268398 N4i1TE - CITV CLERK 258398 PINK ' .r FINANCE COUIICII CANARY - DEPARTMENT - G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L 1 � � BLUE - MAVOR Flle NO. RE'TURN COPY TO TIOR Bi�'A ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WF�RFAS� npon the petiticxi of fi,he Ho�asing a�d Redevelapment Authority� the City Cc�mcil gdopted Reso.l�tion� C.F. 2681�� appraved Rov�ber 26� 1976, which iacorrectly de�eribed the portioa of Be�afil and QooFihue �treets tbat were vaca.ted, as follc�rs: That pe.rt of Goodhue Street lying be�een a line drawn f�offi the most easterly corn�r of Lot 1, PisWirth� Sub- divisioa uf Lc�t� ^� and 3 Winalo�r's Addition to Se�int pe�ul, Mir�esota� to the Se�uthea�t corner ot Lot 12, Block 8� Winslar's Ac�,d,ition and a line dra�n fro� �he i�crthKest corner of I,o�t 6, eaid B1.c�ck 10, to the Scxith�rest car�ner of' I�crt 7s aQid Block 8; That ps�rt of Banfil Street and that triangular pe�rt of . West 8ever�th Street lyiag betwsen West Seventh Street a� ape�d per Baok of Openings Vol�e 2, pRgea 1 - 3, �'3.l.ed aa,nu,asy 6, 1859� in the� office of the Register of Deeds in Ramsey County Mix3n. and a line drat�rn f�om the l�orth- west corner of Lcrt 6 Block 8� Winslcn�r's Addition to Saint p�,ul, Mir�riesota� to the Sauthwest corner of Lot 12, �aid Block 6, except that part o�' Banfil Street previously vacated per Cauacil Resolutioa C.F. 264903, appocaved Jarnaary 28, 19`T5 3 . and WI�REAS, the Council he.s nvFr been advised of the�ror contained in the deseription and does hereby xish to corr�at the �aid Reeolution� C.F. 2681.80; nc�r� there�ore� be it , 1 RESOLVID, tbat the descrigtion contained in Cauncil Resolution, C.F. 268180� a.ppraved Rov�ember 26, 197�, be and 3.� hereby amended to read aa f ollaats: COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Reques by Department of: Butler F ae and 2�nage�ment Serviaea Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine __ Against By DiY'eCtoz' Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorn Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY sy Approved by IVlayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council . By BY WtiITE - CITV CLERK COUI1C11 ��(1V�V PINK. ,rFINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL CANARV - OEPARTMENT � BLUE -MAVOR File NO. R�Q COPY TO VALUATION BiktEAU Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date • Out of Committee By Date . ��_ . T�t pe�rt of' Goodhx,ie �treet ]ying betweea a line dra�wn fram the most easterly corner o�' Lot l� Ei�wirths Sub- divi$ion of Lots 2 a� 3 Winslaw's Additias� to Sairrt ' Paul, Minnesota, to the Sc�uthea$t corr�er of Lot 12, Block 8� Winslaw's Additioa� to St. Paul, Minnesata a�d a line dra�►n from the NortY�est corr�r, of 7,ot 6, B].ock 10, said Wir►ela�►'s Addition, to the SoutYa�rest corner oY Lot 7, Bloek 8 said Wirrelaw's Addition; also That part c�" Banfil 3treet and t2tiat tria.ngul.ar part of West Sev�n�h Street lying b�tween West Sevetrth Stx�eet as oTened per Book of v�seaings Volume 2, psges 1 - 3, Fi1ed Jauuary 6, 1859, ita the office of the Register of • Deeds in Ra,msey Ccnu�ty Minn. and a lit�e drawn t'rom the Rort2�est corner of Lot 6, B3.ock 8, Winslow's Addition to Saint Paul, Mit�n�sota, to the SautY�rest corrier of Lot ' 12� B1ock 6, said Winslcn�r's Additic�, exeept that part of Banfil Street previoualy vacated per Council Resolutioa Couneil File No. 264903� aPproved Jarn�a.ry 28, 1975. COUNCILMEIV Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler � Firra�nce & Man� ment Services Hozza [n Favor J Hunt �� Director Levine J __ Against BY `'--� - - Roedler _ S 1T�'2� � _� Adopted Council: Date �A� � 3 �sTT� Form Approved y Ci A o ney Ce ified P�Ss y Co . retara/' BY � � / JAN i 4 �977 Appr M yor for ubmi ion to Council Approv by iNayor: Da gy By RUBLISHED !AN � � 1977 �;�..,z; ;;f n I � e .t.� - ��.. � ,� �+�" ,,. * 4 t. .,�, ..�� �f r �., �•,�g..�� ,� ��w�w� <�� w w '� �tld�ct�.:aa �' �n;� a. � �� ?� p �� M � �k'.�. �r� � �,» �:. 4 � �WL .AF . �t�e$ ,..5`y��I '�KYi� �!j . h.•. S '�pg, d k�, y a�� �.-� -��c°��. .� � �;,��� ,�� �a� ��-� �.�, '� °� �;� � � , �.