01-313����1��I�l�L Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 0 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 1G 17 RESOLVED, that the licenses held by Dinner Club 2000, Inc., d/b/a Dinner Club 2000, Inc. (License ID 9�005357), loc ed at 1177 Clarence Street in Saint Paul are hereby suspended for a period of��� wit�"� f{�e days stayed for a period of 18 months, the stay conditioned on the Licensee having no other violations during that period of time and paying a fine of $1,000. The suspension is based upon the January 1, 2001 violation of After Hours Consumption or Display of Alcoholic Beverages. `' The suspension shall begin at 12:01 on Wednesday, April 18, 2001 and continue until 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, Apri122, 2001. The fine shall be paid to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection within thirty days of the adaption of this resolution by the Council and signature by the Mayor. This resolution and the action of the Council in this matter are based upon the facts contained in the February 8, 2001 Notice of Violation ]etter to the licensee, the Saint Paul Police Report CN O 1-000-074 and the arguments of the parties at the public hearing. The facts were not disputed by the Licensee. Requested by Department of: i ,/' � gy: � � / Form Approved by City Attorn�y � BY: ��e �l,(Z_`.rJ l_7? - �nu.�-� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council , . '� — •--- - - �' � - - ///i I� // , ., � � � I�1'i �//f'IL7��l�� J,���/ RESOLUTION By: Council File # p � . 3 \'_3 Green Sheet # � �O 30 � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �j�+ Adopted by Council: Date���r���/ Adoption Certified by Council Secretary City Council March 28 AGENDA BY (DATE) March �2, zoo� I GREEN SHEET No A881GN NUM6ER FOR ROUTIND OROER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 'J DEPMTMENTGRECTOR L' CITVCOIINCIL _ ❑ CRYAttONNfl' � CRYCL6PK ❑ FWANGAI.BEPVIC6801P. ❑ FYNNCIAIeERVIACCT6 ❑ MFYORIORPB&BTAHf) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) o � -� �� 0307 Concerning adverse action against all licenses held by Dinner Club 2000, Inc., dba Dinner Club 2000, Inc., 1177 Clarence Street. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION AMOUNT OF TRAN9ACTION 10 SOURCE AL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) RSONALSERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWERTHE FOLLOWING QUESiIONS: Has this pereonKrm everworked under a contract for lhie depadment? YES NO Has thla pereoNfirm ever been a cRy employee7 YES NO Daes this pereo�rm poeeess e akill not nOrmallypossessetl by any current city employee7 YES NO Is ihis penoNfirm a tarpeted vendo(! YES NO COST/REVENUE BUD6ETED (CIRCLB ONE) ACTIVITY NUMBER YES NO C��%�� �� - u� � . . a _ Oly �\3 The following facts are set forth as a hasia fnr e�}aarSLn,�from the presumptive penalty stated in Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 409.26 for this offense: � 1) The licensee has been in business at this location since October of 1999, a period of less than two years. �Vithin two months of opening, the Office of LIEP met with the licensee and Saint Paul police to establish conditions on the license to address problems the police were having with the business. 2) The licensee appeared in front of Council on May 10, 2000 on a violation of one of the conditions on the license, which occurred February 11, 2000, only two months after the conditions had been established. At that time they were given a two-day suspension. 3) That the Office of LIEP mailed a card to the Licensee explaining the requirements for having a private holiday party, but Licensee failed to obtain permission for such a party, and gave no satisfactory explanation for his belief that he could be open after hours. 4) There is an additional violation of sale to an underage person from March 15, 2001 which makes this a third violation in the relatively short period the establishment has been operating. 1\ �� -1�,�� � -��i� � �''` �r �� �UJ� �-� l�� � I P1^ (/l ✓'-� �1.+�-�. Og'` �"�"�K �C.�+'�� /��'; OFFICE OF THE CTTY ATTORNEY Clnylon M. Robinson, Jr., City Attorney �� �� `� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemmi, Mnyor Gvit Divisron 400 Ciry Hn(! I S West Kel/ogg Blvd. Snin! Pnul, Minttesafrt 55/02 Telephone: 65! 266-57/0 Fncsiuiile. 651 298-56/ 9 March 12, 2001 Song Lo Fawcett Kelly & Fawcett, P.A. 2350 PiperJaffray Plaza 444 Cedar Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 RE: All licenses held by Dinner Club 2000, Inc., d/b/a Dinner Club 2000, for the premises at 1177 Clarence Street in St. Paul License ID # 990005357 Dear Ms. Fawcett: Enclosed please find an amended proposed resolution, prepared for the March 28, 2001, council hearing, concerning the violation of After Hours Consumption and Display of Alcoholic Beverages. This amended resolution replaces the proposed resolution contained in the packet sent to you on March 1, 2001. The resolution now includes the conditions under which the suspension is stayed for 10 of the recommended 15 days suspension of the licenses. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, (� �� v'd---�� J Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant CoLmcil Secretary Roger Curtis, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Chuck Repke, Community Organizer, District 2 Community Council, 1961 Sherwood Avenue E., Saint Paul, MN 55119 o � -s�y 3 �� UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARING Licensee Name Address: Council Date: Dinner club 2000, Inc. d/b/a Diner Club 2000, inc. 1177 Clarence Street March 28, 2001 Violation: After Hours Consumption and Display of Alcohol Beverages St. Paul Legislative Code § 409.07(c) Date of Violation: Place: January 1, 2001 Licensed Premises Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: 15 day suspension $1,000.00 fine Attachments: of all licenses with 10 days stayed, and a 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Violation 3. 1/2/01 memo from Kristina Schweinler 4. License Information Report 5. Police Report CN 01-000-074 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY 3�.3 Clnyron M. Robinson, Jr., City Attarney b` `;� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Cole�nmL Mnyar March 1, 2001 Song Lo Fawcett TCelly & Fawcett, P.A. 2350 Piper Jaffray Plaza 444 Cedar Street Saint Patil, Minnesota 55101 . e ; Sr�:ii � �. �QDi RE: All licenses held by Dinner Club 2000, Inc, d/b/a Dinner Club 2000, for the premises at 1177 Clarence Street in St. Paul License ID # 990005357 Dear Ms. Fawcett: Please take notice that a hearing concerning the above-named establistunent has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, March 28, 2001 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing in that the facts concerning the after hours consumption and display of alcohol have not been disputed. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/or written remarks as to the penalty, if any, to be imposed.,The recommendation of the license office will be to suspend all licenses for IS days, with 10 days stayed, and a$1,000.00 fine. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, J L• ;; ��„�.c,ci��.l� � - �t��.�-G � � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary c�wt Dtvisron AOOCiryNn[! Telephone:65l266-87l0 ISWestKe!(oggBlvd. Fncsimilz.�651298-56l9 Snittl Prtu(, Hfinnesolrt SS/02 NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING �°���`�ed �"��`"'����°�� �'�'^��iaP Roger Curtis, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Chuck Repke, Community Organizer, District 2 Community Council, 1961 Sherwood Avenue E., Saint Paul, MN 55119 OFFICE ^F THE CITY ATTORNEY a i3 ClnyJOtt M �irtsmq Jr., C�ry A(rorney O` �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norni Ca(emmi, hlnyor c:vil Div;s;on 400 Gry Hnff 15 West Kel�ogg Blod. Sniii! Pnul, h/innesatrt 55/02 Telephone: 65/ 266-87/0 Frtcsimile 65/ 193-5619 February 8, 2001 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Pao Hang Dinner Club 2000 1177 Clarence Street S1lRI P1UI MN 55106 RE: All licenses held by Dinner Club 2000, Inc. d/b/a Dinner Club 2000, for the premises at 1177 Clarence Street License ID # 990005357 Dear Mr. Hang: The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended adverse action against the licenses held by Dinner Club 2000, Inc. d/b/a Dinner Club 2000, for the premises at 1177 Clarence Streei. The basis for the adverse action is as follows: On January 1, 2001, at approximately 1:28 a.m., Officer Toronto and Senior License Inspector Kristina Schweinler were at 1177 Clarence Street, the premises of Dinner Ctub 2000, and observed that the parking lots were full and there appeared to be people still inside, despite the fact that closing time for bars is 1:00 a.m. On entering the establishment they observed that there were customers inside. They spoke to you and you stated that you believed you could extend your hours twice a year. The inspector and officer went downstairs, where they observed people pouring out drinks from their glasses. Officer Toronto smelled the liquid in some of the glasses and determined that it had the odor and appearance of alcohol. Additionally, there were bottles of what appeared to be beer and ch�mpagne corks visible. It is a violation of Saint Paul Legislative Code § 409.07(c) to allow consumption or display of alcohol at times when the sale is not permitted. State law prohibits the sale of alcohol after 1:00 a.m. Page 2 Pao Hang February 8, 2001 � 1,� 'O� -"l'�'� If you do not dispute the above facts please send me a letter with a statement to that effect. Tlte matter will then be scheduled for a hearing before the St. Paul City Council to deteiYnine what pettalty, if any, to impose. Yott will have an opportunity to appear and speak on your own behllf, or to have someone appear there for you. On the other hand, if you wish to dispute the above facts, I will schedule an evidentiary hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). If you wish to have such a hearing, please send me a letter stating that you are contesting the facts. You will then be sent a"Notice of Hearing," so you will know when and where to appear, and what the basis for the hearing will be. In either case, please let me know in writing no later than Tuesday, February 20, 2001, how you would like to proceed. If I have not heard from you by that date, I will assume tl�at you are not contesting the facts. The matter will theo be scheduled for the hearing before the St. Paul City Council. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, �\ ,� ��� � � ti�cc (J c�.-Pti� C �"�( �J Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Roger Curtis, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, Deguty Director of LIEP Chuck Repke, Community Organizer, District 2 Community Council, Avenue E., Saint Paul, MN 55119 Song Lo Fawcett, Bannigan & Kelly, 1750 North Central Live Tower Street, Saint Paul, MN 55101 1961 Sherwood 445 Minnesota �I� O\ •��Ir STATE OF MINNESOTA ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL COUNTY OF RAMSEY JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on February 9, 2001, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Pao Hang Dinner Club 2000 1177 Clarence Street St. Paul, MN. 55106 (which is the last same, with postage Minnesota. known address of said person) and depositing the prepaid, in the Unit��tates mails at .� au r Subscribed and sworn to before me Page 1 of 1 �!, O\- `ra4 Kristina Scliweinler - Dinner Club 2000 Prom: Kristina Scliweinler To: Palmer, Ginger; Rozek, Christine Subject: Dinncr Club 2000 Chiistinc nnJ Gingcr On Dcc,71 and Jnn.l I woikcd with thc SPPD East Tcam. At 0130 Squad 31 I and myself went to 1 l77 Clarence to do a premise check. ?he parking lots were s[ill full. Wc wni�ed for nnother squad to arrive duc �o thc largc number of pcoplc still inside. At 0135 we walked inro the club. There were approx.150 to 200 peoplc still dnncing mid Ihc DJ still prcforming. Wc askcd to spcak with the owne�. Security went to find him this took 5 min. �t took awther 4 min. for Mc [dang m responA. It nlso uppmrcd that hc hnd bcen drinking, I cxpinincd to him thnt hc wns in violalion of thc City of Sc.Paul ordinance and State Liq. Lzw by sllowing his establishment b remain open. He said that he though[ he could do this 2 liines a yeac I �old him ihat he wus allowed a private party if he requested it 30 dnys in advance and receive permission. This was all explained in ihc postcnrds thnt were sent to nll liquor eslablisluncnt bePore Ihe holidays, (copy auached). I again informed him that his esta6lishment had ro stop sclling and serving by 0100 and thot hc had ro hnvc his customcrs out by 0130. It shonld be noted that there was no Liquor visible upstairs. Wc �hen wcni downslairs lo mxke and inspcclion. A� lhis time Ihe owner becamc upset and did not want us to go downs�airs. When we got downstairs there was chnmpxign on ihc lables and drinks bcing SCrvCd Gom [lie bar. l smv open bottles of Hennessy Cognac, Heineken Beer and o[her liquor bottles. [t appeared lhat some of tho Slnsses of champnign hadjust bcen poared, ihey were still bubbling and some wero full. Mr, Hang nnd Vnng m tha[ time beenme very agitated and claimed that we were p�cking on him and that he was onty trying ro serve the Hmoung communiry. I ngain cxpinincd ihut nll bars hnvc ro opernte under the samc laws. And that I had becn working the Eastside all evening. I had been with 4 squnds and [his was ihe fvst Iimc I hnd bccn to �his csinblishmenl. Mc }Iang wae vcry argumentivc with the officers and mysciE It was 0157 at this time and there was still approximatcly 20 pcoplc mhcr ihnn thc scwrity staff in �hc bnr. We IeR the eslnblishmenl nt 0204, Mr. [fnng indicn[ed lhal the people IeR in the bnr were employecs that had to clean up. I rook nvo Corks from lhe back table tha[ wcre still wct Gom Gcshly opcncd chainpngnc. I Nso sew n whitc fcmalc long blondC hair passed out at a booths in tiie upstairs bar ftcr friends had a hard time trying [o wake hec When she did gct up to walk out shc had a grrnt dcnl of difficulty nnd hnd to bc hclpcd. Thc only othcr bnrs Ihnt I hwrd cnlls on wcrc Ciub Cancun. Thcro scemed to be a lot of fight calls �hcra Mounds Pzrk Tavern had one fight call and Vine Park �rcwery had culkd on n fght oulsidc the bar. Thc bars on thc east side werc very quict and mt at all busy. P � ��� � "I�- �-e � �c,v�c� `-`'h� L.d, a��cQ w-�-�._� -{-c� l,—��.