 3. The use�of group contracting, which allows several home owners, all of whom intend to have the same kind of rehabilitation work done (e.g. , electrical wiring), to realize savings by contracting jointly with one contractor-. In addition to these efforts, neighborhood organizations expressed their commit- ment to neighborhood preservation in their requests for Community Development funds in the first year. Proposals from virtually every neighborhood included substantial requests for housing rehabilitation funds. APPLICATION FOR URBAN HOMESTEADING DEMONSTRATION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Interest in housing preservation programs continues. The following is a partial list of programs that are now in the developmental stages: 1. The development of a housing information service, which would provide call-in and walk-in services on a broad range of housing matters. 2. The development of a home maintenance program which would allow home owners to purchase an ongoing maintenance arrangement to keep homes in good condition at low cost. 3. A loan program for rehabilitation of non-owner occupied structures located in a concentrated rehabilitation project area or faced with major rehabilitation due to code enforcement is currently before the City Council. Funds for this program were appropriated from Community Development Year II. 4. A Commercial Rehabilitation program has been approved by the City Council and is in the early stages of implementatian. Areas eligible for this program will complement housing rehabilitation areas. An Urban Homesteading Program is considered an important element in preserving Saint Paul's existing housing stock. Vacant houses have long been a perplexing problear Co those hoping to revitalize older, inner-city neighborhoods. City offictals and neighborhood groups have sadly watched as basically sound houses, which could have provided homes for families, have fallen to the wrecking ball. Their inability to make the purchase of these homes economically feasible is a source of constant frustration. They have seen not only the waste of destroy- ing such structures, but also the detrimental effect which vacant houses have had on the surrounding area. , The City of Saint Paul sees the HUD Urban Homesteading Demonstration Program as a valuable opportunity to initiate an ongoing Urban Homesteading Program. It is the intention that the Demonstration Project will provide only the first stage in a larger program aimed at eventual elimination of deteriorated vacant housing in the city of Saint Pau L ' 2• - Introduction . � � �\ APPI.ICATION FOR URBAN HOMESTE,ADING DEMONSTRATZON SAINT PAUL� MINI�SOTA � APPLICATION DOCUI�NxATION ' A. LEGAL DOCUMENTS � ' The following pages contain; � 1. Staff Couasel's opinian stating that the xousing and Redevelopment Authority is empowered to perfo�c�m the functions necessary for , � � , implem�ntation of the Urban Homesteading Deu,onstration. � � 2. Saint Paul City CounciZ Resolution which specifies the Iiousing and ' Redevelopment Authcrity as the entity empowered to carry out the ' ' � .IIrban Hcmesteading Demonstration. . 3. The Urban Homesteaders Lease and Purchase Agreement. 4. Conditional coaveyaace agreement includiug conditions to be met. by . Aamesteader and acts which constitute a breach of agre�ment. This is contained in the abave Urban Homesteaders Lease and Purchase Agreement. � 5. Description of Homesteader Selection Process a. The City is anticipatiag a significant amount of interest in thi.s � � . program and a large ntunber of applications £or each property to be made available. In order to ensure that applications caa be processed in a timely, efficient and equitable manner, a double ' lottery system shall be instiruted for each property. � b. This double lottery system will functiou as follows: In the first lottery, twenty applicants' names shall be drawn, The Authority together with interested neighborhood organization . xepresentatives pursuant to Section 7.1I of these guidelines and proc�dures will then consider the applicants to determine those who could quaiify for the program. In the event that there is more than one of the twenty app2icants who could quaZify, a second lot- tery sha11 be held to select the princ�pal homesteader. c. In carrying out application se].ection, the �ollowing procedures sha21 be utilized: (1) properties shall be advertised as being available through this program for a period of two weeks. '3' Application Documentation APPLICATION FOR URBAN HOI�STEADING DEMONSTRATION SAZNT PAUL, MINNESOTA (2) For the first lottery, a17. applications received will be . � screeried pursuant to Section 2.I of these guideZines and procedures to ensure that the applicant is initially eligible. (3) The names� of all eligible applicants w911 then be placed ia a suitable receptacle for the lottery. �- � (4) 2�renty applicants names shall then be selected, (5) The Authority staff and interested neighborhood organizations � shall then work with these applicants to determine if they �- � � • could qualify for the property. Authority staff review of aa . . � � applicant's request for financial assi.stance through the � federal, state or local rehab3,litation loan program shall be iacluded. Ia all steps o£ the process, the cdnfidentiality of the individual applicant shall be maintained. . (6) The tweaty applicaats drawn in the first lottery will be . ' interviewed and reviewed in a�cordaace �+i*_h *_he fCI?0;�;�:� criteria: • . ' (a) The perc�ent of the applicant's gross incame allowed far housing-related expenses after completion of rehab3.li�ation ` should be deter�in�ed according to the guidelines of the loan . • . . program which the applicant intends ta use to fivaace the • • � rehabilitation. (b) Applicants shall b� able to demonstrate adequate abilities ` arid/or financial resources to undertake the rehabilitatictn of the pxoperty, to maintain it aver a period of years, and to otherwise assume the responsibilities of home owner- ' ship. (See Assistance to purchaser .section) (c) To avoid creating an overcrowded s�tuation, the Authori,ty shall ensure that tlze applicant's family size is n.ot too large for the structure being o£fered according to Housireg Code requirements. (d) Ensure that the applicant is willing to satis�y the various prog�am requiremeats. (See program Requirements section) '4- Appl.ication Docianentat�on APPLICATION FOR URHAN HOI�STEADII� DEMONSTRATION SAINP PAUL, MINNSS�A � . �e) The Authority shall make the applicanC aware of hisjher _ . option to perfozin "sweat equity" in order to reduce the total cost of rehabilitation. (� In the event that it is detexmined thrst thare is more than one . 8pplicant from the twenty names selected in the firsC lottery who could qualify for the pxoperty, a second lottary shall be held wi,thin thirty days of the first lottezy. In the second ' lottery, the Homesteader :shall be selected. At least three alternates will also be drawn, when inumbers permit, in the event � . the Homesteader becomes disquali£isd before the execution of . . the Homesteaders Agreement. In the evenC the Homesteader or _ . the alternates are disqualified, twenty mor� names will be " � drawn •from the first ],ottery. . (8) Any applicant £rom the twenty names not included in the se�ond lottery shall be given a written sta�ener.t by th� Authority � . or the iieighborhood organizatian detailircg tha reasons. i,egal opinioa that selection process is equitable. 6. There are no legal impediments to Sa�nt Paul's proposed Urban Homestead- . • . � ing Program. A.2 Council Resolution - B. ADP�IJISTRATIVE AND PROGRAM MANAGEMENI' • 1. Description of Staffing Pattern . � The city proposes Co utilize the Housing and Redeve7.opment Authority (HRA) as an administeri.ng agency for the Urban Homesteading Progzam. This agency has a full. complement of staff capable of administering All types of activities with respect to urban renewal and housing development. The HRA has experience in the areas of zelocation, community organizati.on, rea], estate, rehabilitation, housing deve2opment and general administra- tion. The Rehabilitation Division includes 18 Rehabilitation Advisors �S, Application Documentation __...n,,,._.._.._._.._._�Y ._____ �.,; . . . MvN � . /� , . O � � � \' G cvuo„v � ����n�y o�-`��'x:ty� �/ ,� �GpR�OR } •�=c �C/ :���30 • . � a �_� � °� ; .;,:r-,{�:���,± `' AT7C � R, IITE� S � g' INIOI�T ,,yr,y��..ntr.���. � . . �Q 'AU�TMIM:�' � . .. . � . . O v E � DATE: August 22, 1975 . . RE6ARDING: Urban Nomesteading Demonstration App�ication Pursuant to ' Section 810 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 I, the undersigned attorney for the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Pau1 , Minnesota, (hereinafter "HRA") , do hereby certify for purposes of the above referenced application as follows: A. That the HRA has all the necessary power and authority to implement a local homesteading pian as required by Section 810(b) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974. Specifically, the HRR is a public body corporate: and politic, duly organized pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Housing and Redevelopment Act,� 1974 Minnesota Statutes Section 462.411 et se . , and thereby is empowered under Minnesota law as follows: 1 . The HRA is empowered to accept from the Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (hereinafter the "Secretary") the transfer without payment of any real property within the City of Saint Paui , its area oT operation, to wnicn tne Secretary hoids title. The statutory sources of said power are 1974 Minnesota Statutes Section 462.445, Subd. 1 (6) and (7). 2. The HRA is empowered to conditionally convey unoccupied residential property to an individual or a family without any substantial con- sideration. The statutory sources of said po�ver are 1974 Minnesota Statutes Section 462.525, Subd. 9, and Section 462.445, Subd. 1 (5). s. The HRA is empowered to assist in or undertake the financing of the � ` rehab�litation of real property conveyed to persons selected as . homesteaders pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned local homesteading plan. The statutory sources of said power are 1974 Minnesota Statutes Section 462.525, Subd. 9. . B. That the HRA has a proposed plan for the occupancy ofi homestead properties that does not violate state or local ]aw. Specificaily, Sections 8, 10 and 11 of the document entitled "Urban Homesteaders Lease and Purchase Agreement," which is included as a part of the above referenced application, requires the HP.A to certify the homestead as safe and habitable prior to occupancy, and further provides that, if the homestead has been placarded by the City af St. Paul as "Unfit for fluman Nabitation" under the terms of the local ordinance containing housing code enforcement provisions, then the home- stead shall not be occupied until the homesteader has completed such min- imal repairs as may be required by the City housing code enforcement official to make the homestead fjt for human habitation. • � . -2- � C. That the process by which the HRA proposes to select the individuals or families who receive homesteading properties is equitable, meets the criteria of giving special consideration to the homesteader's need for housing and his/her capacity to make or cause to be made necessary repairs and improvements to the homestead, and is consistent with local and state law. Said process is set forth in Paragraph A5 on pages 3, 4 and 5 of the above referenced application. , � Daniel B. Johnson, Staff Counsel 601 P�orthwestern 8ank Building 55 East Fifth Street Saint Pau1 , Minnesota 55101 � s . �..-.._ .�. � � � . URBAN HOMESTEADERS LEASE AND PURCHASE AGREEMENT J THIS AGREEMENT made this day of , 19 , between the HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, . _ hereinafter referred to as the "HRA" - and . �ointly and separately, hereinafter � referred to as "Homesteader" WITPJESSETH: WHEREAS, thE HRA, acting pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.415 to 462.711, desires to foster development and use of unpro- ductive real property; �o bring substandard buildings and improvements in compliance with public standards for decent, safe, and sanitary housing; and to provide home ownership opportunities to qualified applicants; and WHEREAS, the HRA, in order to carry out these purposes, desires to lease and ultimately to convey in fee simple the property herein- after described to the Homesteader for a nominal consideration; and W�REAS, the success of the Urban Homestead Program requires strict compliance by the Homesteader with the terms, agreements, covenants, and conditions hereinafter more particularly se� forth to the end that any violation or failure of performance thereof or any of them shall cause immediate forfeiture pursuant to the � terms hereinafter provided. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the HRA and the Homesteader do hereby agree as follows: 1. The HRA and the Homesteader shall accept the obligations and responsibilities imposed upon the respective parties to this agreement. � 2. The HRA does hereby agree to demise and lease and ultimately to convey to the said Homesteader and the latter does hereby agree to rent and to ultimately purchase from the former together with the improvements thereon and subject to any easements and/or restric- tions, if any, the following property, known as , situate and 1.ying in e i y o . , Paul, County o Ramsey, State of Minnesota, and legally described as ., . � C . � . . follows, to-wit: Said premises shall hereinafter be referred to as "Homestead." 3. The purchase price to be paid for the Homestead shall be Dollars ( ) . As further consideration, the Homesteader does hereby agree to rehabilitate said Homestead as hereinafter provided. ` 4. The HRA has simultaneously herewith committed Dollars ($ ) to the Homesteader pursuant to the St. Paul Rehabilitation Loan and Grant Program, as evidenced by a copy of a Promissory Note attached hereto as Exhibit "A" , the proceeds of which sha11 be used to finance rehabilitation of the Homestead as hereinafter provided. Following completion of all rehabilitation work and conveyancing of fee simple title, the parties to this Agreement shall execute mortgage documents attached hereto as Exhibit "B" . 5. At all times during the term of- this lease and first three (3) years following the transfer of title, the Homesteader shall � occuny and use the Homestead for residential purposes only. The Homesteader shall not utilize said property for the production of income during said time. Production of income shall not include payments to the Homesteader in compensation for providing board and room to blood relatives of the Homesteader. 6. Prior to conveyance of fee simple title and during the , period of the lease as hereinafter provided, but not after, this agreement is binding upon the contracting parties alone, is not assignable, and shall not be binding or inure to the benefit of the heirs, executors, administrators, successors, or assigns of the parties. 7. The HRA, in consideration of the rent and covenants herein- after mentioned, does hereby demise, lease and let unto said Home- steader, and said Homesteader does hereby hire and take from the HRA the above described premises, for a maximum term of ( ) months, commencing on the day of , 19 , and ending on the day� , , , both dates inclusive unless sooner terminated as hereinafter provided. 8. The Homesteader shall occupy the Homestead only after an occupancy certificate is issued by the HRA, such certificate to be - issued only upon compliance with provisions of Section 10, C. 1. , of this agreement or at such earlier time as it may be determined -2- . ' . � (` � � � by the HRA that the Homestead is safe and habitable. Such occu- pancy certificate shall. merely authorize occupancy and shall in no way warrant the condition or state of repair of any buildings, improvements, and/or equipment on or in the Homestead. 9. The Homesteader shall pay the HRA as consideration for rental for the term provided in Section 7, above, the sum of One Dollar and no/100 ($1.00) . 10. The Homesteader, shall as additional consideration, agree to the following: A. To alter, repair, improve, rehabilitate, or construct on the Homestead, at his sole cost and expense, in accordance with the plans and specifications contained in Exhibit "C" attached hereto and made a part hereof or as modified by agreement of the parties hereto and evidenced by a writing hereafter. B. To commence such rehabilitation or construction not later than thirty (30) days after the date of execution of this agreement. C. To complete all rehabilitation and construction work in accordance with the City of St. Paul Housing and Building Codes pursuant to the following provisions: . . 1) To complete such minimal repairs as may he determined by the HRA to be necessary in . order to make the Homestead safe and habitable, within ninety (90) days of commencement of work as provided in B. above. In the event that the Homestead shall have been condemned as "Unfit for Human Habitation" by an appropriate � enforcement officer of the City of St. Paul, the Homesteader, within ninety � (90) days o�' commencement of work as provided in B above, shall also make such repairs as said officer may require as minimally necessary to secure said officer' s written approval to use the Homestead for human habitation. The � Homesteader shall not occupy the Fiome- �� stead until the requirements of this subparagraph C.l. have been satisfied. 2) To complete all rehabilitation and con- struction work within ( ) months af�ter the date of execution af this agreement, which time period shall not in any case exceed twenty-four (24) months. Such time period has been deter- mined by the parties hereto in accordance with the amount of such rehabilitation -3- � , .. . � and construction which is to be performed by outside contractor(s) and/or by the Homesteader. D. To secure any and all permits and approvals required by the City of St. Paul to perform any and all of the work contemplated to be done or performed by the Homesteader, and to pay any and all fees and charges due to and collec- ted by the City of St. Paul in connection �aith the issuance of any such permits and approvals. - . E. To pay and discharge punctually any and all charges and rents due to and collected by any and all private utility company(s) and governmental unit (s) for utility services of any kind whatsoever during the term hereof. F. To comply with such additional reasonable terms as the HRA may designate in order to insure that the rehabilitation of the Homestead is success- fully completed. 11. During the time period provided in Section 10, C. , above, the Homesteader shall permit periodic inspections by the various City of St. Paul inspectors and/or HRA rehabilitation counsellors upon reasonable notice, providing for a mutually convenient time, for a deterr:.in�ti�:: �1 these �.nspectors and/or cour.seli ors th�t : reasonable, satisfactory progress, as defined by the HRA, is being made by the Homesteader in rehabilitating or constructing the H��stead. A. Except as provided in Section 10, C. 1, above, the Hemesteader shall be permitted to occupy the Homestead prior to completing such rehabilitation and construction work as is required by paragraph 1Q above. If, as a result of a periodic inspection, � such inspectors and/or counselors determine that a hazardous condition exists in or on the Homestead, which condition may endanger the health or safety of the occupants, the City of St. Paul and/or the HRA may require the Homes�eader to correct such hazardous condition in accordance with the time provisions of the City of St: Paul Housing Code. B. If, as a result of a periodic inspection, the HRA concludes that .the Homesteader is unable or un- willing to proceed reasonably or satisfactory toward fulfilling the objectives and conditions of this section; or that satisfactory progress has not reasonably been forthcoming for any other reason within the control of the Homesteader, the Homesteader may be required to retain a contractor approved by the HRA to complete � the remaining rehabilitation or construction work, or to surrender and quit the Homestead and thus terminate all Homesteader' s rights in the lease upon thirty (30) days' notice by the HRA. _.d_ :. . � . �� � - C. Any Homesteader who receives notice to quit provided in B, above, may come before the HRA Board af�Commissioners and is entitled to present any , defenses to termination by reason of this section which said Homesteader may desire to present, and said Board of Comr,iissioners sha11 at that time render a final decision not reviewable by any other entity of the City of St. Paul. D. If the Homesteader is required to surrender and quit the Homestead prior to the completion of � rehabilitation or construction and/or conveying of fee simple title, the HRA shall apply any recovery made in the subsequent sale or use of the Homestead toward reimbursing the Homesteader for the amount of any payments theretofore made in satisfying the promissory note executed by the parties pursuan� to the St. Paul Rehabilitation Loan and Grant Program, and any out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the Home- steader and/or the reasonable value of his personal � � labor which expenses and labor are determined by the HRA to have materially contributed to the increased � value of the Homestead. 