`.. fi❑����.- e,. ':�¢T C':.+ .,,p''Ytyfq�VW', d�'rt'caS' y� -t t"��a t'` }d b ;� ,� i ' � .c� . f� "` Y� �'�,�'%��'.�: t ��S Ta 9'� ���Y, t� -�� , +�1�C�4�`b 1^'��TG`6{y�lqt 1� �kih�• L 1� ��r `�'� � -°�}�'.y$�� .�a.. r `i^ 4� ek.k/.� ary f ���...�a Y � � � � � ��; e..�' �„ _�„ .r r�t,� . f R' � aztri [- �y ��. "t��YP g'� ��' �x 1. a�w+. .m.r.�,.t�� :ww�q��'�'.FgS , *�+i,w� S. .._ "j,.p� �1��. Y-qenNrr �d^d'2I �'4T,4��'�,�' m � drp R }(R.1/r;�yy� CV�. �.},� -' �$i �uMa'�r,R` �PC'`X`*£}.#' '-�:t �.. � q� �.. t > R'�n'° . + }�r _'� z� �. z tr+wan.a ;'.. o .+.< ��a�� �$� .{dd e.l�41e�4i ��� .e.�e.r. : �?° � �+f� ' c�, '���, � �w..aA'�+s a �3, ." 5 ,,,,",a�' ,g°�}�"{, �,..�o"��t�.,.N ��r,r,` n, �f6z ' `�7.��� �,r�%.. F .s��� � � � �� . �ti�. � �� 5 � � �'. � ;,�t� . �`°'f`x x i � �'�^�y'.r � �y�{"�� '3..�: �.,�+.�.u�'"� ^� � '.�,� u. �� :;�,�.,�,� 2 � 2 �n�.w,�, �� ., � �, ;.�,�,�,, � �...�. �. � ��„ .•.a ,; �*"�*�. '��; � r.�.�+:� . ���r,.����� ;,,�. . .€ 5 �e M � ++. � � ��y.,,`�F� �j^wj�. 1!�.-��'�a � �, a $'��p�}�y��w, � �Li�,� ��. � �,4.yt� � ct � ., � � 1Po:�M5.} T.e�� � j� �. ¢.M1''9 �i4�•.q ��' 1 . � EN f.l. � 3... J� .�. . �� �. , . � �ki':� #.. ��z`,�»s ,r ..� � - ,�r ,. u�p �� �_ 8 �' ;� �'�'T � wr�TE — �^+Tr c�ekt � s �'%a.�„�. . . pi.`..( � f'IN4NCE * ` L C q r COUC1Ct1 �,�j�_� �g , C4`.�:aFf � GE:�nF'Cr.�E*.T � � G1 �, 1 Ol� VE11 �'T � I�AL I�. V BLr,6, — MAVOA � . . . . File � NO. `` f � C'ouncil �esol�tion � �� . _ � � % � ,,..,� B �. ./ '� ;. � � . � '��� .i� ,f 1 i� :f.`?. .f, Presented y ---� "' �..j�- .�' � � ,� ;� % Referred To Committee: Date � �' �� , i 7 ?c, Out of Committee By Date " � RESOLVED,� That upon the petition of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and others, those sections of public streets hereinafter described, be and the same hereby are vacated and discontinued as public streets: That part of Goodhue Street lying between � a Zine drawn from the most easterly corner of Lot l, Eiswirths Subdivision of Lots 2 and 3 Winslow' s Addition to Saint Paul, Minnesota, to the Southeast corner of Lot . 12, Block 8, Winslvw' s Addition and a line � drawn from the Northwest corner of Lot 6, \ said Block 10, to the Southwest c orner of �Lot 7, said Block 8; That pa�t of Banfil Street and that tri-- angular part of West Seventh Street lying between West Seventh Street as opened per Book of Openings Volume 2, pages 1 — 3, . f iled January 6, 1859, in the office of - the Register of Deeds in Ramsey County Minn. and a line: drawn from the Northwest corner of Lot 6 Block 8, Winslow' s - Addition to Sain� Paul, Minnesota, to the Southwest corner of Lot 12, said Block 6, COUNCIL1�iE�Y Yeas Nays / Requested by Department oE: Butler L Hozza In Favor Hunt ' Levine � Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by ity Attom �y � Ad�pted by Councit: Date - Cert�Eied Passed by Counc.il Secretary By B; . � � Apprv�ed by l�tavor. Date Appraved by Mayor for Submission to CounciI �y BY ��� . ; �:c;�.� ��� ls • ►< � . . . � � . . . - � ; 268��8 2 except that part of Banfil Street pre- viously vacated per Council Resolution C.F. No. 264903, approved January 28, 1975; subject expressly to the following conditi.ons and reservations: l. That the vacation be subject to all the terms and conditions of Chapter 228 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, as amended. . 2. That a 20 foot wide permanent underground sewer easement be retained centered on the centerline of Banfil Street herein vacated, between elevations 50 feet and 75 feet City datum. 3 . That a 20 foot wide permanent underground sewer easement be retained centered along � the centerline of Goodhue Street herein vaeated, between elevations 50 feet and 75 feet City datum. 