01-3011����,�i�' y � _.1 f �t ^ 't,�1 1 I'•�i a ��\ �... Presented By: Refarrad To: WHEREAS, On Dacember 73, 2000 the Clty Councll approved tfie 2001 budgets of the general fund and speclal funds; and WHEREAS, the City Councll placed sevaral spending Items In General Government Accounts•Specified Contin9ency; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, according to City Charter, Sec. 10.07.3, may request release of Specitied Contingency funds by resolution; and WHEREAS, there Is a need to release from Specifled Contingency tha funding for lobbying services to represent the City's interests at the tederal level; and , WHEREAS, the Meyor, In accordance with Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter, recommends the following changes ta the 2001 budget: � z a 4 s 8 r e B �o t1 �z ta 14 15 t8 1] 78 19 zo 21 22 2� xa xs 28 27 2e ze 30 37 92 7� 34 as 98 77 Funtl Activity Object Descriptlon � � I � 1 � Relaa�e i nd a from eontlnnencv Ganeral Government Accounts 001 - 09061 - 0548 Place Fund� In Denartment Budaets Mayor's Office 001 - 00100 - 0219 Public Works 001 - 02000 - 0219 Ptanning and Economlc Development 001 - OB000 - 0299 Council File # /J� .��� RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet# 104327 Faderel lobbyist funding Mayor's Office portion ot fetleral lobbyist PW portion offederal lobbyist PED portion of federal labbylst GENERAL FUND SPENDING CHANGE Committee Date: 0 �4,138 0 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Councll approves the amended butlget as Intlicated above, and adopts the revislons to the 2001 budget. Requested by Department of: 0 54,669 70,000 14,739 Executive Administration - Flnanclal Services By: Peter Hames Adoption Cartlfled by Councll Secretary: By: ��a'_,� -� ,� Approved by Mayor: Date �7�/����/ sy: Approval Re mmended by Director of Financial Services: By: Y"/� Form ApprO�e�b�j City Attorney: , � � By: Approved By: CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 38,139 (36,139) 40,668 14,000 0 10,000 Councll: �o:wxnxeo�euoosnu�weeowrnme�wreccxro.wxa� Adopted by Council: Date / �//Q .Lj .2�c/�l�// DHPARTMBNT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATEINITIAT&D v / ��� ExecutiveAdministration o3/2�/01 GREEN SHEET NO. 104321 CONTACT PORSON & PHONH � DEPARTMENT DIRHCTOR �4 CITY COUNCIL Bill Huepenbecker 266-8517 ����� ❑2 CITYATTORN6Y a✓ -� � crrvcLS�uc m�usearoa novneo a gUpG&T DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICBS DIR. MUST BB ON CO[JNCIL AQBNDA BY (DATB) oaosn 03/28/01 ❑3 MAYOR(ORASSISTAN7� �5 OFS-A onn�n¢cctinn TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUBSTeD Approval of a budget amendment to release funds from Specified Contingency for the federal lobbyist RBCOMM6NDATIONS:AO�rove(A)o�Rajecl(R) PERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWINGQUESTIONS: (Explain all yea answers on aeparete sheet and adach ta green sheet.) PLANNINO COMMIS910N _CIVIL 59RVICfi CUMMISSION 1. H93 IhiS pCI5011/�Rll ¢vEI wofked Wld¢I 8 COnh'ect fo� f�113 d¢pd�ltllentR CIBCOMMITT88 _ YES NO _ A_SrAPP _ 2. Has this persoNfirtn ever been a city employee? DISTRICfCOVaT _ 1'�S NO SUPPORTS WHICH COUNQ60BJBCTIV6'1 3. Daes lhis persoNfirtn possess a sMil not normalty possessed by any current city employee7 YES NO INITIATNB PRODLEM, ISSOe, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whet, When, Where, Why): When the City Council approved the 2007 budget, several spending items were placed in Specified Contingency pending request for release of funds by the Mayor. One of these items was funding for a lobbyist to represent the City's interests at the federal level. The Mayor has evaluated the need for this item and requests release of the funding. The total amount released from contingency is $38,139. ADVANTAGSSIPAPPROVBD: , The funds may now be used as intended/requested. The City's interests will be properly represented before the federal government. DISADVANTAGBS IP APPROVL�D: None DISADVANTAG95IF NOT APPROVBD: Funding earmarked by the Mayor and City Council for the federal lobbyist would not be available. The City's interests would not be properly represented at the federal level. TOTAL AMOUIVT OF TRANSACTION WST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES �VO ,� General Fund $38,139 Special Funds $0 ncTrviTVrvuMSER 001-09061-0548 (38,139) TOTAL $38,139 001-00100-0219 14,000 001-06000-0299 14,139 RUNDINC SOURCE General Fund - Fund Balance 001-02000-0219 10,000 PreparedbytheOtticeofFlnenelal9arvlces (G:15HARED\BUUGET1t91RESOLUTIVUUIIFE�LOBBY.WK4) 