12. The Homesteader agrees that when rehabilitation upon said Homestead is completed the use of said Homestead shall be a permitted use under the City of St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and the Urban Renewal Plan or Development District Plan if said Homestead is located within a designated rer.ewal area. � 13. During the lease period provided in Section 10. , C. , above, the HRA shall provide, maintain and keep in force fire and extended coverage insurance protecting and covering the HRA' s interest in the Homestead and the amount of any loan executed through the St. Paul Rehabilitation Loan and Grant Program evidenced by the promissory note attached hereto as Exhibit "A" . In the event the Homestead is destroyed during said lease period, this agreement . shall become null and void and of no further effect, and the proceeds from insurance required under this term shall be applied first to the reduction of said promissory note and secondly toward reimbursing �he Homesteader for the amount of any payments theretofore made in satisfying said note. A. The Homesteader shall not in any manner do, permit or suffer any act or thing in or upon the Homestead which may make void or voidable any insurance required under this term of the agreement. B. The Homestead shall furnish and keep in force fire � and extended coverage insurance following conveyance of fee simple title in accordance with provisions of the mortgage to be simultaneously executed therewith which is attached hereto as Exhibit "B" . 14. The Homesteader sha11 be in exclusive control and possession of the Homestead, as provided herein, and the HRA shall not be liable for any injury or damage to any property or to any person happening -5- . • � � on or about the Homestead, or for any injury or damage to the Home- stead, or to any property of the Homesteader, or of any other person contained therein. A. Provisions hereof permitting representatives of the City of St. Paul and/or the HRA to enter and inspect the Homestead are made solely for the purpose of enabling the HRA to be informed as to whether the Homesteader is complying with the agreements, terms, covenants, conditions . hereof. B. The Homesteader shall indemnify and save harmless - the HRA from and against all costs, expenses, liabilities, losses, suits, claims and demands of every kind or nature by or on behalf of any person whomsoever arising out of any accident, injury, or damage which shall happen in, on, or about the Homestead and on the streets, alleys, and sidewalks adjacent thereto, and for any matter or thing growing out of the condition, occupation, maintena.nce, alteration, repair or use of the Homestead during the term thereof. 15. At the commencement of the lease term hereof, the Homesteader shall accept the buildings, improvements, and any equipment on or in the Homestead in their existing condition and state of repair, and the HRA covenants that no representation, statement or warranties expressed or implied, have been made by or on behalf of the HRA in respect thereto and that the Homesteader has inspected the Homestead prior nereio, and that the A£cA shaii in no event be liable for any latent defects therein. 16. If at any time during the lease term hereof, the Home- steader shall: . A. Abandon the Homestead and such abandonment shall continue for a period of five {5) days after written or published notice by the HRA; or a B. Assign or sublet in whole or in part, except as provided herein, the Homestead and such assignment or sublease shall continue for a period of fifteen (15) days a�ter written or published notice by the HRA; or C. Default in complying with any other agreement, � term, covenant or condition of this agreement, and if such default shall continue for a period of sixty (6Q) � � days after written notice of the HRA specifying a claimed default, and if the Homesteader shall fail to commence in good faith, appropriate action within said period to remedy such default, or fail to diligently and continu- ously proceed therewith; Then, in any event, the HRA may distrain for any breach of covenant contained herein on the part of the Homesteader to be performed after due notice herein- after has been given, and upon such distrain, at the option of the HRA, this agreement shall become null and _6_ . � �. . .- • � void and of no further effect, and all improvements made to the Homestead shall become the property of the HRA. The HRA shall apply any recovery made in the subsequent sale or use of the Homestead toward reimbursing the Homesteader for the amount of any payments theretofore � made in satisfying the promissory note executed by the parties pursuant to the St. Paul Rehabilitation Loan • - • and Grant Program, and any out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the Homesteader and/or the reasonable value of his personal labor which expenses and labor are deter- mined by the HRA to have materially contributed to the increased value of the Homestead. 17. If and where the conditions o£ Section 10, hereof, are fulfilled, as determined and certified by the HRA, the HRA shall issue a certificate of completion and shall execute all documents necessary to convey a marketable fee simple title by Quit Claim Deed, attached hereto as Exhibit "D" , to the Homesteader subject only to the condition that the Xomesteader shall occupy and use the Homestead for residential purposes only for a period of three (3) years from the date of transfer of title. The costs of trans- fer, including title examination, conveyancing, documentary stamps, and transfer and recordati.on tax shall be paid by the Homesteader. Any property taxes shall be levied during the year in which fee � simple title is conveyed shall be appartioned pro rata between the HRA and the Homesteader. A. Dur.i.ng such three (3) year period, the Ho::le- steader shall not vacate the Homestead and retain owner- ship of said property not utilize said property for the pro�uction of income while continuing to occupy and use the Homestead for residential purposes. Production of income shall not include payments to the Homesteader in compensation for providing board and room to blood relatives of the Homesteader. In the event the Home- steader sha11 in any manner violate this term of the Agreement, the HRA shall have the right to re-enter � and take possession of the property and to terminate and revest in the HRA the estate conveyed by the Quit � Claim Deed to the Homesteader, its assigns or successors in interest. The HRA shall apply any recovery made in - the subsequent sale and use of the Homestead toward reimbursing the Homesteader for the amount of any pay- ments theretofore made in satisfying the promissory note and the mortgage securing the same executed by the parties . pursuant to the St. Paul Rehabilitation Loan and Grant Program, and any out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the Homesteader and/or the reasonable value of his personal labor which expenses and labor are determined by the HRA to have materially contributed to the increased value of the Homestead. B. In the event, the Homesteader shall sellthe � Homestead within three (3) years from the date of transfer of title, the Homesteader shall pay the HRA a percentage _7_ �;,�'' . . � . �_ ' . of any increased value received upon the sale of the Homestead. � 1) The amount of increased value, to which , the percentage shall be applied, shall be determined by subtracting Dollars , � representing t e indebtedness originally incurred by the Homesteader at the time of the execution of this agreement, and any expenses incurred by the Homesteader to market the I?omestead, including the . payment of any property taxes from the price at which the Homesteader sold the property. � 2) The percentage paid to the HRA shall be: a) Ninety percent (90�� , if sold within the first year since obtaining title; b) Sixty percent (60�) if sold during the second year since obtaining title; c) Thirty percent (30�) if sold during . the third year since obtaining title. 3) In �he event of hardship, the HRA mav elect to waive this repayment provision. C. The Homesteader shall agree to maintain the Home- Ho*nestead, following completion of rehabilitation or con- struction and transfer of title, in accordance with all electrical, plumbing, building, fire prevention, and related codes af the City of St. Paul. D. This agreement shall, from and after the date of • transfer of title, bind and inure to the benefit of the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the parties hereto. , _ E. None of the provisions of this agreement are intended to or shall be merged by reason of any deed transferring title to the Hamestead from the HRA to the Homesteader or any successor in interest, and any such deed shall not be deemed to affect or impair the pro- visions and covenants of this agreement. - 18. All notices required or permitted under the terms of this agreement to be given by either party to the other, shall be in writing, except as hereinafter provided, and unless and until otherwise specified in writing by the respective parties, shall be sent to the parties and addresses as follows: � -8- ., • • � �. � ' Housing and Redevelopment Authority � of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota 601 Northwestern Bank Building 55 East Fifth Street Saint �aul, Minnesota 55101 ATTN: Urban Homesteading Coordinator Representing ( the .� ( Homesteader ( t All notices shall be deemed to have been properly served only if sent by registered or certified mail to the persons at the addresses designated above,or to any other person at the address which either party may hereinafter designate by written notice to the other party. Servic� of any such notice sha11 be considered as made two (2) days after the date of mailing. If the Homesteader defaults in any manner described in Section 16 A. or B. , above, and if the HRA determines that written notice as hereinbefore provided, is not reasonably calculated to reach the Hor:iesteader the HRA may publish notice of its intent to distrain for breach of contract by v�irtue of such default in a general circulation daily publication, such published notice to appear for five (5) consecutive days. 19. The failure of the HRA to insist upon a strict per= formance of any of the agreements, terms, covenants, and conditions hereof shall not be deem�d a waiver of any rights or remedies that the HRA may have and shall not be deemed a waiver of any subsequent breach or default in any of such agreements, terms, covenants and conditions. 20. This agreement contains the entire agreement between the , parties and shall not be modified in any manner except by an in- strument, in writing, executed by the parties. IN WTTNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed .this agreement on the day and year first above written. In the Presence of: HOUSING AND REDEVELOPriEPdT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA By � Its By Its . By . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HOMESTEADER By . . . . HOMESTEADER ' ,' . • . � � . � � ., � , . STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF Ft�MSEY ) � On this � day of , 19 , before me, a Notary Public within and for said County, personally appeared and , to me persona . y own, w o, y me duly sworn, id say t at t ey are the and , respectively, o the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the Czty of Saint Paul, Minnesota, naried in the foregoing instrument; that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corparation; and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Commissioners; and said and acknowledged said instrument to be the ree act and deed of said corporation. . STATE C�F wrrrrnT�emm� � _ ) SS. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) On this day of ' , 19 , before me, a Notary Public w hin and for said County, personally appeared to me persona y nown, w o, y me u y sworn, i say t at � he the Homesteader named in the foregoing a in'- str unent and acknowledged said instrument to be free act and deed. . ,�'.,: -10- � �> _ . � V•� . � F`Jl • . .i' . - �soiirriorl No. �6-1/i2 ����� . � � RESOLUTION APPROVING APPLICATION FOR URBAI3' ' . , $O�IESTEADING DENiONST?�ATION AND ADOPTING . U'RBAN HOI�IESTEADIi�IG PROGR�'�1 GUID�LINES WHEREAS, the Secretary of the Departmer_t of Housing' and Urbaa �. Develapment has ar_nounced an Urban Hom,esteading Der.lonstration � implementing the provisions of Section 810 of the Housing and Comnunity Development Act of 1974; ar.d WHEFEAS, the City of Saint Paul has been invited to participate in such Denonstration by submittir.g a �roper ap�licaticn from a designa�ed local a�iinistrative agency by .Tanuary 21, 1977; � . and . � WHEREAS, the Authority has developed c�rtain a�ministrative guidelines and c�ner docur:entation iti�hicn is necessan% to s��port sucii an appZic�tioa, c,rhicn material is ccntained in a dccw::er_t � � entitled, "Application For Urban ficr:�esteadir_5 L�:�onstraticn" dated . Januar-y, 1977; ' = and W:iERrAS , the Authority int�nds to request the Council of the City of Saint Paul to designate the Authority as the Iocal agency empoc��ered to ad:;linister an Urban Hom,estead�ng Demonstratior. Program pursuant to such of the above menticned adninistrative guidelir.es : and other documentdtion as the Secretary o�' t?U� may approve. �TOinT THEREFO?2E, BE IT P.r,SOL�TD by the Board oT Co.-nmissioners of . the Housing and Redevelopment P.ut�:orit_v of tze City cf Sair_t Paul, Minnesota that zn �pplication be sub�tt�d by th� authority to the Department of No•.��ing and Urban Develop::ie�t to participate in thz Urban Horaesteading Derlonstration, pzovided t;a� t�e Cot��,ciZ of �he City of Saint Paul shall by reso?uzicn ctesignate th�e Author��+y. as _ the local agency empowered to car?y out such a Progra�-n in the' City of Saint Paul. - BE IT FUP.THER RESGLVED that the ad.*�inistrat?ve guid�lines for said lirban Hcr.zesteading Demonstration Progra� con`�ined ir_ tne 'document entitled, "�,pplication For Jr�an Hcr�,esteading Demonstraticn" dated ,Tanuary, 1977; �, are hereby approved far the �urpose cf beir.g included in said applicaticn, togethzr �,�itn such chan5es or altera- tions as staff may de�n reasonable and n2cessary: in order to secure the approval of said applica-cicn by the Department of. Housi.r_g and Urba� Developr,.ent. . . , ; . : � . . ; � . � : r - , t ; ; • ; � �•+1� . ,� �' . • + ' . ' . �y . . . . .. . •• . +i ' • . . . . � . ' . . . . � s��.�r� oF �s rnTt�so�'n � . � . . Councy► o; RamE„�► . ea. � . � ClTY OF S/LINT ?AUL ' . I .............. ........Rose..�x........_..._................_... ............ ......City Ct�r;c .. �- ; o.' th� City af �:�i:it i'�:ui� ��i��•a;.o�z du �ar+e�y ceztl�";� ta4r ' huv;: . . �o•�y::�cr;a thc+ a�e.:ci�..y� c:a;�� u; i.�u�cSl �ilu I�a.... 265945........ ... . . . . ' �a �do�ted by tl�a City Cau�c(x..._--•----.August...22'........:.........I9.�5 . • _ . . cn� �ppro�e; by ti�� 2'fsya:__..__:.....'_._..._August.25s................:.19.75•--- -• . , crf t�tho orf�i.a�r t thc..^c�P o� fite fn r.��► o�Ica. . _---._.._...__._..._------------------•---........ ....._..._..................................._.........� ._....... .� . . I furt�� cr�rtiiy cn�t c^t� cn;�p i� �: t�z�o �nd con c;.t copy �f c::id orly��1 r:��1 tL�e.cr;aole ti;crcof. � �7Ili•;rSS r..�ay har.c3 ��d tu9 cr.,:I o� th� City of Salne Puul, .".flnn., : t�it:�.--------25th......_...._.d�p of......:...... ...••- --ust g .............• --.........:.A. U. 19...�� . . ... ... � �..}'y_� .�.;�.................. .. ....... . � � . �... try ci///: �-. .. `�V�� �.:�- y�,� �. . � . . . � . � ,�� -� . . . . . _ �V fL' _ . . V • • • ouncil es ,�u�i n �. , , , . � . � cc�`��� ���. resented r�y � , Referred To ' ommittee: Date Out of Committee By Date � RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE HOUSSNG AND,_ . REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF � - � � . SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA AS THE ENTITY ` , . � . , EMPOWERED TO CARRY. OUT AN URBAN HOMESTEADING _ PROGRAM IN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, ' MINNESOTA � . ' • ' . . . WHEREAS, Sectian 810 (a) of the Housi�ng and Community Development Act •- . . of.� 1974 authorizes the Secretary of the. Degartment of Housing and Urban _Development to transfer without paymen� to a unit of general 1aca1 govern-� - :-'_ ment or a state or public agency designateci by a unit of yeneral local " government or a state, ceztain real property suitable for use in an ,urban = homestead program which meets the requa.rements of Section 810 (b) of said � Act; :and ' . _ " WHEREAS, the Secretaxy of the Department of Housing .and Urban Devel- opment has invited the City of Saint Pau]. to participat� in its .Urban , Homesteading Demonstration implementing the urban homesteading provisions ' -- of Section 810 (b) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974; and _ WHEREAS, the Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Devel- onment has requested the City to submit an Anplicati,on by Avc�ust 79 ; �g75 ` . if the Ci�y desires to participate in said Urban Homesteadiny Demonstration : which Application must include a homesteadzng plan approvable by the Secretary and certain other documentation; and - : WHEREAS, the Council. of the City of Saint Paul desires to participate . in the Urban Homesteading Demonstration and to therefore designate an � appropriate local entity to be responsible for adrninistering an urban homesteading program and for submitting an Application to par�tic�.pate � : in the Urban Homesteading Dernonstration on beh.alf of the City of Saint Pauz, Minnesota; and � . � LOUNCIL6iEN . Yeas Nays ' Requested by Deparfinent of: � . . . � Hunt ' - • � � Konopatzki � � In Favor . . Levine ' . Meredith � . . Against " BY ' . Sprafka • Tedesco � � h1me.President Butler . � ' Ado ted by Countil: Date Form Approve y C y Att �ey P � • :�`�,-'� �ertified Passed by Council Secretary • • • • • BY � By . . Approved by blaXor• ,Date Approved by M r for Submission to Council � . � By BY , � _!_ ._. .. ---.=-� ---- __- ----._`-�------- . -- - .___—_--- � - -_____--_._.__..__._� ._ . .._. - ._ __ _ ._ ...---- -• - - . �_. �.__._.._ ....__. _..----._ _.. .__--_--_,._____....__._____ -----,..�_...__..__.._._ _ __- _ -------- ---- '• �re - c�•r c��n Counci . _�+�Va7'�Ll � NARYSI���:."p MENT ' � GITY OF SAINT PAUL . File �'0. . . USr' �M�t OR . . . . . . � �� • : Council �esolution :� . .-. . . . �esented By � • . Referred To � Committee: .. Date � • Out of Committee By � . Date � . • -2- • � ' �- _ , � WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City af Saint Paul, Minnesota is a public body corporate and politic, duly organized pursuant to the provisic�ns of the Municipal Housing and Redevelopment Act, 1974 M�nnesota Statutes §462.4].1 et seq. , and having �all the powers necessary Qr convenient to carry out the purposes of said ': : Municipal Housing and Redevelopment Aat including the following powers: � (a) To accept from the Secretary of the Department of Housa.ng and Urban . � Develcspment the transfer without payment of any real property wa.thin the City of Saint Paul to which the Secretary holds title, tlie , statutory source of said power be�.�ng 1974 Minnesota Statutes c462.445, � Subd. 1(6} and (7) ; � (b) To conditionally convey unoccupied residential prope.rty to an - . individual or a family without any substanti.al consi.deration, the - statutory source of said power being 1974 Minnesota Statutes §462.525, Subd. 9, and �462.445, Subd. l (5) ; and � (c) .To assist in or undertake the financing of the rehabilitation of real property conveyed to persons selected as homesteaders pursuant to the provisions of a local homesteading plan, the � statutory source of said power bei.ng 1974 Minnesota Statutes �462.525, Subd. 1; _ and . : � . ' - • . . , , . : ----- - - - �TxEREAS, th2 -Fiousing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of � Saint Paul, Minnesota, by its Resolution No. 75-8/20-7, did adopt and approve certain guidelines for the admi.ni.stration of a local urban homesteading program and certain other documentation entitled, "Application For Urban Homesteading Demonstration" which appears to meet the requirements COUNCILh1EN � Requested by Department oE:. • - Yeas . Nays � Hunt ' Konopatzki � • In Favor . � . Levine . Meredith Against By - Sprafka - Ted esco ' ' - Mme.President Butler -" ��``' Form Approved b Cit}' ttorney � Adopted by Council: Date ` B \ Certified Passed by Council Secretary ` y By Approved by hlayor for Submission to Council • . pppzoved by �9axor. Date - . B ' . BY — - Y � � _ c�rr e��wK COUnCil(� �[3��'�C� � .. /1NANCE . � �T�`Y O�r� SAINT PAITL � I ►AY�-DE'�PARTMENT � 1 � File i� �. E.