� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ����'-s
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, That pursuant to the authority contained in the 1973
Minnesota Statutes, Section 161 .36, Subdtvisions 1 through 6, the Council
of the City of St. Paul does hereby designate the Commissioner of Trans-
portation of the State of Minnesota to act as Agent on behalf of the
City of St. Paui, a subdivision of the State of Mi�nesota, for the pur-
pose of accepting Federal Aid on the City's behalf for road and bridge
construction and in contracting for the construction, improvement or
maintenance of roads or bridges financed either in whole or in part
with Federal monies during the i977 calendar year. all in accordance
with the terms and conditions set forth in an Agreement between the
City and the Canmissioner, entitled "Minnesota Department of Transportation
Age�cy Contract Form No. 30774," a copy of which Agreement is attached
hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and, be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the proper City Officers are hereby authorized
and directed to execute said Agreement on hehalf of the City of St. Paul.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Butler � In Favor P�b� W
Hunt � '
� __ Against BY � '
Roedler Daniel J. Du rd (Traffic-RHR)
Sylves �
��� 4 �t3� Form Approved b City ttorne
A ed by Council: Date
Certified s y C .' Secretal� By
By 'J
Approv 1Vlavor. Date JA1y 6 �97? App v d by Mayor for Su ' si n to Council
By � g BY .
I Mn/OOT 30774tRevised II/76) ������
This Agreement made and entered into by and between the City of
St. Paui heretnatter referred to as the "City" and
the Commissioner of Transportation of the State of Minnesota hereinafter
referred to as the �'Commissioner�', WITNESSETH:
WHEREAS, pursuant to M.S. t61 .36 the City of St. Paui
desires the Comnissione� to act as its agent for the purposes of that statute
in accepting federal atd on the cities behaif, for road and bridge
oonstruction and in contracting for the construction, improvement or
maintenance ot ro�ds or bridges financed either :i.n whole or part with
federal moneys: and
WHEREAS, M.S. 161 .36, Subdivision 2, requires that the tern►s and
condition of the agency be set forth in an agreement:
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That pursuant to M.S. 161 .36, the City does hereby appoint the
Commissio�e� its agent with respect to al ) federally funded projects to be
let during the 19 77 calendar year, to accept and receive all Federal
funds made available for said projects and to let contracts pursuant to law
for the construction and improvement of City streets.
Each project to be covered by this agreement shall be programmed
by the submission to the Commissioner of a programming form together with a
certified copy of the resolution ot the City Council requesting the
Commissioner to obtain federai approvat for the project(s) .
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Each contract will be in accordance with plans and speciai
provistons for satd pro,jects on file tn the Department of Transportation,
State 7ransportation Butiding, St. Pauf, Minnesota 55155, and Minnesota
Department of Htghways, Standard Specifications for Highway Construction
dated January 1, 1972 and all amendments thereof, which said
ptans, special provisions and specifications are made a part of this agreement
by reference as though fully set forth taerein.
In the letting of said co�tract, it is hereby agreed that the
following procedure shall be followed, to-wit:
(a) The Commissioner of Transportation shali cause the advertise-
ments calling for bids on said work to be published in the Construction
Builetin. He shaii also cause advertisements for blds to be published in
the officially designated newspaper of the City, which said local newspaper
is hereby designated by the City to be the St. Paul Legai Ledger (Saturday)
published at 500 Robert St. . Said advertlsement or call for
bids shalt specify that sealed proposals or bids will be received by the City
Purchasing Agent Qf St. Paul on behaif of the Commissioner of
Transportation as agent ot said City. Proposals, plans and specificatfons
shall be availabte for the inspection of prospective bidders at the office
ot the Department of Transporta#ion, St. Paul, Min�esota 55155y and at the • �
Director of Public Works
office of satd . and the advertisement shall so state. The bids
received in response to said advertisements for bids shall be vpened for
and on behalf of the Comissioner of Transportation by a District Engineer of
the Department ot 7ransportation or such other engineer of the Department of
Transportation as may be trom time to time se�ected by the Commissioner.
After said bids shall have been opened, the City Councii of the City of
St. Paul shall first consider the same and thereupon
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transmit to the Co�rmissioner of Transportation ali bids received toge�rher
with its recar�nendation that the lowest bid submitted by a responsibie bidder
be accepted or that ali bids be reJected. Upon receipt ofi aii said bids, the
Commissioner of Transportation shall duiy cause all of said bids to be tabulated
in accordance with law and shall thereupon determine who is the lowest
responsible bidder or sha{ I �s,ject all bids.