�. ��cQ,�..�. c�k.�� 11.�c�Q � �o �- w � a� �G�, /L�`� �.° `, ' - � �� ��_�,.A �- .s�-�-� � �w c� about:blank O1/02/2001 �L3 o�-�r CITY OF SAINT PAUL Ouicc of Licenu, Inspecuons and Lnvvonmenml Promcuon Faxfi51�166-912J TO: On-Sate/Off�Sale License Holders Thc following is a list of 2000 holiday hours for on-sale and ofGsaie liquot licenset as estabiished by suie law' Off-Sale On-Sale Day 6eforc ThanAsgiving Wednesday, NovemMr 22nd 8 a m. -!0 p m Regular hours Thanksgiving Thursday, November23ih Closed Regularhours Chri5lmas Eve Sunday. December 24ih Closed Rcgular hours Chris�mas Day Monday, December 25ih Closed Regular hours New Ycars Eve Sunday. December3ls� Closed Regular hours New Ycars Day Morday, 7anuary lsi 8 a m� 8 p.m. Regular hours We have also received a number of inquiries about holiday parties. Chaprer 409.07(2d) of �M1e Saim Paul Legislative code reads PrivnteChrisfmasporties. NorwiUistandingwryofherprovisionoJOieLegislai�ecoCe,Urelicenseho[derojpremiseshavinganon-snlelicense mny once n yenr during the Chrisnnas season have a privae patty at tto charge ro the gues�s nJ�er rhe lmvJul closing homs; pro�ided, rhnt a written requer( for snlQparfy is su6mirreCro rhe ficense inrpectar Hiirty(30) daya priar to the propaseQ date aJthe party; andprovi4ed funher, Umtnosnlestudefined6ylmvoJintoxttminghquorsornaniNaxrcmmgmolt(iguorsMllbemademordunngraidparry �einspecmrsha[f nofiJy rhe chief o(police ojthe date aJeach proposed pnrry If you have any questions regar0ing these regula�ions, pleaze contact Chnsiine Rozek a[ 651d6(*9108 or Kris Schweinler at 651-2669110 Noic: If special hours have Men placed on your license by �he Ciry Council, you must comply wi�h those hours of operation. Id i� �� !a x � W � IC O c' I d � d �U N � IJ N a � o �_ _ ,•- O G K C O N E `o _ d N C c�i .J N �'C � � I� !� C �a N �U > I J V �_.Q N O 0 N > —,O N � 'N °-' m F-�'.i(n C I,NIO I� � � V � IJ Q l_..-� O ; � ia I � � '� M Z � �c'o I U m J ; � V I m � ,� � W IW N � N � �V � Q h O _' Ir � Jr � U O 0 0 _._�N m Z V m Z � IQ 1 U Z O O - N � � N,J Z U OIW z a �� z --� o ti . c I �, U� I,` I I N N C110 I d l0 �❑ I I� X L11'O y� O O I �N I I I � I I d I��= Z I U O I a o I U l �'� N,� I ci Z ` . m a� I� J Z U I C L I � J d Q o U U a IU � C = W C � _,O NI d � Z d Ci o � ' Ilf7 a � N � � C I � �I� m I� � v X IN ~ M � __� v I U N C O U N � � . 7 m � I� T m � y w � i� I LLl >+ A� 0 0 p p, o C � J 'n � � N d� N � O_ O 47 Y Q N w Qyo -omo � 3'3 E m c - ... t o 0 I � a a� a�i a m� �o d �� � a`�i I I ` � f ��E >. �� � - ? ����@� � �� N E � N- � V N U � � O� Y U ' I N E� N C a X O C V C L �p `p C � N N NNN �.- �7 C� V c0 �'�, I 4.' �..- A C N� O ��. n' N �pN AN'O � � L C � U �� No��oE o c � '� o I � �rn o >� �' � vi i I > =�Y�O3�a�i a � °' - N i o. w��� ai ,= c ° o.o � o a E � � @ m� N m v�iY � � � Y o� x a c a�°'� o �� UU ° � � m m '-�_c y �r $m" � c a�i� m° a��� a�i a`� �n ° �w c o ' i O tn'j N V.. �' a.n �O� 'O �''� a°i ��o�!E mo�a w �- o c m c m , i tl 'O�C � C C•C a � NL (0 � Q� O N- ' C � C�'�O� N N N� �N(0 i "� N N U=U,�, m � � �N�fn �, � ' �O '> °' w. ,,,v,` >, a�i � w '. °' m o �° � m I �' - @NNOC._L��]N�0 LOE� �� X �. �?D f� U�+' II d � N t� C `p UC.L-.m.�?j0'C�9���U �ptd� mo��tomm=ro�fl.�- y"'... o� cl Na�iu�i.cc3a��a�'i���a w.L�.o�� 'o ��'"mw �.L.,m' i=I �'C�CpNOmC.L.+C,CNN "Q'_+.'LL` �o: ��m�-vi� dp��>�E c3��� �� G �� u � � r E'C'O � C U C_@ O N f6 p� >. � y= �'�3�o��m=��°°- N�_N.j @ �'_ � �- � N N'O (pL �L"0.�."O N'-'Lr U i N C y'O @ C� ��'C7 �(�0'� N � C N p_ � 'NI NNN ,EI NE�-o° rnC�roNO.• E; ��-mE_c'� �m C N� - �UN�`10l Oi �ONk V��� _l>F-C C O�CO.NJ�Gw Vd �-1 .c °�o� oEc m cx s � � w c�i 4 c m ri E m a� v n�ri o a� � � r� w o� W U Z W g U I n � _� o�- �c i 1 � d' � W O N I �o N �� d � ,� O) J ,N �. �—' I O C 0 a � C 0 @ � w C d N C V J Iwlc � � N I� � � a U � �'_ a m � C � r_"'Cn I � i � T N � I� C G 0 U 0 _ J i � _ "' J O C', o �. v a cv E � � � � � Z IN a�:o N�O U � `J � m 'O . 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A T T O R N E Y S A T L A W 2350 PIPER JAFFRAY PLAZA 444 CEDAR STREET SA1NT PAUL, MN 55101 PA'I'R ICI< J. I<IILI,Y SONG I.O �AWCGTT S'P�I'l IGN KIiLI.Y SIA I.O CIIAU D I.eMMONS KA'f1ILIi8N M. LOUCKS RO�I:I21' J. I'O W I.GR March 26, 2001 Dau Bostroin, City Council President Room 320-B City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 RE: Dinner Ciub 2000 Dear Mr. Bostrom: E-Maih kelfawcett@qwestnet �: , ,r 1 ;. r 1 b, ! Our firn� represents Dinner Club 2000, owned by Mr. Pao Hang. Mr. Hang's Dinner Club 2000 is scl�eduled to Ue on your agenda for the Council Meeting on Wednesday, March 28, 2001, for action based on After Hours Consumption orDisplay ofAlcoholic Beverages occurring on January 1, 2001. C1uU 2000 does not dispute the factual basis of the violation. However, we would like the opportunity to share our thoughts regarding the discipline of Dimier Club 2000. Mr. Hang erroneously believed that the Club could stay open until2 a.m. like other establishments. He did not understand that prior written approval was needed, and his records do not indicate that he received the postcard that was sent regarding the prior written approval reqttirements fi•om the LIEP. Thus, Mr. Hang's actions, while in violation of the City Code, were not intentional attempts to disregard the law. We would like to stress the importance ofDinner Club 2000 in both the Hmong Community and the St. Paul Community at large. It is the only Hmong establishment offering both dining and entert�inment services to the Hmong community in the entire state. Enclosed please find a letter from the Minnesota Hmong Chamber of Commerce expressing their support far Mr. Hang and his Uusiiiess, for what each has done for the community. Also enclosed please find a Petition Drive in recognition of the importance of Club 2000 by the Asian and Hmong business owners and community inembers. Purther enclosed, please find a letter from the Hmong United International Council of Miimesota, which comprises of 18 Council members of the Hmong clans, expressing their support for Club 2000 and its importance in the community. OfCounsel: JOHN P. BANNIGAN, JR. MCGUIGAN & HOLLY, P.L.0 (651) 224-3781 Facsim�ie (651) 223-SOt9 Mr. IIang wishes to talce responsibility for his oversight on January l, 2001. It is his first adverse lction involving after hours consumption. He also wishes to improve the services and benefits a1-313 o ffered to the community by Club 2000. He has taken steps to remodel his establishment to improve on security, safety and compliance issues, by taking out a loan, hiring consultants and contractors. See architectural documents enclosed. For tliese reasons, onbehalfof Mr. Hang and Club 2000, we respectfully ask that the Council impose one of the following sanctions in lieu of the current recommendation: • That Dimier Club 2000's ]icense be suspended for 10 days, seven days stayed for 18 months, conditioned on the Licensee having no other violations daring that period of time, and payment of a$500 fine. We would ask that the suspension begin at 12:01 a.m. on Monday April 16, 2001, and last until 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday April 18, 2001. � In the first alternative, that Dinner Ciub 2000's license be suspended for 15 days, with eleven dlys stayed for 18 months, conditioned on the Licensee having no other violations during tliat period of time, and payment of a$500 fine. We would ask that the suspension begin at 12:01 a.m. on Monday Apri116, 2001, and last tuiti111:59 pm. on Thursday Apri119, 2001. • In the fival alternaCive, if the Council wishes to proceed with a 15 day suspension and only ten days stayed for 18 months, conditioned on the Licensee having no other violations during that period of time, and payment of a$500 fine, we would respectfully ask that the suspension Ue staggered. This would allow Club 2000's license to be suspended from 12:01 a.m. on Monday April 16, 2001, and last unti111:59 p.m. on Wednesday Apri118, 2001, and then suspended again from 12:01 a.m. on Monday Apri123, 2001, and last until 11:59 pm. ou Tuesday Apri124, 2001. Club 2000 is also willing to entertain other lighter alternative sancYions to take responsibility for their error on January 1, 2001. As a small restaurant business serving the pubiic, it is a great lilydship to Ue suspended for any length of time. Th�nk you for your consideration. Respectfully yours, KE�Y & FAWCETT, P.A. / -�--�_,.. Robert Fowler Bnclosures Cc: Council Members Mayor Norm Coleznan Virginia Palrner, Esq. Mr. Pao Hang , . al'313 .5 ��� M I N N E S O T A� % ; �.� � ���' � �'�_� �� �� 'a�x� � � �+�� 796 East 7th Street • SaintPaul, Minnesota 55106 �/YbbWbM£WMMi4uwW.qYfy. /MV.'pRYPM�[u➢1Rb:feNNA"fa �J Chamber of Commerce Tel: (651) 778-8112 • Fas: (651) 774-2385 n���h 2i, 2ooi Dear District 2 Council Members: We appreciate this opportunity to express our support for Pao Hang and his business, the Dinner Club 2000. The Dinner Club 2000 is the only Hmong-owned business of its kind in the state of Minnesota, if not the only Hmong-owned restaurant/bar/dance club in the nation. It is a point of pride for the Hmong community, and has become a destination point for every Hmong visitor to Minnesota. For those of us in the Hmong community, it is a place that is both familiar and mainstream where we are abie to entertain families, friends and business colleagues. Beyond the social and entertainment value Dinner Club 2000 has added to the Hmong community, Pao is an active and valuable member of the Minnesota Hmong Chamber of Commerce and the Hmong community. The Mission of the Minnesota Hmong Chamber of Commerce is to advocate for Hmong businesses and to create a comperitive environment for the benefit of our members and the community. To this end, we are committed to ensuring that all our members thrive and succeed. We are also committed to ensuring that our success as a business sector returns to our community. In reciprocity, we demand that our members adhere to the strictest standards of business operations within their capacities. It is our practice to monitor and to assist our business owners to continue to grow personally and professional, and also to seek opportunities for their businesses to improve in their operational capacities. Hmong businesses are the constant backbone of our changing and growing community. If one of our businesses fails, the whole community loses a critical resource. Case in point, Pao has been and continues to be a consistent supporter of community initiatives. He not only donates the use of Dinner Club 2000 for community events and fundraisers, but also generously eontributes his time and monetary support to community efforts. We need more business owners like Pao. We recognize that Pao's business has encountered some critical challenges. We are also not blind to the reality that the majority of Pao's customers are Hmong. We are well aware that any incidences at his business affects not only his business but the Hmong community as a whole. For these reasons, it is all the more critical that the Minnesota Hmong Chamber of Commerce supports Pao and assists him to identify means to address the challenges he is cunently encountering. As the advocates for the residents of the East Side, your support•was critical to the establishment of Dinner Club 2000 and your continued involvement is essential to its transformation into a destination point for Hmong and for all people in Minnesota. We stand ready to assist in anyway that we can to make this happen. Thank you for your time. Respeetfully, THE MINN$S(3`tPrIIIViO�IG CHAMBER OF COMMERCE �-�., _�. ` V 0 ��-__._J By Mee Mo a Chair of the ommunity Affairs Division Petition Drive In Support of Dinner Club 2000 1177 Clearance, St. Paul, MN These siguatures collected below of Asian and Hmong businesses on the East Side of St. Paul aud in St. Paul voice our collaborative support for Dinner Club 2000. We understand that there are issues with crime and safety, communication, and cultural, and we are aware that these issues affect the community. However, we also recognize that Nao Pao Hang, owner of Dinner Club 2000, has and continues to work with the city of St. Paul's Police and the License, Inspections, & �nviromnental Protection (LTEP) on preventive measures with these issues mentioned above. More impoi�ta�itly, we the Asian and Hmong business community recognizes the importance of his Uusiness establishment as a successful legitimate tax based business as a social place for gatherings, for enjoyment and companionship, and as the only Hmong night club in the Twin Cities with visitors From across the country. Nao Pao Hang has and will implement new px•eventive measurements to accommodate, follow, and improve his business operations. Thank you. C�' � � �� ��►'!r. - � ; ��1'��i � - , , ► �..