269997 �NH17E — CITV CLERK PINK — FINANCE CO�UCI� lr �J �T COI1tIC1I Ca.NARY — DEPARTMENT ( y G I TY OF SA I NT 1 A ll L �� �� . BLUE — MAVOR File NO• r'+:1"2,.- $,�'�i � � Development) ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul has approved the use of $1 ,151 ,900 in federal funds and land disposition proceeds to assemble a site for the construction s. of a facility by Control Data Corporation in the Martin Luther King area of the Surr�nit- `� � University community (District 8); and 0 .� WHEREAS, the Renewal Division has indicated that this amount is insufficient to " complete the project in a timely manner, and that an additional $94,000 is needed at . w this time; now, therefore, be it � s RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the Mayor, the Council of the City of � `� Saint Paul does hereby approve the transfer of $94,000 from the CD Year II unearmarked ¢ � contingency to the NDP Loan Repayment Account; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the Mayor, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does also approve the use of the above transferred $94,000 in NDP Loan Repayment funds for the Control Data site assembly project, contingent upon approval of the action by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. This action will result in the following revised financing plan for the Control Data project. CONTROL DAtA PROJECT FINANCING z �.� Land Disposition Proceeds $ 311 ,900 � c � o Original transfer from CD II to NDP Loan fund o � to NDP Expenditures account 840,000 "n Additional transfer from CD II to NDP Loan -� fund to NDP Expenditures account 94,000 o �`� TOTAL $1 ,245,900 � �� a�� COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Depactment of: Butler � Communi ty Devel ment Hozza In Favor � Hunt �,�'�(i�it.aw.�c. � � Levine __�__ Against BY . Roedler Sylvester Tedesco _ Qcj 2:7 19T7� �--- Form Approve by ity A orney Adopted�'�ouncil: Date �rtified Ya y Co ci ecretary BY L` �' �r��— ur App o d by Mayor: Date _ Appro d by Mayor for Submi ion Co cil �� By BY PUi�LIS'riED ��j�'�1 � 1977 . .r vv . ... . . .... �.�.y �� va�.�.• . ... .� .......�..vv.� v.�rv�• • ���411 V. vtVV�\� v/\livi�l�vV UIIli4lV1• r/I�VIIV LJV JL�U � � �`�� .�.� 4'� �-� , DATE AUGUST 30, �9�� . � � HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESO i A TO W. Q. PATTON RECETV�Ij . FROM a. J. Br.oc�cCC Qf� AUG 3 1 1977 1 SUBJECT CONTROL DATA SITE - PUBLIC 7MPROVEMENTS D{STRICT 7 During the initiaT negotiations with Control Data, it was informally agreed they would pay the City approximately $20,000 an acre for the new construction site. Later in the negotiations, due �to the urgency of the. project, and our inability to utilize corranunity development funds until all environmental issues were cleared, CDC agreed to pay up to $27,000 an acre. This later agreement allowed the City/HRA to proceed with the project. However, it was informally agreed, as an exchange for the increased sales price, that the City would conslder providing certain public improvements, that normally would be provided by the developer. The amount discussed was approximately $90,000. Tne Renewal staff, at the time of the negotiations with CDC, anticipated that the $42,400 from the Community Development Year II Special Acquisition atid Relocation Fund would be available for this project. Since then, as you know, these £unds have been approved by � City Council for Rice-TSa:ion Phase I. Also, the Financing Plan for the Control Data � ro ect includes a contin eac of 93 975. Staff antic� ated �he P J g y $ , p potential availability of some of t;;ese funds fa� puSlic improvements. However, it now appears the contingency will be needed to cover higher actual acquisition and relocation costs. Therefore, this memorar.du.