268349 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE COl1I1C11 CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L � BLUE - MAVOR . Flle NO. ������� Caa,�ncil Resolution Presented By ' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that upon the recammendation or and pursuant to Section 10,07.4 of the Charter of ity of Saint Paul, there is hereby transferred the following i e 1977 Budget: FROM: General Government Accounts Miscellaneous Contingent Reserve - General 09060-�536-000 Transfer or Contribution to Budget Fund $ 7� T0: City Clerk Elections 00266-131-000 Certified Temporary or Seasonal Salaries $�•765•. 0 To provide funding for completing the processing of the large number of voter registrations that took place on election day, November 2, 1976. Approved as to Funding: Appraved: f ! h-�� � Director B dget Director Finance and Management Services ��C �� -i�-, -�� COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: ,/ Butler � [n Favor Hozza Hunt -�� _�_ Against BY Roedler Sylvester —�ed�ee ��� A �g� Form Approved Cit Attorn Adopted by ouncil: ate Certifie Yassed b ouncil S re ry � BY By, Approved Mavor: Date � ���N s �q77 Approv by M or for 'on to Council By By �� �i� 22j1975 . . ' . Ftev. ; 9/8/?6 EXPLANATTO�i OF ADMSNISTRATIVE ORDERS, RESQLU'PIONS, ,A_ND ORDZI3ANC�'S . '�� , ; , ` ,� � ' �d�tB: December 17.,; 197.6 . . -; � .,: c . ' ': � ��: r�YO� c�oR�.� r�srr�R ,, - ��� � , .� �`'FRs ` Ftichard E.' $chroede�.��8uc3ge€ I�ir�ctor , :, ` ;.�; '� Counall Resa�ution - E'itr�d �rar�sf e:r - � , _ . 4 � �CTI(3N 1�ES,�tTE�TEI�: . . , , . , �.. ,�.�,.�.�.� ' S�:gtia��rs•on-'�. ��ta�hed �csun�ia.-, �,esoluticir� t��nsferr�.x�q�;�unds :fr�fln� ��;-" ��on*i�.r�.�n�. R�se�e�-Ge�,�rsY':;�o tYie;�B1e�tioiss:Divisiori.'�� '' . , r . _ , ; , , , ; , : . . , , t . , ., , . ,. . , . _ ;�. . :'�`Y,�r Fi�ta7.�1:CL� ����� FQR'. .J.A�� A��6/���. . _ � . . Rn?ex�ep�t�:qnally �arq�s:numbez�-of �c�rter r�gi::�fi�r.�:�io�� aards �re .���n .;�.t� t� ;,'; � polli.ng; pl�cs,es during �he,:Navem}�e� 'eZectii�r�.4 and': ths proc.es�inc� ,Q� t����, carc���::- will n,cyt be eompl�ted;by �tii� er�d of '�he Y�,r� ; �1a� �Supervisor a�'': ���,c�ians , ' est�ates Y�18'��'COdttj�lE'�1T!$ �1'17:g prdce'ss wi]„]:;;�equire the ret�retic��'�o��-3�is pr��e�t st�f� of �.5 seasona�. emPlay�es (re�����at3.on �lerk�) .th�ougl�:i�st vf the moiith of Januar�r. The cost is �sti�ated at�;�9�?b5, and t#�is� e�pens�e�was � not aritieipated when _the 19'�7 burl�et �ras px��recl., �t�t'TACHMENTS: Counci,l �tesalution �tter €rom City Clerk.;: . . .�. `�� . �l,,� +� . � � I . , . , Cit$Clerk � °`T'°�� A Walter A. Bell y �` y, �/Vy rg�ervisor of Elections e y h;��.,t!lr' � olleen A. Norrgran ��, �= �Q Assistant Supervisor ... OFPICE OF TNE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL _ BUREAU OR ELECTIONS �!�,� }";_�j �.�, 33 City Hall r.`'` - ; '� ` • St.Paul,Minnesota SS102 �, ;„� � ��;r�, December 2, 1976 � �'�'�°� ;c... _ ,ri -. r�� ;F�t�.�. � "�t��ti� �;. Mr. Richard Schroeder , - , .. Budget Director � ��''� �°' Room 365 "�°`� Building ''�`� ;:n Dear Mr. Schroeder: On election day, November 2, 19?6, 25,200 voter registration cards were taken at the pollin� places in St. Paul. The previous high for election day registrations was 7,23� on November 5, 197�F. To process the 25,200 registration cards is very time consuming. The re�istration cards are supplied on a perforated sheet with instructions attaehed that have to be separated in three places by the registration clerks giving us a total of 50,�-00 original and duplicate registration cards. Then the ward and precinct must be obtai.ned for each address and entered on the original card. After the cards are separated into ward and precinet order all of the information on the original eard is typed on the duplicate card and the typing verified as to accuracy. A postal is typed and mailed to each voter to verif�r that the voter lived at the address given and also to correct a voter who registered at the wrong polling place. A master card is typed for all registrations. The origina.l and duplicate cards of voters who �av� a previous address must be removed as well as those who registered again from the same address. The original, duplicate and master cards totaling 75,600 cards must be filed with existing cards of the same designation. Since the num.ber of election day registrations was not anticipated when the 197? budget was prepared, I am requesting an additional appropriation of $10,000.00, based on 15 registration clerks workin� full time for two payroll periods at $3�5•50 per payroll period. Ve truly yours, 0 Z� Rose Mix City Clerk �e � �,���+���, � CITY OF+ SAINT PAUL � � � - ` �(� t OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL — ��� 1 �, ���`���� ,a oa, � �. _. � ,I E�.'�,: ` ��'.,; : D a t e : December 28, 1976 :::_..� COMMITTEE RE PORT T0 : Saint Paul City Councii F R O M � Committee 011 FINANCE, MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL ROSALIE L. BUTLER , chairman, makes the foilowing report on C. F. [_] Ordinance � Resolution ❑ Other T t T LE � Resol uti on transferri ng $9,765.00 from Conti nqent Reserve Fund - General , to City Clerk - Eledtions to provide funding for completing the processing of the large number of voter registrations. On December 20, 1976 the Finance Committee recormnended approval of the above resolution, with Council action to take place as soon as possible after January 1 , 1977. CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 ,.v�;>�;