- �NAY`OR � � � �� . • � Council �esolution . � : �: �- sented By � . , , Referred To � � Committee: Date 'Out of Committee By � Date � . . . `3_ • - �- of an Application for local participation in the Urban Homesteading Demonstration described above; and � . • WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul intends to designate '. the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, - � �Minnesota as the unit of general. local government or public agency to `�`carry out a local urban homesteading program and to make App].ication to ` the .Secretary of :the Department ot Housing and Urban Development to ' participate in the Urban Homesteading Demonstrata.on described� above. NOW THEREFORE; BE� IT RESOLVED by the Counczl of the City of Saint . . , Paul as follows: , . : 1. That the Council. does hereby declare its desire that the City of Saint Paul shall participate in the Urban Homesteadinq Demonstration _ being undertaken by the Secretary of the Department of �Housing and Urb an { - Development, -pursuant to Section 810 0� the Housin.g and Community Develop-- i , ment Act of 1974 . - - - - -- - - - -• - -- _ . _ _ 2. That the Council does hereby find that the Housin_g and Redevelop-- ment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota is a. pub�:ic body corpor�.�e and politic capable of carrying out a local t�rban homesteading program pursu�nt to Section 810 of the Housing a�c� C�omm�nit,y Development Act of 1974. � . _ _- -- - ..- - - - � - - - - � 3. � That the Courzcil does hereby designate. �he Hous�ng �nc� Redevelop- � � ment Authority of the. City of Saint Paul, Minr�,es�p�a �� the'�ni� o€ general j local government or public agency to carry out a �.ocal �rban homesteading ' � program in the City of Saint Paul through part�ci�atian a�r� the Urban � � - -Homesteading Demonstration� described above. + � - � ��� COUNCILA4EN . � � Requested b� Deparxmen�o�: . - • - eas Nays . . � _ ~ Hunt Konopatzki ___ _, In FavOc Levine ' . . _. . hleredith � Against "�y --.- - - : Sprafka _ . __.-- --- Tedesco : . � me.President Butler � Form Appror�e_ �b.}��"Gy,.f�Gtor . . � - ' •� dopted by Council: .., Date � / � � � ertified Passe�y Counci�Secr�ta�l . �/ By --=- ---- --- -� I. _ - - -..-_ . - •- �y ! � � ' / �' i��l,./ � - - - � �_ � - � ' A roved.b ; _, � �f r Subm�,s.�i,�tg CQutfci� PPtoved by Ma}�or: Date _. _. _ _ PP Y �.3t2. �.r ., . Bygy . . ------- ' �: Counci� Keso�ution : . �;, . .. . ... � 'resented�By � Referred To � ' Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date . . _4_ . . 4. That the Council does hereby direct the Housing and Redevelop- ment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota to submit a timely Appl.ication to the Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban - Development to participate i.n the Urban Homesteading Demo�stration described above, together with such administrative guidelines and other � documentation as may be necessary in conjunction with said Applicati.on. � � COUNCILMEN ' . . " ' teas Nays Requested by Department of: � � • . _ , Hu . . � Ko opat�z�s� In Favor . . vine '.+���'S.' � . . D edithLev� _ Against BY � � pr< `ka . , ede o RoedLer _ �me. residen BSuYt�er�t� , ' - 7edesCO ��� 'y� �� " FQrm Approved Cit Attorney �dopted by Coun�pd�t �atg� � �,-;:; :ertified Passed.by Council Secretary . , • BY ; � ...�- BS`�� � . � n '' � �-- . _. . � � � �j � Approved by M y r fo Submission to Council ,ppro, � Ma or: e _ 9 -- - BY . --- .. - -�- _.--_;;-_•-- .--- ---•- . ---. . .__ . . ...--.-.- • --_—__ .-._. .. . .____. .. _ . - --- - .�' . � • - ,v- . . . . . � � . . ' .. . ' . :�;� . . . . . •�. /1�V������. . � ':'. ApPLYCATION FOR URBAN HOME5TEADING DEMONSTRATION SAlldl YAUL, MINNESOrTA . snd 5 exped�tozs as we11 as technical and financial staf£ to facilitate the Urban Homesteading Program. Qualified se�vices by adequate staff are available i�n each o# these disciplines mentioned abave so that an � • appropriate number of people can be assigned to Urban HomesteadiRg to assure the implementation of the program described herein. �2, Time Schednle for Tmplementation of Demonstration � SVENT TIMING .�� Inspection - work write-up (City inspection team 1 week � and HRA) _ . • . � Advertise - (Show house » open house) 2 weeks . Accept Applications 2 weeks . Process Application � �1 week First Lottery 4 weeks Second Lottery Public Heariag � 1 week Property Conveyance Homesteaders Agreement � 1 week Contractors Arrangements • Coamuencement of Work - within 30 days of the execution of Homesteader's Agreement • Completion of Wozk - within 7.80 days of tha execution of - d Homesteader's Agreement . 3. Goals and Obiectives In Saint paul, Urban Homesteading, used in coordination with the Saint paul . Rehabilitation Loan and Grant Px�ogra,m, implementation of the Coma�unity Development Block Grant Program, the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency Loaa and Grant Pxogram, the implementation of the Hazardous Building Act, the _ :: _��,;;; Nei.ghborhood Housing Serv�.ces Progra.m, as well as other new and existiag revitalization progr,ams, can be instrumental fn achieving the foZlowi.ng goals; a. Revitalizing of neighborhoods by i.nczeasing their economic vitality. "6- App2ication Doc�n�entation APPLICATION FOR URBAN HOMESTEADING DEMpNSTRATION SAINT YAUL, MLNNESOTA b. The provision of a home ownership opportunity for those who could not otherwise afford it. c. The reduction of hazards created by vacant structures. d. The stimulation of housing rehabilitation efforts where it may not otherwise have occurred. e. The increase of tax productivity of residential property. C. NEIGHBORHOOD SELECTION 1. Map of geographic jurisdiction of the city of Saint Paul with target neighborhoods outlined. This map is enclosed. 2. Map of each proposed target neighborhood with geographic boundaries, - census tract lines, locations of vacant single-family properties, and locations of HUD-owned properties. These maps are enclosed. The city of Saint Paul owns no single-family properties. _ 3. Description of residential characteristics of each proposed target area: Summit-University The Summit University area, as shown on the map under No. 2 had a popu- lation of 22,216 as of the 1970 Census (Block Statistics). The approxi- mate median family income is $7,672, according to the 1970 census tract data. Census data also shows that 56.27e of area families have incos�s below 80% of the local median family income, while 39.6� are below 5Q% of the local family median. Using 1970 Census Block Statistics, it is estimated that 22.7% of Summit- University's year-round housing units are owner-occupied. The Saint Paul Area Soard of Realtors' annual publication "Year End Statistical Marketing Analyses" was used to estimate current price of single-family sales. For Summit-University the average price was $pproximately $23,200 at the end of 1976. -7- Application Documentation . �s� ��� ApPLICATION FOR URBAN HOMESTEADING DEMONSTRATION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Thomas-Dale According to the 1970 Census Block Statistics, Thomas-Dale has a population of 16,759. The approximate median family income is $8,849. An estimated 46.5% of families in Thomas-Dale have incomes below 80% of the local family median, and about 25.8% are below 50% of the local median family income. Income figures are from 1970 census tract data. Using Block Statistics, it is estimated that 47.8% of the housing units in Thomas-Dale are owner-occupied. The Saint Paul Area Board of Realtors annual publication "Year End Statistical Marketing Analyses" was used to estimate current price of single-family residential property sales. The average was $23,200 for Thomas-Dale at the end of 1976. West Side . The population of the West Side, according to the 1970 Census, is 17,239. Census tract data for 1970 was used to esCimate the median family income, $8,849. The approximate percentage of families with incomes below 807e of the local family median is 41.3% while 25.8% are below 509'0 of the local median (1970 census tract data). About 56.57e of the West Side's housing units are owner-occupied, according to 1970 Census Block Statistics. The Saint Paul Area Board of Realtors' annual publication "Year End Statistical Marketing Analyses" was used to estimate the current price of single-family residential property sales. The estimated average price for the West Side was $26,600 at the end of 1976. 4. Information for the City as a Whole The estimated average price of city-wide sales of single-family residen- tial propereies at the end of 1976 was $31,100 for existing housing stock. , -8- Application Documentation <=�� AP'PLICATION FOR URBAN HOMESTEADING DEP�ONSTRATION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA These estimates come from the St. Paul Area Board of Realtors' Year End Statistical Marketing Analyses for 1976. Based on census tract data, the local median family income is $10,544. The estimated percent of families below the poverty line ($3,743) is 6.47d. 5. Saint Paul has chosen three neighborhoods in which to begin its Urban Homesteading Program. Each of these neighborhoods has distinctive characteristics and problems. The three together cover a broad range of conditions. They were chosen because the varied nature of these neighborhoods offer an opportunity to assess the effect of urban home- steading in Saint Paul so that the second stage of the Program may be designed for maxi�m impact. - The three neighborhoods, their characteristics and goals are as follows: Summit-Universitv Sun�nit-University is one of the oldest neighborhoods in Saint Paul, located ,just west of downtown. A section of the neighborhood has been under consideration by the Minnesota Historical Society for designation as a National Historic District. Summit-University was originally a sniddle-class neighborhood; its housing for the most part consisting of large, well-constructed, single-family residences. Eighty percent of the housing was built before World War II. After World War II, the area experienced an influx of low-income whitea ' and blacks. Most of the blacks in Saint Paul became concentrated in this area and the resulting social and physical problems have been documented and dealt with abundantly elsewhere. The worst housing in the neighborhood was immediately around the State Capitol, and was removed beginning in the mid-50's. The residents -9- Application Documentation � . � � � �6g��� APPLICATION FOR UftBAN HOMESTEADING DEMONSTRATION SAINr PAUL, MINNESOTA ' - relocated westward into thQ rest o£ Sumomit-University. This aggravated already existing problems. In 1959-60 land was acquired and . families relocated for xnterstaee, 94 which made a cut across the � aorthern part of the neighborhood. Once again *_his.aggravated the . ' . problems of what was becocning a captive population due to racial dis- , crimination. The area has the highest crime rate in the city. �aenty percent o£ its residents receive some type of welfare, and only 22', of the residences are awner-occupied, well below the city average. The naighborhood also has a caacentration o£ vacant, boarded-up houses. A1Z this is in spite of the fact that Summit-University was designated a Model Cities Neighborhood in August-September 1968 and some of its worst problems addressed. , � Sfnce 1968 the Model Neighborhood Planning C+c�uncil and the Hou�ing and Redevelopment Authority have accomplished the rehabil,itation o� 100 large homes rented and purchased by ].ow-income £amilies, voluntary rehabilita- tioa usit�g Sec. 312 loans 'and Sec.. ].15 grants, building and rehabilitation of..homes,under Sec. 235 of multi-family dwellings. . . � In addition, public improvements were made in large areas o£ the neighborhood. Development o€ a shopping ce nter at Dale and University is taking place, and neW s�ngle and multiple-family residences are being developed in the Northeast Quadrant. The goal of an Urban Romesteading Program in S�nit-Univers3.ty would be to 3.ncrease the level of home ownership, especially for 1ow and moderAte-income families. If chosen carefully, Urban Homesteading pzoperties could serve as a stabilizing factor and as a visible example of what could be done with the large homes in the area. Urban Home- . steading would serve as one more tool for an area which has Already done much for itself, but which still has a long way to go. " - ��0- Application Docu�nentation _ APPLICATION FOR URBAN HOMESTEADYNG � SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ' Thomas-Dale The Thomas-Da1e neighborhood dates back to the latter half of the 1800's when it was known as "Frogtown." The residents of this community were blue collar workers, and today the neighborhood remains characteristic � of the same. The homes date back �to the late 1800's, early 2900's,. and �. are small and closely grouped. The 1960's and the 1970's broughC a transi� tion fram urban to suburban residency, and the Thomas-Dale neighborhood � lost many of the ner�rer generation of older families and had d3.fficulty in - . � attracting younger families until �ust recently when t:�e urban ren�wal � program began to xemodel the community. � The current emphasis for treatmeaC of existing housing is rehabilitation. Thomas-Dale is in�volved in the effort torehabilitate housing through Saint Paul�s new city-wide rehabili.tation program, as well as other ongoing Qrograms. A1sQ, the neighborhood contains one of the Identif3.ed Treatment Areas created by Saint paul's Co�aunity Development Pzograr�; new single-family homes continue to be built, and parts of the neighbor- hood have received new public improvemenCs. A program such as Urban Hamesteading would give Thamas-Dale yet another tool for neighborteood .improvement, as well as praviding opportunities for losa and moderate- , ittcame people to become home owaers. Thomas-Dale's goal is to preserve the character o£ the old "Frogtown" neighborhood, While rehabilitation is the preferred treatment, there , are definitely some areas that cannot be rehabilitated and therefore should be cleared and redeveloped. Through a combination of rehabi.lita- tion and redevelopment, Thomas-Dale will be able to attract a variety o£ people and can continue as the "melting pot" of the �ity. . •. . � . -11- Application Doccrmeatation APPLICATION FOR URBAN H�MESTEADING DEMONSTRATION � SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ' . West 5ide � ._.�..._ The West Side is a crescent-shaped part of Saiat Paul, compr�.sing four census tracts on the west bank of the Missi.ssippi River, but _ 8outh of the rest of Saint Paul. Ztao bluff lines separate the "flats" or industrial area, the "Hill" or Concord Terrace area and the "upper . bluff" area. . . � The West Side was a traditional area for settlement of imm3grants £rom . many nations. Ethnic communities daveloped in the "f].ats" along the river, which were subject to annual £looding until the land was filled in by sand from the ziver. "Flats" housing, now demo?.ished, was not of a permanent nature as was housiag furthar up the bluffs dating from the early.days of Saint Paul. The largest population of second-].anguage speaking people in the city . live on the West Side. Since the 1920's, �migrant Mexican-Americans, Spanish-speaking individuals of Mexican descent, hava chosen to 13.ve -- first dn the lower West Side and then gradually moving to the upper West Side. The zeligious and cultural £lavor of the neighborhood creates a focus for the comn►unity. : � r Many young families live on the West Side, where 64% of the population is under 45. Only 16�. receive some form of we2fare. About half of the housing is aver SO years old and the percentage of substarcdard . units in c�mbination with the high level of home owaership qualify the ' area fox the City's Aehabil�tation Program. The WesC Side is designated as a Concentrated Rehabilitation Area under this p rogram, Hoasing on the West Side is in a period of transition. Although many o� " the hanes have been bzought up to code by the individual home owner, many others are in need of repair a.nd some have reached a point of no � return and should be torn down. If the Wes� Side is to remain a strong, � viable neighborhood, home rehabilitation programa are essential to attract "12" Application Documentation . . _ . . . ...: , ___.. . . . . ., -- .�__ : . �:_ . : _ _ ... ._._. . _ �.�-, _... .... _ : :: _ . �����"�.. . (�� APPLICATION FOR URBAN HOME5TEADING DEMONSTRATION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA and to keep young families in the area and so to create a stabilizing influence. Urban Homesteading is seen as a program that can �omplement and even encourage rehabilitation by creating an awareness of the housing stock, of the neighborhood and of the opportunities available for rehabilita- tion. D. FZNANCING L. Description of federal, state or local public funds available for rehabilitation. . The need for rehabilitation and the growing interest in it have resulted in the involvement of a variety of public agencies, community organiza- tions, neighborhood associations, private developers, and citizens X all workfng fnvarious ways to rehabilitate houses and revitalize neighbor- hoods. The city of SainC Paul has used aad is presentlq using a variety of government programs for financing rehabilitation through federal, state and local levels. The federal government provides funds £or rehabilita- tion through several programs as follows: a. Funding to local Housing and Redevelopment Authority for the 312 loan program. A rehabilitation and maintenance loan at low interest rates is available to property owners in designated federal project areas which include all NDP's, code enforcement areas and areas receiving Community Development funds. b. The Home Ownership Program for low and moderate-inco�ae families is a program whereby the mortgage is paid while ownership is earned for single-family units, offered by the HRA. c. Community Development funds have been appropriated for rehabilitation loans and grants in Community Development Years I and II and are proposed for Community Development Year IIZ. Community llevelopment - 13 - I�pplication Documentation APPLICATION FOR URBAN HOMESTEADING DEMONSTRATION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA funds have also been appropriated for House Recycling, Urban Homesteading, loans and grants for Non-owner Occupied Housing, Commercial Rehabilitation and Removal. of Hazardous and Vacant BuiZding programs. In addition to funds for these pr:,grams, use of Community Development Y�ar III funds for a Handicapped Housing program has received preliminary approval. d. Section 236 subsidy funds for the rehabilitation of multi-family units through Project Rehab, administered by Community Housing Corporation, for families of low and moderate incomes. e. Section 235 rehabilitation funds provide for substantial rehabili- tation for families of low and moderate income. f. The State of Minnesota, through its Housing Finance Agency, has authorized a Home Improvement Program whereby home owners of low and moderate incomes are eligible for low-interest home improvement loans and grants. g. The Saint Paul Home Rehabilitation Loan and Grant Program, administered by the Iiousing and Redevelopment Authority, is available city-wide to eligible home owners of low and moderate incomes. The loans are available at flexible interest rates depending upon family income. A priority of the program is the estabZishment of a concentrated rehab program in six designated areas of the city. h. The Urban Reirrvestment Task Force through its Neighborhood Housing Services Organization offers the use of a High Risk Revolving Loan Fund. Loans are made at flexfble interest rates and terms to home owners who do not meet commercial credit standards. The following is a .listing of the:.amounts of- funds'available for rehabili- tation loans and grants: a. City General Obligation Bonds (1) City-Wide - $3.0 million available ($2.5 million sold) (2) NDP Areas - $2.0 million (none sold, 1975 Legislature approved) - 14 - Application Documention • . ��g��� APPLICATION FaR URBAN HOMESTEADING DEMONSTRATION � SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA b. Community Development Year II (1) Loans - $1,724,000 (2) Grants $876,1OQ (3) Rehabilitation for Non-owner Occupied $500,000 (4) Camr.�ercial Rehabilitation $500,000 c. Minnesota Housi.ng Finance Agency , (1) Loans $200,000 ' (2) Grants $718,339 � d. Leveraging with Local Banks Amount is unknown. 2. At the present time, no final agreements have been made concerning the private financing of rehabilitation. However, the Guidelines of the City Rehabilitation Loan and Grant Program and of the Urban Aomesteading Program ca11 for discussions as to the feasib�lity of such agreements. These discussioas have been under way for some time, but certain Iegal questions have prevented any final agreements. . Refer to paragraph 7.4 in the Guidelines and Pracedures. E. SUPFORTIVE SERVICES 1•. Technical assistance, Counselin�� sii,p�ortive servic�s to be �iven Homesteaders Homesteaders would have available to them through the HRA the resources of a rehab advisor, a program of maintenance and home ownership counsel- ing similar to that offered under the HOPLIF Program, and financial counseling of the type offered thraugh the City's Loan and Grant Program. Technical assistance and supportive services would also be available from neighborhood associations and from community organizations, and from non-profit organizations such as the Community Housing Corporation. The Coramunity Housing Corporation offers technical assistance to home owners, assistance to neigbhorhood groups in getting organized and applying for funds, and is involved in direct acquisition, rehab, and resale of hous- ing units to low and moderate--income families. 