268342 CITY OF ST.PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. ������ FI NAL ORDER '` � ' . B a'`�- 1 f.,�,' f,��,-�..�...-,,�-�—�_..... Y '",. 4' File No. 17��Y In the Matter of bikliNy a�awutEritattieo � jf�6R �O�D t�cq� Q�i1�� #�d �E� �rwk IEi�hrs�,e t4 +� 61 �1 �t HIt�tA►�# 14 +�d bi tra ie►sa� �ist. t.o Ra�sh►'�shiott+�a t�at�' Lia�r �t�Yt�r lrof�at !�-tlfi2t) tk�r��t ao ett are�d. a� w�, b�ta��oews bik�nra�r; ca�rt�ruct a bi+a�sl+e �sw�a ar�s� it� �as��c �d-rl�ajr 14 �+1 il ist�rs�ati�= �ttrn�t s+rtsisie� rs�ls, t�aie�, �ls�� tasilitit� �d l+nad�» i�l�i at ♦� �estteaur. �i d� all oti� �atk a�ea+�sa�ax�r a� ia�+aidattit� t+o s�.d i�ro�n�■�t. #: u.nder Administrative Order ���`x� approved �� 3r ����► under Preliminary Order ����4'it�� approved nFc s 1976 The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COLJNCILMEN Adopte the Council: D e ��� 4 f9� Yeas Nays � ertified Passe b uncil Secr ' Butier HozZa �In Favor By Hunt ` �A� "�+'�- � Against 6 ���� Roedlet Mayor Sylveste� �e�esE�' �tsNED JAN 1 '� 191`�' , , �� • . ♦� !� • , . . '���� . CtTY OF SAfNT PAUL . DEPARTMENT aF PUBl1C W�RKS �G6�tJ4� DANIEL j. DUNFORD November 10, 19]6 . DIRECTOR 1 � � � / Mr. Roger Mattson Qirector of Finance Room 109, City Hal1 BUILDING Attention: Paul Desch Re: 77-P-0722 - Bikeway construction on WARNER ROAD � TRUNK HIGHWAYS 10 and 61 Dear S i r: Attached is a copy of Administrative Order No. D-3110 and a Summary of Engineering Recommendations for the above referenced project. Please proceed with the public hearing for this project. Yours very truly, (/'f- ,� gT 8 ,�� Claude L. Thompson Pub i i c Works Des i gn Eng i neer p. ST. F'°!�! '' �,, � {q£t�E_ ,,,. � �j 1`^ y J�lI . . � JWS/ck lV�� � <_" � . Attachments ,1 � � � r.�Nq ���i � cc: J. .W i 11 i am Donovan p �" ��.�T�F � ��R� . \. �, � iF�. ��` �`'.*,"' : . t �1r�ry`�' . � � �� �t �� s r- ..,'� -7 � ''� �1 �i � � Fj .n,.'s,:�r +t. c.=�-?�+N"i� . ,y•��e�w � 234 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 �- wniee —�Ci�Y C�urk � - -_.�. . ...__...�._.�.,,........_.._.-.........,._._.,_..,. _r----..................._,_�..�_ Pink — Finance DepL . �� 1�� Q 1�� �,(j,'j ''�:t''' .P:1.II I Gnary�rdepc. • ' .'�� . i . ��IYJ�. � �' • • � /%�� O1•'2•`1 C;2: 4 F� 7'I1 L ' • � � r DIAYUit r . .�^� � - � A�}RTII�IISTRATTVE ORDER � No:_ / 1 — ���/J � Datc: fJ01/ 5 1976 AD�II�FISTRATIVE ORDER, . � � ��,� • ' . tn the r�atter of bFl;ceaay construction on I�I1RttER ROAQ from Chi 1ds Road to Trunk E;i ght,►ays 10 and 61 and TRil1dK fi 1 Gt,�1AYS 1 p � to Rar�scy-4lashington County Llne (Ci ty Project An0722I�as�foilows�Ve�ue . i Construct an off road, t:•ro vray, bituru�nous t�Il:c:vaY; construct a bic cl s ovcrpass near the t�larner Road-Night,ray 10 and 61 tntersectian; construct � reta)ninc� �ralls, fencing, drainage facilfttes and land,caping �t var[ous locations, and do a) 1 other work necessary and incidenCa) to sald i r�p rover,�n t. The report of the Departntent of Public Worl:s Is approved and the Department . of Ftnance and tlanagernent Services is tnstruL�ed to schedule a public heari before the City Counctl. �� ., ; ; . � � . ` . � � . � � . � _ ., � • • � - , _ '. � or�e. ca oris. cc: � �. OJD R�G r. t� RlW ' � � ' �1 _ . �WAH . ���� GKS JFK RGP DEE � ' ' JFS CtT ! . . � . . � . � � ' RL1A � n � � � � , .. TJE VHP � E UEfv � •� I � � � P.S.D. ' R.H.R. � �ROVED AS TO FORh-i ` i , • . � . t • ' � • � � � /tssistant City Attorney • / � � � j /,'.� , � � -�•i - • R9partment Head �, ?/ ,� / I . /` , - _ - . � � � � .� / i- �f_ r f; . � . � � _.__ /,` � � . . . Administrative Assistant to M�yur . � �e . ' ' - _ . . a , Summa ry of Eng i neerj ng Recommendat i ons �����ry � . d ADVISABILITY AND DESIRABILITY PROJ�CT: • ���� Bikeway construction on WARNER ROAD from Childs Road to Trunk Highways �� 10 and 61 , and TRUNK HIGHWAYS 10 and 61 from Burns Avenue to Ramsey- . Washington County Line (City Project P-0722) . EXlSTING CONDITIONS AND PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: Attached is a Project. Development Report which describes the projeet in detai l. _ : _, -' . .:. COST ESTIMATE: Bikeway Construction $184,000 Engineering, Inspection � Misc. 27 000 . Total 211 ,OOQ � ESTIMATED FINANCING: . � r �� ._�. . � Federal Aid Urban Funds (70%) $147,700 - Community Services ('74 CIB) (20�) 42,200 Minn. Highway Department (10�) 21 100 Total 211 ,000 , RECOMMENDATION: �` The Department of Pubtic Works feels that this is a necessary and worthwhile project, and the engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. Respectfully submitted, Daniel J. Dunford i:F�• Director of Public Works K ))• �i� ��i . �„� �+.