268341 � ciTY oF sT.Pau� COUNCIL FILE o.�68341 lf'� FINAL ORDER f' `�,� By ' ,f +'._. File No. 10��1•� In the Matter of ���'��i �' •�+��k � �1'�'i iiii �Yi�R fx'as 9p�er /l�t�oa �o�d co 1�sss A�r� �Qi�r les�r+at �o. 77•l-0714 � do �11 oth�r vosie o��rary +�ad i�aidatt,ai to said i�rwa+�et. ^ D-9WA3 - wo�►r 2, 19MT8 under Administrative Order approved 1g16 under Preliminary Order ��� approved (��C 9 The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. JAN 4 '� COUNCILMEN � � r� Ad y the Council: Da Yeas Nays Certified Pass oun il Secretary � But4et � Hoz2e! � In Favor B �►unt J � 6 1977 `"�� Against ;c°dle� Mayor Sy�vester Ye� � � ��� � N�r.k , F�nancd Oayt. •t./ L i Y l� Y' �3'1: Y 1'ii �. 1 i 2 i.1 � . /O I � / Q�n•.i�— Dept. • �r � �n • OE'2�1G1i (.�I' '1'7[ I: NYA1'(.)it , , ' • - . �� ����� _ NO: .�,�""---►-�J�-.-l� � �D,ti�UR'CSTTtA'T'1VC ORU.��. ' D�tc: �'��`4 � i���i � �s8341 � AD�iINISTItATIVE OP.DI;R, � . . . ���� . - . tn the n3i:ter o� cer�str:�ctin� nc�w sidc�l��Ic cti lJt;�TC �;:A� ��VGt�t3C 'fro� Up��r Aftan Ro3d to Burns �l��enuL (Ci ty Pro�4ct ;do. 77-P-O7i4} ar.d cc�ing ai i oth�:r �:ork r!ecessary ��sd fRC�CiL'[)�Ft� to ���c; ir.zpraue.^c::�. ._ . 1he rep�rt of th� �e��zrtn;nt oi Public 6,►0�1:� i5 appr�vcii, an� �t�c: {;epartr.,en� of _ + Fina�zce and M�na���er►L 5ervic�s is instr�t�cted to scE�euESla a pub� 'sc hearing refore the City Councll. i � � - � Th� �bov� is a stiorteniny of �ii•; i ir�its descrif,ed Fn Adntnistr�ktvc Ord�r �:o. � �-2�G7, datcd Scpt�:n,i�er 15. j�7�, �•rfzich au�I�orizcd �t��� investigation af tlie .: �proj;c�. . � , , _ � . : i . _ � � i . �-�,+► ( � � � .- ; � � . o:�a� ��- �,;�. ��. �I . � . . � . . � DJU kFC;_" � - /\ � : � . . . � kLW -WAH � . .{- , :_ � ' ..i.' � GKS ��t-K .. -�•-.� • ; � . � A � RGP p5,� f . f � � J:5 �:,.;CCT -� .. ... ' • � ' - � . . � . � . u''� .:�U. . . r . � . . - - 'UL ' 1N1� . � � . J c 6El\ . . � P.S.D. �^ Ft.M.R. �tl'PRO�'i:D AS 1'O l�OIZM � i,_..� �� � i �/;` lf ,�; � _ �� � � -�:.� Assist�nt City Altorncy , - � 1)cp:trtrtient fl�ad ' j ` .. • • . l✓� 7 i� f !f�' �; i):!j C �\/� � `1,-s_,�; � ' `.�-.�--��� ' \:'--' � / •,�'` � ~ • T ` Adminislraticc ASCi�L•i��t t��hl;ryur . � t e , � I .W � . y�I' , � Summary of Eng i neer i ng Recommendat ions13 --�.,,�CTf. ��� ' �!�-!� �� . 3��c�ea� . . �C /O•Rb October 18, 1976 �ivis�on ,.._ , � I ADU I SAB I L I TY AND DES I RA61 L I TY ;;�sst. Q;r. �- �� Z� PROJECT: . -•a�rec�or �� / --- �� • '`°rir,als�r���. � � Const ruct new s i dewa 1 k on b!N i TE BEAR AVENUE f rom Uppe r Af ton Road '�to Bu rns � �'� Avenue (City Project No. 77-P-0714) and do all other work necessary and � . incidental to said improvement. - ,�68�L�� EXISTING CONDITIONS: White Bear Avenue is a paved roadway, 42 feet wide. There is presently no - sidewalk on eithe'r side from Upper Afton Road to Burns Avenue. Plarth of � � - Burns, new concrete walk exists on both sides. Property abutting the roadway . - is residential . Average daily traffic counts within the project limits are approximately 2750. White Bear Avenue is a bus route. There is obvi-ously a certain amaunt of pedestrian traffic by the fact a dirt path exists on portions of an o.therwise grass boulevard. - � White Bear Avenue is on the City County Aid Route SystBrn. County Aid funds would therefore be used to finance the improvement. . •� This project was initiated as a result of a }etter from the City's Schooi District' s School Safety Committee.- They state that school children walk this route to St. Pascal School , and sidewalk would be desirable. • � PROPOSEQ IMPROVEMENTS: � - A new 5 foot wide concrete 4valk would be constructed arr both sides for the entire length of the project. Construction would be on the property line, except for the first 150 feet north of Upper Afton Road on the west side of • White Bear Avenue. Here, steps and walls necessitate construction 3.5 feet off the property 1ine. There are very few c�nflicts with er.isting features. Four trees (under 5 �' � inches in diameter) and three bushes must be removed. Seven power pales and two private lamp posts must be relocated. All existing concrete driveways have satisfactory grades and will be preserved. k�alk will be constructed thru asphait and gravel driveways with bituminous patching as needed. Boule- . vards and the property side of walk construction will be regraded and sodded • as needed. , . SPEC I AL CONS I DERAT f OPJS�• ., This project continues Public Works desires to provide sidewalk on collector type streets in the East Side Battle Creek Area. New walk was constructed this past summer on the north side of Upper Afton Road fram White Bear Avenue to Ruth Street (walk did exist on the south side) . New construction is pro- posed in 1977 for Upper Afton Road from White Bear Avenue to Burns Avenue and Ruth Street fram North Park Drive to Suburban Avenue. � , i�`',,�j �� ' � i �-��.. - ��'" �' • � , . •%� �, . -; -2- , � ,. .. ���-l���� The original request and Administrative Order No. D-8007, authorizing an investigation read, WHITE BEAR AVENUE from Upper Afton Road to Suburban . Avenue. The project is now being shortened to Burns Avenue by the fact good sidewalk exists on both sides of White Bear Avenue from Burns Ave. to Suburban Ave. COST EST I MATE: . ��U�4� . Sidewalk Improvements $27,000 • Eng. � Insp. � Misc. 3,900 . Totai $30>900 � _ ESTIMATED FIP�ANCING: t . - . County Aid 1977 S3o,9�0 . � ' Total . $3�,90Q : RECOMMENDATION: . - t The Department of Public Works feels that this is a necessary and worthwhite project, and the engineering recommendation is for approval :of the or¢�er. Respectfully submitted, � Daniel J. Dunford Director of Public Works ^ � ' � Y � �n~ ��`l �.+ ��'� F�r�w.Ai . M .aA � � � .i J� .. . '�. � . . �i �. . ��u `.� �� � r__'4 ���Jt� . .. .