268344 WMITE - CITV CLERK , COIlIICll ������ PINK - FINANCE CANARV-DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL BLUE � - MAVOR File NO. • Or indnce Ordinance N0. �CO ��,�_ Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Ordinance No . 15881 , approved August 29 , 1975 , entitled "An ordinance adopting a new zoning ordi- nance for the City of Saint Paul , repeal- ing Chapters 60 , 61 , 62 , 63 and 64 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul ." THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 . � That the Zoning Map of the City of Saint Paul , Sheet No . 13, as incorporated by reference in Section 60 .401 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, is hereby amended as follows : The property owned by D4odernistic Die Cutting, Inc . on the east side of Agate between Jenks and Case, more particularly described a�: "Lots 6, 7 , 8 , B, 9, and 10, Elbra Division Ramsey County, Minnesota" is rezoned from RT-1 to I-1 . Section 2 . This ordinance shall take force and effect in thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays / Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt � oedler Against BY �� �a.. JAN 2 Q 1977 Form Approved by City Attorney , Adopted by ncil: Date , Certifi Pass Cou ecretary BY / �' � ♦ Appr e Mayor: Dat � - JAN 2.4 1977 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY F����sHED JAN 2 9 1977 � . � . ��, �a . . BOARD OF ZONING CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' OFFICE OF THE MAYOR CITY PLANNING DONALD L. SPAID AIP PLANNING COORDINATOR December 22, 1976 Rose Mi x, Ci ty C1 erk ���r��� 386 City Hall St. Paul , Minn. 55102 Dear Madam: This is written in response to the petition of Modernistic DieCutting to rezone property on the east side of Agate from RT-1 , a residential district, to I-1 , a light industrial district. The original petition was for the first five properties south of Jenks. This property is further described by the legal description on file. This matter was heard by the Current Planning & Zoning Committee on November 4, 1976. Staff recommended amending the petition to include , all property on the east side of Agate between Lawson and Case. The petitioner agreed with the suggested change. A recommendation to rezone all property on the east side of Agate between Lawson and Case was carried unanimously on a motion made by Mr. Hur�ner and seconded by Mr. Willits. On November 12, 1976 the Planning Commission approved unanimously the Current Planning & Zoning Committee's recommendation to rezone these two blocks. On November 13, 1976 the Planning office received the amended rezoning petition. The legal description of this property is attached. This matter is scheduled to be heard before the St. Paul City Council on December 23, 1976. Sincerely, � • �.��M�c. � J�an McGinley, Secretary Current Planning & Zoning Committee JSB/gf Attach. Zoning File No. 8031 421 Wabasha Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612)-298-4151 0 . . . ► y �� �5O . �o . . . , . reG . G� Short Form Rezoning Petition � ����� TO THE NONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul , Minnesota Pursuant to the provisions of LAWS OF MINNESOTA for 1975, Chapter 261 , Section 6, I/we the undersigned, being the owner(s) of property described as Lots 6 , 7 , 8 , B, 9 , and 10 , Elbra Division, Ramsey County, Minnesota and situated (describe location with respect to streets or intersections) east side of Agate St. , between Jenks and Case which property was previously zoned Light Industrial , and under Chapters 60 through 64 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is presently zoned RT-1 , a more restrictive zoning classification, do hereby request that consideration be given by your honorable bodies to rezone the above described property to a zoning classification of I-1 under Chapters 60 through 64 of the Saint Paul Legisiative Code. NZod�rnistic DieCutting, Inc. Subscr i bed and sworn to before me By: �',�sr�+?