268368 WHI7E - g�ITV CLERK n p� PINK - F�NANCE GITY OF SA�INT PAUL Council ��(}?���� � CAIZI-ARV - DEPARTMENT . BLUE - MAVOR File NO. --� Council Resolution � : , �� � i Presented By :���-' �- �, ��^--�„ ,. Referred To � Committee: Date Out of Committee By • Date WHEREAS, the City Council, following a public hearing, adopted sewer service charges pursuant to Section 321.02 of the Legislative Code for sewer service bills from and after January l, 1977 ; and WHEREAS, the Council has been informed that the reso- lution contained a typographical omission as to the per cubic foot rate for the first 100,000 cubic feet, and the Council does now wish to correct this error; now, therefore� be it RESOLVED, that sewer service charge resolution No. 268340, adopted January 4, 1977, be and the same is hereby amended so as to delete therefrom the following charge: "$.45 per 100 cu. ft. for the first 100,000 cu. ft." and inserting in lieu thereof the following "$.455 per 100 cu. ft. for the first 100,000 cu. ft." COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department oE: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt o . Levine __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester �A+� � � �97T Form Approv by City Attorne Adopted Council: Date Cer ted Pass y � Secrqpary $Y Appro by (Vlayor: ate ' � JaN � 2 �97T Appro e� by Mayor for Sub ss n to Council � By , BY � J�� � � �71 <� _ . _ , . _ . . _ , _. , or� a�.: za/a.���� �� Rev. : ' 3/8/76` EXPLANAT'IQN OF ADMINTSTRATIVE (7�tbE#tS, " , �- RESOLUTIONS, AND O�tDINANCES 'r . :�� ' ���• � � � ... � s .. . . . . � .. . . . , . . .� . .. . � . . . .. . � � .. . .. " . ' // . . ` . . . . , . ._ . , , . . . : . . .. . .. .i ' . .r ' .,. ..i . ' '..� . . : �" . .... , . :. . .. . .�, . . '.".: �"... .... " Date: Jar�uary 10. 1977 .. : ; ' T0: MAY4R GEORGE LATIMER � _ . � . ' -. FRe Department of Pu61ic Works . : � .:�.y. � �; . RE: • Sewer Service Charges for 1977 � ; - ; , . .�� ;. '�:, . ,. � �� , � �;� . � �" � . . . _ �. . . � � � . . 4�w y'9T.«�,ry ,r,'`i ., • , �, � '.. � � � .�. i ' ACTTON RE'(22T,3EST�D: : � Approve att�ched Resolution correcting cubic foot charge for tfie first '. , . . TOO,QOD cubic fee.t �rior to publtcation of new ratcs. . . . . . � � - � . � � . g��, . . . � � . .. . � . . . PtIRPOSE AND RAT�ONALE FOR TH�S ACTION: _ Aft'er Council approvsl of the Rescrlution estabt fs.h'ing 1977 rates.,; a � typstgraphjcai om-i-scs�on was d,iscovered in the ra,te for the first 1�O,QEi� tu. fit. ATTACHMENTS_: � : . Rssolution . . ,, � :; , DJ b:ddr �. ( ,