268394 WHITE - C�TV CLERK ����
'l Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, That pursuant to the authority of Minnesota Statutes
145.031, the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed
to execute an agreement between the City and the Minnesota State
Board of Health whereby the City will assume the responsibility for
performing the functions of licensing and inspecting hotels, motels,
boarding houses, lodging houses, restaurants, places of refreshment,
and resorts located in the City of Saint Paul, said functions form-
erly performed by the Minnesota State Board of Health and by the
above law authorized to be assumed by the City upon joint agreement,
, a copy of said agreement to be kept on file in the office of Finance
and Management Services,
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Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Hozza [n Favor
Levine ��_ Against BY
�' ,jp� 1 3 9977 F Approved Cit e
Adopted by Co . Date c
Certifi as �d Cou .i retary�
Appro by Mayor: D ` _�� � �' �917 Approv Mayor Eor Submi ion C,�uncil
P--. 6'4.,'� '�:i. �
. THIS AGREEMENT, Ma.de and entered into this day of
, 1976, by and between the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, herein-
after referred to as "City," and the MINNESOTA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH,
hereina.fter referred to as "State," is entered into pursuant to the
provisions of the Minnesota Statutes, 1975 Supplement, Section
145.031; �
WHEREAS, the City has established a health depa.rtment pursuant
to Minnesota Statutes, Cha.pter 145; and
WHEREAS, the State as set out in rSinnesota Statutes, Cha.pter
157, and rules promulgated thereunder, ha.s the responsibility for
the inspectian and licensing of hotels, motels, boarding houses,
lodging houses, restaurants, places of refreshment and resorts; and
WHEREAS, the City has an environmental health staff competent
to inspect hotels, motels,- boardin.g and lodging houses, restaurants,
places of refreshment, and resorts, and to enforce ordina.nces and
statutes pertaining thereto;
1. The State hereby delegates to the City and the City hereby
accepts responsibility, as designa.ted agent, for performing the
functions assigned to the State by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 157,
and rules promulgated thereunder, of licensing and inspecting hoteTs,
rnotels, boarding houses, lodging houses , restaurants, places of
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refreshment, and resorts located in the City, as well as enforcement
of applicable City ordinances pertaining thereto. Inspections shall
be ma.de by the City on the basis of the licensing requirements
established in applicable rules as defined in Section 8 of this
Agreement. The City will also make timely follow-up inspections to
provide for compliance with applicable regulations as defined in
Section 8 of this Agreement.
2. The City wi11 prepare inspection reports which contain a
statement of any violations, orders for corrections of violations,
and set dates of compliance, which reports sha.11 be available for
inspection by the State at reasonable times.
' 3. The City shall review and approve plans and specifications
for proposed new and remodeled, licensed establishments to determine
in advance compliance with applicable regulations . Reports to these
reviews will be promptly transmitted to the State. The City will
make such submitted plans and specifications available to the State
upon request.
4. The City will perform the inspection, licensing, enforcement,
and other services agreed to herein without cost to the State. The
City will provide the State with a current list of licensed estab-
lishments and will make inspection reports available to the State
upon request.
5. On the effective date of this Agreement, the State will :
discontinue the issuance of licenses, the revocation of licenses,
the coneluct of hearings or initiation of Court actions, or other
enforcement actions under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 157 . The State
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will discontinue all inspection activity except the inspection
activity required in Section 6. The State will provide, without
cost to the City, orientation and consultation on problems or other
supportive services for the staff of the City. The State will pro-
vide, without cost to the City, consultation and advice on rules
promulgated by the State which are to be enforced by the City.
6. The State shall annua.11y review the City' s program to deter-
mine its continued compliance wi�th this Agreement. Annual review
criteria sha11 include average establishment demerit score, interpre-
tation of requirements, administrative procedures (completeness ot
records, frequency of inspections, and enforcement proced�u.res) , sta�f
training, industry training, program support, plan review, and sup- �
portive facilities and measures (laboratory facilities and services,
field equipment, prepa.redness for foodborne disease outbreaks) . Any
deficiencies in the City' s program sha.11 be reported to the City.
The minimum acceptable standard for the City's performa.nce will be
the level of inspection and service performed by the State during
the preceding five years in those cities not covered by agreements
made under Minnesota Statutes, 1975 Supplement, Section 145.031.
7. The City sha.11 provide sanitarians in at least the ratio
of one per 400 licensed establishments to carry out the provisions
of this Agreement. A Food Service Sanitation Survey Officer certi-
fied by the U. S. Depa.rtment of Health, Education and Welfare shall
certify that the City' s sanitarians are qua.lified pursua.nt to certi-
fication procedures established by the State and without cost to the
. .
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8. The City agrees to adopt ordina.nces, with an effective
date of not later tha.n Janua.ry l, 1977, establishing standards for
licensed establishments at least equivalent to the minimum stan.dards
established by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 157, and rules promulgated
thereunder, as such statutes and rules are amended from time to time.
No�hing in this paragraph may be construed to prohibit the City from
enacting ordinances with more stringent requirements than those con-
tained in Minnesota Statutes, Cha.pter ' 157, and rules promulgated
9. The Agreement sha.11 continue to be effective until termi-
nated by either party. Termina.tion by the City may be accomplished
by the City notifying the State in writing that it intends to termi- �
nate the Agreement and tha.t such termination sha.11 occur 180 days
after the receipt of such notice by the State. Termina.tion by the
State shall be in writing accompanied by documentation tha.t the City
program deficiencies require such termina.tion. If the City' s pro-
gram is found by the State to be deficient by the criteria and
standards set forth in Section 6 hereof, but under such condi�ions
as do not create a public health hazard, the State ma.y place �he
City's program and the Agreement on a provisional status for a peri-
od of six months, and said provisiona.l status ma.y be extended by
the State. In any event, the State ma.y terminate the Agreement
immediately by written notice if a deficiency in the City' s program
results in the creation of public health hazards .
10. This Agreement may be amended by the City and the State a�
any time.
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11. This Agreement is effective on , 1976,
but the transfer of licensing authority shall occur upon certifica-
tion by the State of the City's ability to assume said licensing
and upon adoption of ordina.nces acceptable to the State, and in no
case prior to August l, 1976.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Agreement to
be executed by their duly authorized officers as of this
day of , 1976.
By: By:
Its Its Ma.yor
Its Its Director, Depa.rtment af
Finance and Management Services
A ed as o F .
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Assistant City Attorney
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'��. . s �� DQ t e November 8, 1976
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F R O �,� � C 0.�'i!rll i��@ C' 4 n FIfJANCE, MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL
ROSALIE BUTLER , chairman, makes ihe fotlawing
report on C. F. �] Ordinance �
XX Resoiution
�] O#her
� ���-E � Resolution authorizing execution of an agreement
between the City and the Minnesota State Board of
Health whereby the City will assume the responsibility
of licensing and inspecting hotels, motels, boarding
houses, lodging houses, restaurants, places of
refreshment and resorts located in the City of Saint
Paul . ' �
The Committee today considered the above resolution
and referred it to the City Council for action.
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