� ��� It ' s Secretary James P. Nelson th i s 2 3 day of Sept. , 19 7 6 " Address: 16 9 E. Jenks Nota ry Publ i c, Ramsey Co. , M i nnesota St. Paul, MN 5 5117 My Commissivn expires June 27 , 1978 Tet�phone: 227-7645 � ■ �.����.. SANDRA K. COCCHIAREILA "��' � NOTAFY PUGUC- MINNESOTA Approved as to form I1/17/75 `��F�� ��,y�sEY couNrv My Comm.Expires June 27,1978 by the City Attorney. " ' ZC)NIN� �fLE $° � . • , _ � ` � . - Amended � � Short Form Rezoning Petition ��8��4 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul , Minnesota Pursuant to the provisions of LAWS OF MINNESOTA for 1975, Chapter 261 , Section 6, I/we the undersigned� being the owner(s) of property described as a) Lots 6 , 7 , 8 , B, 9 , 10 , C in Block l, Elbra Division, and b) Lots 6 - 9 in Block 1 Deer Park Division and c) Lots 10 and 11 in Bl �c�k 1, Deer Park Division and situated (describe location with respect to streets or intersections) e ast side of Agate Street between Lawson and Case which property was previously zoned Light Industr ial , and under Chapters 60 through 64 of the Saint Paul Legistative Code is presently zoned a) RT-l; b) RT-1; c) Pl , a more restrictive zoning classification, do hereby request that consideration be given by your honorable bodies to rezone the above described property to a zoning classification of I-1 under Chapters 60 through 64 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Subscribed and sworn to before me Modernistic Die Cutting, Inc. Its th i s g day of November, 19 7 6 By� ��c-y �/���''r'gecretary —77-J�ame s . e s on Address: 169 E. Jenks Notary Publ ic, Ramsey Co. , Minnesota St . Paul , Minnesota 55117 My Commission expires June 27 , 1978 Telephone: 22�-7645 Approved as to form �1/17/75 ""�"'�'�"'�1��.`�'�`��"�^M��nnn�nnnnnn. � : .,. i„ - - l. I�nt_j_A � <� i „ , i .:���C)TA by the Ci ty Attorney. � :.�r c,c, !rarY � � �,,y.,o:.,..,.�xpuc��une iJ, 1978 x vtiti'V W W V Wwwt/vvvVwvv�vwvwvw x . , . e �ANNING BOARD STAFF REPORT November 4, 1976 pl8t �p 24 , i. APPLICANT'S NAME : Modernistic Diecutting, Inc. � 2. CLASSIFICATION . � Amendment � Appeal � Permit � Other 3. PURPOSE • Rezone from RT-1 to I-1 4. LOCATION : East side of Agate between Jenks and Case ��p� �� 44 5. LEG�AL DESCRIPTION : Lots 6 through 10, Elbra Division � . � 6. PRESENT ZODTING: RT-1 7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 64,210 Section: Paragrepht ' 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: �0-28-76 By� J.S.B.. A. SUFFICIENCY: The appellant's request for rezoning was filed on a short form rezoning petition, subscribed and sworn to before a notary public on September 23, 1976 and was received by the City Planning Office on October 5, 1976. B. PROPOSED USE: The appellant proposes to rezone said property from RT-1 , a two family residential district, to 1-1 , a light industrial district. He intends to use the property for an employee parking lot. C. FRONTAGE AND AREA: The property has a 227.5 foot frontage along Agate and is 100 feet deep. Its total area is 22,750 square feet, which is approximately 1/2 an acre. D. SITE CONDITIONS: This undeveloped site is on the opposite side of Jenks from the petitioner s bu�lding. As a parking lot it could accommodate about 90 cars. The site is bounded