268362 WMI7E - CITV CLERK COUIICII �b��Q��� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT� PALTL CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR F�N� y File N 0. Council Resolution Presented By - Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The City Council in adopting th 1977 ,Sudget, included in Contingent Reserve Specified Account #09061, 5,8d0 to make possible a continued City purchase of health services from the five neighborhood clinics; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That upon recorr�nendation of the Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul , there is hereby trans- ferred the sum of $35,000 from the Contingent Reserve Specified Account #09061 to the Department of Community Services, to be appropriated as follows: Division of Public Health - Clinical Programs - 03215 - Miscel- laneous Contractual Services. 215-000 $35,000 Approved as tZo F�ur}d�g Approved / lj� ,ro I�J ' D�rector, epartment o inance and ty u ge irector Management Services COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler � Corronun i t ervi ces Hozza � [n Favor _ Hunt � �- � _ Against BY Roedler Sylve .��� � �9n Form Approved t�y Ci Attor Ad ed by Council: Date j� ertified Pass Cou , retary � BY By App � ayor: Date J 7 Appro by Mayor for bm' sion to Council By BY ��p ,N�+�15 � � � OM 41� �:2/�19 7 S Rev. . 9j$/76 E�PLANATION QF ADMINISTRATI�TE ORDERS, RESOLUTYQNS, AND ORDINANCES ���;��i Date: Dece►nber I4, 1976 � TQ; MAYOR, GEORGE LATIMER FR: Thomas:`J. Keiley, Director, Bepartment of Community Services� RE: Counci I Reso I ut i ons author i z i ng the C i ty to enter i nto f und i ng agreements � with the five neighborhaod clinics; and turther the transfer of funds from Contingent Reserve Specified Account #09061 to Division of Public Health - Clinical Programs Account #032I5 ACTIQN REQU�STED: ' M�Qral approval and submission of Resolutiortsfio the Council .� ����--,.� . ��� �:_ PLTRP4SE AND RA�IONALE' FOR THIS ACTION: Thef�tdgefis of the City and F2amsey County have appropriated funds for #he purcMase of health' services from the five neighborhood ciinics. A Council Resolution ; is now r�eeded to enter into the appropriate agreements. ��� ATTACHMENTS: `�� • � / � � _ �""'"r � k-C'"� / Council Resolutions � sl!^►�t�C/1✓ � �� •�" ,vJ �ti'��"''�"G / � l3��i,' � �� �'� ��'�'' �=%'�`����' CITY OF ►.rAINT PAUL .{�. , . ,: ►. '� '� �� � OFFICE OI+' THE CITY COIINCIL ,,` ;'����:.1'. •'%I� . �„l�::�.: ��1 ��`�F� a�,< <<;,�����, , '.� '''� • Oa t e : December 30, 1976 � :>:,��. R .. . _,�� CO (� �ii"�T � E REPORi TO : Saint Paul City Council F R O M � Committe� Otl FINANCE, MANAGEMENT AND PERSOWNEL ROSALIE L. BUTLER , c�airman, makes the following . report on C.F. [] Ordinance � XX Resolutions C] Other - TtTLE : � At its meeting on Decer�ber 20, 1976, the Committee recommended that . two re�ulutions be prepared for the City's Health Clinics, one - approving the transfer of $35,000 to fund the clinics, another � approving contracts for the clinics. � . CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL� I�iINNESOTA 55102 . ,��;.��