269414 �/#�/_��,■=/�.
BI.UE - MAVOR File � NO.
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul does hereby enter into an agree-
ment with Burlington Northern, Inc. and the Commissioner of Transportation,
State of Minnesota, for the installation and maintenance of rallroad cross-
ing signals at the intersection of Como Ave. and Como Place with the tracks
of the Burlington Northern, Inc. in St. Paul, Minnesota, (a copy of which
agreement is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference) and
appointing the Commissioner of Transportation agent for the City to super-
vise and pay for said project with available Federal Funds in accordance
with Minnesota Statute, Section 161 .36 (1976), and, be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the prroper City officers are hereby authorized
and directed to execute said agreement on behalf of the City of St. Paul .
The City's share of the cost shall be charged to P. I .R. Fund 6000�, and
this fund will be reimbursed from 1977 M.S.A. ($7,900.00) and 19?Jj P. I .A.
($1 ,500.00) .
Director of Fi ance S Management Services
� ���
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Butler Pub 1 i c Wo rks
Hozza In Favor
Hunt � �
Levine A gai nst BY
Roedler -- D i recto (TJ E
Sylvester '
Tede �
� '�9� Form Approved by ity Attor ey
Adopte � Council: Date ,
C ified Pas d Cou il r ary BY
B}� ,
. Ju�- 2�2 �`9�� App v by Mayor for Subm' io o�ouncil
Appro e IVlayor. Da e �-
gy By
pUBLISHED �UL � 0 197T
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Date: June 22� 1977� . �
FR• . �
Public Works, Office E�gineering
RE: Railroad crossing sigrtals�with gates at the intersections of Co� Arro.
� and Cano Place with Burl tngton Northern RR. �
. �
Agree�aent would authorize the ra�ilroad to proceed with const�uction of "
signals. Also authorizes the �tate to obtain 9t� of the funding for �
the pro,ject froa► Federal Aid on behalf of the City. City�s share of
. costs (10°� of project) is estimsted to ba $9,400.00. , •
As per City's agroement with State (Agencr Contract 1977) , the St�te �
acts as agent for the City in obtaining F�deraT Atd. The City by resolu-
tion nws�t roquest the State to obtain Federal app�ov�l of proJ�cts.
Copy Agre�aent
Copy of 1977 Agency Co�tract �
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Mn/DOT 30774tRevised il/76)
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� This Agreement made and entered into by and befiveen the City of
St. Paul hereinafter referred to as the "City" and
the Commissioner ot 7ransportat(on of the State of Minnesota hereinafter
referred to as the "Commissioner", YJlTNESSETH: '
1�lFtEf2EfiS, pursuant to P�I.S. 161 .36 the City of St. Paul
destres the Commissioner to act as its agent for the purposes of that statui•e
in accepting federal aid on the cifiies behalt, for road and bridge
" construction and in contracting for the construction, improvement or
maintenance of �oads or bridges financed either l.n whole or part v�ith �
fec�erai moneys: and
WHEREAS, M.S. (61 .36, Subdiviston 2, requires that the terms and
condition of the agency be set forth in an agreement:
_ ( _
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'fhat pursuant to M.S. 16t .36, the City does hereby appoint the
Commtssioner its agent with respect to all federaliy tunded projects to be
le# during the t9 �Z� catondar year, to accept and receive all Federal
funds made available for said pro,jects and to let contracts pursuant to law „
for tho constructton and Improvement ot City streets.
Each project to be covered by this agreemc3nt shall be pragrammed
by the s�.�bmission to the Commissioner of a prograrnming form together with a '
cerfiifled copy of the rosolution of the City Council requesting the ,
Commissioner to obtain fedaral approval for the pro,ject(s) .
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; Each contract wili be In accordance �vith plans and speclal
provisions for said proJects on fiiQ in the Departmont of Transportation,
State 7ransportation Buiiding, St. Paul, Minnesota 55155, and Minnesoi-a
. Uepartment of Higha�ays, Standard Specifications for fiighway Construction
dated January t , 1972 and alf amendments thereof, which sald
plans, speciat provisions and specificatians are made a part of this agreement
by reference as though fully sot forth hQrein. ',
In the (etting of said contract, it is hereby agreed that the
fotlowing procedure sf�all be followed, to-wit:
(a) The Commisstoner of Transpori-ation shall cause the advertise-
� r
ments calling for bids on said work to be published in the Construction
� � Bulletin. He shall aiso cause advertisemen-ts for btds to be published in
thG officialiy designated newspaper of the Clty, arhich said local newspaper
ts hereby designated by the City to he the St. Paul �egal Ledger (Saturday)
published at 500 Robert St. � . Said advertisement or call for
' bids shafl specify that seaied proposa{s or bids tivlll be received by fine City
Purchasinq A�ent of St. Paul on behalf ot the Commissioner of
� Transportation as agent ot said City. Proposals, pians and specifications
shail be available tor the inspection of prospective bidders at the ofifice
of the Department of Transportation, St. Paul , t�finnesota 55155, and afi the • s
Director of Public Works � •
office of said and the advertiseme�t shall so state. The bids
recelved in response to said advertisements for bids shall be opened for
and on behalf of tho Comisstoner of Transportation by a District Engineer of
i-he Department of Transportation or such other engineer of the Department of
Transportation as may be from time fo time selected by the Commissioner. �
After said bids shall have been opened, the City Council of the C(ty of .