2. Encouragement and/or assistance to be given home owners Neighborhood associations throughout Saint Paul have initiated a variety - � =15- ,Application Documentation APPLICATION FOR URBAN HOMESTEADING DEMONSTRATION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA of programs intended to improve the physical and social conditions in their areas. They have conducted trash collections and ecology drives, and prevented the demo2ition of older housing units and the boardiag up of vacant units. Most importantly, they have wor!:ed to encourage Cheir residents to maintain and improve their homes, and to take advantage of the programs availab2e for rehab assistance. The number of private developers and contractors involved in rehab- ilitation has been growing in recent years. Because public agencies cannot do the job alone, their efforts play a vital role in the rehab- ilitation of the area. A number of older apartment buildings in Saint Paul have been rehabilitated privately, as have single-family homes and rowhouses. Rehab assistance groups offer help to home owners and non-profit hous- ing sponsors. Technical rehab assistance includes and is supplied through: a. Evaluation of rehab work needed, and cost estimates. b. Referrals to rehab contractors. � c. Assistance with do-it-yourself rehab. d. Help or referral in applying for financial assistance. e. Design and architectural services. f. Assistance in organizing neighborhood groups. g. Purchase, rehab, and re-sale of housing units to low and moderate- income families. h. Tool lending "library." i. Arranges moving of houses from clearance areas to new locations. j. Financial counseling. k. Representation of loan or grant recipients in disputes arising from the loan and grant program. 1. Information on available programs and regulations. -16- Application Documentation . ';'t APPLICATION FOR URBAN HOMESTEADING DEMONSTRATION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Rehab Assistance Groups: a. Community Design Center. .. . . . . . . . . . .. ... . . . .. . . . . . . . .a,b,d,e b. Community Housing Corporation. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .d,f,g,j. c. Model Neighborhood Development Company, Inc.. . . . . . . . .a,b,c,d,g,h d. Urban Affairs Commission-Archdiocese of St. Paul. . . . .a,b,c,d e. Urban League of St. Paul. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .c,d,f,g,i f. Legal Assistance of Ramsey County. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .d,j,k g. Neighborhood Housing Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .a,h,c,d,f,j h. Housing Information Office. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .c,d,j,l 3. Adequacy of public services The progra�aing of public improvements and the continuance of public services has been a part of Saint Paul's Nieghborhood Development Program and will continue to be part of the Community Development Program. Public improvements have been an integral part of the concentrated rehabilitation program. Approximately $4,262,500 of Community Development funds have been put into public improvements in the concentrated areas in Community Development Years I and II. The City Council has approved a poliey of no assessment to property owners for most public improvements on a city-wide basis and has embarked on a comprehensive street paving plan � using bond funds and state and county aid funds. Most potential homesteading properties fall within the concentrated areas and are directly affected by the programming of public improvements in those areas. Code surveillance, enforcement program, refuse collection, street improvement, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and street lighting are all part of �the effort to improve neighbor- hood properties and facilities. "� 4. Source of administrative funds The HRA feels that staff from existing programs can be assigned part-time to perform the necessary administrave and technical functions for the Urban Homesteading program. �lA request for the funding of other adrninistrative costs, fair appraisals, title insurance, etc, will be filled with the City -17 Application Documentation ��8��� APPLICATION FOR URBAN HOMESTEADING DEMONSTRATION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council at the time of approval of the demonstration grant." These costs are expected to be modest (approximately $10,000 for the entire demonstra- tion program) and obCaining funding for them should present no difficulty. F. PROPERTY DISPOSITION 1. Timetable for property disposition EVENT TIMING I�#spection - work write-up (City inspection team and HRA) l week Advertise - (Show house - open house) 2 weeks Accept Applications 2 weeks Process Applications 1 week First Lottery 4 weeks Second Lottery Public Hearing 1 week Property conveyance 1 week Hoaresteaders Agreement Contractors Arrangements Commencement of Work - within 30 days of the execution of Homesteaders Agreement Completion of Work - within 180 days of the execution of Aomesteaders Agreement:"except those items defined as immediate health and safety hazards shall be corrected within 90 days from the date c� work commencement". The timeta�le and marketiag procedures are discussed further in Section 5 of the Guidelines and Proecures. � G. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY 1. Actions taken and procedures followed to maximize equal opportunity and affirmative action in demonstration program The city of Saint paul and the HRA have been and con'tinue to be com- mitted to a policy of non-discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religious or political affiliation in the areas of employment, eligibility for programs, and relationships with fizms, vendors, and contractors. During the De�nsCration Program, present employees of the HRA will serve as staff. They are subject to the policies and procedures of the HRA's Equal Employment Opportunity program and the Affirmative -�-18- _. � �Application Uocumentation � S �� APPLICATION FOR URBAN HOMESTEADING DEMONSTRATION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Action Program, a copy of which is included. In the selection of Homesteaders, the HRA, shall not discriminate against any applicant because of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religious or political or other affiliation. Conversely, no preference shall be shown any applicant because of political affili- ation. In addition, there shall be no discrimination against any applicant occupying public housing providing such applicants are otherwise eligible for the program. r ;y;� . -19- ,�pplication Documentation s:� ��4>... A � ' 6 pi• „ � � •�t' ' `���y- i � � � i 4+ - - � . ", ''� � . . 5 �'� ��� , `�l`Ty � ;: . ���'�. ?.�i r�� � � �1 �:'��yl �J ���. Y . �' n ..�, � � �� � � t::.� A'' 4T �v +�: , ,. , , �'.. i:. 1d �.. F.=.: y�#, xe `M,+ _ . w ., : *� . _ a.,� _ ry, i':�. a�: � .. s . . . ti � r.. � ... .., .p.- ��.,. . ;. :` :c, _ •Y�, �, -.; ��' " .^;: -3: �d .. �,�. •�.:'..�. ��Y -. k t4 .n�.� Y � ,,� o: � 4t, ;:s, '� e f; �,�w i ��. ¢. ��. �.`o s' � � �3f��. �', hv,.,. � ��� � �. � A �F ��.•, .��� � :'�x=� .z� �.:�. L �' � 1� � �, i:�. , . .;:. �n `: s'. 7h: i., , �� +?' ' . . ,$., k n�r � � }:.'_ �.- r. "&' t� 's ... �:: > � � � ��" �-�� � �, �.: �� ,��.- � � � ., i . � � • , � • � S° :r • � .` ,�� �, �; � � �. : � � . ! � ' •= - . � O .! - � � . . . • � � , • � � � � ' ' . � . : ;,.�. • � . � � . �; • ' � �� � ; , The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul,Minnesota o � EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY PROGRAM OPrepared by: OFFICE OF PERSONNEL AND EQUAL II�II'LOYMENT OPPORTUNITY HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA 55 East Fifth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 EDWARD N. HELFELD, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR � � 1 hc Huu;iny and Redevelopment Authority ' u' t��e City uf Saint Paul, Mirnesota � � JUNE, 1975 TO JUNE, 1976 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY POLICY _ The EEO Program contained in the following pages is adopted as the official Equal Employment Opportunity Policy of the HRA of the City of Saint Pau1, Minnesota. The Executive Director, as the Chief Administrative Officer of the HRA, has the ultimate responsibility for programs and regulations regarding Equal Employment Opportunity. It will be the responsibility of staff inembers of this Agency to effectively implement this program. �:,��� I� I ���°-e� EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR o � Adopted by t ersonnel Committee of the Board of Commissioners i � C� 2 5 7 S ert lvest , Chairman of the Board Date f /� . � , ,,, � �% : � r- -- � G'�� .�.�,�� ��.L , � � � � �� � I /-� 5 Donald DelFiacco, Chairman of the Personnel Committee Date � The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul,Minnesota O EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY POLICY 1.0 STATEMENT OF POLICY The employment policies and practices of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "HRA," have been and continue to be to recruit and to hire employees without discrimination because of race, religion, color, sex, age or national origin. The EQUAL EMPLOY:�IENT OPPORTUNITY POLICY� applies to all employees with respect to compensation, recruitment and opportunities for advancement including upgrading, promotion, layoffs, recalls, downgrading and termination. ► The ARA adopted this policy in writing in 1969 to assure compliance with all City, State, Federal Laws and Executive Orders to reaffirm its continued eommitment to a program of equal opportunity and merit employment policies. The HRA has agreed to assert leadership within the community and. ta O put forth the maximum effort to achieve full employment utilization of the capabilities and productivity of a11 our citizens without regard to race, religion, color, sex, age or national origin. The HRA has furthez recognized that the effective application of a policy of inerit employment involves more than just a policy statement and has, therefore, undertaken a program of AFFIRMATIVE ACTION** to make known that equal employment opportunities continue to be avail- able on the basis of individual merit and to encourage all persons to seek employment with the HRA and to strive for advancement on this basis. � * Equal Employment Opportunity is the right of ALL PERSONS to work and to advance on the basis of inerit, ability and potential. EEO is the , Law. It is mandated by Federal, State and local legislation, Presi- dential Executive Orders and definitive court decis3.ons. EEO pro- hibits discrimination because of race, religion, color, sex, age or national origin in all employment practices. ** Affirmative Action Program is a written plan by which to accomplish Equal Employment Opportunity by a specific program involving Affected Class persons. � -1- The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul,Minnesota 2.0 DISSEMINATION OF POLICY The HRA has taken appropriate steps to insure that all employees are advised of this policy of nondiscrimination and of its interest in actively and affirmatively providing equal employment opportunity such as: , 2.1 Communicati.on media, including bulletin boards, employee handbooks, personnel policy manuals, discussions or films to orient new employees, and in-house publications have and will continue to emphasize this subject. 2.2 All management staff and any others in a position to implement this policy, including those engaged in recruiting, training and other per.sonnel activities have and wiTl continue to be fully advised of the policy and of their responsibilities with respect to it. 3.� ASSIGNMENT OF RESPONSIBILITIES The Director of Administration will continue to have the responsi- bility to implement the program, and to assist him is an Equa1 Employment Opportunity Officer. This official coordinates the efforts of Department Heads and advises and assists. the Executive Director and Senior Staff. The Director of Administration and/or the EEO Officer will continue to regularly report to the Executive Director concerning the state of progress, with recommendations where appropriate. . 3.1 The HRA will seek AFFECTED CLASS* applicants for all job categories and will make particular efforts to increase affected class representation in occupations at the higher levels of skill and responsibility as in- dicated in the Departmental and Divisional programs which are appended as part of this program. 3.2 All schools, colleges, employment offices and other recruiting sources used by the HRA will continue to be advised in writing of this policy, and will be urged to refer affected class applicants to the Division of Personnel and Equal Employment Opportunity. 3.3 Recruiting programs at schools and collebes will include tl�ose nctended by substantial numbers of affected class members, both in and outeide the state. * Affected Class means persons who are significantly absent from employment areas of HRA which have been designated by the Executive Director as being deficient, i.e. minorities, fema.les, handicapped and males. �2.. _ . The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul,Minneso;a , O . 3.4 Where appropriate, employment advertisements will be placed in newspapers which are widely read by, and devoted to the interest of affected classes. :' In addition, the HRA will request appropriate agencies to assist�in making known�the HRA's policy and will advise such groups of available employment opgortunities. It will also en- courage similar employment referrals from present employees. 3.5 The HRA will include in its recruitment advertising the phrase "An Equal OpportunityjAAP Employer," and/or wording directed to affected classes to encourage recruitment in all grades and upper echelon �obs. 4.0 PLACE*�IENT AND PROMOTION Placement, promotion and transfer activities at all levels will con- tinue to be mo�itored by the Director of Administration, the EEO Officer and the Affirmative Action Committee to insure that full consideration, -� as required by the HRA policy, has been given to all HRA employees. 4.1 The HRA will continue to review job categories where few affected class O persons are presently employed, and seek to determine the cause for such situations. �hen necessary, remedial efforts may include such actions as the following: 4.2 Position set-asides for four-week period for vigorous recruitment of qualified affected class candidates to correct identified employment areas of concern. - 4.3 Special discussions with appropriate management, supervisory, or other personnel, regarding the HRA's policy and its desire to insure the utilization of qualified affected class personnel at all job levels. 4.4 Re-evaluate qualif#.cations of HRA's employees particularly those in lower echelon jobs to determine whether their skills and capabilities may be more fully utilized at higher job levels or would warrant their - transfer to oth�r types of jobs more readily leading to advancement. S.0 7'f�,A1t�Tt�C 5.1 On-the-job trainin� programs, as well as all other training and edu- cational programs ,which the HRA supports and sponsors, will be regularly reviewed to inaure that affected class candidates are given equal : �; �,�t ��_� � -3- � , , The Housing and Redevetopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul,Minnesota opportunity to participate. Our on—the—job training programs will be analyzed using a format which encompasses the characteristics listed, - � namely: � STATISTICS O:�T NUMBER OF II�LOYEES . PARTICIPATING IN TRAINING PROGRAMS No. and % by Race ' No. and X by Sex No. and % Non-Clerical by Sex No. and �L Professional by Race and Sex No. and % (if any) Training Posi.tions Resulting in Career rsobility r 5.2 HR.A has and wi11 continue to give encouragement to affected class employees to increase their skills and job potential through par- ticipation in available training and education programs. 6.0 OTHER MATTERS AFFECTING EMPLOYEE BENEFITS AND STATUS 6.1 It has been and will continue to be HRA's policy that none of its facilities will be segregated, and the same policy will be observed with respect to any employee programs or activities which are sponsored or supported by the HRA. 6.2 Refer to Special Allowances - Tuitiori, Section 3.5, Page 4 of the Personnel Policy for Administrative and Maintenance Employees. 7.0 HRA HIRING POLICY Methods of Implementation - Hiring, Promotion, Transfer and Training 7.1 All HRA job listings or announcements will carry in bold face type the legend: AN EQUAI, OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER/AAP EMPLOYER. (HRA will place ads in appropriate media.) 7.2 HRA actively seeks promotion from within affirmatively seeking out affected class employees who might be interested in the job by posting job vacancies at all Site Offices and Central Office for at least five (5) working days. 7.3 HRA's EEO Officer is mandated to notify, and maintain liaison with agencies and organizations which are referral resources for affected class persons. -4- The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul,Minnesota O 7.4 HRA has and will continue to actively support recruitment efforts of other ancillary agencies which assist in the recruitment efforts such as NAB, Urban League, NAACP, Minority Business Associations, Labor Unions, National Organization of Women and similar organizations. 7.5 HR.A has and will continue to actively state its' policy and seek affected class candidates from educational institutions. 7.6 HRA will continue to support entry level training efforts, secondary school guidance programs, job fairs and apprenticeship and pre- apprenticeship training programs. HRA will also continue to utilize existing on-rhe-job training programs and Ma;npower Development Training programs. �7. 7 HRA will continue to insure that promotion decisions are in accord with principles of equal employment opportunity by having the EE0 Officer and the AFFIRMATIVE ACTION COMMITTEE* review statistics monthly. 7.8 HRA will continue to insure that all personnel actions such as compen- sation, benefits, transfers, layoffs, return from layoffs, Agency sponsored training, education, tuition assistance, social and rec- reation programs will be administered without regard to race, religion, color, sex, age or national origin by means of review by the Director of Administration and the EEO Officer. 7.9 HRA Department and Division Heads are hereby charged with charting and maintaining promotional ladders which are available for affected class employees for advancement. They should be made aware of such potential and encouraged to equip themselves for upgrading and transfer. These career ladders have been and will continue to be an integral part of departmental and divisional goals, the AAP and EE0 objectives. 7.10 All employees will be given equal notification by posting in all site and Central Offices of an opportunity to participate in training and education programs offered by the HRA. Special effort should be directed toward encouraging affected class personnel to apply for types of training which will, if successfully completed, equip them for consideration for advancement. 7.11 The HRA encourages broad representation of affected class employees in supervisory training classes. * See Page 15 (Affirmative Action Committee) � -5- . . The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul,Minnesota 7.12 The HRA encourages broad representation of affected class members to any apprenticeship program in which the HRA participates or programs now in affect under the sponsorship of the Apprenticeship Information Committee. 7.13 The EEO Officer and the duly recognized bargaining representative will be notified in writing of any grievances alleging discrimination which involve HRA employees.* 7.14 The HRA will assemble and analyze the qualifications of all employees in a skills inventory as a means of determining whether affected class employees' skills are being overlooked or underutilized. " 7.15 The HRA w 11 continue to rate all supervisory personnel's performance on Affirmative Action goals along with other criteria in evaluation for promotions, merit increases and raises. The evaluation sheets shall include this factor as a mandatory evaluation item recognizing that the ayailable job markets may produce varying results. 8.0 P•1ETHODS OF REVIEW OF PROGRAM The following methods have been and will continue to determine the effectiveness of the HRA Affirmative Action Program: 8.1 Established reporting and evaluation system for Agency Department and Division Heads. 8.2 Periodic reviews of Agency personnel by grade level and job category. 8.3 Constant review by Director of Administration and the EEO Officer to determine that the thrust of the program has the desired impact at the employee level. 8.4 Periodic review of ag�ncy goaZs and effectiveness in AAP by the AAP Committee. 