269974 WFIITE - CITV CLERK � � ���/� PINK - FINANCE COUflCII ! '14'�_i �- CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY� OF SAINT PAITL File NO. BLUE - MAVOR � ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the City of Saint Paul does certify that there are available for appropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the budget; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 1977 Budget: Finaneing Summary Operation and Maintenance General Revenue Fund Balance-Dedicated Capital Outlay $18,000 Appropriation Summary Operation and Maintenance General Government Miscellaneous Appeals Board and Special Services 09147-857-000 $18,000 now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of 5aint Paul accepts the Mayor's recommendation and adopts the above additions to the 1977 Budget. Approvedps To f _ Appraved: 4�D� o Director, `n�pnq�� d Management Ser� B dget Direc r �'^V COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt /l Levine _ �/ __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Adopted b ouncil: Date —�� 2�7 19� Form Approved Ci Attor y Ce ied Ya�s y Cou � Secretrary BY ,i. Ap ved,by Mavor: Dat _ OCT 3 � �977 Approv y M r for Su i Cou il By ' �� ` � By P�a�es��o ��OV � 1977 — ; -� � � ' r �` �� �.� :�.�r�: � �� _ , - - • �,�r�� � .. EXI�LANI�T'IOt�t QF' �A��tt�1��R"d��T'� t��i! f �.`�;;s''�';. � �- � w.. IOA���� Z � �'; � _ � � �� }-; �` �� � r �. '.+�'���'�� Q�CJ'�� ���i i ���� ` �fYr y ;� �' � . - ; _ - • ,; �� �2. � � t , C�t�. � g�� ,; � � �. , .. �: ��+�� c�r�� �,��� � .- . � : - A l�: . R�:c.�etrd �: 5c�x�'aeder, �3udget Dir�c�o� _ '�. . ��s �: .�ci.� �et�csl?i�t�on, at�thv�i,zing an ad�it�,cc� to �e �:'9�'�':"�� ; . � , , ; . ,. ; _ � : _ .- � � _ . �: � � �. � . : � : . ', . , ; s . , , , ` �� �'�� ;`� w..,�., ;.��.���*r�'�'= < .. . . : ; . � , � � � � � . �t �� , ` �,� � :���'.'i1Z'4 E�Ii � �'��C�t� X'�8lC3�.ti��,OI1. y � _ �; 5 i r � << ��., � � .. : � �� � .. "�. ..... . .. . ' . . . , �� � ��� , . . .� � . . .. ... ;�t :�� � i�! �-. F. • ;��� ' . . .. . . . i.`,{ . . . . . _ �r � .� �r �� F�►� �a�s ;� car�: u _ _ . . y .. � .. . . . �.; . . . . , '� �����+� .a� .t�tis :a��1u��.c�n .�.s to: ai:t�hs�rize a tra�tf�� �f $�.�,�Q4Q �� i� �;�ia�`� � -;•; �L�:"ta3 �q�:). 'td,�he finc�.ncing s�mar� c� �i� 297� b�d�� ,��d~�! u� _�hpse ���i �.' ' �'��,': , ' ,.;.''��ve t�s :�rc�e�s;{� �e3,print�.�g ca�a�3�.tty Q��th+e�.�I1 � ftt t�-C��.�>-,, ' �3 ��a±�ch =�tior�. �►�+av�m�nts �c2ude �+�f�a:v�nal i�i�r�a+� ca,pa�cit�', �.'i�age.=�:c���.� ' � �a :�xoceas��a9''�"��. �:mproved �gragh�.c cl��pla� a�c�-Px�.�nt�.n�' ���.���Yr � .�e���� � ' �ii3:t� t.n gro��s �:,�9'e.�clu�i� a�'c�ata.. � ;. K , E � ,. . �� . . .-. . �-� . .. . �., _ ` , � ��e ���e�.+�� .Q�:�he�e.ity's t�nta �rocessi�g S�tion .ti►a� �atif3.ed o� 'fi�s�r, ��� a�it :t�� � . � - , ��� •��z�ov�c� th�,�¢t co�patability: r�ith th�t r�st o� �e' a�y�tea� and t�i�' ��L3ity: �:a �i't�tc� � ,�ie.Gx�yt e� c,�ris�a�1 ��;pabiiity in the t3�� ps-�c�sss�.r�� �.i.e1:r�. ` � ��AC��S: ;; ° ..a.., . .., , �4ur�cil Re�o�.utican. � ' , - ; ,.; ; ,, ,. , . . , :. � _ , . ,. . + . ,� ��,, �. .. .,,.� . �, _._� _ t _,�=�,._ .. ..... .���,.,.< < . ...� . _ .. . . , . ,