�, � �_ ( (� 1 �� � �i. �..c� . 8 �-1,tL iJc�v�n ..:3/$� A.xYYar�� ,�lVr �5�. ��ur�l M�./ �/d_�d �Sl.��3k'�19� a1-313 � � �o/ , a., O! "s �3 (n. �1� A�l/,�l �7 .__ [.G// / "' aa ._ � G,�r _ _ � .�: , O.C� , t t'f' r /r % a� � �. ��.��. � U;xccutivu l3uaril: A�llqttr/ .\'uN4 1'il�7t; /�1'C,V%<�c7!/ l'uu,� /)riuu him}; .ti'CC/'cYU!'1' Nnll li�P h'l7uu,l' :I.c,�. �Crri'<4ui'P )ni Lc�' . liTt6YliPrr n•„�� �'i,�,�,� ; i.,,�. �>•�•«.�������-�� 13uuril Uirccfor; 1'nnt� Src� lluny� P�u�}! ('hurr,� tiun�C 'lii��i,�; ('lvuu Lor lidouu �4<t�' Ruur, Pliu �ar�a� �ait�� �at�rp�tioa�l �oaacfl �f �iaaa�at�, �ac, 302 Univcrsily Avenuc Wc�t • tiuint Paul, MN 55103 'fcl: (G51) 222-5272 • '1'el: (GS I ) 22Z-S30] • b':�x: (65I ) 222-5312 �: 0�-313 ` . - °- : :,...... �.�.' .�}. , �.�► � .. ..!' , - .�' -�. �' .'`' � --- s �.�.��"ad From: Hmong United Intemational Council of Minnesdta, Inc. (18 Council) Date: �3/21/01 Re. Club 2000 To Whom Ct May Conccrn: .»>% nur�s; 77�u�, C)n the Behalf oJ'thc: Board of f)ireefors at I-lmong United Internaiiona� Council of .tiru 1'int� i irc Min�aesota, )nc. (H111C;), ;�Iso known as 18 Counc;l, we are writing you in respect •���' ���'"� �� to the pro�,t'css of CIub200(l as an ;a.�tiet to our community. 7i'n,L' ('hur�}; �°`� ��"' In the ast, lhe club owners have been raciousl �� c'�,ru,ti'�rr Ilv,,� P 6 Y��neroos to our l�mong community for suppoRing r�on-prafit organvations like the 1$ Council x� tl�t wc N;xccutive Direclun�an hosl banquets and dinners For our staffand cnmmunity membcrs. As �� ,�,! 4 communal membcr5 und reprc.,entativcs 1br all cighteen Hmon�; clans, we wvni to voice our. suppori in seeing that this club remains open and is well re�ogni�ed for Advisory lin:�rd: its legality and aid in pxoviding an cconomzc standard to many Hrnong in thc ��,,,� �,�, Metri� Area. It has provided employment and opportunities for bcrth men und �'hur h��v,�'i„�,� women and pcople of �Il diversitics. This club is a historical place in that it is ��i�'n<«'» >%»���.e amongst thc iirst businels dcvcloped within the Hmong community that h;as ��" �"' j""`' attr<tetc.^d not only Tlmong residenis but othcr nationalities from all over the nation. Womens CmnmiticsW�th the support it gives to thc Flmong communiiy and bctierin�; of the economic �""" ��� �����' standards in many I-Ynnong temilics, we the B<�arJ of Directors at ]$ C:ouncil ndui %i,n,q /l�•� wUU�d ho e tllat ou ppp p , �,�,,,,� p y will be in su rt of this club to havc it zemain o en for the ,tirc� It�-r p�h���• Wc appreciatc yc�ur kind considcratioa in th� development of Hmong ,ti'er nJunu Amcricans. )'i�n,� (:nr'�u.17ui(q .Please do not hesitate tc� ca11 our otfices il'you shall have any f'urther questioiu or conecros. '1°hank you foc your time and patience. Respectf`ully youn, � � ' ._... ...�. /�� '�.. `, ��.� o � -3 /3 MemO To: Pao Vang, Managar From: Jeffrey P, Agnes AlA CC: n�a Date: 3/21 /01 Re: piNNER CLUB 20n0 SCOPE OF WORK Per our meeting of March 19, 2001, please find the foliowing scope of services for the proposed work at the Dinner Club 2000, 1177 Clarence Street, St. Paul, MN.: MAI N LEVEL I nterior Split main level into "over 21" and "under 21" areas by adding a wall that separa#es Bar from dance #loor wi#h hal# wall below and glass wall above. • Provide two 3 ft. openings in wall with security checks and wristband identi£aa#ion. • Provide ramp access as required by code. • Separate existing lower level stair from r�ain level. Addition to dance floor/seating of approximately 750 s.f. to 1000 s.f. on west side o# building. • SW corner of addition to be new toilets for dance floor area • Page 1 a�-313 • Existing west exterior wall to be removed as completely as possible. • Addi#ioro to contain raised seating and additional dar�ce floor. • Add toilets per code to east side restaurant area. • Enclose the existing basement stair with exterior access only. • Demo east side of south kitchen. • Add new single door entrance, north of existing entrance. • Close in exis#ing en#rar�ce mpening. LOWER LEVEL Irtterior • Sprinkler basement. � Provide new and separate access from SW corner of exisfing building at existing stairweA. • Separate stairwe(I from main level. • Demo existing walls and storage rooms (approx. 1 � ft. wide) from SE stair to banquet. • Two south storage rooms along new haliway to be changed into private room with hal# heigh3 wall ar�d glass above. • Shrink existing hot water heater room as allowed by code. • Provide ADA compliant ramp at existing stair on west side of new halfway for accsss to #oilets, • Demo east and west walis of transition room at west end of new hallway to open up in#o banquet room. � Relocate existing circuit box. • Move existing bar to north side of new haliway. • Demo old kitcher� e�chaust. • Provide new electrical room for existing electrical panels. • Demo existing toilets and existing room on west side of banquet room. • Provide new toilets per code near bottom of existing SE stair. • Page 2 o!'313 EXTERIOR • Replace existing awnings throughout. • Replace entire roof of building. • Paint (2) existing pylon signs. • Remove existing reader board on upper wall of east side of building and replace with stucco wall to match alsewhere. .��^— e � . Agnes AIA � r h �tects 4 80 N'collet Mall Suite 1600 Minn ' polis, MN 5�402 i Ph. ( Ih 2) 371-6440 Fx. ( VI2j 332-3626 • Page 3 0�-313 ��S'�C����C �' C�l�][l�[g7�T�7C�Y ���7�T��]L SERVING THE NEIGHBORHOODS OF NORTHEASTERN SAINT PAUL PARKWAY/GREENBRIBR � BEAVER LAKE HEIGHTS PROSPERITY HEIGHTS � HAYDEN HEIGHTS Marcli 27, 2001 Saint Paul City Comicil Third Floor City Ha11 15 West Kellogg Blvd. Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: Dinuer Club 2000 bear Council President Bostrom and Member of the Council, PHALEN VILLAG& � LINCOLN PARK EAST PHALEN � HAZEL PARK FROST LAKE � HILLCREST The District 2 Community Council at its March 21, 2001, Board Meeting passed a resoluUon to m•ge the City Council to support the recommendarion of the City Attorney and suspend the licenses of Dinner Club 2000 fifteen days (staying ten) and fining Dinner Club 2000, one thousand dollars. The Board passed tl»s resolufion af'ter two meerings with Dinner Club 2000 to discuss the problems at the club. During these meetings the Board stressed its concern that rather than being a restaurant that catered to the H�nong community in Saint Paul (and particularly our East Side neighbors), that it had become notorious for police ca11s and catering to a young, loud and frequentiy violent crowd, as witnessed by the five pages of police calls the ciub had received in its first year of operation. The Dish�ict 2 Community Council supported Dinner Club 2000 being granted a liquor license and supported the City Council waiving the normal forty-five-day community comment period. Shortly after Dinner Club 2000 opened problems became appazent. The amount of police calls in tlie first few weeks stunned neighborhood residents attd encouraged the police deparhnent to urge C1ub 2000 to install metal detectors. As problems continued, metal detectors became a stipulation on Club 2000's license and in shoit order, they were in violarion for not hauing the metal detectors working. In tlie past few months, Club 2000 was sited twice for service to minors, but neither charge was successfully prosecuted (one wimess, a minor who had been assaulted in the club, absconded; the other mittor, who had been an•ested for DWI, recanted). This aRer-hour service violarion is but a pattern of behavior that the community has witnessed over the past year. It is the Board's hope that this sancrion will stimulate Club 2000 to return to its original focus as "Dinner Club" and direct them away from the young aggressive crowd it has been attracting. Sincerel , Cluick Repke �� Executive Director Disriict 2 Community Council 1961 SNERWOOD AVGNUE � SAINT PAUL • MN • 55119-3230 � PHONE: (651� 774-2220 � FAX: (651) 774-2135 ����1��I�l�L Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 0 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 1G 17 RESOLVED, that the licenses held by Dinner Club 2000, Inc., d/b/a Dinner Club 2000, Inc. (License ID 9�005357), loc ed at 1177 Clarence Street in Saint Paul are hereby suspended for a period of��� wit�"� f{�e days stayed for a period of 18 months, the stay conditioned on the Licensee having no other violations during that period of time and paying a fine of $1,000. The suspension is based upon the January 1, 2001 violation of After Hours Consumption or Display of Alcoholic Beverages. `' The suspension shall begin at 12:01 on Wednesday, April 18, 2001 and continue until 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, Apri122, 2001. The fine shall be paid to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection within thirty days of the adaption of this resolution by the Council and signature by the Mayor. This resolution and the action of the Council in this matter are based upon the facts contained in the February 8, 2001 Notice of Violation ]etter to the licensee, the Saint Paul Police Report CN O 1-000-074 and the arguments of the parties at the public hearing. The facts were not disputed by the Licensee. Requested by Department of: i ,/' � gy: � � / Form Approved by City Attorn�y � BY: ��e �l,(Z_`.rJ l_7? - �nu.�-� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council , . '� — •--- - - �' � - - ///i I� // , ., � � � I�1'i �//f'IL7��l�� J,���/ RESOLUTION By: Council File # p � . 3 \'_3 Green Sheet # � �O 30 � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �j�+ Adopted by Council: Date���r���/ Adoption Certified by Council Secretary City Council March 28 AGENDA BY (DATE) March �2, zoo� I GREEN SHEET No A881GN NUM6ER FOR ROUTIND OROER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 'J DEPMTMENTGRECTOR L' CITVCOIINCIL _ ❑ CRYAttONNfl' � CRYCL6PK ❑ FWANGAI.BEPVIC6801P. ❑ FYNNCIAIeERVIACCT6 ❑ MFYORIORPB&BTAHf) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) o � -� �� 0307 Concerning adverse action against all licenses held by Dinner Club 2000, Inc., dba Dinner Club 2000, Inc., 1177 Clarence Street. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION AMOUNT OF TRAN9ACTION 10 SOURCE AL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) RSONALSERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWERTHE FOLLOWING QUESiIONS: Has this pereonKrm everworked under a contract for lhie depadment? YES NO Has thla pereoNfirm ever been a cRy employee7 YES NO Daes this pereo�rm poeeess e akill not nOrmallypossessetl by any current city employee7 YES NO Is ihis penoNfirm a tarpeted vendo(! YES NO COST/REVENUE BUD6ETED (CIRCLB ONE) ACTIVITY NUMBER YES NO C��%�� �� - u� � . . a _ Oly �\3 The following facts are set forth as a hasia fnr e�}aarSLn,�from the presumptive penalty stated in Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 409.26 for this offense: � 1) The licensee has been in business at this location since October of 1999, a period of less than two years. �Vithin two months of opening, the Office of LIEP met with the licensee and Saint Paul police to establish conditions on the license to address problems the police were having with the business. 2) The licensee appeared in front of Council on May 10, 2000 on a violation of one of the conditions on the license, which occurred February 11, 2000, only two months after the conditions had been established. At that time they were given a two-day suspension. 3) That the Office of LIEP mailed a card to the Licensee explaining the requirements for having a private holiday party, but Licensee failed to obtain permission for such a party, and gave no satisfactory explanation for his belief that he could be open after hours. 4) There is an additional violation of sale to an underage person from March 15, 2001 which makes this a third violation in the relatively short period the establishment has been operating. 1\ �� -1�,�� � -��i� � �''` �r �� �UJ� �-� l�� � I P1^ (/l ✓'-� �1.+�-�. Og'` �"�"�K �C.�+'�� /��'; OFFICE OF THE CTTY ATTORNEY Clnylon M. Robinson, Jr., City Attorney �� �� `� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemmi, Mnyor Gvit Divisron 400 Ciry Hn(! I S West Kel/ogg Blvd. Snin! Pnul, Minttesafrt 55/02 Telephone: 65! 266-57/0 Fncsiuiile. 651 298-56/ 9 March 12, 2001 Song Lo Fawcett Kelly & Fawcett, P.A. 2350 PiperJaffray Plaza 444 Cedar Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 RE: All licenses held by Dinner Club 2000, Inc., d/b/a Dinner Club 2000, for the premises at 1177 Clarence Street in St. Paul License ID # 990005357 Dear Ms. Fawcett: Enclosed please find an amended proposed resolution, prepared for the March 28, 2001, council hearing, concerning the violation of After Hours Consumption and Display of Alcoholic Beverages. This amended resolution replaces the proposed resolution contained in the packet sent to you on March 1, 2001. The resolution now includes the conditions under which the suspension is stayed for 10 of the recommended 15 days suspension of the licenses. