268396 WHITE - CITV CLERK COURCII ������ PINK - FINANCE Y ' yR � � CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL � � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented B �`'��� Y Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Mayor and Capital Improvement Budget Committee in submitting their recommendations to the City Council for the expenditure of the Year III Community Development Block Grant funds have included priority recommendations for additional projects which add up to an amount over and above the amount of funds available at this time; and WHEREAS, It is anticipated that unexpended or additional Community Development funds will become available in the coming months; and WHEREAS, The City Council, in considering and approving the Conimunity Development Year III program has established its own priorities, based on citizen input and the recommendations of the Mayor and the Capital Improvement Budget Committee; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the attached priority list of potential Community Development Y'ear III projects; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That said priority list is established in rank order for future funding consideration should additional, unexpended, or reallocated Community Development funds become available during the coming months. PRIORITY LIST OF POTENTIAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT YEAR III PROJECTS Funding Priority Project Title Recommended Amount 1 (43) Hampden Avenue Improvements $ 181,000 2 (44) Design for Public Improvements for Five New ITA's 75,000 3 (45) South of Front Housing Redevelopment 1,100,000 4 (46) Elevator for Handicapped in Merriam Park Com. Center 20,000 5 (47) Accessibility for Handicapped at Merriam Park Com. Cntr. 10,000 6 (48) Margaret Playground Building Replacement 45,000 7 (49) Newell Park and Tatum Playground Renovation 56,500 8 (50) Occupational Training Center Building Renovation & Expan. 1$0,000 9 (51) Fry-Sherburne Storm Sewer 242,000 10 (52) Linwood Park Design and Tot Lot 40,000 11 (53) Griggs Playground Rehabilitation 150,000 12 (54) Fifield Street Construction 34,000 13 (55) Crime Prevention Manual-District 4 and District 16 8,000 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays / Requested by Department of: Butler � p ' [n Favor Hozza . Hunt �,�' Levine U _ Against BY '!�`''�'���`�"`�` � I �� Roedler Syivester T � � �A� � 3 ��; Form Approvedlby Cit;� Attorn�y Adopted by uncil: Date ` + ;�'i /' \ 1 .' Certi d Pass y Cou�i] retar}/ BY � r '.4 �� �' -,�-.,,� _/ l� Appro by 1Nayor: t y '��'� t_� �g� Approved by May�r for Submission to Council By BY �UBLISHED !AN 2 2 1977