St. Paul shall first considar the same and thereupon
Pago No. 2
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f transmli� to the Commissioner of Transportatton all bids roceived togett�her _
wlfih its recommendation that the lowest bid submitted by a responsible bidder
be accepted or .that all bids be reJected. Upon receipt of all said bids, the
� Commisstoner af Transporta-Fion shali duly cause al ! of sald bids to be tabutated t
tn accordance with laar and shall -hhereupon determine who is the lowest i
respons i b l e b i dder or sha 1 I .re,jec�- a t t b i ds. . ,
(b) The Commisstoner shaii supervise and have charge of the
consfirucfiion of said projects after the same has been let. The City agrees
Dt rector of Publ ic Florks
to furnish its � - ar such other conpeten-t regtstered engineer and
assign him to the active su�ervision and direci-ion of fihe work to be
performed under any contract let for the aforesaid prcjects. S�id engineer
, so assigned sha{ f aci� under the superv,ision and direction ofi the Commissioner
of Transportation. The City further agrees 1-o furnish such other men, services,
suppiiQS and equipmen-h as shali be necessary in order to properly suporvise
and carry on said work.
(e) The Gommissioner may make such changes In the plans or the
character of tho work as shal { be recommended by the engtneer in charge of
i�he work. I f he concurs i n such recommendatl ons, fihe Cornrni ss ioner may enfier
infio fo� and on behalfi of i-he Cii�y supplemental agreements with the
contractor for the performance of any extra work or work occasioned by any
necessary, advantageou�, or desirabie change in plans or oonstruction.
{t ls contemplated by the City that the Commissioner of Transportation
cannot personally investigate and pass judgment on the various items of
� extra work and plan changes necessary and desirable during the construction
of fihe proJects but th�t he must delegai-e such dui-les to engineers unde� his
� supervfsion and control tt�at are employed by the Department of Transportation. '
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r/!• The Clty does hereby authorize these engineers, so delegated by the _
".� . � Commissloner of Transportation, acting u�der the generai superviston ot the
Commisstoner of Transportation to enter into for and on behalf of the Ctty
the supplementai agreements specttied in the preceding paragraph hereof.
(d) The City hereby authorizes its City Engineer for and on
behatf of the City to, from .time ta time, durtng the progress of the work
on satd pro,jects, request the Commissioner of Transpor-tatton to furnish far �`
use on said projects specitic engineering servicas to be performed by skitled
employees of the Department of Transportai-ion. The Com^�issioner may but is
� not obilgated to furnish the services so re:���ested. If -hhe C�:nmt�sioner of
Transportation in compl 'anco w;-!�h such request shall turnish fior fihe use of
� , the City on said projects the services of any M3nnesota Department of
Transportatlon employee, then and tn that event, the City agr�es to �eimburse
the Trunk Highatay Fund tor the full cost and expense of #he furnishing of such
services including ail costs and expenses of any kind or nature whatsoever
arising out of, connected with, or incidental to the furnishing of such
(e) The Commissioner shall receive the funds i-o be paid by the
City and the funds to be paid by the United States as Federal Aid funds, for
said projects and to pay therefrom when due any and all sums that may become
due the con-tracfior to whom the contract is awarded, and upon final completlon
and acceptance of the work, to pay from said funds the final estima-Fe to said _
coni'ractor for sa i d work. �
. (f) 7he Commissioner shall perform on behalf of -�•he City all
� .
other acts and things necessary to cause sald projeci-s to be completed in a �
satisfactory manner. �
Page No. 4
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' ,� and on���-�
(g) 7he Commissioner may enter into any agreement for ,, ��
. behalf of t�he City with the United States or any officer or agent thereof _ _
that may be required or necessary for the purpose of procuring and actually
� causing to be pald the Federal Aid Funds availabie for said pro,jects and to
that end to bind and commit the City in such agreement to the performance of
� any and all things required by any law of the United States or of any rule �
and regulation issued by competent federa{ authority pertaining 1'herefo
necessary for the purpose of procuring and having paid the Federal-Aid �
available for said projects.
(h) 7he Commissioner may perform on behalt of fihe City an� other
and furhter.�acts as may be necessary ot- required under any law of the United
S1-ates or of any rule or t-egulation issued by proper federal authority in
, order to cause said projects to be completed and fio obtatn and raceive the
Federal-Aid mads availabfe therefor. �
_ 2 -°
The City agrees that it will from time to time, after the execution
• of 'these presents to make such reports, keep such records and perform such
work in such manner and time as the Commissioner of Transpar-tation shaii from
� time to time request and direcfi so as to enable the Commissioner as its agent
to cottect for it the Federal-Aid sought. Said records and reports shaii be
retatned by the clty in accordance with the Commissio�er of Transportation
re�rd rQtention schedule for Federal Aid projects. .
. _ 3 _ � _
. it is contemplated 1-hat the Federai Govarnment wili pay fio the
Commissionor of Transportation as the agent of the City the Federal-Rid funds
availabio to sald City toward 1-he.construction of said projects. (t is
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�� further contempiated that the contracts to be let by tha Commissioner as r �
� the agent of the Ctty for tho construction of said projects shall provide
that the contractor, as the work progresses, shall , f rom time to tlme, be
paid partia) paymen-hs designated in said contract as partial estimates and
on fihe completion and acceptance of said work -to be paid a final payment
designated in said coni-ract. as a ftna! estimate for ail work perform�d.