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, (� �� v'd---�� J Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant CoLmcil Secretary Roger Curtis, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Chuck Repke, Community Organizer, District 2 Community Council, 1961 Sherwood Avenue E., Saint Paul, MN 55119 o � -s�y 3 �� UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARING Licensee Name Address: Council Date: Dinner club 2000, Inc. d/b/a Diner Club 2000, inc. 1177 Clarence Street March 28, 2001 Violation: After Hours Consumption and Display of Alcohol Beverages St. Paul Legislative Code § 409.07(c) Date of Violation: Place: January 1, 2001 Licensed Premises Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: 15 day suspension $1,000.00 fine Attachments: of all licenses with 10 days stayed, and a 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Violation 3. 1/2/01 memo from Kristina Schweinler 4. License Information Report 5. Police Report CN 01-000-074 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY 3�.3 Clnyron M. Robinson, Jr., City Attarney b` `;� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Cole�nmL Mnyar March 1, 2001 Song Lo Fawcett TCelly & Fawcett, P.A. 2350 Piper Jaffray Plaza 444 Cedar Street Saint Patil, Minnesota 55101 . e ; Sr�:ii � �. �QDi RE: All licenses held by Dinner Club 2000, Inc, d/b/a Dinner Club 2000, for the premises at 1177 Clarence Street in St. Paul License ID # 990005357 Dear Ms. Fawcett: Please take notice that a hearing concerning the above-named establistunent has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, March 28, 2001 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing in that the facts concerning the after hours consumption and display of alcohol have not been disputed. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/or written remarks as to the penalty, if any, to be imposed.,The recommendation of the license office will be to suspend all licenses for IS days, with 10 days stayed, and a$1,000.00 fine. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, J L• ;; ��„�.c,ci��.l� � - �t��.�-G � � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary c�wt Dtvisron AOOCiryNn[! Telephone:65l266-87l0 ISWestKe!(oggBlvd. Fncsimilz.�651298-56l9 Snittl Prtu(, Hfinnesolrt SS/02 NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING �°���`�ed �"��`"'����°�� �'�'^��iaP Roger Curtis, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Chuck Repke, Community Organizer, District 2 Community Council, 1961 Sherwood Avenue E., Saint Paul, MN 55119 OFFICE ^F THE CITY ATTORNEY a i3 ClnyJOtt M �irtsmq Jr., C�ry A(rorney O` �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norni Ca(emmi, hlnyor c:vil Div;s;on 400 Gry Hnff 15 West Kel�ogg Blod. Sniii! Pnul, h/innesatrt 55/02 Telephone: 65/ 266-87/0 Frtcsimile 65/ 193-5619 February 8, 2001 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Pao Hang Dinner Club 2000 1177 Clarence Street S1lRI P1UI MN 55106 RE: All licenses held by Dinner Club 2000, Inc. d/b/a Dinner Club 2000, for the premises at 1177 Clarence Street License ID # 990005357 Dear Mr. Hang: The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended adverse action against the licenses held by Dinner Club 2000, Inc. d/b/a Dinner Club 2000, for the premises at 1177 Clarence Streei. The basis for the adverse action is as follows: On January 1, 2001, at approximately 1:28 a.m., Officer Toronto and Senior License Inspector Kristina Schweinler were at 1177 Clarence Street, the premises of Dinner Ctub 2000, and observed that the parking lots were full and there appeared to be people still inside, despite the fact that closing time for bars is 1:00 a.m. On entering the establishment they observed that there were customers inside. They spoke to you and you stated that you believed you could extend your hours twice a year. The inspector and officer went downstairs, where they observed people pouring out drinks from their glasses. Officer Toronto smelled the liquid in some of the glasses and determined that it had the odor and appearance of alcohol. Additionally, there were bottles of what appeared to be beer and ch�mpagne corks visible. It is a violation of Saint Paul Legislative Code § 409.07(c) to allow consumption or display of alcohol at times when the sale is not permitted. State law prohibits the sale of alcohol after 1:00 a.m. Page 2 Pao Hang February 8, 2001 � 1,� 'O� -"l'�'� If you do not dispute the above facts please send me a letter with a statement to that effect. Tlte matter will then be scheduled for a hearing before the St. Paul City Council to deteiYnine what pettalty, if any, to impose. Yott will have an opportunity to appear and speak on your own behllf, or to have someone appear there for you. On the other hand, if you wish to dispute the above facts, I will schedule an evidentiary hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). If you wish to have such a hearing, please send me a letter stating that you are contesting the facts. You will then be sent a"Notice of Hearing," so you will know when and where to appear, and what the basis for the hearing will be. In either case, please let me know in writing no later than Tuesday, February 20, 2001, how you would like to proceed. If I have not heard from you by that date, I will assume tl�at you are not contesting the facts. The matter will theo be scheduled for the hearing before the St. Paul City Council. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, �\ ,� ��� � � ti�cc (J c�.-Pti� C �"�( �J Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Roger Curtis, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, Deguty Director of LIEP Chuck Repke, Community Organizer, District 2 Community Council, Avenue E., Saint Paul, MN 55119 Song Lo Fawcett, Bannigan & Kelly, 1750 North Central Live Tower Street, Saint Paul, MN 55101 1961 Sherwood 445 Minnesota �I� O\ •��Ir STATE OF MINNESOTA ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL COUNTY OF RAMSEY JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on February 9, 2001, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Pao Hang Dinner Club 2000 1177 Clarence Street St. Paul, MN. 55106 (which is the last same, with postage Minnesota. known address of said person) and depositing the prepaid, in the Unit��tates mails at .� au r Subscribed and sworn to before me Page 1 of 1 �!, O\- `ra4 Kristina Scliweinler - Dinner Club 2000 Prom: Kristina Scliweinler To: Palmer, Ginger; Rozek, Christine Subject: Dinncr Club 2000 Chiistinc nnJ Gingcr On Dcc,71 and Jnn.l I woikcd with thc SPPD East Tcam. At 0130 Squad 31 I and myself went to 1 l77 Clarence to do a premise check. ?he parking lots were s[ill full. Wc wni�ed for nnother squad to arrive duc �o thc largc number of pcoplc still inside. At 0135 we walked inro the club. There were approx.150 to 200 peoplc still dnncing mid Ihc DJ still prcforming. Wc askcd to spcak with the owne�. Security went to find him this took 5 min. �t took awther 4 min. for Mc [dang m responA. It nlso uppmrcd that hc hnd bcen drinking, I cxpinincd to him thnt hc wns in violalion of thc City of Sc.Paul ordinance and State Liq. Lzw by sllowing his establishment b remain open. He said that he though[ he could do this 2 liines a yeac I �old him ihat he wus allowed a private party if he requested it 30 dnys in advance and receive permission. This was all explained in ihc postcnrds thnt were sent to nll liquor eslablisluncnt bePore Ihe holidays, (copy auached). I again informed him that his esta6lishment had ro stop sclling and serving by 0100 and thot hc had ro hnvc his customcrs out by 0130. It shonld be noted that there was no Liquor visible upstairs. Wc �hen wcni downslairs lo mxke and inspcclion. A� lhis time Ihe owner becamc upset and did not want us to go downs�airs. When we got downstairs there was chnmpxign on ihc lables and drinks bcing SCrvCd Gom [lie bar. l smv open bottles of Hennessy Cognac, Heineken Beer and o[her liquor bottles. [t appeared lhat some of tho Slnsses of champnign hadjust bcen poared, ihey were still bubbling and some wero full. Mr, Hang nnd Vnng m tha[ time beenme very agitated and claimed that we were p�cking on him and that he was onty trying ro serve the Hmoung communiry. I ngain cxpinincd ihut nll bars hnvc ro opernte under the samc laws. And that I had becn working the Eastside all evening. I had been with 4 squnds and [his was ihe fvst Iimc I hnd bccn to �his csinblishmenl. Mc }Iang wae vcry argumentivc with the officers and mysciE It was 0157 at this time and there was still approximatcly 20 pcoplc mhcr ihnn thc scwrity staff in �hc bnr. We IeR the eslnblishmenl nt 0204, Mr. [fnng indicn[ed lhal the people IeR in the bnr were employecs that had to clean up. I rook nvo Corks from lhe back table tha[ wcre still wct Gom Gcshly opcncd chainpngnc. I Nso sew n whitc fcmalc long blondC hair passed out at a booths in tiie upstairs bar ftcr friends had a hard time trying [o wake hec When she did gct up to walk out shc had a grrnt dcnl of difficulty nnd hnd to bc hclpcd. Thc only othcr bnrs Ihnt I hwrd cnlls on wcrc Ciub Cancun. Thcro scemed to be a lot of fight calls �hcra Mounds Pzrk Tavern had one fight call and Vine Park �rcwery had culkd on n fght oulsidc the bar. Thc bars on thc east side werc very quict and mt at all busy. P � ��� � "I�- �-e � �c,v�c� `-`'h� L.d, a��cQ w-�-�._� -{-c� l,—��.�. ��cQ,�..�. c�k.�� 11.�c�Q � �o �- w � a� �G�, /L�`� �.° `, ' - � �� ��_�,.A �- .s�-�-� � �w c� about:blank O1/02/2001 �L3 o�-�r CITY OF SAINT PAUL Ouicc of Licenu, Inspecuons and Lnvvonmenml Promcuon Faxfi51�166-912J TO: On-Sate/Off�Sale License Holders Thc following is a list of 2000 holiday hours for on-sale and ofGsaie liquot licenset as estabiished by suie law' Off-Sale On-Sale Day 6eforc ThanAsgiving Wednesday, NovemMr 22nd 8 a m. -!0 p m Regular hours Thanksgiving Thursday, November23ih Closed Regularhours Chri5lmas Eve Sunday. December 24ih Closed Rcgular hours Chris�mas Day Monday, December 25ih Closed Regular hours New Ycars Eve Sunday. December3ls� Closed Regular hours New Ycars Day Morday, 7anuary lsi 8 a m� 8 p.m. Regular hours We have also received a number of inquiries about holiday parties. Chaprer 409.07(2d) of �M1e Saim Paul Legislative code reads PrivnteChrisfmasporties. NorwiUistandingwryofherprovisionoJOieLegislai�ecoCe,Urelicenseho[derojpremiseshavinganon-snlelicense mny once n yenr during the Chrisnnas season have a privae patty at tto charge ro the gues�s nJ�er rhe lmvJul closing homs; pro�ided, rhnt a written requer( for snlQparfy is su6mirreCro rhe ficense inrpectar Hiirty(30) daya priar to the propaseQ date aJthe party; andprovi4ed funher, Umtnosnlestudefined6ylmvoJintoxttminghquorsornaniNaxrcmmgmolt(iguorsMllbemademordunngraidparry �einspecmrsha[f nofiJy rhe chief o(police ojthe date aJeach proposed pnrry If you have any questions regar0ing these regula�ions, pleaze contact Chnsiine Rozek a[ 651d6(*9108 or Kris Schweinler at 651-2669110 Noic: If special hours have Men placed on your license by �he Ciry Council, you must comply wi�h those hours of operation. Id i� �� !a x � W � IC O c' I d � d �U N � IJ N a � o �_ _ ,•- O G K C O N E `o _ d N C c�i .J N �'C � � I� !� C �a N �U > I J V �_.Q N O 0 N > —,O N � 'N °-' m F-�'.i(n C I,NIO I� � � V � IJ Q l_..-� O ; � ia I � � '� M Z � �c'o I U m J ; � V I m � ,� � W IW N � N � �V � Q h O _' Ir � Jr � U O 0 0 _._�N m Z V m Z � IQ 1 U Z O O - N � � N,J Z U OIW z a �� z --� o ti . c I �, U� I,` I I N N C110 I d l0 �❑ I I� X L11'O y� O O I �N I I I � I I d I��= Z I U O I a o I U l �'� N,� I ci Z ` . m a� I� J Z U I C L I � J d Q o U U a IU � C = W C � _,O NI d � Z d Ci o � ' Ilf7 a � N � � C I � �I� m I� � v X IN ~ M � __� v I U N C O U N � � . 7 m � I� T m � y w � i� I LLl >+ A� 0 0 p p, o C � J 'n � � N d� N � O_ O 47 Y Q N w Qyo -omo � 3'3 E m c - ... t o 0 I � a a� a�i a m� �o d �� � a`�i I I ` � f ��E >. �� � - ? ����@� � �� N E � N- � V N U � � O� Y U ' I N E� N C a X O C V C L �p `p C � N N NNN �.- �7 C� V c0 �'�, I 4.' �..- A C N� O ��. n' N �pN AN'O � � L C � U �� No��oE o c � '� o I � �rn o >� �' � vi i I > =�Y�O3�a�i a � °' - N i o. w��� ai ,= c ° o.o � o a E � � @ m� N m v�iY � � � Y o� x a c a�°'� o �� UU ° � � m m '-�_c y �r $m" � c a�i� m° a��� a�i a`� �n ° �w c o ' i O tn'j N V.. �' a.n �O� 'O �''� a°i ��o�!E mo�a w �- o c m c m , i tl 'O�C � C C•C a � NL (0 � Q� O N- ' C � C�'�O� N N N� �N(0 i "� N N U=U,�, m � � �N�fn �, � ' �O '> °' w. ,,,v,` >, a�i � w '. °' m o �° � m I �' - @NNOC._L��]N�0 LOE� �� X �. �?D f� U�+' II d � N t� C `p UC.L-.m.�?j0'C�9���U �ptd� mo��tomm=ro�fl.�- y"'... o� cl Na�iu�i.cc3a��a�'i���a w.L�.o�� 'o ��'"mw �.L.,m' i=I �'C�CpNOmC.L.+C,CNN "Q'_+.'LL` �o: ��m�-vi� dp��>�E c3��� �� G �� u � � r E'C'O � C U C_@ O N f6 p� >. � y= �'�3�o��m=��°°- N�_N.j @ �'_ � �- � N N'O (pL �L"0.�."O N'-'Lr U i N C y'O @ C� ��'C7 �(�0'� N � C N p_ � 'NI NNN ,EI NE�-o° rnC�roNO.