268399 WHI7E - CITV CLERK CO1111C1I ��YM� PINK - FINANCE G I TY O�F SA I NT PALT L C+ANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO• - � - �� ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That pursuant to Section 231.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, (as amended by Ordinance No. 14662, approved December 1 , 1970) pertaining to regulations for the adjusting of sewe� service charges, and upon the reco�unendation of the Department of Pubiic Works and approva) of the Board of Water Canmissioners, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby certify that because of partial diverslon of their total water co�sumption from the City of Saint Paul 's Sanitary Sewer System, the below listed firms have ,justifiable reason for application of an adjustment to their sewer service charges as levied: (in accordance with Resolutio�, Council File No. 266544, approved December 22, 1975) and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That a full or partial refund of paid sewer service charges, based upon these adjustments, shall be refunded from the "Sewer Service F�d" and shall be in the following amounts: NAME ADDRESS TIME PERIOD AMOUNT Otympia Brewing Co. NOV 1976 $�6,771.37 722 Payne Ave. 55165 Koppers Co. , Inc. SEP-NOV ]976 S 8,933.78 1000 N. Hamline Ave. �5104 Hoern�r Waldorf Corp, oCT-NOV 1976 $ 5,��9.98 2550 Wabash Ave. 55114 Gold Medal Beverage Co, NOV-DEC 1976 $ 919.90 P.O. Box 3466 SST65 Gross-Given Manufacturing Co. SEP-DEC 1976 $ 602.83 76 Plato Blvd. 55107 St. Paul Disptach � Pioneer Press OCT 1976 $ 299.28 63 E. Fourth St. 55101 A . COUNC[LMEN � Yeas Na s Requested by Department of: Y `" Butler ., �r � Hozza - In Favor Hunt � - Levine _ Against _BY Roedler Sylvester � � Tedesco Form Approved by ity torney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY 1 s� Approved by iNayoc Date App by ayo r Su mission to Council By �. B WHITE T CITV CLERK � I�_y� PINK — FINANGE G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L Council V CsANARV — DEPARTMENT 1 � BLUE — MAVOR Flle NO. - � � r Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date - Page 2 - NAME ADDRESS TIME PERIOD AMIOUNT Burl ington Northern, Inc. NOV 1976 $ 259.�$ 176 E. Fifth St. R�oom 132 551 o i Central Warehouse OCT-DEC 1976 $ 186.I3 P.O. Box 3456 55101 First National Bank of St. Paul NOV-DEC 1976 $ 115.50 W'1752 lst Nat' 1. Bank B)dg. 55101 land 0'Lakes, Inc. NOV 1976 $ )06.83 415 Grove St. 55101 American National Bank NOV-DEC 1976 $ 103•32 American National Bank Bldg. Room 2320 55101 Speas Co. NOV-DEC 1976 $ 90.64 582 N. Prior Ave. 55104 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler � , Publ it Wo�ks Hozza in Favor Hunt Levine �_ Against BY Roedler Dan i e 1 J un fo rd Sewe r Sylvester �C�e� Adopted b ounc� . Date �A� � � tg� Form Approved by City t orn � Ce ied V� ed by Coun 1 Secretary ` BY B L% -�J'� JAN i 4 1977 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Ap rov A4avor: D e — By � BY PUBLISH�b !AN 2 ? �977 s ,.. , .. . ' � OM 4I: l�/�.975 � r � R�v.. : ; ��/g/�b 3 , �a � EX�LANATTON QF AF�MINTSTRATIVE ORDERS,• _� ',� .� RE54LUT20i41S, AND pRD�NANCES . + :1 Date: O�s�wiri�r 2), 19'�6 . :� �' � , _ � _ � �ps MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER ` � _ � �� 'FR: @AM i E! J. D1�tfQRD, 91 RECTdR Of P�!1 G Mt�RKS , � .; RE:, I�r1fu��t`of S�R SfRitiC� ClilAR�$ , ` ; > , - , r : _� _ �` _ �_ . , _ , � . , ; � , � a ACTIDN REQUESTED: , ;; ; � R�tf�nd Se�ar S�rvice Chargss f�n Sew+er 5eewic� F�d _.. , � , ,� '� � � � , - : , � , a : , �� . � . ,; ,, � . � � ; �., FURPOSE AND RATI4NALE FQR THIS ACTIt�Ns � ' � s I�v!�ti�tio� 1�s dit�nNinad �hit �ert�aia. v�c►l� �f.���r ��-'�`��`rt � -� a sw�+tr .s+�rri+r�r c�rr did �t. f� f�et, �ter t� �+��t�► - � fl� r�r`'�w!�r`s�t�.aud � that p�s�t o! eb� ��rg�s rrn N�s� vo��r�c st�uld,�r' r���. � �: ; . _ . , ; , ' ; • � . :., ' , 1 �; ; , _ _ . . � A�TACHPiENTS: : � ; i. �oe�ci 1 I�I ut tot� - -. 2. �oa�d Qf:M�tsr Ce�rissia�rs' �satuti+�a Rsao�ii�g -Rs#� � .�- ��� �� � � 261� , CITY OF ST. PAUL No._ �SFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS , RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �� �� �f 3'�76 COMMISSIONER - DATE �s�3�� R�soL�, �at t�h. �ea►s�a af w�►t� �.�.�.io�r. hs�.�jr a�aeo�+.a �h� r+wc�nendatio� ct Bi.char� L. 'Wh�sl�ac, #ssi�t� ��� �n�d Cifi�► �ias�r. Deya�rr�m�►t at PutLlio Wva�rs, 3» hi� l�t�r cif I�c�►as S�yt, 19?b tc> i�h� 8�d that t'ull ar gartisl r��a�Lr e�f paiQ S� S�Kss t�,�r � be �raat� �►t+ lir��kt ia tho l�tlfea�� uid r�3`�nd� �o b� �rd�r #rot t�� "��war Servioe Fwid". � Water Commissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas Nays HWO►� 8an8s I'��ebs� 2g 19 z76 Yi�sa iarfrid�snt �o�ta�► _, — In favor 3 Opposed � SECY. �''•?. _