268343 WMITE - CITV CLERK COUIIC11 /��•'.�f■ PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAZT L �.�t� � CANARV - DEPARTMENT QI � BLUE - MAYOR Flle NO. ncil esolutio Presented By �%���� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul has by its Resolution,�o. 2621 adopted December 29, 1976, approved the issuance of - er Works Revenue Bonds in the am�unt of $1, 180,000.00 for £ ' e purpose� of extending, enlarging and bettering its water works systems, and by said resolution requested that the Council of the City of Saint Paul issue and sell Water Works Revenue Bonds in this amount pursuant to applicable prQyisions of law, including Chapter 10 of the Saint Paul City Charter; now, th e���ore, be it �:�= RESOLVED, that the Council does hereby approve the recoirunendation of the Water Board and c�caes hereby approve and authorize the sale and issuance ����"�1,180;000.00 in Water Works Revenue Bonds and the Director of the Department � of Finance and Management Services is hereby directed to take all steps necessary and prepare all documents necessary for the sale and issuance of the said revenue bonds. ��.,. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �. Butler � Boas�d o a r C issioners Hozza [n Favor , Hunt � , R� __ Against BY 'r. Philli . Thompson, Vice— sideat, Sylvester Board of Water Commissioners � Adopted ouncil: Date JAN 4 �9T� Form Approved y Cit At r ey Cer ied Pass y C ecret�y BY Appr d 'Vlayor: Date • �N b ��7�. Approve y Mayor for Sub s 'on to Council By � . BY ����