269996 WHITE� - CITV CLERK COUflCIl ����✓ �+� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL � CANARV - DEPARTMENT � � BLUE - MAYOR File NO. ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, it has been deemed advisable and desirabte for the City of St. Paul to acquire right-of-way, widen and reconstruct DALE STREET from Van Buren Avenue to Hatch Avenue (City Projects P-0490AR1 , P-0490AR2 and P-0490A) ; and WHEREAS, a portion of said right-of-way and construction project is on a County State Aid Highway (No. 53) , namely Dale Street from Como Avenue to Hatch Avenue, and is eligible for financing using Municipal State Aid funds (M.S.A. Project No. 164-020-39) ; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that we do hereby appropriate from our Municipal State Aid funds the sum of $50,000, to apply toward the financing of said right- of-way acquisition and relocation and request the Commissioner of Transportation . to approve this authorization. COU[VCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler � Publ ic Works Hozza In Favor Hunt (/ _ � Levine `� _ Against BY Roedler D i rector o bl i c Work (TEK) syl�ester OCT 2 7 1977 Tedesco Form Approved by City Atto ey Adopted b ouncil• Date Cer ied Yass by Co . -Secretary BY ^ 3 � ��77 Approved y a r Subm' s' Council Ap o e by ;Vlayor: D n� �j%G'b�' V-�' �"— �� B , B Y �,, �UBLISHED ����� 1977 � . - � Oi�!�O1: �,2/Z�75 . � ; : Re�r. : 9�'8/?5 �"}� '�� �. . � FXPLAP�ATSON OF ADMINtSTRATZVE ORDERS, ��� , � . : . RES+OLUTIf�NS, A1�D flRUIN�INC�S z.` t � _...r____ r• e s _ , �,. . . . . .. . � . . . .. . . . . �� . . . �, . , . . �.. . , k , . . . . . . . ._ . . � . . � . � . . . . . . . -`� Date: bct4ber ��2, 1977 : � �p; MAYOR �EQRGE LATIMEl� .� ' �. �� r� � : ' fi ; . FR: ' Daniel J. .Dunfard, Di r�Ctcrr of Publ ic Mlorks . _(,,�,; ; :��7 r. g�,:- � DA'LE STREET from Yan Buren-.Avenue ts HatcFt Av�nue NWY � " ' ' (C i ty Projects P-q49dAR1 , P-049014R2 and P-b4$t� � _��� �. ,. : _ ,�.'�: .. f . . . � . . . . . . C.. _ -�� � � � � . . � � . . . . . - . . � . � . .� Y _ - . . .� . .. . � . � \� , . . ...: .. � . � . `;; � � - � � . .. . � . . . � � . . , � � � . . . � . . . � . . � � �sor� ��vES�rED: r.�,...�_.._ . , _ � �. : Autho�ization tb spend Municipat St�te Aid �;MSA) fur�ds uff t� tlSA s�st�a. , ' - � ; , . � ` . . . ; , t h 3 . `PQRPOSE AI+tD� ��IC?NALE FOR TBiS AGTION: " 't•: The`-1 imita c�f the Da#e �Strtet Pavtng P�oject are frvm 1�n �urer� Ay�, tc� Nat��. �v�. . , . �a1� Street is on tfie MSA system frc�nn if�n B�rrert Ave. ta Capo Av�. In oi�der to fund , the total pro,�,oct with MSA funds, a Covt►ci1 :Resoluttan i"s need�ad to ��d a�tas �Q6�` the system. A similar Resoxut�on (CouncCt fiile No. 269636) was appe�a�v+� by,F, Cou�tcil cm August 2'�, 1377 f�r atqu i s i t T on. aad cons t ruct 1�un, but i t d 1 d nbt , i nctude LMe - . ' ' r-�alocatia� expensts. : :, , }. , ' ; ; • � ,•, . � �3'TA�HMENTS: - . Gouhctl�Resolution ' • ; s . TEKiIkJS�ck' , ; , ' _ : , , , . .. ,. ; _. , . _ �; . _ , ::