-n requests other funds in the CoRnnunity Developmznt Prograrn be allocated to provide for public improvements and site renoval work for the �DC site. The estimated amount needed is $94,000 (see memorandum attached), Please advise Gary Peltier or me of the necessary information you need from us to faci2itate processing this through City Council. Attachment cc: Mayor Latimer Gary Peltier �/ � � ��� O - - �- �3.East Fifth Si�eet, Saint 1-'8U1, IV1111i1ESU[a :�51 UI. UUfI�IU VV, I,US(�fUVE'., CX�CUtivt; unc:�iui. �i�uiie c�o �c. �o �r��, +�°°� .. � � � DATE Augugc �6, �9�� � t � HOUSfNG AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CiTY OF SAINT PAUL, PJI�NNESOTA T� Allan J. Block FROM Gary A. Peltier SUBJECT Pre2iminary Ideas for CDC Site Improve�aeats . � StreeL Trees 42 @ $200 � $ 8, 400. Site Preparation $500/acre C� 13.5 6,750. Tree Mova1 150 C� 100 1.5,000. Rough Grading 20,000. Reooval of Curb 4, 193 Removal of Streets 2I,017 RecnovaL of Driveways 1, 250 Rerroval of Carriage Walks 155 � �� ' Re�oval of Sidewallc 1,408 $78, 243 In addition the fol2owing is required: Relocation andlor abandon�ent � of water utilities $13,950 Sew�r bulkheading and abandoa;nent 1, 500 $15,45J . TOTAL $94,OOQ GAi:m8a " • cc:File Copy ` � GAP's Chron File � . �� O OM Ol : 12/1975 Rev. : 9/8/76 fXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, ���• �, -� � RES LU I NS, ND RDINANCES Date: October 13, 1977 T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER FR: r'"MR. WILLIAM Q. PATTON� RE: BUDGET TRANSFER FOR CONTROL DATA PROJECT ACTION REQUESTED: approval of budget transfer to add $94,000 to the Control Data project. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: an additional $94,000 is needed to cover the cost of public improvements that would normally be provided by the developer. However, Control Data agreed to pay more for the land if the City wot�ld assume the public improvement costs. ATTACHMENTS: Council Resolation; memo from Block to Patton explaining request. I , 7 /� CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER-DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUIVI JATE: October 13, 1977 T0: Mayor Laiimer �� FROi�1: Ji�i� Bellus � SUaJ`r:CT: Extension of Time for Metropolitan Planning Assistance Grant Application Because of the discussions currently underway with respect to the integrated work program for the �epartment of Planning and Economic Development and your own Agenda for the City, I believe it is necessary that we take a little more time than the guide- lines allow for submission of the City's application for our planning assistance grant. Our application is to be submitted by October 26, uut the Metropolitan Council has provided that their cl�airman can grant an extension of up to 60 days upon request frorn a local community. This seems like a simple administrative matter, but Metropolitan Council guidelines require a resolution from our City Council to 1 make the request official . The request must be received by the � i�etropolitan Council p rior to October 2G. A draft City Council resolution is attached. GS:JB/mb cc: Gary Stout attachment ��r4��_.. L . ' , � � �o�r i W��f��`��', the Ci ty of Sai nt Paul i s enti tled to a grant i n the amount �� of :�5G,�95 under the Planning Assistance Grants program for implementation a� of the Metropolitan Land Planning Act; and W}����id,8', the Ci ty's pl anni ng and devel opment functi ons have recently been reorganized into a new department for which an integrated work program is now being refined; and WHEREAS, the City's work program for meeting the planning requirements of tl�e P�etropolitan Land Planning Act must encompass a three-year period; and WHEREAS, it is desirable for efficiency and effectiveness that the greatest possible coordination and integration be realized between locally identified planning priorities and the requirements of the Land Planning Act; and WHEREAS, development and review of the most satisfactory work program for the plannin�be c rried out under the planning assistance grant will require more tim�'�lowed under the guidelines established by the Metropol i tan Counci] for grant appl i cati on; ltduu,��'bt tf ;Ii�`i r�irnrrnr.r nr TT R�$��1��, that the �f,�#� Council of the City of Saint Paul requests that the Ctiiairman of the Metropolitan Council grant an extension of 60 days beyond the date of October 26, 1977 for submission of the City's application for a planning assistance grant for comprehensive planning under the Metropolitan Land Planning Act.