�7 'w �:�. . . X; �� . .. }�, � 1 '� � >� . t� � � . . R� �:�►`� � •f �� . ` � ^ . . ' . . STATE OF MINN�SOTA � DEPARTMENT OF RIGHWAYS ���'"� a n d ���� �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL � DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS - • PROJECT DEVELOPMENT REPORT . for _ _ ,. B i KEIJF�Y CONSTRUCT I ON .. : ,, •. . .. . . . . - �. on � WARNER ROAD, C.S.A.N. 36 . City Project 77-P-0722 State Project SP 164-020-38 �� Federal Project M5018( ) � , .,• �'�"" Fram: Childs Road, M.S.A.S. 234 • 70: Trunk Highways 10 � 61 � and TRUNK HIGHWAYS 10 � 61 � � �:J City Project 77-P-0722 State Praject SP-164-010-16 . Federal P roject F003-3(66) ' • From: Burns Avenue M.S.A.S. 216 ,, � . To: Ramsey-Washington County Line RECOMMENDED � I` •L�^-''°"-'�� � � �': ,(%,�c. lo � � •�'' ty Eng i neer . Date . - � t ` ' . � , : . . � REVI EWED AND RECOMMENDED �� �_:. � f� ,Y +, s� � ;, � - - . ,, �. � -``: � � `� �'� �f :� District State Aid Engineer Date • APPROVED State Aid Engineer Date ._ -_ , , • ; - ' ���� - . � , • , • PROJECT DEVELOPMENT REPORT "1 �":� - . $� y , t .. . - . . ' ��, �' y +. � . t'- �''' _. . •Vi�i r� WARNER ROAD - Childs Rc�d to T.H. 10 E 61 � �, � and ' TRUNK HIGHWAYS 10 E 61 - _Burns Avenue to Ramsey-Washington County Li��}r�, , �7r,)t�2 Ramsey County - City of Saint Pau1 _ The following P roject Development Repart has been prepared and submitted for ° - _ the- above referenced-highway section in accordance with the Minnesota Depart- • ` - --•��-_ 'ment of Hi hwa s action 1an . J Y F guidelines. : , _ . : Location and DescriPtion • This project is located on Warner Road from Childs Road to T.H. �61 and on T.H. 61 from Burns Avenue to the south City Limits of St. Paul . Appraxcmately 4.25 miles of roadway are contained within the project limits. T.H. 61 is � classed as a principle arterial , and Warner Road as a minor �rterial :;(5ee Maps) ';�a�' ' � � . Warner Road in the project area lies at the base of the Mounds Park bluff � area, and on the fringe of the State Fish Hatchery site. The area adjacent � to the roadway is mostly rolling and wooded. T.H. 61 in the project area is bounded on the east by a high bluff with some - . residential areas. Battle Creek Park is located just east of T.H. 6} , • approximately one mile south of Bu rns Avenue. West of the highway lies a wooded area, swamp, railroad tracks, and then the Mississippi River. � aur- lington Railroad mainline trackage is immediately adjacent to highway �ight-of- . way south of the Battle Creek Park area. Objecf'ive of Proposal. � Warner Road (with an average daily traffic volume of approximatety 10,000) , Trunk Highway 61 (ADT of 20,000) and Burns Avenue (ADT of 6,000� merge in a. ,,,.�, common area containing many turning lanes and cross traffic f1aw. Bicycle � travel thru this area is both dangerous and difficutt at the present time. .�;: . The demand for an adequate bicycle facility exists to serve both the commuter ;. .and recreational cyclist. Residences in St. Paul 's eastern area could use I " this facility to downtown via Warner Road. (The segment of Warner Road fram this project to downtown is scheduled for improvement in 1977• Provisions for bicyclists will be provided) . The recreational rider would use this • facility as a connecting link from Mounds Park to Battle Creek Park and on to the south Washington County bicycle routes. . � Tentative plans call for the�development of the Pigs Eye Lake area for rec- reational use. Trails would connect to this facility. Additionally, St. _ Paul 's comprehensive bikeway proposal calls for a bicycle route along the entire river corridor. This project would be the third link fallowing the Shepard Road bike raute constructed in 1975 and the Warner Road praject mentioned above. '� .