1����,�i�' y � _.1 f �t ^ 't,�1 1 I'•�i a ��\ �... Presented By: Refarrad To: WHEREAS, On Dacember 73, 2000 the Clty Councll approved tfie 2001 budgets of the general fund and speclal funds; and WHEREAS, the City Councll placed sevaral spending Items In General Government Accounts•Specified Contin9ency; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, according to City Charter, Sec. 10.07.3, may request release of Specitied Contingency funds by resolution; and WHEREAS, there Is a need to release from Specifled Contingency tha funding for lobbying services to represent the City's interests at the tederal level; and , WHEREAS, the Meyor, In accordance with Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter, recommends the following changes ta the 2001 budget: � z a 4 s 8 r e B �o t1 �z ta 14 15 t8 1] 78 19 zo 21 22 2� xa xs 28 27 2e ze 30 37 92 7� 34 as 98 77 Funtl Activity Object Descriptlon � � I � 1 � Relaa�e i nd a from eontlnnencv Ganeral Government Accounts 001 - 09061 - 0548 Place Fund� In Denartment Budaets Mayor's Office 001 - 00100 - 0219 Public Works 001 - 02000 - 0219 Ptanning and Economlc Development 001 - OB000 - 0299 Council File # /J� .��� RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet# 104327 Faderel lobbyist funding Mayor's Office portion ot fetleral lobbyist PW portion offederal lobbyist PED portion of federal labbylst GENERAL FUND SPENDING CHANGE Committee Date: 0 �4,138 0 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Councll approves the amended butlget as Intlicated above, and adopts the revislons to the 2001 budget. Requested by Department of: 0 54,669 70,000 14,739 Executive Administration - Flnanclal Services By: Peter Hames Adoption Cartlfled by Councll Secretary: By: ��a'_,� -� ,� Approved by Mayor: Date �7�/����/ sy: Approval Re mmended by Director of Financial Services: By: Y"/� Form ApprO�e�b�j City Attorney: , � � By: Approved By: CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 38,139 (36,139) 40,668 14,000 0 10,000 Councll: �o:wxnxeo�euoosnu�weeowrnme�wreccxro.wxa� Adopted by Council: Date / �//Q .Lj .2�c/�l�// DHPARTMBNT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATEINITIAT&D v / ��� ExecutiveAdministration o3/2�/01 GREEN SHEET NO. 104321 CONTACT PORSON & PHONH � DEPARTMENT DIRHCTOR �4 CITY COUNCIL Bill Huepenbecker 266-8517 ����� ❑2 CITYATTORN6Y a✓ -� � crrvcLS�uc m�usearoa novneo a gUpG&T DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICBS DIR. MUST BB ON CO[JNCIL AQBNDA BY (DATB) oaosn 03/28/01 ❑3 MAYOR(ORASSISTAN7� �5 OFS-A onn�n¢cctinn TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUBSTeD Approval of a budget amendment to release funds from Specified Contingency for the federal lobbyist RBCOMM6NDATIONS:AO�rove(A)o�Rajecl(R) PERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWINGQUESTIONS: (Explain all yea answers on aeparete sheet and adach ta green sheet.) PLANNINO COMMIS910N _CIVIL 59RVICfi CUMMISSION 1. H93 IhiS pCI5011/�Rll ¢vEI wofked Wld¢I 8 COnh'ect fo� f�113 d¢pd�ltllentR CIBCOMMITT88 _ YES NO _ A_SrAPP _ 2. Has this persoNfirtn ever been a city employee? DISTRICfCOVaT _ 1'�S NO SUPPORTS WHICH COUNQ60BJBCTIV6'1 3. Daes lhis persoNfirtn possess a sMil not normalty possessed by any current city employee7 YES NO INITIATNB PRODLEM, ISSOe, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whet, When, Where, Why): When the City Council approved the 2007 budget, several spending items were placed in Specified Contingency pending request for release of funds by the Mayor. One of these items was funding for a lobbyist to represent the City's interests at the federal level. The Mayor has evaluated the need for this item and requests release of the funding. The total amount released from contingency is $38,139. ADVANTAGSSIPAPPROVBD: , The funds may now be used as intended/requested. The City's interests will be properly represented before the federal government. DISADVANTAGBS IP APPROVL�D: None DISADVANTAG95IF NOT APPROVBD: Funding earmarked by the Mayor and City Council for the federal lobbyist would not be available. The City's interests would not be properly represented at the federal level. TOTAL AMOUIVT OF TRANSACTION WST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES �VO ,� General Fund $38,139 Special Funds $0 ncTrviTVrvuMSER 001-09061-0548 (38,139) TOTAL $38,139 001-00100-0219 14,000 001-06000-0299 14,139 RUNDINC SOURCE General Fund - Fund Balance 001-02000-0219 10,000 PreparedbytheOtticeofFlnenelal9arvlces (G:15HARED\BUUGET1t91RESOLUTIVUUIIFE�LOBBY.WK4) 