8.5 The EEO Officer and the Director of Administration will continue to monitor records of referrals, placements, transfers, promotions, * See copy of Discrimination Complaint Form - Pages 13 and 14. -6- The Housing and Redevelopme�t Authority of the City�f Saint Paul,Minnesota O terminations and other personnel actions at all levels to insure a non-discriminatory policy is carried out and that the HRA maintain an equitable ratio of affected class personnel. 8.6 The Director of Administration assisted by the EEO Officer will continue to advise Department Heads of the program's effectiveness and submit recommendations to improve performance with respect to the overall accomplishments of the AAP. 9.0 EQUAL II�4PLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY RESPONSIBILITIES FOR FIRMS, VENDORS AND CONTRACTORS Methods of Implementation: Continuing methods of implementing HRA's AAP will include but not be limited to the following: 9.1 HRA wi11 continue to identify vendors and contractors who by their ' demonstrated AAP have shown efforts and results of equal employment opportunity. O. 9.2 To the extent possible, the HRA will continue to favor and place business with firms which have equalled or exceeded the extablished AAP requirements as described by law. 9.3 HR.A considers it a part of its AAP responsibility to assist minority contractors and vendors in becoming involved in HRA and federal � contract procedure by assisting them in the process of obtaining bic� documents and to understand how to prepare bids. . 9.4 Written Affirmative Action Programs must continue to be submitted by . the General Contractor on projects where the construction cost is $25,000 or over and by primes and sub-contractors on the same project where their individual cost of construction and demolition is $140,000 or more and other firms and vendors with which the HRA executes contract- ual agreements. 9.5 Those primes and sub-contractors and other firms and vendors who are required to submit written programs will address them to the General Contractor. The General Contractor will review these programs, and if they are considered adequate, they will be forwarded along with their program to the HRA, who will review all the programs for their adequacies, and if necessary, return the inadequate ones for improvement. 9.6 AAP must be designed and implemented with the intended idea to produce results i.e. affected class persons in the trades and their employment � with firms and vendors. -7- . � The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul,Minnesota � 10.0 RECO�Il�NDED PROCEDURES FOR TMPLEME�TTATION OF AFFEGTED CLASS EMPLOYMENT GOALS: 10.1 On the basis of a bi-monthly report supplied by the EEO Officer with the assistance o£ any committees establ.ished for the purpose, the Executive Director after deliberation with the Director of Admini- stration and the EEO Officer will .designate areas within the Agency, . where improvement in the employment and upward mobility of affected class pe�sons should have priorities. 10.2 Department and Division Heads will continue to submit to the EEO Officer and the Director of Administration their specific plans including time- tables, goals, set-asides and extraordinary recruitment efforts which are contemplated to correct areas of concern. 1Q.3 The Executive Director accepts or rejects the AAP from each Department (Affected Class Employment Goals) . When acceptable, it is formalized and signed by the Department Head and the Executive Director. 10.4 Quarterly evaluations will continue to be made by the EEO Officer and the Director of Administration for the Executive Director to apprise him of the effectiveness of the Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity Program. 10.5 As positions become vacant, the EEO Officer and the Director of Admini- stration will continue to analyze them to determine how the Affirmative Action and .Equal Employment Opportunity Goals and Ob�ectives might fit into the Departmantal employment needs. 11.0 TRAINING PROGRAMS OF THE ARA 11.1 Orientation Training: All new employees are given orientation talks by immediate supervisors and the Department of Administration. 11.2 �ecial Classes: Large influxes of new employees have special orientation programs tailored especially for them, Examples of some are Rehabili- tation Advisor Training Classes and Planners' Orientation. 11.3 Management Skills Traininp: The HRA will continue to offer courses i.e. Strengthening Supervisory Skills. 11.4 Departmental Meetings and Division Meeti�: HRA Departments will continue to hold periodic meetings to discuss interrelated Departments and functions, how others operate and how programs are administered. -8- The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul,Minnesota 0 11.5 Departmental Workshops and Retreats: Departments will continue to conduct workshops to train their employees in the skills required within the Department. 11.6 Coaching Sessions: The Director of Administration and/or the EEO Officer will continue to assist staff inembers that are in trouble spots of emplayment. 11.7 Summer EmploYment Pro�rams: HRA will continue to use Housing Project Residents as replacements for vacation relief. 11.8 Personnel Policy Training Benefits: The HRA Personnel Policy allows up to $150.00 annually in tuition benefits for employees who wish to up-grade themselves in courses which have a direct relationship to their work. Refer to "Special Allowances - Tuition," Section 3.5, Page 4 of the Personnel Policy. 11.9 Conference Attendance: HRA wi11 continue to encourage employees to attend conferences and workshops held by NAHRO and HUD (including but O not limited to Affirmative Action Gonferences, Women Equality Confer- ences) and requires that employees report back to the HRA and fellow employees the effects of the conferences. 11.10 Renewal Internships: HRA has two continuous Renewal. Internships which are earmarked for. Affected Class persons making extensive use of the understudy and rotation of assignment methods. 11.11 Summer Youth Employment Pro�ram: HRA will continue to expend monies - each year which will enable low-income youths to engage in summer work programs such as property management, ecology, etc. 11.12 Field Placement for Social Workers: This program, ut3lizing college students and graduate students who are ma�oring in social work, affords the participants a practical overview of how an agency. like HRA performs. \___J _9- , , The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul,Minnesota BIBLIOGRAPHY . THE FOLLOWING REFERENCES ARE LI5TED TO ENABLE MORE DETAILED ANALYSIS OF THE EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY PROGRAM: Executive Order 11246 as Amended and Tmplementing Principles. U. S. Department of Labor (December l, 1971) . Line Charts - Personnel Distribution Charts. HRA Personnel Policy for Administrative and Maintenance Employees. (Revised July 1, 1974) . Standard Operating Procedures for all Classes of Contracts - HRA (November 4, 1970) Training Seminars Conducted .within HRA. EEO AND AAP Policies Revised since 1969. Civil Rights Act of 1964 with Amendments of 1972. Titles VI and VII. Other City, State and Federal Laws and Executive Orders prohibiting Employment Discrimination. t -10- The Housing and Redevelopmant Authority of the City of Saint Paul,Minnesota o � LAWS AND ORDERS REQUIRING EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY AND AFFIRMATIVE ACTION 1. TITLE VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964_ (As Amended by the Equal Employment Opporfiunity Act of 1972) . . . Title VII prohobits discrimination because of Race, .Color, Religion, Sex or National Origin; in any term, condition or privilege of employ- ment. The Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972 greatly strengthened the powers and expanded the jurisdiction of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) in enforcement of this 1aw. . . As Amended, Title VTI now covers: . . .All private employers of 15 or more persons, . . .A11 educational institutions, public and private, . . .State and Local Governments, O . . .Public and Private Employment Agencies, . . .Labor Unions with 15 or more members, and . . .Joint labor-management committees for apprenticeship and training. 2. Executive Order 11246 (As Amended by Executive Order 11375) . . . This Order issued by the President in 1965, Requires Affirmative Action Programs by all Federal contractors and sub-contractors and requires that firms with contracts over $50,000 and SO or more employees develop and implement written programs, which are monitored by an assigned Federal compliance agency. Specific requirements for such "result-oriented" programs are spelled out in Revised Order No. 4 issued by the Office of Federal Contract Compliance, U_. S. Department of Labor. 3. The Equal Pay Act of 1963 This Act requires all employers subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) to provide equal pay for men and women performing similar work. � ' -11- ... The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul,Minnesota � � 4. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 This Act prohibits employers of 25 or more persons from discriminating against persons 40 - 65 in any area of employment because of Agea 5. TITLE VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 This Act prohibits discrimination based on Race, Color or Natioreal Origin in all programs or activities which receive Federal financial aid. Although Title VI does not explicitly bar Sex Discrimination, various Federal agencies have prohibited such Discrimination in their own regulations. 6. State and Local Laws . State and Local government laws prohibit employment discrimination. When EEOC receives discriminatian charges, it defers them for a limited time period to certain state (Minnesota State Department of Discrimi- nation) and local agencies (St. Paul Department of Discrimination) with comparable jurisdiction and enforcement sanctions, Procedures of these agencies and their requirements for Affirmative Action vary, but if satisfactory remedies are not achieved, charges revert to EEOC for resolution. 7. The National Labor Relations Act and Related Laws Discrimination on the basis of Race, Religion or National Origin may violate rights arising under these laws. It may be unlawful for em- ployees to participate with unions in the Commission of any discrimi- � natory practices unlawful under these Acts, or to practice discrimi- nation in a manner which gives rise to racial or other divisions among employees, to the detriment of the organized union activity; or for unfons to exclude individuals discriminatorily from union membership, thereby causing them to lose job opportunities, to discriminate in the representation of union members or non-members in collective bargain- ing, in processing of grievances, or in other respects, or to cause or attempt to cause employers to enter into discriminatory zgreeme.ntr� or � otherwise discriminate againsC union members or non-memberr�. 8. Other Laws Employment Discrimination has also been ruled by courts to be prohibited by the Civil Rights Act of 1866 and 1870 and the Equal Pr.otection Clause of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. Action under these laws on behalf of individuals or groups may be taken by individuals, private organization, trade unions and other groups. -12- COMPLAINT AGAINST UNLAWFUL JOB DISCRIMINATION DISCRIMINATION IS UNLAWFUL Discrimination in employment because of race, color, age, religion, sex or national origin is prohibited under Title VII of the Civil Rights Law. The Saint Paul HRA reaffirms its continued commitment to a program of equal opgortunity and merit employment policies. The HRA will continue to assert leadership within the City to put forth the maximum effort to achieve full employment and utilization of the capabil.ities and product- ivity of all our citizens without regard to race, religion, color, sex, age or national origin. CHARGES MAY BE FILED BY: 1. Any person who believes he or she has been discriminated against in an employment situation; or 2. A person who has reason to believe that an unlawful employment practice � has been committed. PP�EPARED BY: OFFICE OF PERSONNEL AND EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIDT!�TESOTA 55 EAST FIFTH STREET SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 EDWARD N. HELFELD, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR � �;. -13- FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: ° � Case File No. ' CHARGE OF DISCRIMINATION If you have a complaint, you are encouraged to fill in this form and bring or maii it to the Equa1 Employment Opportunity Officer in care of the Aousing and Redevelopment Authority, 601 �orthwestern National Bank Building, 55 East Fifth Street, St. Paul, Minnesata 55101. A charge must be filed with this office within seven (7) working days after the alleged discriminatory acC took place. IT IS, THEREFORE, IMPORTANT THAT YOU FILE YOUR CHARGE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. The original form will go to the EEO Officer, the first copy to the Affirmative Action Committee and the second copy you keep for your file. The EEO Officer will be responsible for sending a copy to the effected bargaining agent, i.e. Union or Employees Association. THI� FORM IS TO BE USEB ONLY TO FILE A CHARGE QF ALLEGED DISCRIMINATION BAS�D ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, AGE, SEX OR NATIONAL ORIGIN. PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE: 1. YOUR NAME (Mr. , Ms. ,) OFFICE PHONE N0. OFFICE LOCATION 2. WAS THE ALLEGED DISCRIMINATION BECAUSE OF (Please Check One) AGE RACE OR GOLOR RELIGIOUS GREED NATIONAL ORIGIN SEX 3. HAVE YOU FILED THIS CHARGE WITH THE STATE OR LOCAL AGENCY? IF YES, WHEN: MONTH D,4Y YE� AGENCY FILED WITH 4. THE DATE ON WHICH THIS ALLEGED DISCRIMINATIqN TOOK PLACE: n MONTH DAY YEAR 5. WAS YOUR SUPERVISOR NOTIFIED QF THIS COMPLAINT? ' 6. E.l'PLAIN WHAT YOU FEEL TO BE THE ACT OF DISCRIP4INATION. (Use extra paper, if necessary.) SIGNED• DATE: -14- • ■ s ■ Prepared b�� Office of Perso�ra�;l ant� Equa! Er�p��yr�nt � o����n�ty Housing and Redev��opm�nt Aut��r�ty of the City of S�int Pa�i, IU�innes�ta 55 E�s# �ifth Str��t Saint Raul, Mi�n�ta .55101 Edward N. H�Ifeld, Ex�cu�ive Dere�t�r � � � � � �� � rR���k � The Housing and Redevelopment Authority � � D of the City of Saint Paul,Minnesota 0 THE AFFIRMATIVE ACTION COMMITTEE The AFFIRMATIVE ACTION COMMITTEE assists in the Agency's commitment to the Equal Employment Opportunity Program in drder to utilize the untapped capabilities of employees without regard to race, religion, color, sex or. national origin. The Committee consists presently of seven (7) members appointed by the Executive : Director from a list of names submitted to him. Each serves a two {2) year term unless there are special circumstances which warrant a different length of service. The Committee meets aC least once per month or more if daemed necessary. . . The Committee monitors personnel actians, EEO reports, in-house complaints, . training, reviews the EEO Program and acts as a sounding board for employees ta. assure that the above mentioned items are administered in accordance with the EEO laws and regulat�ons. The Committee acts in an advisory capacity to the Executive Director and the Director of Administratio�i and the EE0 Officer to suggest ways to identify and solve problems before they are referred to an outside agency and to utilize ever-� educational opportunity possible for affected class employees Owithin this Agency. _ The Committee's complaint procedure is as follows: � 1. A complaint is filed with the EEO Officer or the AAP Committee: A. I� the report is filed with the EE0 Officer, the AAP Committee will receive a copy from that office; and, B. If the report is filed with the AAP Committee, the EEO Officer will receive a copy from the Committee. 2. The EEO Officer handles the investigation and makes recommendatiuns to the Executive Director and the AAP Committee within 10 days. Upon receipt of the EEO Officer's recommendation, the AAp Committee will review hia recommendation and make a written recoummendation ' to the Executive Director within 10 days: A. A aub-committee of three (3) will be selected by the Chairperson. B. The suh-committee will consist of inembera of the AAP Committee not presently in the Complainant's Department. C. If the Committee needs further information, it may direct � the EEO Officer or the Director of Administration to supply them with this inf.orma.tion from the appropriate personnel files or personal interviews. -15- The Housing and Redevelopment Authority � � O �f the Ciry of Saint Paul,Minnesota THE AFFIRMATIVE ACTION COMMITTEE - Con't. D. The AAP Committee as a whole should be prepared at this time to send their recommendations or findings to the Executive Birector or his designee with a request to respond (in writing) within five (S) working days to the AAP Committee and the EEO Officer. ( 'The Committee at all times, acts independently of, but never instead of the j EEO Officer who has direct responsibility for administering the Equal � Employment Opportunity Program within this Agency. { 1 ( PREPA.RED BY AAP COMMITTEE I ,, ,(� ' � I �_ _�-�liGs�� � /?1 C rperson Date � i ( ' � f f -16- rhe fiousing and Redevelupment Authority � � D uf the City c�f Saint Paul,Minnesota �_� /,-� -- _ � b � � a w a� o� � a � a ►� b w x ►� r� n o r� �n �v �n � a v, m• v, o �s p M• o � � 0 0 � cn b v� a � cn w m n o n N m � OC ri O W ri W f� i-'� � F+� C t7 (D F-' G H �"t G1. ►'i m fD (n rt N In W m rt W �' O �-S 7 w w w i-r � rr ri rr rr p rr a' a m � E N r+ p � rr r-r tu w oo m co w N cn m w �t o N. o � o w n, o rr rt � n cn � r,, C rr w w a o a' �° H �n m Kr � � � �►, w h, N � oo �n � n w w �-�t �C v' � �f H � ~ n rt � N ri, F�. N• p rr H 0 1� o tn o rt ►i n � �.�C N O O rr � N• a v� a • �s m a� n. �c rr cn � � � z �' r* � m w m b a. w m - m �-r w ►-� m a- •u �-r 'd � o � �o a n � m ry a- w w cu �s � w w • w a �d a� n r� i w �u o ►t o n a rr N � n � n � m � �ro � b uG, � m g � � oo rr ' N N• o n t� r• j � � w m m w �n �d � u�'i °� � o o m � � �o � � � � rr n � m 1-� � v� � �c oo � � u�i � o o°a � � � � � o z ' m rr H rn rt I � t�-t � � f� � v b N !�• f~D �N F�• ~ U�i y w o rr o u�i � �. rt n w a w � �s � a �s C a � p o rr ro � rr �o � m w w o m w �o � r+ K a v, � �dm � m �'' m ~ r�-r �D nn rr � rr �-+ w w 1-� cn 2i cn w ; C� C7 r"S • W � O I k r� w rr . �d . o�o o N�v° w n ' °p I C�i � � • � • � N �d � r�'t� o ' cn � � � � OQ ` Qt� � pp N . � r � � � � � � O � :i �'--- I � x f..� { � p, rt • O ►t • � C/1 C/) � t� t-h � f--� W t7 � Cn 't�," rt 'U O (D O O O (D 1� (D (n � � � w C t-� w E � C � r► m o a n � m r-� p t r m o i �t �e w rr N o rr w m N n w rr i � �-µr �i F�'-� �d �d m �cf � w�°d n N• m / �cv�'i a � � � � mNN. wfD � I o r• C � ►-� �e � rr � w C cY cD W I-� W 'd rr �' Cl. F-�+ rt F'� r-t p F� w � tD �-! F+• � t-+ i2� H I � w w °Q w b 0Q ai w � r°t w r� � � �. �-r N m rr ►-� cn o � rr a t� m m � �C w c� w m m � w �' t-� � o rr � � � � � � � ui :� o�o � E � w o � �d o �i � o • �v a N• u~i� �' � N. w n p ►� w � n p p rr oa o b a o u� w r* u, • o w � n � a v°, N °n° � � o � • � w � �-�'+ a; .. r~r a g ° o � � w v� m r. � o � rn m � w �' � � n �o °p w G � o0 o C w a a o °rr' rfDt �d � ,� cn rt �o Fn � b '� o o v�i N � p u. ~ � . • E OQ' �U rt N. � �• � u�i r�-r v � ti • N• • tn � � • F'• 'C7 (D rt �3 O (D O ..�,� • � o w R' �°t � N-w ' � o -- � N N � w o�o• urti � r�r . � . � �_� w � � � � � a . � � a ;� . a '-r � • . o � p ' ' �"S . V ri • . � . ee � The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the Ci[y uf Saint Paul, Minnesota ( THE AFFIRMATIVE ACTION COMMITTEE - Con't. D. The AAP Committee as a whole should be prepared at this time to send their recommendations or findings to the Executive Director or his designee with a request to respond (in writing) within five (5) working days to the AAP CoAUnittee' and the EEO Officer. ; The Committee at all times, acts independently of, but never instead of the iEEO Officer ,who has direct responsibiTity for administering the Equal � Employment Opportunity Program within this Agency. ! � PREPARED BY AAP COMMITTEE � ��_ ��. I fi� /? � / C rperson Date � � I , . � , - s +�. -16- � The Housi�ig and Hedevel�pment Authority AS � uf tffe Ciry of Saint Paul,Minnesota � . --- j�- �� � b � � a w a w m a � a � b r• x Mr� n o w cn �d �n � a. m �o• m o n � w o � 00 � u� �am a � m wcn no K rv� � oa K o w K w � w � w c rr cu N � +-+ na nm mv, rrwv, wm rrw x oH z N w w rr p r-r ri rt r-r p rr �' cs. m F� $ m �+ g � rr rr w w oo t� m r• co cn v� w � o w o � o w �-n o a � a �* � rr r-r n rr [n p �-n � rr cu w a o �' r-n �o �d �' m a' rn w H, � a' oo rn g n ►-� w o � m m �u � m m m �, w w � r* y rt �C v' �i �O �-i �-t n rr ►t p m p rr H o � o u� o rr rt � n w�C w o 0 �-r � w a v, a • b � w a �c �-r w � �' z a� �-r � �n w cn� �d a w m • �u rr w � m � �v r-r �o • o � �v a �s � m ti a- w w w n n �- w • w o. �v m � r� � w �n o �t o n • r+ � � n . � rr �. m rt �d � oo p c rr � rr � w oo rr N w o n t� w �o �i m g �n p � m � w o n �n c� C � � � w m �o w v, �d m cn � o o m � i o o � � .. � r► K � cn � � � �n � �c �C ov rr o rr N- rr o rr ry o p n cn c-, cn �o 0 0o cn n m E m o z i can rt H cn rt i--� �d i t� � H ( . : � mN• w b wr� m wN• �n rr p p C� � �t g � M ti p � N• w � n � a � c �' c�. �� � o rt � p rr m � m w N• o m w m � � n a �nn bm � � `�' m ►-� � m � � rt � G rr N N• N � cn �d m w � � o � � ►� o rt m • o t�i d 't ' n' , •d o0 o N�d w �s p I j � w w • o�o � o�o � � u�o �' � • w w � � � � N � C � � \ � �rt . � '.