- � -2- � ���� , Recognizing the high traffic volumes on Warner Road and Highway 61 , it is proposed to construct an off road facility as follows: A two way off road path witl be constructed on the southerly side of ����� Highway 61 from Childs Road to Battle Creek Park. An existing .bridge would . carry the cyclist under the highway into the park area. From Battle Creek • south to the project limit, the rider would use Point Douglas Road, has very tow traf�ic volumes) . !n two areas where Point Douglas Roadwis=h interrupted, a twa way off road facility would be constructed. A bicycle-pedestrian bridge would be constructed on Warner Road just west of the difFicult Warner-Burns-Highway 61 Interchange. A path from the northerl end of th i s_.bri dge -woul d meancter thra `the Mun i c i pa l Foresx -Reserve tc� end � y . � ` = Rear the Burns Avenue - Johnson Parkway intersection. � � . � Approximately 2.3I miles of off road patfi would be constructed and 1 .94 miles of existing roadway utilized. See the attached maps for locations. It is important to note that this project will completely eliminate bicycie- motor vehicle conflicts in a previously difficult area. � This project was develo ed •i` ..� A jointly by the City of St. Paul Planning and Public Works Departments, and approved by the Metropolitan Council for FAU funding. � Although this entire project was approved by the Metro Councit for FAU funding, it has come to our attention that T.H. ��61 has a Federal Aid Primary- :• . Urban extension and not a Federal Aid Urban designation. The M.H.D. has . indicated that F.A.P, fundirig will be avaitable for the po rtion along T.H, 61 . The local share of the funding will be bond funds already allocated fo r bicycle paths. Total estimated cost is $184,000. ' ' Environmental Assessment � •. � . 1 . This project encourages the use of the bicycle for both recreat�on and for commuting. It is not considered to have any economic or environ- mental affects. t�'.r 2. 4(f) Lands will be used. No negative affects are fo reseen. , 3. � There are no. known historic or archeological sites in this praJect .area. t. •• 4. �The p ro j ect w i l l be cons t ructed on ex i s t i ng roadway r i ght-of-way ar�d the St. Paul Municipal Forest Reserve. • 5. This project wi11 have no affect on water pollution. � 6. This project is not noise reiated. � � 7. This project will have no affect on air quality. The proposed improvements are considered to be consistent with the State Implementation Plan as documented in the Memorandum of Understanding between the Minnesota Pollu- tion Control Agency and the Minnesota Highway Department. . D�� �Y�_ � '� } . �3 �.- � ��.._...�:. ;,,; �_ M 3 � ' � +•, �. � , . ` ' , . " , . _3_ �"�8�f'� � . 8. There are no known controversial issues on this project. g. There will be little if any affect on visual quality or aesthetics������ ' . 10. Disturbed areas will be-seeded or sodded to prevent erosion. � Based on the environmental assessment and in accordance with the guidelines in . Federal Aid Highway Program Manual , Volume 7, Chapter 7, Section 2, it is ' determined that the proposed improvement is a major action anticipated to have no significant affect on the quality of the human environment. ,. Project Path Selection . � i Based on the M.H.D. Action Plan Guidelines, It is proposed that development of � � this action will follow a major level path as shown below: Project Development Report, October 1976 j Draft Negative Declaration, November 1g76 Opportunity for Location/Design Public Hearing, December 197E Final Negative Declaration, January 1977 ' �' � Desigrt and Location Study Report, February 1977 � • Plans, Specifications and Estimate, June 1977 . Advertise. for Bids, August 1977 . P roj ect Manager • � . �' James W. Stahnke, St. Paul Pu•blic Works Department, 200 Lowry Hotel Building, � St. Paul , Minnesota, 551�2, phone 29II-5311 , witl be Project Manager. ,,. ' . � � ��-. • f.. i t . . , �� �� �,:"" r � � � . ��' �°- -. .:� � T r� -"� � ::;:. ' AKtr� o � ��LJ L.J.�J � -�=.:-���,--�-- �---� ` � � � � ,� � ��� �plD� � ul ff ��--�-y � 1.` — _ �UD�•.���� W�� ��.� . . Ei��. 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