by Jenks to the north and Agate to the west. On the east and south the site is adjacent to St. Paul Structural Steel , a large industrial concern. The site is at street level along Agate and slopes downward to the east with about a 4 foot drop in elevation. E. AREA CONDITIONS: Oakland Cemetery and the Burlington railroad tracks are strong arriers w ich isolate the area in between. There are three land uses in this area. West of Agate is single family housing which is of mixed age and condition. East of Agate and north of Lawson are newer apartment buildings. The area east of Agate and south of Lawson is dominated by industrial uses. However, not all of this area is zoned industrial . Although the land on the east side of Agate is zoned RT-1 (except for a P-1 district) , there is only one existing residence on these two blocks. The remaining land is either vacant or has a legal , non-conforming industrial use. F. FINDINGS: 1 . The industrial character of the land east of Agate and south of Lawson makes it inappropriate for new one-two family residential development. 2. The subject site is vacant. 3. Granting the petitioner's request would isolate the remaining properties zoned residential east of Agate and south of Lawson. , � , � � , �68�� , Modernistic D�ecutting, Inc. Page 2 � G. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: On the basis of the above findings, Staff recomnends that all the properties on the east side of Agate between Lawson and Case be rezoned to an I-1 classification. . � � �ss�.44 . l�QNUTES nF' T'HE M�,'ETING bF '�HB CURkEKI' pUNI�fIIrG 8� 7.O11IlIG Gf1�IITTSI� ON THURSLAY� NOVF.�iBER 4, 1976 IN CITX COUNCIL CHAHB£RS� ST. PAUL , PRFSBNT� Ms. NcGinley and Hesars. Willita. Pangal. Bryan, Htt�yr� pMtr�l� r�i Gnis e+f the Currsnt PlanninR & Z�Mng Ce�apidtt�e= Kr. The�as 81pk�� Asaistant City Attnrneqt Mr. Rioherd Ars� �f the Di�isieu► e! 8e�ai� a�td Hnilding Cnd� Enf�reeeent� Meaars. Kd,nir� ae�d Barts, �nd KMS. Bsreian and �ez �f the PLtu�ing Staft„ !�►DFRl�iI3TIC DIECUTT'ING�I�iC. (f 80' 1 � A pstitinn te r�zens tre�s AT•1 t.e, I-1 1ar�psrty le+eat �n ths eas�t ai�� e,! A�ate bstMS�n Jenka and Case. The appellant �+�ss nreasnt. Thers xaa ne eppnsiti�n pe��s�nt. Ma. Bes�an rsad the St.�ff R�pnrt and slu+xsd slid�s �f ths snb��ot sit�. Mr. Hnewsr asksd Ms. Herean if sh� Mosnted t�+ chang� t,hs P-1 tn I-1 and abe ansrersd yss. Mr. Si�kins aaked Mr. MaGnir� if th� petiti�n�r rnnld e� 6�q,�f th� pah,t�rty te+ be rea�+ned in t.�ut s�ent, erd the qnsati�n nas ansxered b�r Iss. Be�an vho ssid �res ar�d she thsn a�colained tbe prep�rty th� aop�llant oMes. Mr. KcGnir� added that the eppellant haa 9 �f 11 parcela. Hr. Ja�es P. Nels�r� �f 1�.04 Pi�neer Building, an aZt�rnsy rsorssenting M�dsrMatie r'" Diecnt�inR, lnc.. ca�e forMard. He concurr�d in the Staff Rsa+rt rss�t�tng and aaid it Miss alsr+ cnrrect l.hat ths irt�nt was te, gst parking P�r tbs Mpin�e�s. Hs said the e�r�onsed narkinR faailiti�s w�uld r�nt vrnvide fer 95 eara. b�nt 65� Nhich x�uld be smtisfactr,ry fer thei�t nseds at Lhis tims. In anawer tn vM�thsr there iraa any irtenti�n �t rsseiling aftsr rsa�ni.n�� the anawr was ek,. He said that seae day. 9n the near flitars� thsy way nNd that p�-�psrt�Y fe+r s�rpa�si�n pnrt�e�sss ef tbsir e►rr►. He said the firs l�aa alresdy sxpand�d 3 tiwes. Hs alse► said the� vsnt.sd tn st,�rt tMe parking facility bstere the x�at.h�r 6ets t.