• E; ��-mE_c'� �m C N� - �UN�`10l Oi �ONk V��� _l>F-C C O�CO.NJ�Gw Vd �-1 .c °�o� oEc m cx s � � w c�i 4 c m ri E m a� v n�ri o a� � � r� w o� W U Z W g U I n � _� o�- �c i 1 � d' � W O N I �o N �� d � ,� O) J ,N �. �—' I O C 0 a � C 0 @ � w C d N C V J Iwlc � � N I� � � a U � �'_ a m � C � r_"'Cn I � i � T N � I� C G 0 U 0 _ J i � _ "' J O C', o �. v a cv E � � � � � Z IN a�:o N�O U � `J � m 'O . 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PAUI. POUC ITINUATION pF: C\��J"t� � ��: I Irt18 Of Nrt65i: �I/�,/o� c�asz� rwFO_ To_ vic.0 Ck� .^ ,..__ ...... ..........._..._.. ..,. .._.. ._.. . .. . . ___ _ . . , _. .,. _ .. ....._. . .... .___....._... . . W tr-� (� c. x G,.� S tcow•s " -----_..__....__...._..._._. y � tr�s xFf,�o..a- ...,_......!k-t,.c�l ...: .... .... . _.,_.. . .. .... .., . .. ......_._... . __.__e:.....:�`:!�...._. in�or _��irn.....�'t�o.�..- -�.,. .V%o:.�c� . y{. c�P4�! �+ - _..___.,...��,5.__..._!?S. <+'Q ��f' , o!`pl -. krC, . S.nd-Cf . �e-.. ..�.V outd ��-ec.r -+T�. �%x . ... .,. . _..... . . _�_.1 QA...y-�........ . _.. . . . .. . _ __. .. _ . .. __. ....._... ..... .__...... ..� . ... .. .. .... .. . ... ���:.:. - . . . . . ___ . U CHF L] Hom ❑ Rob ❑ Jw ❑ CooN ❑ 10 ❑ Lab ❑ Rec ❑ Team ❑ Sex ❑ RW ❑ Onrer ❑ LNC [] Burg ❑ Thoh [] P�pp Q CqU ❑ FdF � Aub ❑ DAO ❑ CO ❑ HumSarv ❑Sypa PM622.93F JAN-02-2601 12�28 6122926523 96i P.07 V � � � � KellV & Fawcett� P.A. A T T O R N E Y S A T L A W 2350 PIPER JAFFRAY PLAZA 444 CEDAR STREET SA1NT PAUL, MN 55101 PA'I'R ICI< J. I<IILI,Y SONG I.O �AWCGTT S'P�I'l IGN KIiLI.Y SIA I.O CIIAU D I.eMMONS KA'f1ILIi8N M. LOUCKS RO�I:I21' J. I'O W I.GR March 26, 2001 Dau Bostroin, City Council President Room 320-B City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 RE: Dinner Ciub 2000 Dear Mr. Bostrom: E-Maih kelfawcett@qwestnet �: , ,r 1 ;. r 1 b, ! Our firn� represents Dinner Club 2000, owned by Mr. Pao Hang. Mr. Hang's Dinner Club 2000 is scl�eduled to Ue on your agenda for the Council Meeting on Wednesday, March 28, 2001, for action based on After Hours Consumption orDisplay ofAlcoholic Beverages occurring on January 1, 2001. C1uU 2000 does not dispute the factual basis of the violation. However, we would like the opportunity to share our thoughts regarding the discipline of Dimier Club 2000. Mr. Hang erroneously believed that the Club could stay open until2 a.m. like other establishments. He did not understand that prior written approval was needed, and his records do not indicate that he received the postcard that was sent regarding the prior written approval reqttirements fi•om the LIEP. Thus, Mr. Hang's actions, while in violation of the City Code, were not intentional attempts to disregard the law. We would like to stress the importance ofDinner Club 2000 in both the Hmong Community and the St. Paul Community at large. It is the only Hmong establishment offering both dining and entert�inment services to the Hmong community in the entire state. Enclosed please find a letter from the Minnesota Hmong Chamber of Commerce expressing their support far Mr. Hang and his Uusiiiess, for what each has done for the community. Also enclosed please find a Petition Drive in recognition of the importance of Club 2000 by the Asian and Hmong business owners and community inembers. Purther enclosed, please find a letter from the Hmong United International Council of Miimesota, which comprises of 18 Council members of the Hmong clans, expressing their support for Club 2000 and its importance in the community. OfCounsel: JOHN P. BANNIGAN, JR. MCGUIGAN & HOLLY, P.L.0 (651) 224-3781 Facsim�ie (651) 223-SOt9 Mr. IIang wishes to talce responsibility for his oversight on January l, 2001. It is his first adverse lction involving after hours consumption. He also wishes to improve the services and benefits a1-313 o ffered to the community by Club 2000. He has taken steps to remodel his establishment to improve on security, safety and compliance issues, by taking out a loan, hiring consultants and contractors. See architectural documents enclosed. For tliese reasons, onbehalfof Mr. Hang and Club 2000, we respectfully ask that the Council impose one of the following sanctions in lieu of the current recommendation: • That Dimier Club 2000's ]icense be suspended for 10 days, seven days stayed for 18 months, conditioned on the Licensee having no other violations daring that period of time, and payment of a$500 fine. We would ask that the suspension begin at 12:01 a.m. on Monday April 16, 2001, and last until 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday April 18, 2001. � In the first alternative, that Dinner Ciub 2000's license be suspended for 15 days, with eleven dlys stayed for 18 months, conditioned on the Licensee having no other violations during tliat period of time, and payment of a$500 fine. We would ask that the suspension begin at 12:01 a.m. on Monday Apri116, 2001, and last tuiti111:59 pm. on Thursday Apri119, 2001. • In the fival alternaCive, if the Council wishes to proceed with a 15 day suspension and only ten days stayed for 18 months, conditioned on the Licensee having no other violations during that period of time, and payment of a$500 fine, we would respectfully ask that the suspension Ue staggered. This would allow Club 2000's license to be suspended from 12:01 a.m. on Monday April 16, 2001, and last unti111:59 p.m. on Wednesday Apri118, 2001, and then suspended again from 12:01 a.m. on Monday Apri123, 2001, and last until 11:59 pm. ou Tuesday Apri124, 2001. Club 2000 is also willing to entertain other lighter alternative sancYions to take responsibility for their error on January 1, 2001. As a small restaurant business serving the pubiic, it is a great lilydship to Ue suspended for any length of time. Th�nk you for your consideration. Respectfully yours, KE�Y & FAWCETT, P.A. / -�--�_,.. Robert Fowler Bnclosures Cc: Council Members Mayor Norm Coleznan Virginia Palrner, Esq. Mr. Pao Hang , . al'313 .5 ��� M I N N E S O T A� % ; �.� � ���' � �'�_� �� �� 'a�x� � � �+�� 796 East 7th Street • SaintPaul, Minnesota 55106 �/YbbWbM£WMMi4uwW.qYfy. /MV.'pRYPM�[u➢1Rb:feNNA"fa �J Chamber of Commerce Tel: (651) 778-8112 • Fas: (651) 774-2385 n���h 2i, 2ooi Dear District 2 Council Members: We appreciate this opportunity to express our support for Pao Hang and his business, the Dinner Club 2000. The Dinner Club 2000 is the only Hmong-owned business of its kind in the state of Minnesota, if not the only Hmong-owned restaurant/bar/dance club in the nation. It is a point of pride for the Hmong community, and has become a destination point for every Hmong visitor to Minnesota. For those of us in the Hmong community, it is a place that is both familiar and mainstream where we are abie to entertain families, friends and business colleagues. Beyond the social and entertainment value Dinner Club 2000 has added to the Hmong community, Pao is an active and valuable member of the Minnesota Hmong Chamber of Commerce and the Hmong community. The Mission of the Minnesota Hmong Chamber of Commerce is to advocate for Hmong businesses and to create a comperitive environment for the benefit of our members and the community. To this end, we are committed to ensuring that all our members thrive and succeed. We are also committed to ensuring that our success as a business sector returns to our community. In reciprocity, we demand that our members adhere to the strictest standards of business operations within their capacities. It is our practice to monitor and to assist our business owners to continue to grow personally and professional, and also to seek opportunities for their businesses to improve in their operational capacities. Hmong businesses are the constant backbone of our changing and growing community. If one of our businesses fails, the whole community loses a critical resource. Case in point, Pao has been and continues to be a consistent supporter of community initiatives. He not only donates the use of Dinner Club 2000 for community events and fundraisers, but also generously eontributes his time and monetary support to community efforts. We need more business owners like Pao. We recognize that Pao's business has encountered some critical challenges. We are also not blind to the reality that the majority of Pao's customers are Hmong. We are well aware that any incidences at his business affects not only his business but the Hmong community as a whole. For these reasons, it is all the more critical that the Minnesota Hmong Chamber of Commerce supports Pao and assists him to identify means to address the challenges he is cunently encountering. As the advocates for the residents of the East Side, your support•was critical to the establishment of Dinner Club 2000 and your continued involvement is essential to its transformation into a destination point for Hmong and for all people in Minnesota. We stand ready to assist in anyway that we can to make this happen. Thank you for your time. Respeetfully, THE MINN$S(3`tPrIIIViO�IG CHAMBER OF COMMERCE �-�., _�. ` V 0 ��-__._J By Mee Mo a Chair of the ommunity Affairs Division Petition Drive In Support of Dinner Club 2000 1177 Clearance, St. Paul, MN These siguatures collected below of Asian and Hmong businesses on the East Side of St. Paul aud in St. Paul voice our collaborative support for Dinner Club 2000. We understand that there are issues with crime and safety, communication, and cultural, and we are aware that these issues affect the community. However, we also recognize that Nao Pao Hang, owner of Dinner Club 2000, has and continues to work with the city of St. Paul's Police and the License, Inspections, & �nviromnental Protection (LTEP) on preventive measures with these issues mentioned above. More impoi�ta�itly, we the Asian and Hmong business community recognizes the importance of his Uusiness establishment as a successful legitimate tax based business as a social place for gatherings, for enjoyment and companionship, and as the only Hmong night club in the Twin Cities with visitors From across the country. Nao Pao Hang has and will implement new px•eventive measurements to accommodate, follow, and improve his business operations. Thank you. C�' � � �� ��►'!r. - � ; ��1'��i � - , , ► �..�, � �_ ( (� 1 �� � �i. �..c� . 8 �-1,tL iJc�v�n ..:3/$� A.xYYar�� ,�lVr �5�. ��ur�l M�./ �/d_�d �Sl.��3k'�19� a1-313 � � �o/ , a., O! "s �3 (n. �1� A�l/,�l �7 .__ [.G// / "' aa ._ � G,�r _ _ � .�: , O.C� , t t'f' r /r % a� � �. ��.��. � U;xccutivu l3uaril: A�llqttr/ .\'uN4 1'il�7t; /�1'C,V%<�c7!/ l'uu,� /)riuu him}; .ti'CC/'cYU!'1' Nnll li�P h'l7uu,l' :I.c,�. �Crri'<4ui'P )ni Lc�' . liTt6YliPrr n•„�� �'i,�,�,� ; i.,,�. �>•�•«.�������-�� 13uuril Uirccfor; 1'nnt� Src� lluny� P�u�}! ('hurr,� tiun�C 'lii��i,�; ('lvuu Lor lidouu �4<t�' Ruur, Pliu �ar�a� �ait�� �at�rp�tioa�l �oaacfl �f �iaaa�at�, �ac, 302 Univcrsily Avenuc Wc�t • tiuint Paul, MN 55103 'fcl: (G51) 222-5272 • '1'el: (GS I ) 22Z-S30] • b':�x: (65I ) 222-5312 �: 0�-313 ` . - °- : :,...... �.�.' .�}. , �.�► � .. ..!' , - .�' -�. �' .'`' � --- s �.�.��"ad From: Hmong United Intemational Council of Minnesdta, Inc. (18 Council) Date: �3/21/01 Re. Club 2000 To Whom Ct May Conccrn: .»>% nur�s; 77�u�, C)n the Behalf oJ'thc: Board of f)ireefors at I-lmong United Internaiiona� Council of .tiru 1'int� i irc Min�aesota, )nc. (H111C;), ;�Iso known as 18 Counc;l, we are writing you in respect •���' ���'"� �� to the pro�,t'css of CIub200(l as an ;a.�tiet to our community. 7i'n,L' ('hur�}; �°`� ��"' In the ast, lhe club owners have been raciousl �� c'�,ru,ti'�rr Ilv,,� P 6 Y��neroos to our l�mong community for suppoRing r�on-prafit organvations like the 1$ Council x� tl�t wc N;xccutive Direclun�an hosl banquets and dinners For our staffand cnmmunity membcrs. As �� ,�,! 4 communal membcr5 und reprc.,entativcs 1br all cighteen Hmon�; clans, we wvni to voice our. suppori in seeing that this club remains open and is well re�ogni�ed for Advisory lin:�rd: its legality and aid in pxoviding an cconomzc standard to many Hrnong in thc ��,,,� �,�, Metri� Area. It has provided employment and opportunities for bcrth men und �'hur h��v,�'i„�,� women and pcople of �Il diversitics. This club is a historical place in that it is ��i�'n<«'» >%»���.e amongst thc iirst businels dcvcloped within the Hmong community that h;as ��" �"' j""`' attr<tetc.^d not only Tlmong residenis but othcr nationalities from all over the nation. Womens CmnmiticsW�th the support it gives to thc Flmong communiiy and bctierin�; of the economic �""" ��� �����' standards in many I-Ynnong temilics, we the B<�arJ of Directors at ]$ C:ouncil ndui %i,n,q /l�•� wUU�d ho e tllat ou ppp p , �,�,,,,� p y will be in su rt of this club to havc it zemain o en for the ,tirc� It�-r p�h���• Wc appreciatc yc�ur kind considcratioa in th� development of Hmong ,ti'er nJunu Amcricans. )'i�n,� (:nr'�u.17ui(q .Please do not hesitate tc� ca11 our otfices il'you shall have any f'urther questioiu or conecros. '1°hank you foc your time and patience. Respectf`ully youn, � � ' ._... ...�. /�� '�.. `, ��.