268363 WHITE - C�TV CLERK COUIIC11 ,/�����■ PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAtTL . fM°E � �� CANARV - DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAYOR File NO• Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date �' WHEREAS, The City Council in adopting th s� 77 udget, included in Account #03215, Clinical Programs, $155,000, and in Account Cdde�# 061, Contingent Reserve Specified, $35,000, to make possible a continued City purchase of inedical services from the five neighborhood health clinics; and WHEREAS, The City Council and the Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.� of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul , has transferre� from Contingent Reserve Specified #09061, $35,000 to the Department of Community Services, Division of Public Health, Clinical Programs Account #03215; and WHEREAS, Expenditures of tbis money are contingent upon $190,000 of matching funds from Ramsey County and tri-party Agreements between the City of Saint Paul , the County of. Ramsey and each of the participating health clinics as to acceptable procedures, guidelines and policies; and WHEREAS, The Ramsey County Board has included in the 1977 Ramsey County Budget $190,000; and WHEREAS, Agreements have been drawn up and are herewith attached; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized to enter into agreements � between the City of Saint Paul , Ramsey County and the following ag�ncies for the calendar _ year 1977: � AGENCY CITY CONTRIBUTION Face to Face Health & Counseling, Inc. $41,900 Family Tree, Inc. $41,395 Helping Hand Hea�ti� Center, Inc. $46,625 North End Health;`;��Tnc. $25,711 West Side Communi€y Health Center, Inc. $34,369 Ap d a prov d B et Di or ( i _-�_ �� _ e o i COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler � Communi ty Servi ces Hozza [n Favor Hunt � � __ Against BY • Roedler Sylv � .�� 4 �� Form Approved by C' Attorney Ad ted by Council: Date ertified Pa by C , cretary � BY y Approve Mayor: Date �N � 1077 Appro by Mayor for Submi ' n�to Council ^�TJr i Y B ' B � � � 5 Y i r ������ �''��':�.;, " (iITY OF ►.��AINT PAUL a :-��. ;;T�'; .. - � �(� r� OF�+�CE OI+' TAE CITY COi7NGIL � �, \ ,. , ; , 1 � . ;,�i �y� ��,� o���'. ,'• .:� _ .�:. '''�- . .. `�- Da t e : December 30, 1976 ':'r-�:.�_. _. COMi� I'�TEE REPO �Ti' TO : Soint Paui City Council FROM � Committe� OCi FINANCE, MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL ROSALIE L. BUTLER , chairman, makes the fottowing report on C. F. [� Ordinance X' X Resolutions �} Other T1TLE : ' At its meeting on December 20, 1976, the Committee recommended that two resolutions be prepared for the City's Health Clinics, one - approving the transfer of $35,000 to fund the clinics, anotE�er approving contracts for the clinics. i CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SA1NT PAUL, 1�1INNfiSOTA 55102 . ,��,.;