(b) The Co�nissioner shail supervise and have charge of the
construction of said proJects after the same has been let. The City agrees
Director of Public Works
to furnish its or such other competent registered engineer and
assign him to the active supervision and direction of the work to be
performed under any cont�act let for the aforesaid projects. Said engineer
so assigned shall act under the supervtsion and direction of the Commissioner
of Transportation. The City further agrees to furnish such other men, services,
supplies and equipment as shail be necessary in order to properly supervise
and carry on said work.
(c) The Commissione� may make such changes in the plans or the
character of the work as shall be recommended by the engineer in charge of
the work. If he concu�s in such recorr�nendatlons, the Commissioner may enter
into for and on behaif of the City supplementai agreements with the
co�tractor for the perforn�ance of any extra work or work occasioned by any
necessary, advantageous, or desirable change in pians or oonstruction.
It is contemplated by the City that the Cornnissioner of Transportation
cannot personaliy investigate and pass judgment on the vartous items of
extra work and pian changes necessaty and desirable during the construction
ot the projects but that he must delegate such duties to engineers under his
supervision and control that are employed by the Department of Transportation.
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The C1ty does he�eby authorize these engineers, so delegated by the
Commissioner of Transportation, acting under the general supervision of the
Co�nmissioner of Transportation to enter into for and on behalf of the City
the supplementai agreements specified in the preceding paragraph hereof.
(d) The City hereby authorizes its City Engineer for and on
behalf af the City to, from time to time, during the progress of the work
on said pro,jects, request the Commissioner of Transportation to furnish for
use on said proJects speciftc engineering services to be performed by ski ! !ed �
employees of the Department of Transportation. The Commissioner may but is
not obligated to furnish the services so req�;ested. It the C�:nmf�sioner ot
Transportation in compliance wi±h such request shall furnish for the use of
the City on said projects the services of any Minnesota Department of
Transportation employee, then and in that event, the City agrses to reimburse
the Trunk Highway Fund for the full cost and expense of the furnishing of such
services including ali costs and expenses ot any kind or nature whatsoever
arising out of, connected with, or incidental to the furnishing of such
(e> The Commissioner shall receive the funds to be paid by the
City and the funds to be paid by the United States as Federal Aid funds, for
said projects and to pay the�efrom when due any and all sums that may become
due the contractor to whom the contract is awarded, and upon final completion
and acceptance of the work, to pay from said funds the finai estimate to said
contractor for satd work.
tf) The Commissioner shal ! perform on behalf of the City all
other acts and things necessary to cause said projects to be canpieted in a
satisfactory manner.
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� (g) The Commissioner may enter into any agreement for and on
behalf of the City with the United States or any officer or agent thereof
that may be required or necessary for the purpose of procuring and actually
causing to be pald the Federal Aid Funds availabie for sald pro,jects and to
that end to bind and commit the City in such agreement to the performance of
any and all things required by any law of the United States or of any rule
and regulation issued by competent federal authority perta(ning thereto
necessary for the purpose of procuring and hav�ng paid the Federal-Afd
available for said projects.
th) The Commissioner may perform on behalf of the City an¢ other
and furhter acts as may be necessary or required under any law of the United
States or of any rule or regulation issued by proper tederal authority in
order to cause said projects to be oompleted and to obtatn and receive the
Federal-Aid made available therefor.
- 2 -
The City agrees that it wiil from time to time, after the execution
of these presents to make such �eports, keep such records and perform such
work in such manner and time as the Commissioner of Transportation shall from
time to time request and direct so as to enable the Commissioner as its agent
to coilect for it the Federal-Aid sought. Said records and reports shall be
retained by the city in accordance with the Corrrnissloner of Transportation
record retention schedule for Federal Aid projects.
- 3 -
It 1s o�ntemplated that the Federal Government wil ! pay to the
Commissioner af Transportation as the agent of the City the Federal-Aid funds
available to satd City toward the construction of said proJects. 1t is
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further contemplated that the contracts to be let by the Commissioner as
the agent of the City for the construction of sald pro�jects shall provide
that the contractor, as the work progresses, shall , from time to time, be
paid partial payments designated in satd contract as partial estimates and
on the completion and acceptance ot said work to be patd a final payment
designated in said co�tract as a final estimate for all work perfor-med.