4. a) That a permanent lighting utility easem�nt be retained over the South 15 feet of the Ea�t 50 fest of Goodhue Street herein vacated. b) That a permanent sewer easement be retained over the easteriy 15 feet of Goodhue Street herein vacated for access to the existing manhale. c) That a permanent sewer easement be retained in Banfil Street herein vacated lying between West Seventh Street as opened and the south- ' erZy extension of the West line of Lot 16, Block 6, W insl.ow' s Addit ion to Sa int Paul, Minnesota, for access to the existing manhole, � � , t �' ` . . `��,v� �'� 3 � �6�3�� Said easements to be subject to the following restrictions: That na buildings ar permanent struc�ures will be a llowed within the ea sement a rea s. That no change in grade or surfacing will be allowed over the easement areas without written permission fram the Sewer Engineer and Lighting Engineer. That the easements include the perpetual : right of the Public Works Department to con- struct, maintain, operate and repair the sewer manhole and lighting facility togetI�er with a perpetual easement for ingress and egress to and from the said easements. 5. That the petitioner be responsible for all costs and expenses in the barricading of the vacated streets, until the streets are obliterated, the street inter- sections have been reconstructed and new curbing, baulevards, sidewalks, and drainage structures across the existing street returns have been constructed; and also the proper abandonment, readjustment, or construction of the existing or new catch basins and structures to provide for proper drainage, all to be accomplished under the supervision of and with the written approval of the Department of Public Works. 6. That the petitioner provide proper access and utility service to all inhabited properties abutting the streets being vacated herein, until such time as the occupants have been relocated. 7. That a permanent Water Utility easement be retained in portions of Banfil and Goodhue Streets, legally described as follows: i � � ��°��. �3� E..�� 4 � The North 30 feet of Banfil Street lying �"��v� kietween the easterly right-of-way line of Western Avenue and the Northwesterly right- of-way line of West Seventh Street; also The South 30 feet of the North 45 feet of Goodhue Street lying between the Easterly right-of-way line of Western Avenue and ' the Northwesterly right-of-way line of West � Seventh Street; Said easements to be subject to the following restrietions: a . That no buildings, structures or trees are permitted within the easement ar�as, or any temporary structure, fixture or other objects that will prohibit normal access to water facilities for maintenance - purposes. b. That no change from the existing grade be permitted within the easem�nt area . c. That no change in surfacing within the easement area be permitted without written permission from the Water Utility. d. That the petitioner, his successor and _ _� _ assigns, shall fully indemnify, defend and save harmless the Board of Water Cammissioners, its officers, agents, employees and servants fram all suits, actions or claims which shall arise from any injuries or damages received or susta ined by any break or leak in any service pipe, water main or connection in said dedicated easement. 8. That the petitioner, at t�is own cost and expense, be respansible for the cut-off of all unused water service connections in the streets herein va�ated; r _ � � a, ,.MENT GITY OF SAIi\T1 F�ALTL F►tecilNO. JR . � . ' Co�ncil l�esol�tion f` `��= � - ���3�� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 5 said work to be done by the Water Utility on an actual cost basis. 9. That a specific easement be retained in both Banfil and Goodhue Streets to protect the interests of the Northern S,tates Power Company. 10. That the petitianer, being the Housing and Re- development Authority, not be required to pay compensation for the vacations, pursuant to the provisions of the Redevelopment Plah for West Seventh City Development District 9, adopted by the Council of the City of Saint Paul on June 10, 1975, per C.F. 265595. ' 11. That in lieu of a bond, the City be provided with a written covenant conditioned to indemnify and hold the City harmless for any and all damages, claims for damages, costs, charges, judgments and expense of ever� kind and nature arising or growing out of the street herein described to be vacated. COUNCILtitEIV Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butier �CJ [R Favor Hozza Hunt � ��n� Against By Sylvester.