� . . - . . ...._� . � � . d x � n � n a rt - O ri � g tn cn ti C M �, 1-� W Ci p cn c'. i�+• �-r 'Ci o (D O o O fD F�• fD (n � � m N• C I-+ W � t� C � r* N o a n � �u ►-� d i N �u o i rt �C w rr ►� o rr w N I-� rt w rr f+. p� O E � �t o w m �' rr �v ►-� �d b m �v � w•d rr w m II �e ai a � � � � m � w w � � � o w C � r• �C � rr � w � � v co w � w �d rr � a N rr ►�- n � W r• � m n w � � st� H �' r rt oo N g oo H W p o N- r. N, w �v m w n w r� � p r. rr m cn � ►� v, o � rr a c� crto m p �C N- m w m m � w �' ►-� � O l � v, o g v, �n � m o w �' �d x o 0o m � m cn . oa E � w o m � r,, w � w y i w m a n �v o �d r-r o • �d a w �n �n �• N- n � t� s� � �t g � rr o0 0 �d � o u� w �* m • ow nn � a o n oo � w oo � o w w m � �t r* o S . n N. p cr a. .. ,~-r a � � o � rt • � � ro o �' �-' r- w a n w �' n �d � �• � po�o o C w aa o n n � m � '� p u, o � o w � � � w • � . $ o 'd n � �t w cn rr �+ . N. � "d fD rt � O � • �• • � . � o w a r°t � w� � c�n � o . � � � ►n-� � v�i �C � � � • ti w o�o � vi � V � � • � � , —� . . � ` � � . . a r+ � � � � . . p �O O • • ht • v � . . O� h rit � � D fhe Housiny and Redevelopment Aut o y of the City of Saint Paul,Minnesota 0o trJ c� t7 x rt t7 w o H ui rt ►d oo t�i c� O � O fD ' O K (D � 'd N rt fD H O J O c �n � C awt a�dx w i o � �n � m � m u� � c� o m rn rt C m � n n G ►-� w v� t1 rr n rn n r� ►t ►t p m � o � ►-n o n r+ w w a � � w�cs oo m �v w � a w to ►-i rt r-r rr rt d � C • � N rr H tD �' `C E1 N v� c'� cn t� N F; E3 f-' �' ►C aw o � w �+ �* � • � o � w G rr cn rs a w ►t t� w �-r oo n rr cn c, mm � c� � mw m b r� rr � n � a �o w v, Qa w m � � w c w a n • � � o n o c o �-�o � b ►�+, a�d u� cr r-� p c� "d W rt I-� � O O 'd O c� Q� N rt � O W rt M rt O � R+ tD Cl] O !!� (D F�- C� L1. • �-i �-S � f� C!� M trJ � (Ji O W fD 'd W rt N [=7 rt t� r� rr � �-r m a n d a � t� w ti - fn O N F'� rt W ►i � (D fn � O C trJ rr ron wo � m ►,+ w m % wc� wm �r � b wm mrt � �n 1-h O �'i F-'� V! F-� rt � rt W r7 O � �n � rt 'd o w l-� rr m cu rr p u, � o � rr � o F-+ m m on � m - a � w ci o E � �c °, r-+� v'�, a: 7�.. m •o �o rt rr m � �' � o ru � w K w �d � �- n �e w �s �t F'� � t.`�,. � ai =� E � rr rt m a • � � rt !�a • ''~a' • � n F�O�Q tD N �n � � a �+ � � � . � � � �o w ( n ci. m " r+ O ri y � .-\ - —. . � O H Vl �-h � O H F-h C7 C.'' � U� M �'i rt O O 't7 :3 O fD W �D c� w a ►~-� � o a � � @ � ° m � Ert � � mo �' � � � O P. N "G.S' G O� � � � � � �. � � o m m wa . � � � v� ►`�J- � � � � w � � � w a m o ►-� �a � r-n v a � � rt � rr r r• • ►,, � N m ro p n � o m � � � x' c�u o o m m �►, � o • p m � a n Icwn N ai G� w � • (�o c�n rt cwn N o j � �o � a. o � N • w � � I w w �e co p a 'b . � �'- a n b m � a �, � w m o t� � ,n � � n w � � � � o • n m • rt � �, � � � w � � :n N G � � 5�S N '� � • � • �y. �..�. m . u� • .� w m v� - . � � o � .d � � w � ►�-� � w � � W � � � � �N � rr �C � � v �-+. o� N . , � . The Housiny and Redevelopment Authority � � D� of the City of Saint Paul,Minnesota o - - . � � r-+ ►-+, c� b ro b �r a� y w r� � r�r n � oo � 000 n � o , �`l :j W F+ O W I-� H fA rt �' � C�l� n w N � p'�, � � � � � o m z o �c � v. n oo n r� � ►� w rr t-µ+ A. � rrr m r~-r ° � ty v� m n o ►-4 a m � cEo r°'-r o � �'' w rt ►.'. N• a� a v � � � � oa N� rt N. N. � �p � . � �! �C rr a r�r m rn-3 r�i, � rr N :n � � rny. � � � G w m �' o ; � � ~ w � a � N � m '� a �o�n n p' a a' .d u� � w rMn ,.n.,. N, � �v w�d (D t�.y rr a r� m � • o w o v�i ° w m rt a w • � o � o � x m n ��n a, �o�o r°r w r°r � ° w �r mNm m � n w ►°i � c� v, o ~' �" n � � � F-� tn �• ,.�.n G � � � � ; Q, � � ,� o o N rt w r* c� �d uKi o r' '* �� m w � r* cn r� o � x w n � � `� �' � m w � �' �' � a ° , • rr • � � o cn . n �1 �:. �' J � w � a� c� � �n aE cnf-+ row � b � wr� a � � r o N o � �o r+, w m p n � p � w � � a. cn I-� � ►� � (D m rn rr rr rt o �n ri v w rr C� C m �` rr a n �' m a� i m C rr o ►-� � �u o m E w �v � m � wyp wwC wwrt � n rt � o � o � o• rr � u� �n a �-r n � � m �t r+ �' � n � rr �, �d w r� i-�. t� m � w oo m w w m � x m m c� w a F-n a �-�n rr o0 �\ v o w a � F-n � '� .�y � �°-� o fD o rr � m cNO t� G o a. t� �� � � ��d mo vwi °' c°n � y �' t�u � �•m � � o C m o ►t w � m � ►-� n � w ov � n w r-+ � �/ n � �r o o• w rr � rr w � o cn � m a � w Y- F'� W C� F-+ O r'S 9S F� F-� rt rt O t�t � (D r� � F-+�C a a � F-� (� � p F� � fD N rt CA n � � �' � C" w Y ►�t K : `C G � � o�o � .c �C • o rr o b a. � mm � rtoaro � w mn � � � w u n � m ru � ro �n o. � rt � w � � r„ `Y o � m w w ►�-� ai oo p, �-t ro w r+ rr o su n v�i w o�o m N w N. ' C C3. p m • � ri rt tp rr f� C� p A' K (D (n : � rt 'U p, F-+ �O v�i O fD (u c� �o w °a � m o : ' �D 'b n cHn ~' � µ � � � � � � F-+ O N • p � W �-h fh • (p GL � N . Ul fA rh � � �..� � � f'" _ . W � V c a�''. � a ►°t m 00 N ' u' <> rµr ►�t rn m ['' ; rt' O �� rt °1 n m �'' �, O M � .� _ � � � tp . h+ . �O . �I � l fie Housiny and Hedevelupment Authority � � D , of the City uf Saint Paul,Minnesota �-- -- / � � N � � G o (�D v�, 9� �rt" m � F-�� (aD F�� rt� � t-� m rr wn K � a o m ' � ro rt � � � � o i � w b � °�-r' .°• � � � � � �°t o m p' co � I �-n m w �t � w � n • � o �c rt w � w � ie � � � w �D N a v�Di . � � � a�°d �r r� j ,� °•° �°t �°t w° � ° � N � m �n � � o • m �u � � � � � m �� ~ a. � rt � [17 C7 rw-t '.W� v O rt W { n w � �' � r{ r�s o ; rt � � E � N C m . � � � rr d � m w � u. rt • o `. n .. m K � o m °, � a, � C � n i � �D �� .'f.µ N � � µ ',�y W (�p � trJ (� � faD f�A :-h th � � O ►i O � rt O Q I r* ro w � I � of o � w � a I�+ g � � � o � w o E � y o �D �o a m cn ;.� 9 a ro ��\ � � K � � �' rt �d u, � `� a' w m o °o � m ~' � x w � � � � � a . r ~ . : '_' w • � � � � c� � W m � N � a w � � � ��+, � �' ;� � o � � . � � � �. � rt o � � y � I� I�° � � �V Q� . y The Housing and Redevelopment Authority dAo of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota �\ �� _ N O 1-+ O F'� � O n ri � M fD O � � � rµ7 O fA O O (D N W OOQ frtD � N C!1 � . � t-'� „7 r't ��i, � •'S G' �'i '.y f�D O r'i t'h hS � j o �-r �d n rr w �n ►�D-� w cn w � w o m � t�n � r�i n `4 rt' o `C � ►-µh ~ m � F-~� rr r j G Cn r7 n �C ri K . `C C�1 h-� O p'' Cy i � r-r u�i � � ►�-r, w � . �' w o a a rt �o.. r° w �D � ° `a � �D � � �s �. � � � ' � n ��-r � � � ; a � � � � � I . 0�0 � O � � � Q' • "��' H N G.. � H 0 l�!) O �w'' � f� lD ��j} O 0 o a a o �. C � � � O � �, ,� � rr cn o � � � c� � � N � � m m v�i M � � a' w y a � w o • a �t ,-� '� o � n � � r• _ m ►�'-� w � p- '� n o � � w rr w �s w � n � � w a, m w �n �r, n. w oo m r* H, o 00 ►-� u�i p � � � � �'' : �, ov rr . �� � _ a ►-n :d l�7 H v' y � C] n H f� cn ib N �n y r-. (D C� 1-� ri H m t=f ,� O C; ; o � w o o cn cr o o p o �u m oo m a o � o w o � rr p � c., m �t n C p cn µ I � rt p rr n �p � C �d rt p cs. rr •d w t� .n H m n w c a w a �n rr m r-r i n � w m � �t a a w ►-� rr o � � rr � Cn m tn cn 'tf rt � rt W C f� ►�t � `C G N rt N C G I-'• $ rt 1 N r-µr p � ' � �i O W fn p� vi t�- F��-+- rt I f� rt N• � rt n m µ � � • r'i � A W n F'� rt (D O W , O (D � 'Li 0'0 � O 0'Q r'µT � � � � � � • �� (D K �-�t � H � � � a. � W (CD 'U m w rt � cD W tr1 00 0 • cn n G u� � .n. � o o � u�i � 1~-� � n r-Wr m ,°� rr � � o � 'd F�-+� r�r r~-t (�D � � G ' � G c� �J F'� N• W 1-+� rt N'ti � p� �.� 0o m cn � i � • ,..,. � � °° n p � x �' ►°'-� � � � x s� n m a:. � � O hrt+� I `C F'- rt fD �" W F{ � w � a � � � � n rt w �t v�i °+ � .� p r�r � m � ~ � � I 5 w m � rr �' � ° ' ° �• r* � .w • rr N• m � � c� � o � � n ►� t+, oo a• ro v�i �C �-w+, C � m � a m u, o. ,� � a' (o w i-+� N. F.,. ,.� '� � !_' w � � o• � ' o � rt � r°c �-r a ; n a. o '�,. � ° .� � o m rn o w � n v�i r�n : m � , � � � c� u`, ,°-� � �, m o m . ' o n '� w o� o a cn oo p w � ►t o v .o � � o�o n b � `� i � �- r;� � a. rr w � '�d ani m v, o F3 � `" ro � r� � � � rt n O N• � � ri (�D r~r O � � � �. ~ � � � � �'� r-r r r• m � r• � � �C w o' m � � � : o � � w �� : '� � �' ?� � �_ � � � � � � o cn rn (D cn � d . � a � � � � a�r' � cGO o • .'d.� � m ►-� aa �. . rt K ►i � �' � oo � � w tt-+-y �. �, 00 � m o � m w o o `t t�v �' � w � o � C� a a n �s � r. n � u, f.,. co rt � � � � a � . V � . . � . . . � � � . N � s e o� � � I,�c tl�,u�iny and tiE,d�veloNrnent Authonty r rt t!���i:ity ut S�int P��ul, Minnesot� I _ ___--- --- — - -�- -----� ,' /: . H � O �, N N � w r � �r d r� I � � � w � � � � � � � � � � , � w c� N o � t�i rr !n N- rt p w � � � m a. t� � � x n � � � rt � C � � m rt .N d � � n � et O M G fD (n tt ; � a � � � �. v� c�. m �o � � 0 0 � � H �C N ~� I � N (�D \\��''--J • � O fD � a n U� µ '� � � � � � O '�1 H � rt � �' � � ; '� N F-+ ` W � f-' v `� � t=i � � rt p w rt L, � G � �D N �o . V Q� I + ` The Nousiny and 'n'edeveloprnent Authority � � D of the City of Saint Paul,Minnesota O AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN: FIRMS, VENDORS AND CONTRACTORS The HRA will continue this policy in compliance with Executive Order 11246 as amended by Executive Order 11375 and hereby reaffirms its co�itment to a program of equal opportunity in dealing with firms, vendors and contract- ors who deal with HRA and who benefit from its programs. � The HRA further agrees to continue to assert its leadership role within the � conanunity in this regard by promoting, helping and dealing with firms, vendors i and contractors who are equal opportunity employers or otherwise demonstrate I that they have viable Affirmative Action Programs. I � � DISSEMINATION Or POLICY � HRA will continue to take all appropriate steps to insure that firms, vendors � and contractors are advised of this I I policy and of its interest in pursuing � this program by the following: , ; i Press releases, handbills and contract documents. � � Full dissemination among the staff so that all concerned will be in a position �� i to advise others and observe that the policy _is, in fact, being followed. iAssi�nment of Res onsibility: The Director of Administration has the responsi- I bility to implement this program and will continue to direct the efforts of the Equal Employment Opportunity Officer who will continue to coordinate the activities of the staff in seeing that this program is being actively pursued. �I Review of Contracts: All contracts will continue to be reviewed at the earliest possible date by the EEO Officer to ascertain that all efforts to secure the I service of equal employment opportunity employers have been exhausted. I It shall be the duty of the Director of Administration and t.he EEO Officer to � advise the Executive Director of procedures and apparent violations of this policy. Pre-Construction Conference: The EEO Officer shall continue to conduct the EEO I and AAP portions of pre-construction conferences and certify that the proposed ifirms are in compliance and that they have on file a certified AAP. I� On-Site Inspection: The EEO Officer will continue to conduct on-site inspections and cause proper reports to be filed to ascertain that the contractor�s AAP is in fact, being followed. Should it be determined that the contractor is not � � in comp2iance, action to effect compliance will be undertaken. ( Disposition Contracts: The Iand disposition policy, as developed by the HRA staff and adopted by the IiRA Eoard (19b9) sets the goals, objectives and �� criteria to be used in the selection of developers and redevelopers. The EEO Officer will continue to have an input into the formulation of the Land Dis- position Policy of the HRA. . � � � , . _ Th�� Housiny and Redevelopment Authority c�t the City uf Saint Paul,Minnesota — � \ AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN: FIRMS, VENDORS AND CONTRACTORS - Con't. Once a developer is selected, the EEO Officer will continue to initiate pro- cedures to assure that the potential developer understands and will comply with EEO procedures. The EEQ Officer will continue to review the canveyance agreement to ascertain the inclusion of EEO requirements. During construction, the EEO Officer will continue to evaluate perfo�mance by on-site inspections and monthly HRA 102 xeporting forms. 0 � , 268 � .�. �t ��3 . CITY OF ST. PAUL URB�AN HO�ST�A.D7.IdG PFOGRAM GUIDELI2�S AND PROCEDURES � . . - ��,�•y,-e• , , � ! , . . . . . . . � . . ' � . .C1TY OF ST. PAUL 1TR���J HO..'�"'c.ST£ADING PROC&�,.*Z ' . . SUi•�LaP.Y � . - .r�. OVE�� • • • . . � . Urb�n FIvmesteading is a relatively nec,� tool being used by cities to revitalize inner-city neighborhoods. Inspired by the. Natio:ial Hocaestead and Exemption Act of 1862, Urban Hasissteading irnrolves the transfer of public property to ' . private cirizens at�a noainat cost. In return for the property, the Honesteader . �►ust agree to construct a new hoe�se on the properCy or to rehabilitate the exist- - ing house to meet hous�ng �ades. Also included in the Honesteader's Agree�en� � is a pra,nise to 2ive in the property for a specified perio3 of tizne. The under- Iyzng przncip2e is si�p2e; The gover�:ent disposes of unused; unproductive property, while sinultaneously providing a hcr,r.� o�nership opportunity to persons Who could aot atherwise afford it. Urbzn H�esteading has proved effective in reducing the inventory of vacau� houses in cities Where the�prograzu has been . imp2emented. . - ; � . : . `, . , Minnesota Session L3ws 1974, Chapter 228 enables the creation of an Urban Ho�e- � steading program in the ci.ty o� St, paul. This le�islztion allows the city of St. paul, throu�h the FLT�A, to sell abandorced hcnes and open l�nd which it has � �cquired, to �persons of low and moderzte incc*:� for less thart faiz market value, : .The purchasers of these properties nust agrez to bring the house into co�pziance with applicable codes or to •co3piete new construc�ion withi.n a specizied pz�io�. of ti,tae. . Fo].lowinp; �he co:npletioa of work, the property is deeded to the Ho�ne- - steader. Ire order ta avoid personzl ga=n at th� public e:;p�nse, the H�zesteader must EZso agree to live in the property for a specified period of ticne follaaing tne transfer of fee simple title to h�.ra�. . _ . . � While Urban Homesteadino is not a panacea of city revitalization progra�s, it zs . ��n i^�portant par� in any complete revitalization ef=ort. Attewpts at renabilzta- • ��OR of occLpi_ed properties in declining neigh3orhoods have o�ten baen thwarted by the blighting influence of adjacent vacant properties. Previousl r � �iS�G icw� c:u1�C�tciiu� �ii� � ya XE'.St,.2C�- o ttac�sLGr oi suci� pzop�ri.ies ana iiie econ�,;,ic in�easioii- 3.ty of bot;� purchasi.ng a�d rehabzlitatiag severe].y deteriorated ho�sses haraper�d loczl authorities zn their ab�,3,ity �o dispose of vacant properties effectively. � Consequently, in many areas, the nember of vacant houses r�ultip3ied and the •. decline of the r.eighboxhood accelerated. Uroan I�o�esteadi�zg offers one method � ��o� effective disposal oy vacant properties, by r..3king the rehabilitati.on of such properties ecoacr,aically feasible. • , � 2:onitoxing o£ the progra.et imp7.eQentatiore will be the re�ponsibility of the city . of St. paul Housing :tehabi.litation Proora.-;s Advisory Co.;tnittee. Tnis ca:,nittee, composed of representatives from co:�caunzty oroups, business and labor �ntezests, public officials and the privzte finan�ial sector, was appointed to monitor . SL. Paul's Rehabilitaeion Loan and Gran� Prograrn. . . � - xn St. pau3., tFrban Homesteading, used in coordination 4rith the St. paul P.ehabili-- tt�tion LQan and Grant proora-n, implementa�ion of the Co:nmunity Devel.op�n�nt B�ock Gr.-�n� progrars, the Minnesota �iousing Fznance k�ency Loan and Grant program, Lh� , i.np�e:nentation of the Hazardous Suilding Act, the 2�eighoorhood Housino Servi.ces • ' krogram, as wel� �zs cther new And existing revitalizati.on proorac:s, can be instr�- taerctal �n nchieving the fo7.Icna3.ng goa3s: . • 1. Revitalizing o£ nei�,hbo�oods by increastn� their econo�ic vitali�y; . � 2. The prav�.si.on o£ a tiome awnership opportunity £or th�se who could not otherc�ise Afford �t; . . . . , ___ . � _._.._ _._.� . � 's � ,� • � � . CITY OF ST. PAUL UItBAN HOMESTEADING PROGRAM GUIDELINES AND PROCEDURES 1. DEFINITIONS ' For purposes of these guidelines and procedures, the terms defined in this section . shall have the meanings ascribed to them. St. Paul Urban Homesteading Guidelines and Procedures -- Addenda for HUD Demonstatian Program In the case of Homestead �ro�erties received through the HUD Demonstratior� Pragram, the following sections shall re lace the like-numbered sections in the St Paul Urban Homestea in� ro�ram Guidelines and Procedures as adopted by the St. Paul City Ccuncil on cto er , � 3. 1 Selection of properties shall be limited to those real properties of from 1 to 4 units which are held in � � possession by the Secretary of the U.S . Department of Housing and Urban Development, and are determined by. HUD and the Authority� to be eligible for inclusion in the Demonstratior. Program. ="_4. 1 The Homesteader must agree to complete all required rehabilitation work within a specified period of time. This period of time sha11 be negotiated between the Authority and the Homesteader, but in no case shall that time exceed eighteen months from work conunence- ment. As a general guideline, particularly in cases where all the repairs are being performed by contractor, all work must be completed within six months of the execution of the "Homesteader' s Agreement" . Extensions of this six-month period shall be granted depending on the extent of the Homesteader' s involvement in the - rehabilitation of the property through "sweat equity" . 4. 7 The Homesteader shall agree to occupy the property for a period of three years . 5 . 7B In certain cases , on the basis of need and subject � to HUD rules and regulation, the Authority may grant ; a Homesteader an extension of time in which to come ' into compliance with terms of the Homesteader�' s � � Agreement and, thereby, avoid reversion of the prop- � erty to the Authority. I :� _. �. . . _ . .._. . _._.._._.___. . .... _ .__._ . _.._ _ _ __ _ _ ... _M.,,.,�- ,� , j • � . _ , ---..�-�.....__.....,�. - __:.._-_----_ _.__._.._._,__._.� __..�..�.._ �- Fa. -. . - ---- �.:�: • . . j . . , . _ , � . . - . . - .��y I�. . . . . •- • ..• .. .. ... . ' . . .. .. , . ♦ - . .�` . " " . .. . .. . . . ... . ... .� . . . • `� . . , � . . . ...:. _. . . �, . . . . ..• . ... ..� . . ...�. \ 1 1 Y •, ' • . . • . . . .. • . • � . t��• - . . . . '. . . . - • . . � • . � . I t . .. . . ' . . ' . . - . . � . � Y . . . . . . OVEP.VIEW . . . 2� . • . . � . . .. 3. The reduction of h�ezards created by v�cant structures; • � . _ ' 4. The stinulatiore of housing rehabilitation efforts where it may not . � : otherWise have occured, and . t . . . - ; � 5. � The increase o� tax productivity of res�.dent3al property. � i _ I � - . . . . 1 - _ � , . . . . . . . . . ° + ' . � � . . - , : . . . " . . �� . o i . j . ' . . � . , , � . . - . � . . _ { ' , . . � ' � �� ' � • . . , � � • , . . . � • . . • . • I I . . • b. h'ater heaters thrst are unsafe due to; burned out or rusted ouC heat exchanges (ffre box); burned out, rusted out, or plugged flues; not being vented, being connected with unsafe gas supplies; or lack of tem- perature and pressure relief valves. c. Electrical systems that are unsafe due to: dangerous overloading; , damaged or deteriorated equip�►ent; unproperly tapped or spliced wiring; exposed uninsulated wires; distribution systems of extension cords or other temporary methods; ungrounded systems, ungrounded appliances � in contact with earth. d. Plumbing systems that are unsanitary due to: leaking waste systems, �ixtures and traps; lack of a water closet, lack of washing and bathing facilities; or cross connecCion of pure water supply with fix*_ures or sewage lines. e. Structural systems, walls, chimneys, roofs, foundations, ceilings, and floor systems, that will not safely carry imposed loads. f. Refuse, garbage, human waste, decaying vermin or other dead animals, animal waste, other materials renderinb it unsanitary �or human occupancy, including lack of light or air. g. In festation of rats, insects, and oCher vermin. h. All existing handrails that are not permanently and solidly mounted to provide safe service. - i. Lead paint that is peeling, chipping or exposed in areas that c�ay be ' hazardous to children and others. j. Conditions of toindows, doors and other electrical, mechanical and struc- tural items that. are condusive to fire and safety hazards. . 1.12 INCOME shall mean the applicant's or homesteader's combined household annual , gross income. I.13 PROGRA.t4 shall mean ths City of St. Paul Urban Homesteading PrograM. 1.I4 SWEAT EQUITY shaLl mean any construction, imorovenent, remodeling or rehab- ilitation o£ a structure performed without Che assistance of a Contractor. 1.15 CITIZEN REVIE41 BOARD �hall mean a comraittee compo�ed of three members to be chosen from a:non� the ITA representatives on the r:ayor's Rehabilitation Advisory Committee. Upon the�r appointment t� the riayor's Rehab_ili�ation Advisory Conmittee, the Mayor shall stipulate that these members are also appoinzed to the Citizen Review Board. These r�embers will be chosen on a rotating basis as. each group of ap�lications come to be reviewed. . . . . :r ,�: ; �_��� ' .3 r rn+ � . . . - . . . . . . . ' . � t . . ' 2. ELIGIBLE PERSONS OR FANiILIES . 