� o � -3 /3 MemO To: Pao Vang, Managar From: Jeffrey P, Agnes AlA CC: n�a Date: 3/21 /01 Re: piNNER CLUB 20n0 SCOPE OF WORK Per our meeting of March 19, 2001, please find the foliowing scope of services for the proposed work at the Dinner Club 2000, 1177 Clarence Street, St. Paul, MN.: MAI N LEVEL I nterior Split main level into "over 21" and "under 21" areas by adding a wall that separa#es Bar from dance #loor wi#h hal# wall below and glass wall above. • Provide two 3 ft. openings in wall with security checks and wristband identi£aa#ion. • Provide ramp access as required by code. • Separate existing lower level stair from r�ain level. Addition to dance floor/seating of approximately 750 s.f. to 1000 s.f. on west side o# building. • SW corner of addition to be new toilets for dance floor area • Page 1 a�-313 • Existing west exterior wall to be removed as completely as possible. • Addi#ioro to contain raised seating and additional dar�ce floor. • Add toilets per code to east side restaurant area. • Enclose the existing basement stair with exterior access only. • Demo east side of south kitchen. • Add new single door entrance, north of existing entrance. • Close in exis#ing en#rar�ce mpening. LOWER LEVEL Irtterior • Sprinkler basement. � Provide new and separate access from SW corner of exisfing building at existing stairweA. • Separate stairwe(I from main level. • Demo existing walls and storage rooms (approx. 1 � ft. wide) from SE stair to banquet. • Two south storage rooms along new haliway to be changed into private room with hal# heigh3 wall ar�d glass above. • Shrink existing hot water heater room as allowed by code. • Provide ADA compliant ramp at existing stair on west side of new halfway for accsss to #oilets, • Demo east and west walis of transition room at west end of new hallway to open up in#o banquet room. � Relocate existing circuit box. • Move existing bar to north side of new haliway. • Demo old kitcher� e�chaust. • Provide new electrical room for existing electrical panels. • Demo existing toilets and existing room on west side of banquet room. • Provide new toilets per code near bottom of existing SE stair. • Page 2 o!'313 EXTERIOR • Replace existing awnings throughout. • Replace entire roof of building. • Paint (2) existing pylon signs. • Remove existing reader board on upper wall of east side of building and replace with stucco wall to match alsewhere. .��^— e � . Agnes AIA � r h �tects 4 80 N'collet Mall Suite 1600 Minn ' polis, MN 5�402 i Ph. ( Ih 2) 371-6440 Fx. ( VI2j 332-3626 • Page 3 0�-313 ��S'�C����C �' C�l�][l�[g7�T�7C�Y ���7�T��]L SERVING THE NEIGHBORHOODS OF NORTHEASTERN SAINT PAUL PARKWAY/GREENBRIBR � BEAVER LAKE HEIGHTS PROSPERITY HEIGHTS � HAYDEN HEIGHTS Marcli 27, 2001 Saint Paul City Comicil Third Floor City Ha11 15 West Kellogg Blvd. Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: Dinuer Club 2000 bear Council President Bostrom and Member of the Council, PHALEN VILLAG& � LINCOLN PARK EAST PHALEN � HAZEL PARK FROST LAKE � HILLCREST The District 2 Community Council at its March 21, 2001, Board Meeting passed a resoluUon to m•ge the City Council to support the recommendarion of the City Attorney and suspend the licenses of Dinner Club 2000 fifteen days (staying ten) and fining Dinner Club 2000, one thousand dollars. The Board passed tl»s resolufion af'ter two meerings with Dinner Club 2000 to discuss the problems at the club. During these meetings the Board stressed its concern that rather than being a restaurant that catered to the H�nong community in Saint Paul (and particularly our East Side neighbors), that it had become notorious for police ca11s and catering to a young, loud and frequentiy violent crowd, as witnessed by the five pages of police calls the ciub had received in its first year of operation. The Dish�ict 2 Community Council supported Dinner Club 2000 being granted a liquor license and supported the City Council waiving the normal forty-five-day community comment period. Shortly after Dinner Club 2000 opened problems became appazent. The amount of police calls in tlie first few weeks stunned neighborhood residents attd encouraged the police deparhnent to urge C1ub 2000 to install metal detectors. As problems continued, metal detectors became a stipulation on Club 2000's license and in shoit order, they were in violarion for not hauing the metal detectors working. In tlie past few months, Club 2000 was sited twice for service to minors, but neither charge was successfully prosecuted (one wimess, a minor who had been assaulted in the club, absconded; the other mittor, who had been an•ested for DWI, recanted). This aRer-hour service violarion is but a pattern of behavior that the community has witnessed over the past year. It is the Board's hope that this sancrion will stimulate Club 2000 to return to its original focus as "Dinner Club" and direct them away from the young aggressive crowd it has been attracting. Sincerel , Cluick Repke �� Executive Director Disriict 2 Community Council 1961 SNERWOOD AVGNUE � SAINT PAUL • MN • 55119-3230 � PHONE: (651� 774-2220 � FAX: (651) 774-2135 ����1��I�l�L Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 0 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 1G 17 RESOLVED, that the licenses held by Dinner Club 2000, Inc., d/b/a Dinner Club 2000, Inc. (License ID 9�005357), loc ed at 1177 Clarence Street in Saint Paul are hereby suspended for a period of��� wit�"� f{�e days stayed for a period of 18 months, the stay conditioned on the Licensee having no other violations during that period of time and paying a fine of $1,000. The suspension is based upon the January 1, 2001 violation of After Hours Consumption or Display of Alcoholic Beverages. `' The suspension shall begin at 12:01 on Wednesday, April 18, 2001 and continue until 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, Apri122, 2001. The fine shall be paid to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection within thirty days of the adaption of this resolution by the Council and signature by the Mayor. This resolution and the action of the Council in this matter are based upon the facts contained in the February 8, 2001 Notice of Violation ]etter to the licensee, the Saint Paul Police Report CN O 1-000-074 and the arguments of the parties at the public hearing. The facts were not disputed by the Licensee. Requested by Department of: i ,/' � gy: � � / Form Approved by City Attorn�y � BY: ��e �l,(Z_`.rJ l_7? - �nu.�-� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council , . '� — •--- - - �' � - - ///i I� // , ., � � � I�1'i �//f'IL7��l�� J,���/ RESOLUTION By: Council File # p � . 3 \'_3 Green Sheet # � �O 30 � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �j�+ Adopted by Council: Date���r���/ Adoption Certified by Council Secretary City Council March 28 AGENDA BY (DATE) March �2, zoo� I GREEN SHEET No A881GN NUM6ER FOR ROUTIND OROER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 'J DEPMTMENTGRECTOR L' CITVCOIINCIL _ ❑ CRYAttONNfl' � CRYCL6PK ❑ FWANGAI.BEPVIC6801P. ❑ FYNNCIAIeERVIACCT6 ❑ MFYORIORPB&BTAHf) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) o � -� �� 0307 Concerning adverse action against all licenses held by Dinner Club 2000, Inc., dba Dinner Club 2000, Inc., 1177 Clarence Street. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION AMOUNT OF TRAN9ACTION 10 SOURCE AL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) RSONALSERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWERTHE FOLLOWING QUESiIONS: Has this pereonKrm everworked under a contract for lhie depadment? YES NO Has thla pereoNfirm ever been a cRy employee7 YES NO Daes this pereo�rm poeeess e akill not nOrmallypossessetl by any current city employee7 YES NO Is ihis penoNfirm a tarpeted vendo(! YES NO COST/REVENUE BUD6ETED (CIRCLB ONE) ACTIVITY NUMBER YES NO C��%�� �� - u� � . . a _ Oly �\3 The following facts are set forth as a hasia fnr e�}aarSLn,�from the presumptive penalty stated in Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 409.26 for this offense: � 1) The licensee has been in business at this location since October of 1999, a period of less than two years. �Vithin two months of opening, the Office of LIEP met with the licensee and Saint Paul police to establish conditions on the license to address problems the police were having with the business. 2) The licensee appeared in front of Council on May 10, 2000 on a violation of one of the conditions on the license, which occurred February 11, 2000, only two months after the conditions had been established. At that time they were given a two-day suspension. 3) That the Office of LIEP mailed a card to the Licensee explaining the requirements for having a private holiday party, but Licensee failed to obtain permission for such a party, and gave no satisfactory explanation for his belief that he could be open after hours. 4) There is an additional violation of sale to an underage person from March 15, 2001 which makes this a third violation in the relatively short period the establishment has been operating. 1\ �� -1�,�� � -��i� � �''` �r �� �UJ� �-� l�� � I P1^ (/l ✓'-� �1.+�-�. Og'` �"�"�K �C.�+'�� /��'; OFFICE OF THE CTTY ATTORNEY Clnylon M. Robinson, Jr., City Attorney �� �� `� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemmi, Mnyor Gvit Divisron 400 Ciry Hn(! I S West Kel/ogg Blvd. Snin! Pnul, Minttesafrt 55/02 Telephone: 65! 266-57/0 Fncsiuiile. 651 298-56/ 9 March 12, 2001 Song Lo Fawcett Kelly & Fawcett, P.A. 2350 PiperJaffray Plaza 444 Cedar Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 RE: All licenses held by Dinner Club 2000, Inc., d/b/a Dinner Club 2000, for the premises at 1177 Clarence Street in St. Paul License ID # 990005357 Dear Ms. Fawcett: Enclosed please find an amended proposed resolution, prepared for the March 28, 2001, council hearing, concerning the violation of After Hours Consumption and Display of Alcoholic Beverages. This amended resolution replaces the proposed resolution contained in the packet sent to you on March 1, 2001. The resolution now includes the conditions under which the suspension is stayed for 10 of the recommended 15 days suspension of the licenses. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, (� �� v'd---�� J Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant CoLmcil Secretary Roger Curtis, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Chuck Repke, Community Organizer, District 2 Community Council, 1961 Sherwood Avenue E., Saint Paul, MN 55119 o � -s�y 3 �� UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARING Licensee Name Address: Council Date: Dinner club 2000, Inc. d/b/a Diner Club 2000, inc. 1177 Clarence Street March 28, 2001 Violation: After Hours Consumption and Display of Alcohol Beverages St. Paul Legislative Code § 409.07(c) Date of Violation: Place: January 1, 2001 Licensed Premises Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: 15 day suspension $1,000.00 fine Attachments: of all licenses with 10 days stayed, and a 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Violation 3. 1/2/01 memo from Kristina Schweinler 4. License Information Report 5. Police Report CN 01-000-074 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY 3�.3 Clnyron M. Robinson, Jr., City Attarney b` `;� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Cole�nmL Mnyar March 1, 2001 Song Lo Fawcett TCelly & Fawcett, P.A. 2350 Piper Jaffray Plaza 444 Cedar Street Saint Patil, Minnesota 55101 . e ; Sr�:ii � �. �QDi RE: All licenses held by Dinner Club 2000, Inc, d/b/a Dinner Club 2000, for the premises at 1177 Clarence Street in St. Paul License ID # 990005357 Dear Ms. Fawcett: Please take notice that a hearing concerning the above-named establistunent has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, March 28, 2001 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing in that the facts concerning the after hours consumption and display of alcohol have not been disputed. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/or written remarks as to the penalty, if any, to be imposed.,The recommendation of the license office will be to suspend all licenses for IS days, with 10 days stayed, and a$1,000.00 fine. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, J L• ;; ��„�.c,ci��.l� � - �t��.�-G � � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary c�wt Dtvisron AOOCiryNn[! Telephone:65l266-87l0 ISWestKe!(oggBlvd. Fncsimilz.