- Tedesco ��V 2;3 1976 Form Approved b Cit Attor y Adopt 'by Council: Date C rt►fied Passe ouncil Secre r BY g� ir � r'�! Appro e y tilavor: Date i�4v 2�5 t9 Approved by Mayoc for Submissian ta Councit By BY e����sx�D Q��C-�,� ,:�fl�� -� . WH�TE — :ITV CLEHK - �� `1 PIN',( - FINANCE � COUIICII �,���� �� CAN�>qv -, OEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT � A LT L BIVie{ — MAVOR � FIIe NO. 1 � -' • • 6 Counc�l Resolution r , ;, _ / Presented By � � :_--� 1'" j' '' Referred To Committee: Dake � I7 7c, Out of Committee By Date - RESOLVED, That upon the petition of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and others, those sections of public streets hereinafter described, be and the same hereby are vacated and discontinued as public streets: . That part of Goodhue Street lying between a line drawn from the most easterly corner of Lot 1, Eiswirths Subdivision of Lots 2 and 3 Winslow' s Addition to Saint Paul, Minnesota, to the Southeast corner of Lot 12, Block 8, Winslow' s Addition and a line drawn from the Northwest corner of Lot 6, said Block 10, to the Southwest c orner of Lot 7, sa id Block 8; That part of Banfil Street and that tri- angular part of West Seventh Street lying between West Seventh Street as opened per Book of Openings Volume 2, pages 1 - 3, filed January 6, 1859, in the office of the Register of Deeds in Ramsey County Minn. and a line drawn from the Northwest corner of Lot 6 Block 8, Winslow' s � Addition to Saint Paul, Minnesota, to the Southwest corner of Lot 12, said Block 6, COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Butler [n Favor Hozza H�nt 1 Levine � Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by ity Attorn Adupted by Council: Date Cert►fied Passed by Counc.il Secretary BY By . � Appruved by Vlavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By � ����.��� . , -�'�._ �� 2 26839� except that part of Banfil Street pre- viously vacated per Council Resolution C.F. No. 264903, approved January 28, 1975; subject expressly to the following conditions and reservations : 1. That the vacation be subject to all the terms and conditions of Chapter 228 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, as amended. 2. That a 20 foot wide permanent underground sewer easement be retained centered on the centerline of Banfil Street herein vacated, between elevations 50 feet and 75 feet City da tum. 3 . That a 20 foot wide permanent underground sewer easement be retained centered along " the centerline of Goodhue Street herein vacated, between elevations 50 feet and 75 feet City datum. 4. a) That a permanent lighting utility easement be retained over the South 15 feet of the East 50 feet of Goodhue Street herein vacated. b) That a permanent sewer easement be retained over the easterly 15 feet of Goodhue Street herein vacated for access to the existing ma nho 1 e. c) That a permanent sewer easement be retained in Banfil Street herein vacated lying between West Seventh Street as opened and the south- erly extension of the West line of Lot 16, Block 6, Winslow' s Addit ion to Sa int Paul, Minnesota, for access to the existing manhole. � �'����..��) i� 3 Said easements to be subject to the following restrictions: That no buildings or permanent structures will be allowed within the easement areas. That no change in grade or surfacing will be allowed over the easement areas without � written permission from the Sewer Engineer and Lighting Engineer. That the easements include the perpetual right of the Public Works Department to con- struct, maintain, operate and repair the sewer manhole and lighting facility together with a perpetual easement for ingress and egress to and from the said easements. 5. That the petitioner be responsible for all costs and expenses in the barricading of the vacated streets, until the streets are obliterated, the street inter- sections have been reconstructed and new curbing, boulevards, sidewalks, and drainage structures across the existing street returns have been constructed; and also the proper abandonment, readjustment, or construction of the existing or new catch basins and structures to provide for proper drainage, all to be accomplished under the supervision of and with the written approval of the Department of Public Works. 