� Tt�a�City agrees to deposit with the Commissioner of Transportation
a sum equal to ninoty t90) percent af the City share of each contract
obligat•lon, to be used in paying the City share of the partial estimates
� and tor advancing fihe federai share of such es-timate payments. Upon
determination of the ftnal costs on each contract, the City will be requested
� 1'o deposit the remaining share of their obltgafiton pursuant to the terms
of the coni-racts let for and on behalf of fihe City tor fihe construction
of sa i d contraci-s. Ai- regu I ar njonth I y i nterva i s aftet- i�he contractors
shal ! have started work under tho contracts let by the Commissioner as agent
� for the Clty for the construction of said projects, the enginee� duly
assigned -�o and in charge of said work shall prepare a partial estimate in
accordance with the terms of said contracfis let for said projects and the
procedures esi�abiished by the Offtce of Constructlon. The said engineer
tn charge of said woric shall irt�nediately atter preparing each parfiial
estimate, transmit the same ta the Commisstoner in quintupttcate. Each
such partlal estimate, shall be duly certified by the engineer in charge _
and by fihe con-tractor pc;rformfng such work. The said engineer duly
assigned to and in charge of said work shall also prepare and submlfi to
the Office of Consfiructian the fina! esttmato dafia, together wtth the
requi�ed pro,ject records �� accor-danco with fihe terms of said contracts � .
let for said pro,jects. Quantii-les Ilsfied on sald partia! and final estimates .
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shafl be documented in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the �� , . ..
� 't'•� ' `
� applicable documentation manual . In addition to sald foregoing partial _ i
estimate payments the City agrees to pay to the Commissioner that amount ',
rrhich will be suffictent together with the Federal funds actually atlowed �+
and received to pay the ftnal estimate after the same has been prepared and
submifited to the Commissioner, approved by the Districfi Engineer or his
assistant. The foregotng provisions as to the time and amounts of particular _
payments shali in no way limit or quallfy the City's obligation to pay a( !
of the cost of sa}d projects not paid by way of federal funds.
- 4 - .
When the contractor shaii have conpleted the work on said projects,
� the Cii�y agrees to inspec-h the same and forthwith upon the complefiion of said
' � inspecfiion advise the Commissloner of Transportatlon whether or not the ��ot-k
performed should be, by the Commissloner of Transportatfon as its agenf,
accepted as being performed in a satisfactory manner. In the event the
- City shouid, after said inspecfiion, recommend to the Commissioner of
Transpartation that he should not accepi' said work, then the City shali a-h
i-he t'ime such recommendation is made specify in parfiicularity the defeci-s
in said work and the reasons why the arork should not be accepted. It is
further agreed that any recommendations made by the City are not binding on
the Commissioner of T�ansportai'ion but that he shall have the right fio
dei-ermine whether or not i�he work has been acceptably performod and to
accept or reject the work perforn►ed under any said contract. �
_ 5 _ .
It is further agreed that fihe decision of the Commissioner of
Transportai�ion on the severai maifiors herein set forth shall be final ,
binding and concluslve on tho parties hereto. � �
, .
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It is contemplated tha-t the entire cost of said pro,jecfis is to be
paid from funds made avatlabfe by fihe United States, by way of Federal-Aid,
and by thQ City. If for any reason the Untted States. fails to. pay -any part
of the cost or expense of said projects, -hhen and in thafi event the City
� agrees to pay the samo. The City fur�'her agrees to pay any and all ciaims
or demands of any kind or nature whatsoever arising out of or incidenfial to �
the performance of the work under any contract let for said projects in the
event thai� the Federal Governmant does not pay fihe same, and in ai ) evenfis,
agrees to save the State of Minnesota and the Commissianer harmless and to
pay any and a! 1 expenses and cosfis connected with said projects er the
construction thereot which the Federai Government does noi- pay.
_ 7 _ � -
The City further agrees that
t) Where thera is F�dera{-aid in righi--oi-��ray -- The City �vi 1 I
mest the requiremen•ts contained in the Federal Ald' Nighway Program Manuai
Volume 7. Note: !f there is Federal-atd just tn relocation, the contract
discussed in Chapter 5, Section I , Paragraph IOC, must be executod.
2) Where i-here ts Federal-aid in constructlon oniy -- The City
wil ) meet the requtrements of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Reat
Property Acquisitions Policy Act of 1970 together with FHVJA regulations
impler�ni-tng Title II of the Act on relocation (FHPM Volume 7, Chapter 5); �
and Federa) Aid Highway Program Manual Votume 7, Chapter I , Section 4,
Paragraph 5A pertaining to civii rights.
- 8 -
7he Commissioner accepts fhis said appotntment as agont of the •
Ctty and agrees to act in accordance herewtth. �
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;r IN WITNESS 1JHEREOF, ttie State and the User have caused these �(,.. �
`� presents to be executed by their respective officers. � e�`�
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Di rector of,..('ubl ic 1lor s �lssis:an; •'° �Q;rmission�.r af Tra�s�ortat.i��
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t� .a�� ^� BY �j�', f�,'� � /-
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By 1 . . �
ayor Statc �1�i En�i�e�� U
Approved as to Form: Date � �-l? "" � �
` B � ��--�- ��`�
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As s i s�a'�` t C i ty k� o�ey (� .
BY ,;�-- � C �-✓ �-/�77 •
D i re�'tor ef� F i nance and '
Management Services �
Approved as to Form and Execution
By��h .-� � ���.����.,�---
��.�� F � .