2.1 To become initially eligible as a candidate to become a I;omesteader, applicants must meet the following criteria: A. Be at least 18 years of age. B. Pursuant to Minnesota Session Laws 1974, Chapter 228, be a person � or famiZy of low or moderate income, whose combiz�ed household . � annual gross income sha11 not exceed; � . . FAMILY SIZE INCOME . 1 .. $16,�50 2 . 16,850 � , 3 17,150 � 4 17,450 � 5 17,750 _ b 18,050 � 7 18,350 8 18,650 9 18,950 1� 19,250 2.2 The AuthroiCy, together tivith the Advisory Comraittee, shall re�iew these income limits £rom tic�e to time to determine potential adjustmenCs. 2.3 Applicants may list any work they could perform through Sweat Equity; � � however, such information shall not be used by the Authority in the deter- • mination of initial eligibility. 2.4 All applicants sha11 be considered without regard to race, creed, coLor, age, sex, riational origir, disability, marital status, affectional prefer- � ence or status regarding public assistance in accordance with all applicable federal, state and Iocal 2aws, ordinances and regulations. ' 2.5 Only eligible persons or families as herein defined shall be accepted as candidates to become homesteaders. , � , . _3_ : � 4 • . ' . . .. .. r � . . � . � � .. 3. ELIGZBLE PROP�RTIES 3.1 The selection of homestead properties shall be based on the following categorical land inventories. kithin each category, properties with vacant dwellings shall be given firat priority for inclusion in the Program. A. HUD repossessed property B. AuChority-owned property ' C. City-owned property � D. County-owned property E. State-owned property F. VA repossessed property �. G. Privately-owned property . • 3.2 The property when rehabilitation is completed must be a permitted use under the City Zoning Ordinance and the use must be permitted under and consistent with an Urban Renecaal PLan, Redevelopment P1an, Developmeat District Plan or General District Plan if the property is located within an area where such a plan or plans are in effect. 3.3 As a general rule, the Homesteader's cost of acquiring the property pins the cost of rehabilita�ing the structure through this program shall not exceed the after-rehabilitation fair marlcee value of the property. In making the determination of the after-rehabilitation value, the Authority shall take into consideration the extent of improvemer.ts and rehabilitation taking place in or being planned for in the neighborhood. ,3.4 The Authority sha1Z work with the District Planning Councils who h2ve been � designated by City Council during the process of acquiring properties which the Authority desires to make avai2able through Urban Homesteading. The decision to purchase a property shall be made only after consideration of the sentir�ent of the District Planning Council. relative t� that property, especially if the Council submits an al�ernative use disposition for that . property. . . f • , � -4- � , 4. PROGRAi�I REQUIREMENTS The l�omesteader must meet the following requirements as a condition for parti- cipation in the 5C. Paul Urban Homesteading Program. 4.1 The Homesteader must agree to complete s11 required retiabilitation wortc within a specified period of time. This period of time shal�l be negotiated bet�aeen the Authority and the Homesteader, but in no case shall that time exceed two years from work commencement. As a general guideline, particu- larly in cases where all the repairs are being performed by contractor, all work must be completed within six months of the execution of Che "Homesteader's Agreement". Extensions to this six-month period sh�ll be granted depending on the extent of the Home�teader's involvement in the rehabilitation of the property through "sweat equity". . 4.2 Work shall begin within 30 days of the execution of the "Homesteader's Agreement!'. . 4.3 Those items defined as immediate .health and safety hazards shall be corrected within ninety days from the date of work commencement. The Ho�esteader may not occupy the premises until these items have been corrected and the Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement has certified that the structure is fit for human habitation. . 4.4 The Homesteader must agree to permit periodic inspzctions at mutually �greed - upon times by city inspectors and/or the HP.A rehabilitation Counselor for the purpose o£ determining the quality and progress of the work. 4.5 Tiie Ho:nesteader shall agree to ma.intain the do�elling after completion of . rehabilitation so as to 'satisfy alI electrical, plumbing, buildinj, fire prevention and related codes. 4.6 The Homesteader shall agree to carry adequate fire and liability insurance on the dwelling at all tiMes. The Authority shall be na;ned as a co-insured on such coverage until the time at which the homesteader obtains fee simple title. 4.7 The Homestea3er shall be encouraged to occupy the property for a period of � three years after obtaining fee simple title. 4.8 In the event the Homesteader sells the property within three years from the date on which the Homesteader obtains title to ttie prooerty, the Homesteader shall pay to the Authority a percentage of any increased value � the Homesteader may receive upon the sal.e of that property. The amount to which that percentage would be applied would be derived �y subtracting ' the indebtedness which the Homesteader originally incurred at tl:e tir►e of pro perty purchase (total of mortgage princzpal, if any, and rehabilitution Ioan principal) plus any expenses incurred by the Honesteader ta market the property from the price at which thQ Homesteader sold the property. The percentage paid to the Authority shall be based upon the follocaing sczeduLe: a. If sold within first year since obtai.ning title, 90%; b. If scld during second year sin�e obtaining title, 60%; c. If sold during �hird year since obtaining title, 30%; In the event of a hardship, the Authority may waive the repayment provision. DeniaZ of such a request shalZ be subject to the appeals process. ` 4.9 Because this program is intended to provide homeotanership opportunities, � the Homesteader may not vacate the property and retain ownership of the • 'property and utilize it to produce incpme. . � , . ` , The following requirenents will be primarily the responsibility of the Authority. 4.10 Prior to purchasing any property for the program the �uthority shall have" determined that rehabilitation of the properCy is structurally and £inan- cially feasible. , _5_ r � 4.11 The Authority shall prepare n rehabilituCion analysis which details the nature of the work to be performed as well as estimates of the costs of those repairs. This estimate shall reflecC considerations for cost increases which may take place (due to inflation)du�ing ttie course of the rehabili- tation. That analysis shall be available to all interested applicants and neighborhood groups. ' 4.12 The,Authority shall arran�e for an inspection by the Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement of tha City of St. Paul to deCermine that . those items defined as ir,,mediate health and safety hazards have been corrected. 4.�3 The Authority shall arrange �or a Certificate of Completion to be issued by the Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement of the City of St. Paul when the rehabilitation has been performed. 4.14 After completion of the rehabilitation work and a Certificate of CompleCion � has been issued the Authority shall grant fee simple title to the property to the Homesteader. Prior to that time the Homesteader shall have leased the property from the Authority for $1.00. 4.15 If, during any time whiLe the agreed upon rehabilitation .is being performed, an inspection reveals the Homesteader's inability or unwillingness to complete ttie required work, the Authority may require the Homesteader to contract the work or to vacate the property under the remedies provided in the "Homesteader's Agreement". Any such requirement shall be subject� to the appeals process. 4.16 In the event the Ho�esteader should be required to vacate the property � ' ' � ' prior to obtaining fee sinple title, the Authority shall make every effort to ensure that the �omesteader is able to recover expense encountered relating to the progress that the Homesteader achieved toward rehabilitating the structure. , � -6- � . 5. PROPERTY ])ISPOSITION � . The following steps shall be t�ken during the courae of selling properties through Urban Homesteading. 1. Price estabZi$hment 2. General advertisement . 3. Applicant selection . 4. Homesteader counseling • 5. Public hearing ' _ ' 6. ProperCy conveyance 7. Homesteader's Agreer�ent 5.I Price Establishement � � • The Authority shall estahlish a price for the Homestead propert_y� - . 5.2 General Advertisement , � A. The availability of a property through Urban Homesteading shall be , publicized on as broad a base as possible. AL1 meth�ds of inedia - television, radio, co�nuniCy and city-wide newspapers - may be ntil- ized� B. As a miniu�um, public informaCion for each property shall specify: 1. Street address 2o General .description oi house characteri.stics 3. CosC of �property purchase • � 4. Cost estimate of needed t�ark • 5. General, description of needed work 6. Ap�IicanC eligibility 7. How to apply 8. Selection system 9. Yotential avaiiability of low-inCerest loan 5.3 Applicant S�Zection A. In order to ensure that applications can be processed in a ti�aely, efficient and equitable manner, a dou'ole lo�tery system shall be in- . stituted for each property. - ' B. This double lottery system will function as follows: In the first lottery, twenty applicants' names shall be dra�an. The Authority to- gether with the Citizen Review Boar.d pursuant to Section 7.11 of these . guidelin�s and procedures will then consider *_he applicants to determine those who could qualify for the program, Zn the event tha� there is more than one of the twenty applicants who could qualify, a second �.oCtery shalL be �held to select the principal ho�esteader. C. In carrying out �pplication selec�ion, the follo�aing procedures sha11 be utilized: ].. Properties shall be advertised as being available through this program for a period of two o�eelcs. 2. For the first IoCtery, all applications received will. be screened � pursuant to Section 2.1 of these guidelines and procedures to ensure that the applicant is initially eligible. 3. The names of all eligible applicants will then be placed in a , , suitable receptacLe for the �.ottery. � 4. Tweney applicants names shall then be se�.ected. 5. The Authority staff and the Citizen P,evie*.� Eoard shall then work with these applicanCs to determine if they could qualify for the - Qroperty. Authority staff review of an applicant's request £or financial assistaace through the iederal, state or local rehabili- tation loan progr�m shall be included. Ic► all steps of the process the confidentiality of the individual applicant sha1.1 Ue maintained. -7- . , • 6. The Cwenty npplicants drawn in tlie first lottery will be interviewed. ApplicaCions caill be reviewed uccording Co the follosuing criCeria to determine eligibility for inclusion in the second loCtery: a. The applicant must meet the guidelines of the loan and/or grant program with which the applicant intends to finance the •rehAb- ilitation. b. The applicant must demonstrate the aUility and/or, fireancial . � zesources to undertake the rehabilitation of the property, to maintain it over a period of years, and to assume the respon- sibilities of homeownership. � . c. The number of persons who intend to occupy the structure heing offered shall not exceed the person to room ratio as contained in the City Housing Code. . d. The applicant must express a willingness to satisfy the program requirements. . � 7. In the event ehat it is determined that there is more than one • applicant Prom the Lwenty names selected in the first lottery caho could qualify for the property, a second lottery shaLl be held within thirty days of the first lottery. The second lottery shall not be held for at Zeast Cen (10) working days after the notic�s have been mailed to the applicants not included in the second lot- tery. In the second lottery, the �Iomesteader shall be selected. At lease three alternates will also be drawn, when nuMbers permit, . _ in the event the Homesteader becomes disqualified before the execution of the Homesteader's Agreement. In •the event the Homesteader � or the alternates are disqualified, twenty morz names will be drawn from the first lottery. 8. Any appl.icant from the twenty na��s not included in the second lottery shall be given a written statement by the Authority or the Citizen Review Board deta�ling the reasons. The s�ate�nent shall include a copy of ehe Applicant Conciliation Procedure (Section 10�. 5.4 Homesteader Counseli�� . A. The Authority will, at the time of selection, provide Legal Assistance , of the Ramsey County, Inc. (LARC) with the name, address and phone number � of the principal Homesteader for. the purpose of counseling, pursuant to the City approved agreement with Ix�RC. It will be the responsibility of LARC to contact homesteaders and offer the counseling service. The Authority sh`all inform the homesteader of required housing cour.seling as outlined in the City's agreement with Legal Assistance of Ra�sey . County. The homesteader may obtain comparable counseling services from the agency of his choice. The counseling session wi.11 take place_ pri.or to discussions concerning the Homesteader's Agreemant described in section 5.48. and sha11 be mandatory. After entering into the Homesteader's Agreement, the Homesteader may obtain (through the agency of his choice) such additional counseling concerning the rights and responsibilities of homeownership as is called for in the City's - Agreement �aith LARC. The Iatter counseling shall be mandatory for first-�ime homeowners. � � B. After being chosen as the principal �Iomesteader, the applicant and Authority staff shall meet to thorou�lil.y discuss the various program � � requirements. The HRA staff shall carefully explain the Homesteader's ' ' A�reement to ensure that the applicant understands the responsibilities inherently involved in this prooram. The Homesteader may be represented by legal counsel and/or Leoal Assistance of Ramsey County counselors during all or parC of this counseling. ' C. During this counseling period, tar.get dates shall be established for � Che publ.ic liearing and the St. Paul IiRA Board of Commissioners action, property purchase and loan cLosing, work commencement, and occupancy. _g_ . . . . . � � '. � ���� 'r,i . . � . . . ., �. . - . . -. � : • D. In the event that it appears the IIomesteader's Agreement will not or � cannoC be execut�d with the FIomesteader, the first alternate shall become the FIomesteader, nnd the se.cond alternate shall become the first alternate, etc. Counselin� would then commence with the new Iiomesteader. 5.5 Public Hearinb ', A. The HRA's statutory requirements specify that the sale of all property • shall be made after a public hearing. Therefore, after both Iotteries � have been held, and the property purchsser designated, Che sale of the property to that purchaser must be advertised and a public hearing held. Upon approval by the Authority Board of Commissioners, after conducting the hearing, the Homeste•ader's Agreement shall be executed by �he Executive Director and the Chair of the Board. . B. This public hearing shall be conducted and advertised in accordance � with statutory requirements. � 5.6 Proper-ty Conveyance ' A. A property leasing and loan closing date shall be established_ to be as soon �s possible after the Board of Commissioners authorize sale,o£ the property. B. Fee simple title shall be acquired by the Homesteader after completion of all the rehabilitation work. During the period prior to being granted fee simple title, the Homesteader sha11 lease the structure from Che Authority for a fee of $1.00. � C. , In the event that $1.00 i.s not the purchase price of the property, the cost of the property (less� the $1.00) may be added to the Zoan which provides for the cost of the work being performed provided that this procedure is in agreeMent with the guidelines of the program through which the loan is obtained. � D. Every effort shall be made by the AuthoriL-y to deveZop a mechanisni for transferring title to the Homesteader whi.ch shall impose the Ieast possible burden upon the I.omesteader in regard to assuraing payr:ient . of property taxes. The Homesteader shall not be placed in a position - to pay any back tsxes. 5..7 Homesteader's Agreement A. As a condit'ion of the purchase of the property, the Homesteader shall be required to enter into a Homesteader's Aoreement setting forth the terms and conditions of occupancy and title conveyance. B. In certain cases, on the basis of need, the Authority may grant a Homesteader an extension of time in which to come into compliance with the terms of tr.e Homesteader's Agreement and, thereby, avoid reversion of the property to the Authority. � � , ""-�= , , . �:-_ _9_ ' ._ ,_� � • . . ; . ; � . .. , '�� ' �, � � 6. ASSISTANCE TO �'URCILASER � • ' � � ' 6.1 The Homesteader shall be processed for eligibility �for a low-interest • rehabilitation loan through eitner a federal, state or local program ' to provide the financill assistance necessary to achieve the repair of the property, If a 1oc111y financed lo�n is used, the determination ' of. eli�ibility shall be mad� by the Authority in accordance with the Guidelines of the City of St. pau2 Housing Rehabilitation I.oan and Grant ' pro�ram, except that no grants shall be provided to Flomesteaders. 6.2 To reduce the potential financial burden, each Homesteader shall be � encouraged to perform some of the caork. In the event Sc•�eat Equity is being perform?d, the Authority and neighborhood organizations are • encouraged to seek out, on behalf of the Homesteader, technical expertise in various aspects of the rehabilitation. The Authority � wi11 also develop a working relationship with the St. Paul Dzvision of Housin� and Buildin� Code Enforcement to assist Homesteaders in making correct and sound repairs. 6.3 The Authority may provide, upon request of the Homesteader, the names of Contractors. Hotaever, if a Contractor is to be employed, the, choice , shall be made by the Homesteader, so long as that Contractor meets � the requirements set forth in Section 8 of these guidelines and procedures. . � . _.:. MI�^ , , � 7. ADMINISTRl1TIVE RF•.SPOVSIRILITIF.S . . The Authority, in implementing, administering and carryino out the provisions of the City oL- Se. Paul Urban Homesteading Pro�ram shall, in addition to the duties, responsiblities, determinations, functions and other provisions con- tained in these �uidelines, be responsible for and carry out the following duties and functions: � 7.1 Adm3.nister the �ity Urban. Ho;nesteading Program in such a mannnr so as to complement other puolic rehabilitation and re2ated programs, and not be in co:np2tition with or as a substitute for any other public program. Also, the Authori.ty shall monztor the Pro�ram, particularly during the eazly sta�es of implementation, to detect any trends inconsiste�t i�ith the intent of Minnesota Lacas 1974, Chapter � 228 and HUD rules and reoulations. ' � 7.2 Adopt the provisions of these b id2lines, further administrative . guidelines, procedures and/or rules and regulations necessary to � implenent and adnini.ster this pr�gram. To this end the prograrn shall be implemented by the Authority with as fe��� administrative rvles and , proceclural steps as possible and should be a. corresponding flexible program which satisfies the intent of Chagter 228 and where applicable, HUD rules and regulations in this rega_d, the Authority shaJ.l recom-ne,�d to the City Council necess3ry changes i.n these guideli.nzs on a con- tinuing basis.; , 7.3 Coordinate with the t�ayor and Czty Counci.l in the assignment of the City of St. Paul Housing Rehabilitation Px�ogran Advisory Ca�nmittee to act in an evaluation and advisory capa�ity c�urzng and after im�lementation of this programe . 7.4 Borroca or levera�e monies pursuant to Tiinn. Stat. �F62.415 to 462.711 from private lenders and the t,'�iz� to be used to malce rehr.bilitatior loans ai�d to ref.inance e:cisting� indebtedness under the Urban Ho:��steadzno . Pro�rarn, in such amounts, and under such terms and conditions, as the� Authority, in coordination with the City .Council deer:es agpropriate. . 7.5 Provide necessary administrativz and technical assistance in carryitzg � out the provisions of the Urban Ho;nesteading Prooram. 7.6 Coordinate �aith and, to the extent le�ally permissible, contract �•�ith other state public bodies as that term is defined i.n �1inn. Stat. 462.421 (4) sucti 2s the Cca,T,uaity Services Housing Code Inspection Division aad the City Plannina Departmznt concernino the delxneatxon of respo:�sibilitzes and functions i�n carrying out the provisi.ons of Minnesota Laws, 1974, � Chapter 228 and these guideli.nes including but not limited to the inspection of residential hous�;�o; and the authorization and delivery of public and other related impr.ove�?nts. 7.7 Coordinate ��ith the City Planning Department to in£orm interested ' nei�hborhood or�anizations and citizens on the specific.s of the Urban Homeste�din� Program and to disseminate informa�ion concerning this progr�m on a City-wide basis. 