269418 WHITE� - CITV CLERK COIli1C11 �69418 PINK - FINANCE �ERy - MAVpRTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL � � File N�. �` Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVEO, That purswant to S�ction 231.05 of ths Saint Paul Laglslatiw Cods, (as s�nded br Ordinance No. 14662. approvoed Deca�� 1, 19�0) pertaining to nguta- tions fo� tha adjusti�g of sawsr a.rvics charges, and upon th� reco�ndation of the Depart�asnt of Public I�brks and approval of the Board of Wata� Coaraissioners, ths Council of ths Ctty of Salnt Paul does htrobr esrtify that b�csusa of partlal diwr- sion of thsir t�tal watar consuaption from tta City of Saint Paul's Ssnttary S�rsr SystNn, tha below iisted firaa haw Justifisbl� nason for application of an adJust- ma�t to thair sww�rser sarvlos charges as 1•vtad: {in acwrdance with li�saolution. Council File No. 268340, appr+oved January 7. 19�7 and bs it FURTHER RESOIVED, That a full or partlal refund of psid sewsr se�vics cha�g�s, bas�d upon thrse sdjustmsnts, shall be nfundmd from tha "Sawar Ssrvica Fund" and shall bs in the following awounts: NAME ADDRESS TIME PERIOD AMOUNT Oly�apia BreM►ing Co. MaY, 1977 576,35i.82 722 Payns Ava. 55165 Kopp�rs Co., I�c. April. 1977 S 3,527•TZ 1000 N. Ilawi in� Ave. 55104 tbarn�r Maldorf Corp. May, 1977 S 3,160.� 2550 vabash Ava. 55114 Northern t4�ileable 1ron Co. Sept.. 1976- S 2,941.23 867 Fonst St. 55106 Fsb., 1977 .Iscob �tha�idt Br�wing Co. Msy, 1977 S 2.746.29 882 W. Sawnth St. 55102 Burlington Northarn, Inc. M�y, i977 S 6b1.47 ly6 E. fifth St. Box 132 55101 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza [n Favor Hunt Q Levine __ Against BY Roedler Sylvest T co Form Approved by City Attor y Ado d by Council: Date ertified s Council Secsetary BY By � Approved by :Vlayor: Date Ap rov by Mayor r Su i n o Council By BY PUBLISHED JUL 3 O ���� WH17E' - C�TV CLERK nOUnCl� ����`�(� v PINK - FINANGE G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L `" � CANARY - DEPARTMENT � - �bUE - MAVOR File NO. � � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -Pags Two- NAME ADDRESS TIl� PERIOD AMOt�IT 6oid M�elal Bawrags Co. Ma1►, 1977 S 68a.95 P. 0. Box 3�66 55165 St. Psul Dtspatch 8 Pion�r Pnss M{a�r, 19�7 $ 480.1� 63 E. Fourth St. 55105 st. .bhn's Hospitai Msy, 1977 *� 294.61 403 Maris Aw. 551� Gross 61wn Minufacturing Co. J�a, 1977 � 182.00 75 W. Plato Blvd. 55107 land 0'lakss, Inc. May, 1977 S 168.47 415 Grove St. 55101 First Nstional eank of St. Psul Juns, 1977 $ 161.68 MI-1752 iat Nattonal Bank Bldg. 55101 A�is�ican National Bank Jw�s, 1977 S 152.43 Aa�arican National Bank Bidg. 55101 Postanster May. 1977 S 131•58 Procurement, Propsrcy 8 supply Offica Main Post Offica I�oo� 425 55114 Spsas CompanY June, 1977 � 93•28 582 N. Prior Av�e. 55104 Mr. Floyd Oiso� 1976 S 38•�1 3647 N.E. Buchanan - Mpls. 55418 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler � Pubi ic Yorks Hozza In Favor Hunt � i �' � J /�� Levine __ Against BY � '�'"'�v � Roedler n t . Of rs Sylvester �� Tedesco JUL 19 1977 � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted ounci Date Ce ified by C ncil Seci'etary BY App v by iVlayor: D e �' �--2,2 t977. Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councii By BY p��8t►sH�a JUL 3 Q 197� 7� or� oi: �.z/i9�� Rev. : 9/8/76 : EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATS��E ORGERS, , RESOLUTIONS, AI1D ORDINANCES �'����� Date: � Jun� 29, 1977 � TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER FR: �I EL J. D�NIfORO, OI RECTOR Of PUBL I C MORKS gE; Rsfunds of SEMER SERVIC� EHAR6ES , . ACTI.ON REQUESTEDs R�fund S�r�r Servics Cha�g�s fro� S�+sr Ssrvics Fund PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: inwstigation has dst�nNinsd that c��tain v�oluaiss of Na;ar which wrr� sss�ssad a sw+sr s�rvics chargs did eat, in fsct, �nt�r tlw sanitary s�+sr syst� snd that pay�s�t of ths cha�g�s on th�� v�oluars shonid b� r�fw�d�d.. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Council R�solution • Z. 9oa�d of Wat�r Ca�fssiot�rs' Rasolution Rscc�snding R�funds � � 2662 CITY OF ST. PAUL No._ � — OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS � , RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM ��"����� PRESENTED BY $�t � �71 19TT � COMMISSIONER DAT �� BESOLYID, T�a�G the Doard oY Wa,ter Co�amai�aion�r� her�tby approvee the recomo-n�ndation af Richard L. Wheele�, ��iatant Di�t�sa�c�r snd Cit3► Iio�ne�r� Depa�.`t�me�t� of Fublio Worlu� ia hi• letter of Jwze 29� �97? � �e �� �� �.1 ar partial retUade oi paid BevFar Sa�ttice C�arges be granted a�e� lieted in the l�e'�ter; said refunds 'to be made from the "S�Wer Servic� Fund". Water Commissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas : Nays Huat Jun� ^�9 19 �7� 8�d� — — Syl�nster Pia• Frssid�sut T3�ompson �— In favor 4 Opposed � SECY. �'�� ✓