Assistant Attorney General
Page No. 9
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AG�tEEh�ENT N0. 536�.�,',,��
' . DATGD: _ `���
� S.P. 62-00111
Minn. Proj. RRp QOCIS(3)
• • f�ailroad Crossxng 5ignals
Cama Ave. & Coma F'1ac�
� St. Paul, P1innes�t�i
' - � � RRt�iSEY CDUPJTY
Tt-�I� AGR�E�SE1lT, mac�e and eritered i.nto hy a�d betw�en CI7Y OF ST. PAUL,
. , ,
her�i.narter called ttic "City° , QU�LING70N (�0#�7fi�R(� INC. , hereinaf�;er called
the "Comp7rty" � and f;he CG(°9��I�STOi'JER OF T�ANSWORTATION t aT1-�T� QF h'�IRiN�50TA,
hereinafiter� cal��d the "Stat�:" , WI�'NESSETH:
IilHERERS, tt�e �'eder�]. Nigh�.�ay Rciminfstration, when acting i.n c�operatio.�
witt� th� Tran��nrtatian UepartmPn+ o� �he State oF Minnesotas is a�.�'chorized by
f4c'c nf Gnngress to make Fe�ciera}. Aid avaa.lat�l.e Par the purpose af �liminat�.ng
hazarr!s at railroad grade crussings within the State of f•iinnesot�; ard
WFtEFtE�-!S, tf-�� 5tat�e, p�irsuan� to t1innesata Statute, Section 161.�� (1976} ,
is �uthnrized to raoperate wi�h �he Una.ted �i,ates �overnmeni: as at� �ge�t ir►
s�lp�rvisino �mpr�vement;� af public hiyhu�ays within the S�ate of MinnesQta not
incltt�i�d in the triink highway sys�;em, and to act in disbur�ing and accc�ianting foz�
Feders�. Fur�cis in r.onne�taeri therewa.th; and �
� WHEREI�S, Como Avenu� �nd Com� �'lace,: as na�,� �stablished, cro�ses the
� track �f' the Gorpany �t grade in 5t;. Paul, Ft�msey County, P�iinnesot�, t;he lo-
ca�ior� oi' �aid crossinc�s �nd railway track taei.r�g si�own an the prin� hereto
a;i:�:�cl-�ed, marke�j Exhita�� "B" , and t�ereir� r.eferred to and made a par� pf tt��i.�
agre�nzent, �tnd .
t;lHER�l�Sp i,he City �.nd the Company d�:sire that this grade crossi.ng be
� prot;c�ctei� t�tf r�fil_road cros�ing sic,nal5, with g�tes, and th� Comp�ny i�s �iziir►�a
• t , �
' � Agreement No. 58665
to install, maintain and operate such signal.s upon the terms and conditions
herei.nafter stated. • •
1. The State of Minnesota, Department of Tz�ansportation, "Standard Clauses
for Railway Highway Agreemenl;s", dated Nov�mber B, 1976, is attached hereto
as Exhit�it "A", and hereinafter referred to as "Standar.d Clauses". Except
as hereinafter expressly modi�ied, all of the terrns and conditions set forth
in the "�tandard Cl.suses" are hereby incorporated by refe�cence and made a part
of- this agreement with the same force and effect as though fully set forth hereino
5tandard Clauses Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 and 11 are deleted from this
agreement. •
2. T�e Company shall fuxnish all material for and with its own regularly
employed f'oices ir�stall a cornplet� railxoad cro�sir�g signal system on Como Avenu�
and Como Place as indicated on attached Exhibit "8"e Said plans specifications
and the work to be done shall be subject to the apprnval of the Department of
Transportatinn of the 5tate of' t�iinnesota.
Work of installing this sic�nal system shall be prosecuted so as to be
completed mithin lE3 months after the date the Company is authorized to begin work.
' If the Company shall determine it impossible to camplete the work within
the period herein spe�cified, it shall make a written request t� the Sta�;e for
an extension of time f'or com�letion, setting forth 1:h�rein the reason for
such extension. �
3. The a�tual costs of ttie project hPreii-� cnntemplated, including engineeri.n�
costs, are to be financ�d witl�� 9U;6 Fe�feral Fund� and 10� City of St. Paul Funds.
lGY�' .
. . , . . ' • ' �- _ ,
Ayreement No. 53665 •
The State and City wi11 rea.mburse the Campany as provided herein for only .
� such items of work and ex�ens� as are proper and eligible for payment with
Federal Funds. �
The State's 9D% portion (reirnbursable 4�ith Fecieral Funds) will be aaid
to the Compa�y in accordance with Article 9 of the Standard Clauses, Exhibit "A".
� • Thp City's IO`Yu �]Or�l�Tl will be paid tQ the Company when the project has
• bePn completed and the Final Eiill has 5een approved by th2 State.
� It is understood that the following estim�te is for informatipnal purposes
on1y. The estimated cost of the work to be done by the C�mpany hereunder is as
i'ollows and in further accordance ��lith Cetailed estimate attached hereto and
marked Exhibit "C".
f�iat�ra.al • �.�59,173.00
Labor ('Lnr.luding Rdditives) 24�465.00
Contin��n�ies 8,399.OQ
' State T�r. � 1,849.00
TOTAL ES7IMA1`ED C057 �93,886.OD
Portinn o�' costs allocated to .
City (I�� of ar.tual cost) � 9,389.OU
Reimt�ursable ��zth Federal f"unds $f34,k97.U0
� 4. In the event it is deterrnined that a change from the fbregoing state-
ment of work to be performed by the Company is required� it sha1.1 be authorized
. _3_
./�,,�' .
� . Agreement No. 58655 �
only. by a wri�ten change ar extra work nrder issued by the State prior to -
the performance of the work involved in the change.
5. The said grade crossing signal system shall be maintained and operated
� by the Gompany upon completion of it� installation, but this said ❑bligation
to maintai.n said signal system shall continue `in aceord�nce with the law of
the 5tate as it shall be from time ta time in the future. �
� 6. The signal systern shall not tre removed unless there has be�n a
determination that said si�nals are no longer �equirEd at this location.