7he City �grees to depostt with the Commissioner of Transportation
a sum equal to ninety (90) percent ot the City share of each contract
obligation, to be used in paying the City share of the partiai estimates
and for advancing the federal share of such estimate payments. Upon
determination ot the final costs on each oontract, the City wili be requested
to deposit the remaining share of their obiigation pursuant to the terms
of the contracts let for and on behait of the City for the construction
of said contracts. At regutar monthly intervals after the contractors
shail have started work u�der the oontracts let by the Corrrnissioner as agent
for the City for the oonstruction of said pro�jects, the engineer duly
assigned to and in charge of said work shali prepare a partlai estirtiate in
accordance with the terms of satd contracts let for safd proJects and the
procedures established by the Office of Constructton. The said engineer
in charge of said work shall immediately atter prepat-ing each partial
estimate, transmit the same to the Commissioner in qutntuplicate. Each
such partial estimate, shali be duly certiffed by the engineer in charge
and by ths contractor performing such work. The said engineer duly
assigned to and in charge of sald work shal ! also prepare and submit to
the Office of Construction the finaJ esttmate data, together with the
required proJec-t reco�ds �+�► accordance with the terms of sald contracts
let for said proJects. Quantlties iisted on said pa�tial and itnal estlmates
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shail be documented (n accordance with the guidelines set forth in the
appitcable documentation manual . In addition to said foregoing partial
estimate payments the City agrees to pay to the Canmissioner that am�unt
which will be sufticient together with the Federal funds actuaily ailowed
and received to pay the ftnai estimate after the same has been prepared and
submitted to the Commissioner, approved by the District Engineer or his
assistant. The foregoing provisions as to tne time and amounts of particular
payments shall in no way limit or qualify the City's obligation to pay ali
of the cost of sa(d projects not paid by way of federai funds.
- 4 -
When the contractor shall have completed the work on said projects,
the City agrees to inspect the same and forthwith upon the compietlon of said
inspection advise the Commissioner of Transportation whether or not the work
performed should be, by the Commissioner of Transportation as its agent,
accepted as being performed in a satisfactory manner. In the event the
City shoutd, after said inspection, recommend to the Commissioner ot
Transportation that he should not accept said work, then the City shali at
the time such recanmendation is made specify in particularfty the defects
in said work and the reasons why the work should not be accepted. It is
further agread that any recommendations made by the Ctty are not binding on
the Cortur►Issioner of Transportation but that he shati have the right to
determine whether or not the work has been acceptably performed and to
accept or reject the work performed under any said contract.
- 5 -
It is further agreed that the decision of the Cortxnissioner of
Transportation on the severa{ matters herein set forth shall be final ,
binding and conclusive on the parties hereto.
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It is contemplated that the antire cost of said projects is to be
paid from funds made available by the United States, by way of Federal-Aid,
and by the City. if for any reasort the United States fails to pay -any part
of the cost or expense of said projects, then and in that event the City
agrees to pay the same. The City further agrees to pay any and all claims
or demands of any kind or nature whatsoever arising out of or incidental to
the perforn�nce of the work under any contract let for said projects in the
event that the Fede�al Government does not pay the same, and in all events,
agrees to save the State of Minnesota and the Commissioner harmless and to
pay any and ail expenses and costs connected with said projects or the
construction thereof which the Federa! Government does not pay.
- 7 -
The City further agrees that
I ) Where there is Federai-aid in right-of-way -- The City wili
meet the requirements contained in the Federal �iJd' Hlghway Program Manual
Volume 7. Note: If there is Federal-aid just in relocation, the contract
discussed in Chapter 5, Section i , Paragraph IOC, must be executed.
2) Where there is Federal-aid in construction only -- The City
wiil meet the requirements of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Reai
Property Acquisitions Poticy Act of 1970 together with FHWA regulations
implementtng Title II of the Act on relocation (FHPM Volume 7, Chapter 5);
and Federa) Aid Highway Program Manual Volume 7, Chapter I , Section 4,
Paragraph 5A pertaining to civil rights.
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The Commissioner accepts this said appointment as agent of the
City and agrees to act in accordance herewith.
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' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the State and the User have caused these
presents to be executed by their respective officers.
By gy
Director of Public Works Commissioner of Transportation
By By
Mayor State Aid Engin�:e�
Approved as to Form: Date
' Assistant City Attorney
Director of Finance and
Management Services
Approved as to Form and Execution
Assistant Attorney General
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/� '-, ' 4M OZ r Z�/1975
�, `� Rev. : 9/8/7b; �
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Date: pee�r 8. 197'd , i,
. , � .;
FR: tk�atei��. Tuft¢. Public. Mlorka�-Treffic �ngirise�ring J
` RE: Mim�esota Oapart�nt o�f T�ansportation Ag�ncy Aqr�nt. : :
� _
; .
� lA�p�rovaT c►f Rssoiutia� and flg�nc�-.'Contract. : �
_ : � ;
_ , _ =5
Th1s fs a� s�rrwl Agr�wnt desigt►ating ths G�i�csta�aRr o�t T�;por�wt�an , ^`
to a�ert aa t h e Aga�t far the C Tty �o re�e ive F i�t era t A i+� t� c it ils .#�+r ; �
rost# at�d�bri dge co�s trdct i on`. ` ` `
- ,,
. ; ,
, ,
_ Resotution '�
Two u�ies of Ag�ncy Cw�tract. ' �
, ;
� �
. R1tR:DF�T:c�ed , - , ..