1����,�i�' y � _.1 f �t ^ 't,�1 1 I'•�i a ��\ �... Presented By: Refarrad To: WHEREAS, On Dacember 73, 2000 the Clty Councll approved tfie 2001 budgets of the general fund and speclal funds; and WHEREAS, the City Councll placed sevaral spending Items In General Government Accounts•Specified Contin9ency; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, according to City Charter, Sec. 10.07.3, may request release of Specitied Contingency funds by resolution; and WHEREAS, there Is a need to release from Specifled Contingency tha funding for lobbying services to represent the City's interests at the tederal level; and , WHEREAS, the Meyor, In accordance with Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter, recommends the following changes ta the 2001 budget: � z a 4 s 8 r e B �o t1 �z ta 14 15 t8 1] 78 19 zo 21 22 2� xa xs 28 27 2e ze 30 37 92 7� 34 as 98 77 Funtl Activity Object Descriptlon � � I � 1 � Relaa�e i nd a from eontlnnencv Ganeral Government Accounts 001 - 09061 - 0548 Place Fund� In Denartment Budaets Mayor's Office 001 - 00100 - 0219 Public Works 001 - 02000 - 0219 Ptanning and Economlc Development 001 - OB000 - 0299 Council File # /J� .��� RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet# 104327 Faderel lobbyist funding Mayor's Office portion ot fetleral lobbyist PW portion offederal lobbyist PED portion of federal labbylst GENERAL FUND SPENDING CHANGE Committee Date: 0 �4,138 0 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Councll approves the amended butlget as Intlicated above, and adopts the revislons to the 2001 budget. Requested by Department of: 0 54,669 70,000 14,739 Executive Administration - Flnanclal Services By: Peter Hames Adoption Cartlfled by Councll Secretary: By: ��a'_,� -� ,� Approved by Mayor: Date �7�/����/ sy: Approval Re mmended by Director of Financial Services: By: Y"/� Form ApprO�e�b�j City Attorney: , � � By: Approved By: CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 38,139 (36,139) 40,668 14,000 0 10,000 Councll: �o:wxnxeo�euoosnu�weeowrnme�wreccxro.wxa� Adopted by Council: Date / �//Q .Lj .2�c/�l�// DHPARTMBNT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATEINITIAT&D v / ��� ExecutiveAdministration o3/2�/01 GREEN SHEET NO. 104321 CONTACT PORSON & PHONH � DEPARTMENT DIRHCTOR �4 CITY COUNCIL Bill Huepenbecker 266-8517 ����� ❑2 CITYATTORN6Y a✓ -� � crrvcLS�uc m�usearoa novneo a gUpG&T DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICBS DIR. MUST BB ON CO[JNCIL AQBNDA BY (DATB) oaosn 03/28/01 ❑3 MAYOR(ORASSISTAN7� �5 OFS-A onn�n¢cctinn TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUBSTeD Approval of a budget amendment to release funds from Specified Contingency for the federal lobbyist RBCOMM6NDATIONS:AO�rove(A)o�Rajecl(R) PERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWINGQUESTIONS: (Explain all yea answers on aeparete sheet and adach ta green sheet.) PLANNINO COMMIS910N _CIVIL 59RVICfi CUMMISSION 1. H93 IhiS pCI5011/�Rll ¢vEI wofked Wld¢I 8 COnh'ect fo� f�113 d¢pd�ltllentR CIBCOMMITT88 _ YES NO _ A_SrAPP _ 2. Has this persoNfirtn ever been a city employee? DISTRICfCOVaT _ 1'�S NO SUPPORTS WHICH COUNQ60BJBCTIV6'1 3. Daes lhis persoNfirtn possess a sMil not normalty possessed by any current city employee7 YES NO INITIATNB PRODLEM, ISSOe, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whet, When, Where, Why): When the City Council approved the 2007 budget, several spending items were placed in Specified Contingency pending request for release of funds by the Mayor. One of these items was funding for a lobbyist to represent the City's interests at the federal level. The Mayor has evaluated the need for this item and requests release of the funding. The total amount released from contingency is $38,139. ADVANTAGSSIPAPPROVBD: , The funds may now be used as intended/requested. The City's interests will be properly represented before the federal government. DISADVANTAGBS IP APPROVL�D: None DISADVANTAG95IF NOT APPROVBD: Funding earmarked by the Mayor and City Council for the federal lobbyist would not be available. The City's interests would not be properly represented at the federal level. TOTAL AMOUIVT OF TRANSACTION WST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES �VO ,� General Fund $38,139 Special Funds $0 ncTrviTVrvuMSER 001-09061-0548 (38,139) TOTAL $38,139 001-00100-0219 14,000 001-06000-0299 14,139 RUNDINC SOURCE General Fund - Fund Balance 001-02000-0219 10,000 PreparedbytheOtticeofFlnenelal9arvlces (G:15HARED\BUUGET1t91RESOLUTIVUUIIFE�LOBBY.WK4)