' In the event 1:hat either railway or highway im�rovements will n�cessit�te
, a rear��ngement of tt�e signals at said crnssing, the party whose improvemant
� causes said changes will bear the entire cost of the same without obJigatiQn
to �he ol:her.
„ - .
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Agreement (Vo. 58665
IN WITPJCSS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused thi.s agreement to
be duly executed. �
Approved as to Form:
" ' (�7ayor .
. Assistant rn y
• , ,
. By: '
• Director-Department of Flnance and
Management Services
, By:
attest: �
� Secretary
Recommended for Approval: .
Railroad Operations Engineer
In Presence of: '
AssS.stant Commissioner, Public �
Dated: , 19
Approved as to �'orm and Execution: APPROUED:
Assistant Atl:orney l�eneral Authoriz�d S�.gnature
��%rl. -5-
. _
� � FOR
� . : NOVEMBER f3, 1976 : ' .
. 1. The State will review plans and specifications for the con-
- struction of the grade sepa�ation structure and approve the separation of
grades of the tracks ❑f the C�mpany and ❑f the trunk highway, as shown in �
, ! ` the plans and specifications referred to in this agreement.
� � 2. The St;ate agrees to let a contr�ct pursuant to law for the con- �
� � struction of the highway projeci; referred to in this agr2ement, in accordance
with said plans and specifica�ions referred to in this agreement.
3. The 5t�3te agrees that all work provided to t�e done by the St�te
� � on th� right of way of the Company shall be perfarned and comple�;ed in
accordance with said plans and specifi�ations in a manner satisfactory �o
� the Chief Engineer of the Company, or his authorized representative. The
� • State agrees that any cont.ract let by it, f�r the performance of any c�nstruc-
tion work cantemalai;ed by �;his agreem�nt, will req�.ire the contractor to _
compl.y w9.th all of' the provisions rel�ating to �ork on railroad right �f way
' : contained in "f•1innesota, DepartmPnt of Highways, St. F'aul, Standard Specifi-
" cations for Highway Construction" , dated January 1, 1972, as amended by
" "Sup�lemental SpecifS.cations" , dated Apri1 l, 1976, to furnish to the Camp3ny
; a�.Railroad Protective Liabila.ty Insurance Policy and to carry regular Con-
" tractor's Public Liability and Prop�rty Damage Insurance, both as specified
- , in the ("ederal-Aid tiiqhway Program h1anual, Uolume 6, Chapter 6, Se�tion 2, ,
Subsection 2, and having limi�s of liability, as specified in the specific�,-
tions and special provisions ref�rred to in this agreement. Said Railrnad
, Protective Lia6ility Woiicy and eviden�e of said Contractor's Public Lia!�ility
and property Damage Insurance, executed by an insur2r e�ualified to write
� such poliries in the State of h1innesota, shall tae delivered to the Company -
. prior to i:he �ntry upnn or use of th�e Comp�ny's property by the Contractor.
4. The Sta�:e reserves the 'right tr� make such changes in the plans
, or char�ct�r of the work, as the work u��ier the contraet proc�resses, as sha11,
in the Com:nissioner of Transpaz�;ation's judgment, be reasonably necessary to
� cause the ac�reed highway prn ject to be in all things construc�Ced� and cor�nleted
in a sat5.�factory manner, and to that end, and as supplemental to any contraci;
let for the construction of said project, to enter into any supplement�l
agx�eement with the r,ontractor for the perform�nce of any ext�a work or work
pccasioned by any necessary, advant�geous or desiravle change .in the plans.
Any such ch�nges in plan or the ch�ract�r of wark, i�volving the Company 's
facilities or pr4per.�ty, will t�� subject to the approval of the Company.
EXtiI�IT "A" - Page 1 •
� j � < <�'c a _ t �; � ,:;' 1?[� G )`'t� ! i �' sa ' �r, , i,7 � �..lf�ic.�
J� ; (:i �, � � : �(} :.� ; ,li � � 1 �1.... Ilfl '�"1 � i..
� �;xn����ci u;it?a�. Lit� �t�i�f.. ���.,v i,o Yi.� �.t; ,: ta,/ ':i�� .,�;��,�:, :�.�1�;?_uriing �Lh�� :,f.ai;e's
su�c���v.'ision i�f' ffi� c��t��Lx•��ci: i,�.�rl: , ,���'Jl(;LL{� itciwcv�r:
• 3.) that n���;liin� herein cants3ined sh�.11 prevr�nt the 5ta�e from �
� ;7ur�uinr� ar�c1 e�fio�:cinc2 �ny o� i�f:s �un��no� ].��� and s�;�atutory
righ�L�, whicii a.t m�ay f��tv` ar���ins�; any t❑rtfeasor, includinc� '
any c�nt;rac�or anci �he Cr����,r�any; . .
b.) that ��hc�r7 th� Company has li�t�i.lity or oblic�ation to the
Unite� S-Lat;es or th� State .for ��ny por�:ion of the raa.lway-
highway ;�ro ject, i:he Corn�any shall pay its share of the
railway--highwoy �_o ject in the nc.��ner ar►d to the extent
set for�h E�lsewh��r� i� this agreer�ient.