6. That the petitioner provide proper access and utility service to all inhabited properties abutting the streets being vacated herein, until such time as the occupants have been relocated. 7. That a permanent Water Utility easement be retained in portions of Banfil and Goodhue Streets, legally described as follows: + y �-;��� ��) - E �U_ . 4 2+6�39� The North 30 feet of Banfil Street lying between the easterly right-of-way line of Western Avenue and the Northwesterly right- of-way line of West Seventh Street; also The South 30 feet of the North 45 feet of Goodhue Street lying between the Easterly right-of-way line of Western Avenue and the Northwesterly right-of-way line of West Seventh Street; Said easements to be subject to the following restrictions : a . That no buildings, structures or trees are permitted within the easement areas, or any temporary structure, fixture or other objects that will prohibit normal access to water facilities for maintenance - purposes. b. That no change from the existing grade be permitted within the easement area . c. Tha t no change in surfa c ing wit hin the easement area be permitted without written permission from the Water Utility. d. That the petitioner, his successor and __ assigns, ' shall fully indemnify, defend and save harmless the Board of Water Commissioners, its officers, agents, employees and servants from all suits, actions or claims which shall arise from any injuries or damages received or sustained by any break or leak in any service pipe, water main or connection in said dedicated easement. 8. That the petitioner, at his own cost and expense, be responsible for the cut-off of all unused water service connections in the streets herein vacated; `� t, �MENT (� ITY OF SAINT ��AUL Council � r . • �R File N 0. � � � Council Resolution �' � -�� � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 5 said work to be done by the Water Utility on an actual cost basis . 9. That a specific easement be retained in both Banfil and Goodhue Streets to protect the interests of the Northern States Power Company. 10. That the petitioner, being the Housing and Re- development Authority, not be required to pay compensation for the vacations, pursuant to the provisions of the Redevelopment Plan for West Seventh City Development District 9, adopted by the Council of the City of Saint Paul on June 10, 1975, per C.F. 265595. ' 11. That in lieu of a bond, the City be provided with a written covenant conditioned to indemnify and hold the City harmless for any and all damages, claims for damages, costs, charges, judgments and expense of ever�r kind and nature arising or growing out of the street herein described to be vacated. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt � Levine Against BY —R�ter �,�-- Sylvester�.-�'' Ted�sco NOy 2:3 1� Form Approved b Cit Attor y Adopt 'by Council: Date C rtified Passe ouncil .ecre r BY By� �---� - Appro y 1�layor: Date �OV Z'6 19 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY EUBL1SHED Q��.C'�� '`�91b �� . �L„ �. � ' 1 r � ' • 1 �_.. . { -�� �;� . . ' � ' .- �>� , _ _i�- . .. • r • ( �• '• � } .. . .. � , . : ; ..t� 7 � . �_�3r�� : �S` � =o.o���� o.. •G.f•o 13,!/�r� �.� �3"0�'d'ka� 1.yt� ` .b � „j'L-S. , U ` -'�a 1 t''� 30 �.. ,�!''Lts4! - • . . '� �3./) '`. � � r y� t � � • • a .. �' 1 f i.�.12 . ': r � ...:� ; . T "' � . �i , . �..�:�� ___ . ,. _, _:. ��d o���v,2-ic H . ,¢yE-_, ., ^� : �� -p O D t� �♦� � . . . ; �D����. ,. , �) • . L�1 I �..� ,.�i. R ,� ....r.i ..�� ...a.��.../�.�.r ... ..5� �•ai`�iY�l`... �ra ...* �*+.�.� a.•.rJ..� .:c. 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Correct3on oP th� descriPtion of the sub�ect streets as vacated. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THTS RCTION: To correct the description of the vacation to allcyw for proper recordation in the Off3.ce of the �gister of Deeas. ....,. ATTACHMENTS: � �---� 1. Council Resolution � " 2. Copy of vacation reaolution, Cc�uncil File 26�].80 3. Area Map