�e� oeld. Ms. HerNan thsn r�ad Lhr�e lett�rs i.ritn tlis r�ae+rd eppnsin6 the rss�+ning. Mr. Hn�n�er �nade a �etinn t�, reor,aswd ap�nval e+! r�sse►niu� et the area bsbr�sn LwM ! Case saat �f Aqate t,�, I-1� and th� w�+ti�� xaa ssa+nded b�r Mr. Willits. It ras paaaed by unanlnu,ua v�te. Nr. Sipld.na rsc�,aas�ndsd t,hat t.he appl�cati,�n be a�srided t�+ e�+nf�rm �ith the Staff t�seMq�sndatie+n ard t,r, �et a prnpsr legal detsoripti�n. Snbwittsd b�r: A prn�+Y� by� � � � � �`- ' �"1 t... � ;�. .��__ Charl�s L. MoGnire Ja�es Br�s`n.-•' •/ ,. 1 ���� � � � CITY O� ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES � ASSf55MENT DIVISION �� 113 CITY HALL 5T.PAUL,ti11NNE50TA 55102 8��� December 3, 1976 File R1835, Page Dear Citizen: As a courtesy to you, and as required by law, we want to notify you about a public hearing which may affect you. The Council of the City of St. Paul will hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House (third floor) at I0:00 a.m, on December 23, 1976 on the; APPLICATION of Modernistic Die Cutting, Inc, to REZONE from RT-1 to I-1 the east side of Agate between Lawson and Case Avenue. The property is described as follows: Lots 6, 7, 8, B, 9 and 10, Block 1 Elbra Division, Lot C, Soo Line Plat S, Lots 6 thru 9, Block 1, Deer Park Division, ,Lots IO and 11, Block 1, Deer Park Division. If you would like further information about this hearing, contact the Current planning Section of the Planning Board, 421 Wabasha Street, or telephone 298-4154. While the City Chartet requires that we notify you of the hearing, we want to help you to learn fu�ly about any action that could affect you or your com�aunity. Therefore, I sincerely hope you can attend this hearing, so that you can make your views about it known to the City Council, whether for or against. ROGER A. MATTSON, DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES �'�8��► 4�` r� $��� � � � � �68�44 �, 1CQ l �� ' , C ITY OF SA1 NT PAUL OFFfCE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY December 28 , 1976 HARRIET LANSING . Rose Mix City Clerk 386 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mrs . Mix: Enclosed herewith are three separate ordinances rezoning properties of the Port Authority, Arthur Kruse, and Modernis�ic Die�c�tti�ngY Very truly yours, � G�� ' ��� �� THOMAS M. SIPKINS - Assistant City Attorney TMS:cg enc. City Hall, Saint Paul� Minnesota �5102 612 298-5121 . , � � �_ _ � � lst ��y 2nd �� � � , 3rd _ J �� � Adopted _ � l�� Yeas Nays BUTLER HOZZA HUNT ��V'-s�� �--- S LEVINE , \ lJ ROEDLER TEDESCO PRESIDENT (SYLVESTER) � . , -; i �- - O i � _ N O � vv� � . . (� (� _ p O O O�O 0' � � i � i � � AVE . � � . o � � , - o a � _ "� I o � � � � �s _ _ ; , _ _ � _ _ . o , o � �.�_ I ; o � o � - � j -o- ¢ ° , o 0 K ,. � � � � �� �� . C00 � AVE . � I � �� � � � ° oo � -- � 0 0 0 � � � == I � � � i - - - � � � ' V � � (� ol O � '23 �� j I : �aw sorv �_ �.. ' � --°-- �o 0 0 0 0 �-° � � ��- � �. o � ° > . j i N o - .. i I -o_ ° ° fl -h � � ` � o � J E NKS . � E R , r ° o � oo ° .,.::..... -- � , , � � � �:.:;.;.�; � � ♦F � � � I -0- �- '� I I 4 � 0 4 � ::,::�:� � � o � > Q > � � - . _ _____--�.- . .- - � _ . __ _ 000 � � o , � � � � � � � ; � ' � � -- _ � � __ � _� �-1- i . � , —� r-T--- � I � - -- ii i � � ' o � i � � I � ♦ � OOOvl000 j ii I � I SIMS AVE. ; ----�-u � � o � ''_' o � , , , i - . O � j� � � � 1 i.=� -O- � I , � i � ` `ti.� � , L�. � _. .. .. _.t. _..z.- ---ia--r r�- �..�....._.. aIREA �AAP APPLICANT _ MODERNISTIC DIECUTTINC_ INC. LEGEND "� � ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDARY PURPOSE REZONE FROM RT-1 TWO FAMILY RESI- SUBJECT PROPERTY DENTIAL TO I-1 INDUSTRIAL O ONE FAMiLY FILE N0. 8031 ¢ TWO FAMILY DATE NOVEMBER 4, 1976 �'�" � MULTIPLE FAMILY • • � COMMERCIA� SCALE � I"= 200' NORTH � �� �NOUSTRIAL SAINT PAUL PE.ANNING BOARO V VACANT i