G. Th� provisi�ns cont�jin�d in F�deral-Ait( Nighway Pragram f'lanu�l,
Volur:�� G, Lh:_,pter G, S��r_,tion 2, Su,�s2c�:iUn 1, �nd U�lurn2 1, �h,3;�t�r l+,
S�ct;inn 3, shall a;�ply t� thc� railway-hir��i�����y pro ject, regardles� of; th�
me�:hnd of fin�ncing �:i��c �raject. �
7. If the Company enters into a contract nr �?c�re��nent t,�i�h a can-
� trac�or, to perforri alt or any portinn of �he Compa���'s «ork set for-!:h in this
agrc2raent, i;ne C�m;�a��y� ror itselt', its assinns and ul1CCE�Saf7I�S in intere��,,
' agrees that it wil]_ nr�i: discrir�anai�e in its choice c►f cnntractor. s ��nd Will .
, 1f1CZUL2 all of' th� nonr���scrimina�i�n ;�rnvi.siens set for�Lh in APPcf�DIX "A" ,
ai;i;.ach�d hex•eto ancl madc: a p�rt hereof, in any such cantract or ar�reetnent. •
8. The Ca;apany agrees tha�: i�s rz�re�en��ative in charg� of t;he wor'r,
s2t forth in this ?�iE?�iTIE'ilit, shal]_ f��r�ish �:he State'� �ngineer in char.ge nf
the projn�t: . • .
a.) "�"�r�� 2233, h1inn�sot� Departm�nt of Transportation, Payrnll
Plonthly F��pur�t" , �igner.� in �upl ica�te, showing the nur�5er
. of inen nn payroll; cla�si.fic�ticn, to�al hours worked and .
. • , starting, �t�pping, resumption and co^�pletion dates for
. each r�onth, not l��zer. than the week following -Lhe month in,
� which the work was peri'ormed.
b.) U�on reque�t, fiull d�i�ailed information as to progress of'
work and amount of 1�bor and P13�I;2T_'lc'31. used as of the time
of request. . '.
' In addition to the foregoin�J records anr� acts, the Company will., from
�ime to 1;ine , m�ke such other re��nrts, keeo such o�:h�r 12C0?'G�5 and perfarrn
such other work in s��ch tnanner .�r�d ��ime �� may he nere�sary i:o enable the
Sta�:e 1;0 �ollect an�i abt�in �va:i.lable Fed�ral Aid.
9. Tn the ext�nt set farth in this �.�greemen�t;, the State will re-
imburse the Company for. actual ex�cnse incurred aerforming th� work sei: forth
� in this agrecment. Payment� will be. made in accordance with the follawing;
EXHIDIT "A" - Pac�e c^ � 11-8-7G
� • ' .
• cl. � ���: 1L'i7:i�: i��',� IJ� '1i11."i).i7.1 ill�.Zf� �1;3i�GE��J (I�)t C�C�TE�JJ�-V1� �.t.�..�. �L7. 1 �
f � rf'1+ '�T..�.. .i., i� ) i'' �i� :i i. „� ��, l�tt.� t� � �' r, ! ,'.r.��[��.! 'i�� ��if ���'�,.�.��-�1�.. � .
(�'; .;� .. . , � , : .
� � . ilC ��"i� ���f .i'I ;f�% / , i, V!(.� '.Si � � .� �_::.i._E�� t �:t�� i..) '_ .�.)� �:i.�i :iil�I.�.l.
_ � •' ' � . � �• `r`''��{1:1:. C�:il �JE EiU�:J:ii:i:ifli:li3't:L'Ct �71f Cf1E.'.C�:'lll[�
(]. �7'.1�i..[ I.;il c:'t.:Lt_li 1; _ . i�.� �
th� Ccici;�c:ny's rcr::�l���c� :�ut; d�� r�ut nee:.i �l,o be in r1r:�:�i1.: or,
' . � b.) At le�st 7�;; of p;�r-Li��l bills rn.:zxke�i anc� signcci, as rec�uar�ci
abuv��, a�:i,:.�r! en �I�^ ��r.�;i�,�y Enr�inf�er'� e�tir��i.e oi' the per-
ce���7r.�e o�' c�nplet:iu7� oi' �:ii�� vr�rious c�s�; reim�ursable items,
� as ,sl�nton on the d�tailed est.ima±e, wl�ich is a1;�:�ch�� to ancl
macie a �art oi this agreement, su�j�ct to �:he �tate Engineer's
. • concurrence �nr1 ���roval of said compleiion perceni;age. In
no even� will a c_�mbination of p�rti31 t�illing b�sed on actu�l
. cost, and Engineer 's estimates, �e reimbursable.
c.) At least 9C1;� of fin:�l bill marked "Final" , signeci by an officer
of .the Corn�ansr, r��n�i�red in sep�u�let, in accox r.;anr.e with Fe�'.era?-
Aid Hir�hc,�ay Pr�arUra P�i�_:ni.�al U�lu�ne l, Char�ter 4, 5��c�i ion 3. Said
fina_1_ �i11 shal� b� a coi�pl�f;�, ��t�ileJ and ite,:�iz���+ state�ne��
[�f all a.�Lerr,s D1' WO�'I< ;�2�•i orrn�d by th` Lom�any, as sh���n in -chz
aapro,�ria-L-� exhibi L or exhibii,s attached to t;hi� agrer:m�n�.
d.) Final �jaynent ���i].1 bE� made aft�r a�jdi� of �he final bill. •
The Cn�n;��ny srall kee,� accn�.�nt of i�s w�}rk in such a w.ay
� � that sa�d �ccauni:� may i�e r�adily �udi��d. In th� �vent
that any ��oimt p�evi��sly �aid to the Lom?any is in L'XC�55
� , of th� �ctu�1 c:�st �et��mined 5y audit, the C�m���y, u��n
noti�ce of the 5ta�e, shall pay to the St�te the �iff'erence.