7.8 Provide an adequate information and referral system, whereby p�rsons and families who are potentially eligi�le £or and desire to avazl themselves . ` � of other public and private programs and futlds zelating to rehabilitati�r. � and ho��oan�r^•hiu, are �iven full i.nfornatian concerni_ni, thr_ use ar,d avnilahilitv of sucti fuads a�d re��rams :snd *3�op�r referraL to rch;�hilitatio� rro;r:,n� ��i! r. aninisteri.c.� enr.ities. " . ^1�� . . __ , ' 8. CONTI:ACTOR Y�RFORP1Ar10E . . _ . . . ' _ - , - ,`,', c--.. ., r $.1 Nothing in these �uidclines and procedures sha11 be construed to limit , , ar restrict the applicaUility of staCe or city laws or orciinances relating to the home improvement business or the repair, retiabilitaCion, or improve- ment oi residential property, and a11 ContracCors performing such repair, . : improvement or rehabilitation must be licensed as required by such laws , .. . . . .. • ... or ordinances. � • • . - • , , .... . . - . . . _ . _ , • - . :. - 8.2� To be eligible to be awarded a contract under the Program, a Contractor _ must be willin� to abide by the requirements demanded of eligible contrac- to�s under the, city of St. Paul Housing Rehabilitation Loan and Grant Program, including the following: � A. The quaLity arid workmanship standards required by the Authority. . B. The business ethics required while under contract. C. The proper Method of bidding contracts covered by the Program, as con- . sistent �ai�h the city of St. Paul Housing Rehabilitation Loan and . Grant Prooram. . D. Ti�e Authority's arbitration poli_cy for resolving disputes arising from � contract execution. 8.3 A1I ConCractors performing work under the Prograra must demonstrate that they are in compliance witti all applicable Iaws and ordinances regardin� equal employment opportunity. ' �8.4 Except as to contracts wherein the cost to perform the eligible improve- ment work is less than $2,50�.00, al2 Contractors being awarded a contracC under the Program must provide the Homesteader and the Authority with evi- dence of a 100% performance bond, in the full amount of such contr2ct, effective for one year beyond the date of completion t�nd acceptance by the Homesteader and the Authority of the work. To the extent legally permissable, these bondino requirements may be waived or modified if the .Authority deter- mines that the Contractor is "bondable" and that such bonding requi.rements will be met within 12 montlis af the date of e�ecution of the I:omes*_eader's Agreement. In case of contracts wherein the cost to perform the work is between $2,500.00 and $5,000.00, the Homesteader may voluntarily waive • such bonding requirements by signing a wa;.ver agreement speci�ically describing the bonding protections that are being �,�aived and stating that , the agreement is volur_tary. Prior to the execution of the waiver agreeMent by Che recipient, the Authority shall explain the content thereof to the recipient. 8.5 Al1 caork performed pursuant to the Prograrn must be covered by an Authozity approved warranty concerning the quality of materials used and workma.nship to be conducted in ttie performance of such cvorlc. The warranty system will be monitored ar�d enforced by the Authority in coordination with, where appropriate, the :�iinnesota Housing Finance Agency. 8.6 All Contractors performing worlc under ehe Program must certify that they: A. Carry all adequate, and required by law, insurances. . B. Possess all, necessary and. required by law, licenses and permits required . to perform such work. C. Pay according to the prevailing wage scale. . � `y�,� � 8.7 Final payment cannot be made to a Contractor until the Homesteader and the Authority have accepted the eligible rehabilitation or repair coorl: in writi.ngo If the Contractor requests periodic clra�as on completed �aork, durin� the period of suclt work, such drasas must be accompanied by appro- priate lien �aaivers concerning the work completed and will be subject to _ a 10i, holdback on the overall contract if the 4lorlc and contract is covered by a 1Q0%, performance bond as described in paragraph 8.4; or wi11 be subject to a SO% hol.dbacl; on the overall �aorlc contract if the caoxk ancl the cantract is not coverecl by such a performance bond. Lien wnivers must also Ue pro- � vided prior to makina final payment on the completed WOX'IC contract. -13- . 7.9 Provide an ��ppeal or review process and procedures and �information so� • concerning, wherein any person �atio feels he or she is ag�rieved by the � epplications of these guidelines may appeal such Srievance for independent • � - review and determination �pursuant ro Sectioii 9 of their �guidelines and _ .. , procedures. . . _ . _ . . _.. . - - . . . , �. �.. . ._ _ . ,.. .. . 7.10 Wc�rlc with interested City designated District Planning Councils during the process of acquiring properties which the Authority desires to� make available through Urban �:omesteading. : The decision to purchase a property shall be •made only after consideration of the sentiment of iriterested District Coun- � ci�ls relative to that property, especially if the District Council submits an alternative use or dispo9ition for that property. � `� . � . . . • , ; .. .. � . � •�f � � ' . '.. � - � . . . _ _ . ' . . . . . _ . � � .• .. . . � . .. �� . .. � ' .. _. , � . .. . .. . . _. � . . ... . . .. .. •.�. ' ..t .. • • . ,. . . . . . � � . ' . . .. -. ' . _.• - . . _ ' . • .,. -- � . .. . . ' -. � � . . . . . ' � .. �. . '. . ' . . . . . � . .. . • .., ' .. . . . ' . . "� - . .� . � . .• ��`� � . . - 8.8 Any such hoZdback shall be used to correct unsatis�actory�work and to defray any costs required to be incurred by using a replacem�nt Contractor, should the first Contractor be rer�oved from the job by the rluthority or the Homesteader, pursuant to Section 8.9 of these . guidelines and procedures. 8.9 Any Contractor, seZected �o participate in the Program, may be removed from the performance of caork, i£ in the deterr:iination of the � H�mes�eader with the concurrence of the Authority, such Contractor has failed within a reasonable time to me�t the oblzgations set forth in any contract Chereof, or if such per£ornance is deer:ed by ttie Hom�steader with the concurrence o£ the Authority to be inadequate relative to any anci all provisions of tties� guidelines and procedures. 8.1U The Authority shall provide necessary administrative aRd tecnnical assistance and proceciures so that miaority contractors and sub- contractors are provided equal opportunity to ba awarded contracts to perform work under the Program. . � , • -14- ', � � • f � . . . . . " •� : ' . . . . . . . . . ,� 9 ATTACI-L4.ENT TO GUTAELINES AND PROC�DUFtES . � � The £ollowing page is the pre�iminary application to be used by �ppl�'xcants-,for the- fir,st lotCery. It is intended to be given to interested persons 3t the open house held for each home. Additional information may be requested, but this applicati.on, when completed, will yield the �nformation neces- sary for determ�nation of initial eligibility. . �� � ..15.. . „ _ , - _ �• ` . . . . : � . . . . .. .. .. '. '. >:4'. ' + . . , � � . .. . . . , .�l ��, ' � . . - .. . ',' � � . i � PRELItdIrIARY APPLICATION . CITY OF ST. PAUL URBAN HOT�STF.ADING Di t40DiSTRATION • I/we, the undersigned, would lilce. to be- considered for participati.on in the City of St, paul Urban Homesteading Demonstrati.on. ' Appl3.cant . Last Name First Initial ps�� � Spouse Last Name First Initial A�e Maritak Status / / Sin�le /� Widowed / / Divorced / / Separated Current Address C�rY State Zzp Code Home Telephone Work TeZephoree • � Aependents: Names Ages� �►pplicant's F.mployex; ' $ Comnany Nam� Monthly Salary Address � � ! Spouses F.mployer: 3 $ ' Cor�pany Nar�e i�fonthly Salary � Other Sources of IncoMe; � � $ Monthly Salar.y i I/we understand that this application is made pursuant to Section 810 of the Housin� ` and Community Developine�t Act of 1974, and is for the puxpose of determinin� eligibilit}� only and I1Plttter the City o� St, Pau1 nor it's agents are obli;ated to sell any property as a result o� this application. I/we further und�rstand that additiona: informati.on will be required if this appli.cation is amon; tnose chosen for fi.nal conszderation. i . . , , �, . A�plican['s Sivnature � j � - � . ; � Appl.icant 's Signature j # i � ' • ; � y , . i ; ' � ! e� �- -�-�. 9. URBAN :IOM�STIsADING GRIEVANCI; PROC�DtIRE -` 9.1 General . _ Pursuant to the authority contained in the Urban Homesteading Guide- lines, Section 7.9 the folloc�in� procedure �hatl be used ns a nethod of � settlireg a12 individuaL disputes arising from the administration or the application of the City of St. Paul Urban Homesteading Pro�ram. 9.2 Informatior� Concernin�; Gr�evance Frocednre A. A Homesteader who has ap+lied to have repayr.ient provision waivecl � due 'Co hardshz�r, pcirsuant to seetion 4«� of the Concept and Guide- _ 13ne:�� inay appeal � denia� af tha[ request to the [�ppeals Comcnittee.. B. A Hom.estead�r requirec� �a contract.worl� ar� to vacate tr.e property : ° __ under the renedies; gravided ic� the Homesteader's Agreement, pursuanC � to Sectfon 4.15 of the Guide�ines and procedures maY aPPeal the � � _ decision o£,ehe Authority ta th� AQPeaLs Committee. C. A Homesteader with. a poiriG of grieuance-over Che ad�inistration of fhe� Urban Hotnesteadi�g,Pr�gracrE rsay request a wriCten statement o£ the Au.th.arit�`s positia�e and. inforsaat:io� outLinin� the Grie�ance "Procedure�, . 9.3 Notfce of Grievance , A. Ang Homesteader wlia feels ag;rieved by the adiainstration ar app�ication � � of the Uriaaa Hocuesteadiaa Prag,ram may appe�l_.the grievance to the .�AppeaLs Commi.ttee.W - B. A grievance notice�shatL include tfie €arlowing: 2. Name and acldress of the complainantX 2. Names of Fersocrs or agencie� again�t whom the complaint is made; . 3. A statament containing tfie specific grounds which gave rise _ _ to the grieuance,_ includins but not Linited ta speci£ic acts ' � and omissions, dates, locations and r.ames of witnesses to the specific. acts or oniissions. . 9.4 Conciliation � Within fifteen (IS) days after the� filing of the grievance notice, the Authority sha11 arraage for a conciliatiQn meeting with the complainant.. Such meetiuegs sha1L be held at such tiaie and location as is reasonably conveaient to the c.omplafnaat and shall b� for the purpose of explazning and conciliating tiie ivatter-� Other interested. parties or persotts may . �ttend the concilia�s,on meeting._ A,ny party can requesC an additional - meeting and_no= coinplainan� shaLL have the right to request a hearing under Part 9.S uatil after- at: Least oneconciliation meeting lias been he2d. 4lithin seven (7) days of the final conciliation neeting, the Authority shaZ1 prvvidethe conplainant and other ineerested parties �.�ith . a written memorandum outlining the results of the meeting. Such memorandum shall aiso infore� the cor�plainant that if they continue to . feel aggrieved, they have a right to appeal the grievance pursuant to the provisions of Part 9.3 and shall include a statement concerning the manner ar.d time in wliich to do so. �� , . , ��' -I6- • - • �. � �t 9.5 Pre-Ncarinft Procedure A. Request far llearing If the cornplainant after serving of the r.lemorandum referred to in Part 5 still feels ag�ricved that person may request the matter be heard by the appeals cocmnittee. Such a request shall be in writing and whenever practiced shall be mzde ozi a form developed by the Authority and must be filed with the appropriate office of the Authority �aithin 10 da�rs after receipt of the memorandum. The , Authoxity sh�ll immediately forward the request to the Chairman of . the City of Saint Pau1 Housing F.ehabilitation Program Advisory Com*nittee. Consistent with the proviszons contained in paiagraph - 9.6 B., the chairperson shall appoint tile appeals committee. B. Notice of Fiearing . Wrftten notice of the time and place of the hearing will be given . the com�lainant and other interested parties by the Rppeals Co:�ittee 'as soon as it is known and in any event at least 7 days in advance of the grievance hearing. � C. Pre-hearing biscovery. At a reasonable ti.m� prior to the hearing th� complainant and other interested parties shaJ.l b� entitled to exzmine, in accordance with � state and federal laws relating to access of records and confidentiality, .� all HRA and other records pertaitting to the grievance, Any record or part thereof, the examinati.on of which is denied to the person after request, except �ahere access to such records is Zimited by state or federal lac�, shall not be introduced or considered at the gri.evznce hearing. D. Obtainino of j•7itnesses . � Any interested party may reGuest in writa.ng tha.t �he Appeals Cocumittee or its desi�nee cause to be served a "renuest fer appearance" upon any witness. Such request r.iust be made at least three days in advance of the �;rievance hearing. If any person, so requested to appear, does not appear at the heari.ng and subni.t her or himself to cross . exar.►znation, that person's testimony or allegations shall not be received into evidence� 9.6 Grievance Hearing A, Timz and Place of the Hearing . The Grievance Hearing shall be held at e location and tim2 decxded by the Appeals Cor�ittee af.ter considering the n�eds and convenience of a]_1 persons lilcely to be involved zn the hearing. However, at • the request of any of the parties, Appeals Cocnmi_ttee may order the termination hearin� be held at another suitab].e location. Notice . of any change in location of the hearing must be given at least 3 • days in advance to all interested partieso In any event, the hearing shall be held within 30 days after tt�� receipt of the request for hearinp; by the chairperson of the Rehabilitation Pro�ram. •Bo Appnals Com�nittee , . �: , . ��� The Chai.rperson o.E th� Rehabilitation Advisory Cor,nnittee shal.l appoint an Appeals Co;naitteeconsistinb o£ thr�e persons for each griev..nce � meeCi.tlg from Ch� members of the City of. Saint Paul �tousin� aitd P.etiab- il.it�Zti.on Pro;ram A�tvisory Co�nitteeo The Appeal Committee tr,er.ibers � l�avc� no coiifti.cC of inte�rest and sli�ll be � impartial Znd knocaled�;cable - concerninE; t:he procedur.es cont�i.ned in tliesA �;iiidelines. 1'tie Appeals Com;ni.ttee sh;t].) presic�e over and condur.t the �r.ievanr_e hearin� and may nppoint� a pi�t_sidin� officer to rul.c on procedural an�3 evi.�lnjil'i.ary nzttcrs. i -��- ' i . � r` ►} . � L � 1., • � � . . • � � . . � 1 . C. jJitnesses, Evidence and Procedures at the Grievance Hearing Persons who prepared the Notice of Crievance shall appear at the � grievance hearing and explain to the a�,peaJ.s committee the circum- • stances and �llegations contained in tre notice. Thereafter, should • they so desire� either party may call witnesses to testify; cross examine all adverse wftnesses, and make arguments. All reli�ble and trust�vorthy evidence having probative value may be offered into evidence and should be given weight in accordance with its reliabil.ity� Consistent with federal and state laws and rules and regu7atians concerning confidentiality, reports, records, memorandum, or other documents pxepared in t�e ordinary course of business may be recei.ved ` into evidence unless they are inco:npetent, irrelevant or ii*.imater9.a1. Hearsay evidence may be received if it app�ars, in the judgnectt of the appeals board, ta be reliable and trustt•�orthy, and the probative �;alue, considering the circunstances under �ahich the statem2nt is made. One purpo�� for the hearing shall be to develop evi.dence of specific facts concerning the alleged grievance. Nothing in these _ � guzde�ines shall limit the right of the ap�eals co�ittee to question witnesses or request infozmation. To this end, the Appeals Comrnzttee shall investigate the grievance thoroughly, raay ca11 such witnesses as it deems appropriate and may :neet and make the decisa.ons in executive session. - � . D. Records Grievance hearinos shall be recorded and the tapes shall be preserved by the Anthority for one year after the date o£ �he hearing. The parties shall have such access to the tapes as provided by law �.nd may cause the tapes to be transcribed. The party ordLrinb the transcripr.s shall. pay for the same, except where a transcri.pt at no cost may be provided pursuant to Diinn. Stat. Sb3.0I. Adequate measures. sha�l be talcen to insure that the recording is complete and accurate. Either party may have a stenogra�he: present at the he�tring at his or her o;an expense. E. . Conti.nuances Contittuances of the time or date ef any procedure or hearina referred � � to in these gui.delines is to be discouraaed, Howsver, if either or both parties request a continuance be aranted, or if the appeal.s board determines, at thc conclusion of the hearing that there recnains disputes of fact which in the interest of fairness and justzce requires testimony of additional witnesses, then in either case the appeals comnittee may conti.nue the he��ring for not more than ten days provided that the rights of either party are not materially �nd c�etrim�ntally restricted or abrogated by such continuance. The appeals committee may subsequentZy � request attendance of such additionaZ �•�i�nesses. Copies of the req«est shall be given to all interested parties and the parties right to cross examination and con£rontation and the other�rights and proceduzes set . forth in these Guideli.nes shall continue i.n full_ force and effect. If any �aitness so requested to appear does not appear at the subseauent hearing, that persants testir,.ony or allegations shall not be received into evi.dence. � F. Representati.on . • Any party r.�ay hire an attorney tn represent him or herself or be represented by any Q�her� person. G. Find inss and Dec is i.on ' • At the conclusion of the grievance hearing ttie E,ppe�lls Commictee sha1,1 ' prepare findin�s of £act, conclu;,i.ons of lzca and mak� them part o� the pr.oposed decisiozi. The decision shall be based only rnt evidence ' introcluced �nd recei.ved at the h4�zrings and shal). acidress i.tself to . to the follotain�,: _18- � . . � s � . .�: , _ -�..Y� . . . ., _ . , � . . . ... , k �? p .F l. t • •..�._. wu �••.:�. =`�...�xvsee�.�4+..a�aw49issM�:��wX-.tav.��r-a.i.�-i<-iLVSt1NW�N� ., • . • . • • �� �� ,: . r �+ •,'`', '` � � � �� ' • � ` . . . .. . . . ��� � � � l. I£ the decision to sustain, not sustain or sustain in part the grievance shall be decided by a majority of the �ppeals committee and shall specify the facts which es�ablish grounds for the decision. Such grounds provided in the Concept and Gui.delines, Rehabilit�tion Plan or as otherwise exist by law shall govern the decision and such grounds shall be specifi,ed. 2. A statement explaining any appellate rights or other avail-. able remedies shall be included i.n the decision. . jJithin faurteen days of the hearing the decision shall be served upon the complainant and other interested parties. The decision � shall have the effect of a final decision and shall continue in force until or unless it is subsequently modified or �reversed on • appea2. ' . 9.7 Additional Rifihts Nothing in these guidelines shall prohib�t any coinplainant or other interested party £rom appearing in front of the Authority Board of Commissioners; the Rehabilitation Advisory Co:�ittee; the City Counci.l; or appealing to an a�propriate caurt, Provided, ha�aever, that eYCept - as tahere elsewhexe provided by law, the decision of an appeals cortmittee � is final and bindino. 10. Applicant Conciliation Procedure 1� � �nnr�ra1 The tQllowi.tla procedure shall be used a.s a m�L•hod of settling aIl individuaZ disnutes arisin, from tne ad:�inist:ration of Sect�.on 5.306 of the Urban Hor��steadin�; Guidelir.�s. ^�`—'— 10.2 i�otice of Grievance A. A grievance notice s;�all include the iollo;�ring• �1) tdar�e and address of the comolainant; (2) A statement containin? the specific grouads which �ave � rise to the grievance. B. A �rievance notice must be filecl with the Authority no more than five (S) working days 2.fL-er rec�i��� of notification that the applicant itad not been chosen fa� �nclusion in the secoad lottery, as �rovided in Section 5.3C3. - � 10.3 Conciliatioz �Iithin five (5} days a_fter tne filir.g of a grievance notice, the A�`ut�hority 7ia arr�n�e ror a conci i_a4�on meet�.ng ta�.ti tn�� coin- p a�n�nt. Sucn ri��rin�s s. � �e ne� at suc ti�le an ocat�o.i :;�:: as is reason�_.y convenient to tne cr�i��� �inanS: ancl s 13 � l:or � th4 purp�se of exolaininry and COI1C1111t7.tt,.�'1 tile nat�.er. �Iet;�bars of the Citizen Revi.��J Board shall �.ttend^t,ie c�ncili<-:tion m�atina. � , • �=- Ot.har interesCed person> :��y attend tYie cozci.li.ltion rneetin7. . Atiy party rmay renuest an acditiona._1 ra�eti_nr. G]ithin tcao (2) d<�ys of :tie final conciliation :�i._eti�g, tiie :�uthority�shall provi.��le ti1�'. C�11�)1f11.11^i.t t��j.��l a �aritten I?lE.''?tJl<''.:1CI11T1 Ol1t:�.I.!1�T1; �RC rCStlLCS O� C{1C IriG'Etlll�;. �