�651298-56l9 Snittl Prtu(, Hfinnesolrt SS/02 NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING �°���`�ed �"��`"'����°�� �'�'^��iaP Roger Curtis, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Chuck Repke, Community Organizer, District 2 Community Council, 1961 Sherwood Avenue E., Saint Paul, MN 55119 OFFICE ^F THE CITY ATTORNEY a i3 ClnyJOtt M �irtsmq Jr., C�ry A(rorney O` �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norni Ca(emmi, hlnyor c:vil Div;s;on 400 Gry Hnff 15 West Kel�ogg Blod. Sniii! Pnul, h/innesatrt 55/02 Telephone: 65/ 266-87/0 Frtcsimile 65/ 193-5619 February 8, 2001 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Pao Hang Dinner Club 2000 1177 Clarence Street S1lRI P1UI MN 55106 RE: All licenses held by Dinner Club 2000, Inc. d/b/a Dinner Club 2000, for the premises at 1177 Clarence Street License ID # 990005357 Dear Mr. Hang: The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended adverse action against the licenses held by Dinner Club 2000, Inc. d/b/a Dinner Club 2000, for the premises at 1177 Clarence Streei. The basis for the adverse action is as follows: On January 1, 2001, at approximately 1:28 a.m., Officer Toronto and Senior License Inspector Kristina Schweinler were at 1177 Clarence Street, the premises of Dinner Ctub 2000, and observed that the parking lots were full and there appeared to be people still inside, despite the fact that closing time for bars is 1:00 a.m. On entering the establishment they observed that there were customers inside. They spoke to you and you stated that you believed you could extend your hours twice a year. The inspector and officer went downstairs, where they observed people pouring out drinks from their glasses. Officer Toronto smelled the liquid in some of the glasses and determined that it had the odor and appearance of alcohol. Additionally, there were bottles of what appeared to be beer and ch�mpagne corks visible. It is a violation of Saint Paul Legislative Code § 409.07(c) to allow consumption or display of alcohol at times when the sale is not permitted. State law prohibits the sale of alcohol after 1:00 a.m. Page 2 Pao Hang February 8, 2001 � 1,� 'O� -"l'�'� If you do not dispute the above facts please send me a letter with a statement to that effect. Tlte matter will then be scheduled for a hearing before the St. Paul City Council to deteiYnine what pettalty, if any, to impose. Yott will have an opportunity to appear and speak on your own behllf, or to have someone appear there for you. On the other hand, if you wish to dispute the above facts, I will schedule an evidentiary hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). If you wish to have such a hearing, please send me a letter stating that you are contesting the facts. You will then be sent a"Notice of Hearing," so you will know when and where to appear, and what the basis for the hearing will be. In either case, please let me know in writing no later than Tuesday, February 20, 2001, how you would like to proceed. If I have not heard from you by that date, I will assume tl�at you are not contesting the facts. The matter will theo be scheduled for the hearing before the St. Paul City Council. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, �\ ,� ��� � � ti�cc (J c�.-Pti� C �"�( �J Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Roger Curtis, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, Deguty Director of LIEP Chuck Repke, Community Organizer, District 2 Community Council, Avenue E., Saint Paul, MN 55119 Song Lo Fawcett, Bannigan & Kelly, 1750 North Central Live Tower Street, Saint Paul, MN 55101 1961 Sherwood 445 Minnesota �I� O\ •��Ir STATE OF MINNESOTA ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL COUNTY OF RAMSEY JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on February 9, 2001, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Pao Hang Dinner Club 2000 1177 Clarence Street St. Paul, MN. 55106 (which is the last same, with postage Minnesota. known address of said person) and depositing the prepaid, in the Unit��tates mails at .� au r Subscribed and sworn to before me Page 1 of 1 �!, O\- `ra4 Kristina Scliweinler - Dinner Club 2000 Prom: Kristina Scliweinler To: Palmer, Ginger; Rozek, Christine Subject: Dinncr Club 2000 Chiistinc nnJ Gingcr On Dcc,71 and Jnn.l I woikcd with thc SPPD East Tcam. At 0130 Squad 31 I and myself went to 1 l77 Clarence to do a premise check. ?he parking lots were s[ill full. Wc wni�ed for nnother squad to arrive duc �o thc largc number of pcoplc still inside. At 0135 we walked inro the club. There were approx.150 to 200 peoplc still dnncing mid Ihc DJ still prcforming. Wc askcd to spcak with the owne�. Security went to find him this took 5 min. �t took awther 4 min. for Mc [dang m responA. It nlso uppmrcd that hc hnd bcen drinking, I cxpinincd to him thnt hc wns in violalion of thc City of Sc.Paul ordinance and State Liq. Lzw by sllowing his establishment b remain open. He said that he though[ he could do this 2 liines a yeac I �old him ihat he wus allowed a private party if he requested it 30 dnys in advance and receive permission. This was all explained in ihc postcnrds thnt were sent to nll liquor eslablisluncnt bePore Ihe holidays, (copy auached). I again informed him that his esta6lishment had ro stop sclling and serving by 0100 and thot hc had ro hnvc his customcrs out by 0130. It shonld be noted that there was no Liquor visible upstairs. Wc �hen wcni downslairs lo mxke and inspcclion. A� lhis time Ihe owner becamc upset and did not want us to go downs�airs. When we got downstairs there was chnmpxign on ihc lables and drinks bcing SCrvCd Gom [lie bar. l smv open bottles of Hennessy Cognac, Heineken Beer and o[her liquor bottles. [t appeared lhat some of tho Slnsses of champnign hadjust bcen poared, ihey were still bubbling and some wero full. Mr, Hang nnd Vnng m tha[ time beenme very agitated and claimed that we were p�cking on him and that he was onty trying ro serve the Hmoung communiry. I ngain cxpinincd ihut nll bars hnvc ro opernte under the samc laws. And that I had becn working the Eastside all evening. I had been with 4 squnds and [his was ihe fvst Iimc I hnd bccn to �his csinblishmenl. Mc }Iang wae vcry argumentivc with the officers and mysciE It was 0157 at this time and there was still approximatcly 20 pcoplc mhcr ihnn thc scwrity staff in �hc bnr. We IeR the eslnblishmenl nt 0204, Mr. [fnng indicn[ed lhal the people IeR in the bnr were employecs that had to clean up. I rook nvo Corks from lhe back table tha[ wcre still wct Gom Gcshly opcncd chainpngnc. I Nso sew n whitc fcmalc long blondC hair passed out at a booths in tiie upstairs bar ftcr friends had a hard time trying [o wake hec When she did gct up to walk out shc had a grrnt dcnl of difficulty nnd hnd to bc hclpcd. Thc only othcr bnrs Ihnt I hwrd cnlls on wcrc Ciub Cancun. Thcro scemed to be a lot of fight calls �hcra Mounds Pzrk Tavern had one fight call and Vine Park �rcwery had culkd on n fght oulsidc the bar. Thc bars on thc east side werc very quict and mt at all busy. P � ��� � "I�- �-e � �c,v�c� `-`'h� L.d, a��cQ w-�-�._� -{-c� l,—��.�. ��cQ,�..�. c�k.�� 11.�c�Q � �o �- w � a� �G�, /L�`� �.° `, ' - � �� ��_�,.A �- .s�-�-� � �w c� about:blank O1/02/2001 �L3 o�-�r CITY OF SAINT PAUL Ouicc of Licenu, Inspecuons and Lnvvonmenml Promcuon Faxfi51�166-912J TO: On-Sate/Off�Sale License Holders Thc following is a list of 2000 holiday hours for on-sale and ofGsaie liquot licenset as estabiished by suie law' Off-Sale On-Sale Day 6eforc ThanAsgiving Wednesday, NovemMr 22nd 8 a m. -!0 p m Regular hours Thanksgiving Thursday, November23ih Closed Regularhours Chri5lmas Eve Sunday. December 24ih Closed Rcgular hours Chris�mas Day Monday, December 25ih Closed Regular hours New Ycars Eve Sunday. December3ls� Closed Regular hours New Ycars Day Morday, 7anuary lsi 8 a m� 8 p.m. Regular hours We have also received a number of inquiries about holiday parties. Chaprer 409.07(2d) of �M1e Saim Paul Legislative code reads PrivnteChrisfmasporties. NorwiUistandingwryofherprovisionoJOieLegislai�ecoCe,Urelicenseho[derojpremiseshavinganon-snlelicense mny once n yenr during the Chrisnnas season have a privae patty at tto charge ro the gues�s nJ�er rhe lmvJul closing homs; pro�ided, rhnt a written requer( for snlQparfy is su6mirreCro rhe ficense inrpectar Hiirty(30) daya priar to the propaseQ date aJthe party; andprovi4ed funher, Umtnosnlestudefined6ylmvoJintoxttminghquorsornaniNaxrcmmgmolt(iguorsMllbemademordunngraidparry �einspecmrsha[f nofiJy rhe chief o(police ojthe date aJeach proposed pnrry If you have any questions regar0ing these regula�ions, pleaze contact Chnsiine Rozek a[ 651d6(*9108 or Kris Schweinler at 651-2669110 Noic: If special hours have Men placed on your license by �he Ciry Council, you must comply wi�h those hours of operation. Id i� �� !a x � W � IC O c' I d � d �U N � IJ N a � o �_ _ ,•- O G K C O N E `o _ d N C c�i .J N �'C � � I� !� C �a N �U > I J V �_.Q N O 0 N > —,O N � 'N °-' m F-�'.i(n C I,NIO I� � � V � IJ Q l_..-� O ; � ia I � � '� M Z � �c'o I U m J ; � V I m � ,� � W IW N � N � �V � Q h O _' Ir � Jr � U O 0 0 _._�N m Z V m Z � IQ 1 U Z O O - N � � N,J Z U OIW z a �� z --� o ti . c I �, U� I,` I I N N C110 I d l0 �❑ I I� X L11'O y� O O I �N I I I � I I d I��= Z I U O I a o I U l �'� N,� I ci Z ` . m a� I� J Z U I C L I � J d Q o U U a IU � C = W C � _,O NI d � Z d Ci o � ' Ilf7 a � N � � C I � �I� m I� � v X IN ~ M � __� v I U N C O U N � � . 7 m � I� T m � y w � i� I LLl >+ A� 0 0 p p, o C � J 'n � � N d� N � O_ O 47 Y Q N w Qyo -omo � 3'3 E m c - ... t o 0 I � a a� a�i a m� �o d �� � a`�i I I ` � f ��E >. �� � - ? ����@� � �� N E � N- � V N U � � O� Y U ' I N E� N C a X O C V C L �p `p C � N N NNN �.- �7 C� V c0 �'�, I 4.' �..- A C N� O ��. n' N �pN AN'O � � L C � U �� No��oE o c � '� o I � �rn o >� �' � vi i I > =�Y�O3�a�i a � °' - N i o. w��� ai ,= c ° o.o � o a E � � @ m� N m v�iY � � � Y o� x a c a�°'� o �� UU ° � � m m '-�_c y �r $m" � c a�i� m° a��� a�i a`� �n ° �w c o ' i O tn'j N V.. �' a.n �O� 'O �''� a°i ��o�!E mo�a w �- o c m c m , i tl 'O�C � C C•C a � NL (0 � Q� O N- ' C � C�'�O� N N N� �N(0 i "� N N U=U,�, m � � �N�fn �, � ' �O '> °' w. ,,,v,` >, a�i � w '. °' m o �° � m I �' - @NNOC._L��]N�0 LOE� �� X �. �?D f� U�+' II d � N t� C `p UC.L-.m.�?j0'C�9���U �ptd� mo��tomm=ro�fl.�- y"'... o� cl Na�iu�i.cc3a��a�'i���a w.L�.o�� 'o ��'"mw �.L.,m' i=I �'C�CpNOmC.L.+C,CNN "Q'_+.'LL` �o: ��m�-vi� dp��>�E c3��� �� G �� u � � r E'C'O � C U C_@ O N f6 p� >. � y= �'�3�o��m=��°°- N�_N.j @ �'_ � �- � N N'O (pL �L"0.�."O N'-'Lr U i N C y'O @ C� ��'C7 �(�0'� N � C N p_ � 'NI NNN ,EI NE�-o° rnC�roNO.• E; ��-mE_c'� �m C N� - �UN�`10l Oi �ONk V��� _l>F-C C O�CO.NJ�Gw Vd �-1 .c °�o� oEc m cx s � � w c�i 4 c m ri E m a� v n�ri o a� � � r� w o� W U Z W g U I n � _� o�- �c i 1 � d' � W O N I �o N �� d � ,� O) J ,N �. �—' I O C 0 a � C 0 @ � w C d N C V J Iwlc � � N I� � � a U � �'_ a m � C � r_"'Cn I � i � T N � I� C G 0 U 0 _ J i � _ "' J O C', o �. v a cv E � � � � � Z IN a�:o N�O U � `J � m 'O . 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A T T O R N E Y S A T L A W 2350 PIPER JAFFRAY PLAZA 444 CEDAR STREET SA1NT PAUL, MN 55101 PA'I'R ICI< J. I<IILI,Y SONG I.O �AWCGTT S'P�I'l IGN KIiLI.Y SIA I.O CIIAU D I.eMMONS KA'f1ILIi8N M. LOUCKS RO�I:I21' J. I'O W I.GR March 26, 2001 Dau Bostroin, City Council President Room 320-B City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 RE: Dinner Ciub 2000 Dear Mr. Bostrom: E-Maih kelfawcett@qwestnet �: , ,r 1 ;. r 1 b, ! Our firn� represents Dinner Club 2000, owned by Mr. Pao Hang. Mr. Hang's Dinner Club 2000 is scl�eduled to Ue on your agenda for the Council Meeting on Wednesday, March 28, 2001, for action based on After Hours Consumption orDisplay ofAlcoholic Beverages occurring on January 1, 2001. C1uU 2000 does not dispute the factual basis of the violation. However, we would like the opportunity to share our thoughts regarding the discipline of Dimier Club 2000. Mr. Hang erroneously believed that the Club could stay open until2 a.m. like other establishments. He did not understand that prior written approval was needed, and his records do not indicate that he received the postcard that was sent regarding the prior written approval reqttirements fi•om the LIEP. Thus, Mr. Hang's actions, while in violation of the City Code, were not intentional attempts to disregard the law. We would like to stress the importance ofDinner Club 2000 in both the Hmong Community and the St. Paul Community at large. It is the only Hmong establishment offering both dining and entert�inment services to the Hmong community in the entire state. Enclosed please find a letter from the Minnesota Hmong Chamber of Commerce expressing their support far Mr. Hang and his Uusiiiess, for what each has done for the community. Also enclosed please find a Petition Drive in recognition of the importance of Club 2000 by the Asian and Hmong business owners and community inembers. Purther enclosed, please find a letter from the Hmong United International Council of Miimesota, which comprises of 18 Council members of the Hmong clans, expressing their support for Club 2000 and its importance in the community. OfCounsel: JOHN P. BANNIGAN, JR. MCGUIGAN & HOLLY, P.L.0 (651) 224-3781 Facsim�ie (651) 223-SOt9 Mr. IIang wishes to talce responsibility for his oversight on January l, 2001. It is his first adverse lction involving after hours consumption. He also wishes to improve the services and benefits a1-313 o ffered to the community by Club 2000. He has taken steps to remodel his establishment to improve on security, safety and compliance issues, by taking out a loan, hiring consultants and contractors. See architectural documents enclosed. For tliese reasons, onbehalfof Mr. Hang and Club 2000, we respectfully ask that the Council impose one of the following sanctions in lieu of the current recommendation: • That Dimier Club 2000's ]icense be suspended for 10 days, seven days stayed for 18 months, conditioned on the Licensee having no other violations daring that period of time, and payment of a$500 fine. We would ask that the suspension begin at 12:01 a.m. on Monday April 16, 2001, and last until 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday April 18, 2001. � In the first alternative, that Dinner Ciub 2000's license be suspended for 15 days, with eleven dlys stayed for 18 months, conditioned on the Licensee having no other violations during tliat period of time, and payment of a$500 fine. We would ask that the suspension begin at 12:01 a.m. on Monday Apri116, 2001, and last tuiti111:59 pm. on Thursday Apri119, 2001. • In the fival alternaCive, if the Council wishes to proceed with a 15 day suspension and only ten days stayed for 18 months, conditioned on the Licensee having no other violations during that period of time, and payment of a$500 fine, we would respectfully ask that the suspension Ue staggered. This would allow Club 2000's license to be suspended from 12:01 a.m. on Monday April 16, 2001, and last unti111:59 p.m. on Wednesday Apri118, 2001, and then suspended again from 12:01 a.m. on Monday Apri123, 2001, and last until 11:59 pm. ou Tuesday Apri124, 2001. Club 2000 is also willing to entertain other lighter alternative sancYions to take responsibility for their error on January 1, 2001. As a small restaurant business serving the pubiic, it is a great lilydship to Ue suspended for any length of time. Th�nk you for your consideration. Respectfully yours, KE�Y & FAWCETT, P.A. / -�--�_,.. Robert Fowler Bnclosures Cc: Council Members Mayor Norm Coleznan Virginia Palrner, Esq. Mr. Pao Hang , . al'313 .5 ��� M I N N E S O T A� % ; �.