1C1. In the �v:..�nt :,h��: ��he :-itai:� r'oes not en�r�r in�o a co�itract for
constructiicln of �;hc �ro j�ci, c�n�:.emplat�d by this c3C�1�;E'(Il�:fl L on or i�efore a day
. . twelve (12) nanths �f-(;er th� d��t� �this a�r�emer��: is fully �x��cut��d, thnn ei��h�r
p�r�y rnay, �t �.rty '�`,i�;:� �:hC'I'L'�3i I:�a,, �;��rve ���i;zr.� ai' ca�cellatian u;�on th� otfier
party, 5y re�isi:er�d niai.l, anc' this ��Jree�en�t shall i;nmediately t�e can�ell�d
and termi.r�;�I:�d; nrevic',r.l, ho�:��ver, i:h�i. i;h�� Co�n�ar�y sha?_1 b� rzim��ursed in full
by the :;����cc f�r all rei�:�ur:��.��1:.� .r�st� incux�red af�e� this ac�reem��t is fully
- executed "cifiLi l�rior tu sai� caric:��ll�,tion.
11. Th` reir�i�uTsabl� r�i��intena�ce cost� shall not extend to the repair
af �ny darnage to th� i�ri.dg� stru�tur2 resuli:ing from the o;���rations of tne
Company f�r w�iich th� Co;n��n1l ��C�J any cr�mmc!n la�� or �t7tut.ory li�bility. The
re5.mbursable rna%nte�arice cos�:s :nall be limited to ti�e act«al cn�t of Z�J�71
� and materials used ��nd to ren�al val.ue of equipment �us�d. The a�tual cos� of
lubar and n3t�rials and �hc� r;=�n�l,al value c�f equipm�nt rei'err�d to sh�ll b�
ascertain��cl �.n accnrri�nce wz��h the nrov�.sions of' th� receral-Aid I-iic�h��ay Pro-
� gram hianu�,l , Vulume 1., Ch��ter 4, 5ection 3. Exc`���t �s hereinai'ter proviced
in the c�3��� ❑� emer�ency re�airs, reim5urser�enl; shall he made �nly if �:he
Company h�3s �uh�nitt�:d its p�iJ�-)OSE'd re;�air� �:o thh St��e, inrlu�;inr� any estim�te
of' co�t �of �ilch rep�ir.s, ��nd •����,�rov�l h�s been received fr�rn the Stat� in
wril:inr� in adv�nce of' st�r�;ing w�rk i�y the Comp3ny. If the Cemp��ny is un�SZe
to �btain i:h� Si;a�:e'� a�prov�l aT the pz�oposed repairs , it rnay request and
require the State ta le-t a cont.r��c1; i'or th� necess�ry work. In the event of
� �n em�rgency requiring immediat� r��airs tn said bric'ye struc�:uie in order to,
EXf-{IOIT "/�'r - Par�e 3 11-8-76
. - . �, . .
1'�^ . �' . ,s ��7:`'.'i��� ��'� 'n• � . � .
. maint��.n rc.�ilro�cl.��:r��fi_r,, � t��F; L'c;r�;��n�r ;;t�all be anl.y sc�nuirnd to notzfy the
5�;ate a� s,�on :�� r. e��s�n��bly po_,si�a_e 'h�t the 2m��rgency has arisen and that
the Company i� �roceeding ��ith th� worl:. The Com��any hereUy acknowled,��
• � - tliat it m�y be n��c��^�ary ��� i 9.1� �i 1e�3.slai.i.ve c].�im for rein�ursern�ni; of any
costs inctlrl�ed 5e�nre 5��tc� Func:s are encunb�red in an amount suffici•ent ta
cov�r the cu�ts of the w�rk. In all events, r�im;�ursable maintenance costs
�shall be ].imil:ed �o necessary repairs.
� If any main�en�mcz work i.s such that it cannot be perfor�ed by the
Comp�ny with its otir� equipr�en� and regular]_y em'ployed forcps, tFe Company may
contract the u�rk. How�ver, the Co^�pany s�all not a��ard the contract or start
wnrk uni:il the c�ntra�t ha� bec�n aporoved by the Cammissianer of Transportation
and the necessary 5t�te funds hav� 5ee,� encunbered. .
Z2. It is further agre�d by and b��;�ileen the parties .hereto anyi;hing
ta the con�rary herei.n no c�,li th�i;anrii:ng, tha� the Commissi�ner of Trans�or�a�ion
af th= 5�ta�;e oi' f°lin�esoi:a is �c�ing in his ofPicial capacity on?y and th�t hz
shall not be oersonally res�:�on�i�le �r liable ta the Company ar to any persan
III' '�]ETSOf1S WilDTf1SGL'VCr fOr 'c311�f CI?.1^18� Gu�c'If�ES� 3C'"i.1Df1S i OI' C�IJSL':i Cf action
af any ki.n�i ar character arisang cut o�' or �y reascn of th2 ex�cutian af this
, agreemeni; ar the performance or con�lc�tion of {;he project provided fDr herein.
� . 13. Befare this agraement shall berome binding and affecti_ve, it. shall
" have received the ap�roval of such State ���icers as the Iaw nay provide in
addition to the Conmi.ssion�r of Transporta�,ion.
14. Th° laws af 'che Stai:e of (��inrescrta sh�11 9overn al_1 que�tion� �s
�o �the execu uion, n��tua e, obli�ation, cons�ruction, • validi�:y and perf or•r�ance
� � nf this �yreement. .
' • . . .
EXHIf�ITY nAn _ ('�ge 4 11-8-7�
. ' - . , ! , • • • .
Mn/DOT 25252(12/76) .
Non-Discrimination Provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
During the performance of this contract, the contractor, for itself� its assignees and successors in interest
(hereinafter referred to as the "contractor"), agrees as follows:
(1) Compliance with Regulations: The Contractor will comply with Regulations of the Department of
Transportation relative to nondiscrimination in federatly-assisted programs of the Department of Cam-
merce (Title 49, Code of Federal Regulation, Part 21, hereinafter referred to as the Regulations),which
are herein incorporated by reference and made a part of this contract.
(2) Nondiscriminatian: The contractor, with regard to the work performed by it after award and prior to
completian of the contract work, will not discriminate on the ground of race, cotor, or nationat origin
in the selection and retention of subcontractors, including procurements of materials and leases of
equipment. The contractor will not participate either directly or indirectly in the discrimination pro-
hibited by Section 21.5 of the Regulations, including employment practices when the contract covers
a program set forth in Appendix "A". "B" and "C".
.(3) Solicitations for Subcontracts, Including Procurements of Materials and Equipment: tn all solicitations
either by competitive bidding or negotiation made by the contractor for work to be performed under a
� subcontract, including procurements of materials or equipment, each potential subcontractor or sub-
plier shall be notified by the contractor of the contractor's obligations under this contract and the
Regulations relative to nondiscrimination on the ground of race, color or nation origin.
(4j Information and Reports: The contractor will provide �II information and reports required by the
Regulafions, or orders and instructions issued pursuant thereto, and will permit access to its books,
records, accounts, other sources of information, and its facilities as may be defermined by the Depart-
ment of Transportation or the Federal Highway Administration to be pertinent to ascertain compliance
with such Regulations, orders and instructions. Where any information required of a contractor is in
the exctusive possession of another who fails or refuses to furnish this information, the contraetor shall
so certify to the Department of Transportation, or the Federal Highway Administration as appropriate,
and shall set torth what efforts it has made to obtain the information.
(5) Sanctions for Noncompliance: In the event of the contractor's noncompliance with the nandiscrimi-
nation provisions of this contract, the Department of Transportation shall impose such contract
sjanctions as it or the Federal Highway Administration may determine to be appropriate, including
but not limited to, _
(a) witholding of payments to the contractor under the contract until the contractor complies, and/or
(b) cancellation, termination or suspension of the contract, in whole or in part. \
(6) Incorporation of Provisions: The contractor wilt include th2 provisions of paragraph (1) througf� (6)
in every subcontract, including procurements of materials and leases of equipmenf, unless exempt by
the Regu(ations, order, or instructions issued pursuant thereto. The contractor will take such action
with respect to any subcontract or procurement as the Department of Transportation or the Federal
Hiqhway Administration may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions including sanctions for
noncompliance: Provided, however, that, in the event a contractor becomes involved in, or is threaten-
ed with, litigation with a subcontractor or supplier as a result of such direction; the contractor may
request the State to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of #he State, and in addition.
the contractor may request the United States to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of .
the United States.
' � �
A. �r . . ' 1.Y''. .
t, .T � , . � � � . . . . � .
. . . . . . . � .. . . . � � .
'�' .. c ... � , , ' , . .
� ... � 4 1392.1
r .' �
Nighway grade crossing warning system estimate at MP 4 + 1595. 8 , street
Como Avenue BN 82992F
�name- C�mo Place , dt or near St. Paul � Mn. , ,Xing No. B����Y '
� � ' Gates T e of Control � GCP , � ''
� ;type of warning device: • YP f �
� �,:
,, :` . LABOR - MA7ERIAL �
`$aisic Estimate (36) - 17 - 3 '�,513 39 ,.108
: :,
� Additional items from page (36)-19. '�
'' Fig. A Power Tap 450 � ;.j
;��9, Medium Range Track Circuit 3,790
I Signal Barricade 570 472
Fi g. � - --------
Fjg, SiQnalized Te�,ra.tory .:��- ��-�-- : .
Fjg, Wire Bun c�., -� -�
Fjg, + _ _F��,,rransxP Trark i rciii�G �.II- --�--
Fig. --
Material to be deleted from Basic Estimate's (36) - -
' - bill of material . � :�
. (�)
ater�a to be added: ------
nsu ate ao�nts a. ost: a or, 0 ater�a �Q_ �._
Insulated switch rods and gage plate (Ea. Cost:
5100 Labor, $300 Material ) ��-
� � Labor removing signal facilities SU
Mi sce l l aneous i tems 9 24
Transportation charge (2% of total material costs)
Purchase and store expense (59� of total of material 2, 357
costs and transportation of r�aterial) ' � �
Freight on material (1� of total material costs) 3 991
Rental of equipment (35� of total signal labor) � . .1
Engineering, construction 300 .
Engineering, preliminary (25� of total signal labor) 2,951
Preparation of bills (5� of total signal labor) �
liability insurance ($1 million coverage .at $12/$100 1, 584
of payroll ) (See Estimating 800k for computation. )
Expenses (35� of total signal labor, unless there is
information that expenses will b� less because of � 3 991
type of crew being used on the project�
Labor surcharges (48-�i-�'% of total labor and -53.0�
engineering) 44 . 24$ 54 7, 72�
Totals $ 24.465 59�2�
2�, 465
_ __�--------------------------- ' $83,988
Total Labor and Material
ContingenCies (10% of Labor and Material -- ---- ____- $ 8 , 399
State Tax - State of Minn�sota --------- - _ ' $ 1, 349
Salvage -----------------------
------------------------ $ 350
Total Labor and Material I $��-9R�
. ' Contingencies , g, _�99
State Tax - $tate of Minnesota� 1, 849
Total Cost $g4, 2��
- ��,n
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