� � ���' � �'�_� �� �� 'a�x� � � �+�� 796 East 7th Street • SaintPaul, Minnesota 55106 �/YbbWbM£WMMi4uwW.qYfy. /MV.'pRYPM�[u➢1Rb:feNNA"fa �J Chamber of Commerce Tel: (651) 778-8112 • Fas: (651) 774-2385 n���h 2i, 2ooi Dear District 2 Council Members: We appreciate this opportunity to express our support for Pao Hang and his business, the Dinner Club 2000. The Dinner Club 2000 is the only Hmong-owned business of its kind in the state of Minnesota, if not the only Hmong-owned restaurant/bar/dance club in the nation. It is a point of pride for the Hmong community, and has become a destination point for every Hmong visitor to Minnesota. For those of us in the Hmong community, it is a place that is both familiar and mainstream where we are abie to entertain families, friends and business colleagues. Beyond the social and entertainment value Dinner Club 2000 has added to the Hmong community, Pao is an active and valuable member of the Minnesota Hmong Chamber of Commerce and the Hmong community. The Mission of the Minnesota Hmong Chamber of Commerce is to advocate for Hmong businesses and to create a comperitive environment for the benefit of our members and the community. To this end, we are committed to ensuring that all our members thrive and succeed. We are also committed to ensuring that our success as a business sector returns to our community. In reciprocity, we demand that our members adhere to the strictest standards of business operations within their capacities. It is our practice to monitor and to assist our business owners to continue to grow personally and professional, and also to seek opportunities for their businesses to improve in their operational capacities. Hmong businesses are the constant backbone of our changing and growing community. If one of our businesses fails, the whole community loses a critical resource. Case in point, Pao has been and continues to be a consistent supporter of community initiatives. He not only donates the use of Dinner Club 2000 for community events and fundraisers, but also generously eontributes his time and monetary support to community efforts. We need more business owners like Pao. We recognize that Pao's business has encountered some critical challenges. We are also not blind to the reality that the majority of Pao's customers are Hmong. We are well aware that any incidences at his business affects not only his business but the Hmong community as a whole. For these reasons, it is all the more critical that the Minnesota Hmong Chamber of Commerce supports Pao and assists him to identify means to address the challenges he is cunently encountering. As the advocates for the residents of the East Side, your support•was critical to the establishment of Dinner Club 2000 and your continued involvement is essential to its transformation into a destination point for Hmong and for all people in Minnesota. We stand ready to assist in anyway that we can to make this happen. Thank you for your time. Respeetfully, THE MINN$S(3`tPrIIIViO�IG CHAMBER OF COMMERCE �-�., _�. ` V 0 ��-__._J By Mee Mo a Chair of the ommunity Affairs Division Petition Drive In Support of Dinner Club 2000 1177 Clearance, St. Paul, MN These siguatures collected below of Asian and Hmong businesses on the East Side of St. Paul aud in St. Paul voice our collaborative support for Dinner Club 2000. We understand that there are issues with crime and safety, communication, and cultural, and we are aware that these issues affect the community. However, we also recognize that Nao Pao Hang, owner of Dinner Club 2000, has and continues to work with the city of St. Paul's Police and the License, Inspections, & �nviromnental Protection (LTEP) on preventive measures with these issues mentioned above. More impoi�ta�itly, we the Asian and Hmong business community recognizes the importance of his Uusiness establishment as a successful legitimate tax based business as a social place for gatherings, for enjoyment and companionship, and as the only Hmong night club in the Twin Cities with visitors From across the country. Nao Pao Hang has and will implement new px•eventive measurements to accommodate, follow, and improve his business operations. Thank you. C�' � � �� ��►'!r. - � ; ��1'��i � - , , ► �..�, � �_ ( (� 1 �� � �i. �..c� . 8 �-1,tL iJc�v�n ..:3/$� A.xYYar�� ,�lVr �5�. ��ur�l M�./ �/d_�d �Sl.��3k'�19� a1-313 � � �o/ , a., O! "s �3 (n. �1� A�l/,�l �7 .__ [.G// / "' aa ._ � G,�r _ _ � .�: , O.C� , t t'f' r /r % a� � �. ��.��. � U;xccutivu l3uaril: A�llqttr/ .\'uN4 1'il�7t; /�1'C,V%<�c7!/ l'uu,� /)riuu him}; .ti'CC/'cYU!'1' Nnll li�P h'l7uu,l' :I.c,�. �Crri'<4ui'P )ni Lc�' . liTt6YliPrr n•„�� �'i,�,�,� ; i.,,�. �>•�•«.�������-�� 13uuril Uirccfor; 1'nnt� Src� lluny� P�u�}! ('hurr,� tiun�C 'lii��i,�; ('lvuu Lor lidouu �4<t�' Ruur, Pliu �ar�a� �ait�� �at�rp�tioa�l �oaacfl �f �iaaa�at�, �ac, 302 Univcrsily Avenuc Wc�t • tiuint Paul, MN 55103 'fcl: (G51) 222-5272 • '1'el: (GS I ) 22Z-S30] • b':�x: (65I ) 222-5312 �: 0�-313 ` . - °- : :,...... �.�.' .�}. , �.�► � .. ..!' , - .�' -�. �' .'`' � --- s �.�.��"ad From: Hmong United Intemational Council of Minnesdta, Inc. (18 Council) Date: �3/21/01 Re. Club 2000 To Whom Ct May Conccrn: .»>% nur�s; 77�u�, C)n the Behalf oJ'thc: Board of f)ireefors at I-lmong United Internaiiona� Council of .tiru 1'int� i irc Min�aesota, )nc. (H111C;), ;�Iso known as 18 Counc;l, we are writing you in respect •���' ���'"� �� to the pro�,t'css of CIub200(l as an ;a.�tiet to our community. 7i'n,L' ('hur�}; �°`� ��"' In the ast, lhe club owners have been raciousl �� c'�,ru,ti'�rr Ilv,,� P 6 Y��neroos to our l�mong community for suppoRing r�on-prafit organvations like the 1$ Council x� tl�t wc N;xccutive Direclun�an hosl banquets and dinners For our staffand cnmmunity membcrs. As �� ,�,! 4 communal membcr5 und reprc.,entativcs 1br all cighteen Hmon�; clans, we wvni to voice our. suppori in seeing that this club remains open and is well re�ogni�ed for Advisory lin:�rd: its legality and aid in pxoviding an cconomzc standard to many Hrnong in thc ��,,,� �,�, Metri� Area. It has provided employment and opportunities for bcrth men und �'hur h��v,�'i„�,� women and pcople of �Il diversitics. This club is a historical place in that it is ��i�'n<«'» >%»���.e amongst thc iirst businels dcvcloped within the Hmong community that h;as ��" �"' j""`' attr<tetc.^d not only Tlmong residenis but othcr nationalities from all over the nation. Womens CmnmiticsW�th the support it gives to thc Flmong communiiy and bctierin�; of the economic �""" ��� �����' standards in many I-Ynnong temilics, we the B<�arJ of Directors at ]$ C:ouncil ndui %i,n,q /l�•� wUU�d ho e tllat ou ppp p , �,�,,,,� p y will be in su rt of this club to havc it zemain o en for the ,tirc� It�-r p�h���• Wc appreciatc yc�ur kind considcratioa in th� development of Hmong ,ti'er nJunu Amcricans. )'i�n,� (:nr'�u.17ui(q .Please do not hesitate tc� ca11 our otfices il'you shall have any f'urther questioiu or conecros. '1°hank you foc your time and patience. Respectf`ully youn, � � ' ._... ...�. /�� '�.. `, ��.� o � -3 /3 MemO To: Pao Vang, Managar From: Jeffrey P, Agnes AlA CC: n�a Date: 3/21 /01 Re: piNNER CLUB 20n0 SCOPE OF WORK Per our meeting of March 19, 2001, please find the foliowing scope of services for the proposed work at the Dinner Club 2000, 1177 Clarence Street, St. Paul, MN.: MAI N LEVEL I nterior Split main level into "over 21" and "under 21" areas by adding a wall that separa#es Bar from dance #loor wi#h hal# wall below and glass wall above. • Provide two 3 ft. openings in wall with security checks and wristband identi£aa#ion. • Provide ramp access as required by code. • Separate existing lower level stair from r�ain level. Addition to dance floor/seating of approximately 750 s.f. to 1000 s.f. on west side o# building. • SW corner of addition to be new toilets for dance floor area • Page 1 a�-313 • Existing west exterior wall to be removed as completely as possible. • Addi#ioro to contain raised seating and additional dar�ce floor. • Add toilets per code to east side restaurant area. • Enclose the existing basement stair with exterior access only. • Demo east side of south kitchen. • Add new single door entrance, north of existing entrance. • Close in exis#ing en#rar�ce mpening. LOWER LEVEL Irtterior • Sprinkler basement. � Provide new and separate access from SW corner of exisfing building at existing stairweA. • Separate stairwe(I from main level. • Demo existing walls and storage rooms (approx. 1 � ft. wide) from SE stair to banquet. • Two south storage rooms along new haliway to be changed into private room with hal# heigh3 wall ar�d glass above. • Shrink existing hot water heater room as allowed by code. • Provide ADA compliant ramp at existing stair on west side of new halfway for accsss to #oilets, • Demo east and west walis of transition room at west end of new hallway to open up in#o banquet room. � Relocate existing circuit box. • Move existing bar to north side of new haliway. • Demo old kitcher� e�chaust. • Provide new electrical room for existing electrical panels. • Demo existing toilets and existing room on west side of banquet room. • Provide new toilets per code near bottom of existing SE stair. • Page 2 o!'313 EXTERIOR • Replace existing awnings throughout. • Replace entire roof of building. • Paint (2) existing pylon signs. • Remove existing reader board on upper wall of east side of building and replace with stucco wall to match alsewhere. .��^— e � . Agnes AIA � r h �tects 4 80 N'collet Mall Suite 1600 Minn ' polis, MN 5�402 i Ph. ( Ih 2) 371-6440 Fx. ( VI2j 332-3626 • Page 3 0�-313 ��S'�C����C �' C�l�][l�[g7�T�7C�Y ���7�T��]L SERVING THE NEIGHBORHOODS OF NORTHEASTERN SAINT PAUL PARKWAY/GREENBRIBR � BEAVER LAKE HEIGHTS PROSPERITY HEIGHTS � HAYDEN HEIGHTS Marcli 27, 2001 Saint Paul City Comicil Third Floor City Ha11 15 West Kellogg Blvd. Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: Dinuer Club 2000 bear Council President Bostrom and Member of the Council, PHALEN VILLAG& � LINCOLN PARK EAST PHALEN � HAZEL PARK FROST LAKE � HILLCREST The District 2 Community Council at its March 21, 2001, Board Meeting passed a resoluUon to m•ge the City Council to support the recommendarion of the City Attorney and suspend the licenses of Dinner Club 2000 fifteen days (staying ten) and fining Dinner Club 2000, one thousand dollars. The Board passed tl»s resolufion af'ter two meerings with Dinner Club 2000 to discuss the problems at the club. During these meetings the Board stressed its concern that rather than being a restaurant that catered to the H�nong community in Saint Paul (and particularly our East Side neighbors), that it had become notorious for police ca11s and catering to a young, loud and frequentiy violent crowd, as witnessed by the five pages of police calls the ciub had received in its first year of operation. The Dish�ict 2 Community Council supported Dinner Club 2000 being granted a liquor license and supported the City Council waiving the normal forty-five-day community comment period. Shortly after Dinner Club 2000 opened problems became appazent. The amount of police calls in tlie first few weeks stunned neighborhood residents attd encouraged the police deparhnent to urge C1ub 2000 to install metal detectors. As problems continued, metal detectors became a stipulation on Club 2000's license and in shoit order, they were in violarion for not hauing the metal detectors working. In tlie past few months, Club 2000 was sited twice for service to minors, but neither charge was successfully prosecuted (one wimess, a minor who had been assaulted in the club, absconded; the other mittor, who had been an•ested for DWI, recanted). This aRer-hour service violarion is but a pattern of behavior that the community has witnessed over the past year. It is the Board's hope that this sancrion will stimulate Club 2000 to return to its original focus as "Dinner Club" and direct them away from the young aggressive crowd it has been attracting. Sincerel , Cluick Repke �� Executive Director Disriict 2 Community Council 1961 SNERWOOD AVGNUE � SAINT PAUL • MN • 55119-3230 � PHONE: (651� 774-2220 � FAX: (651) 774-2135