269388 WH17E - UTV CLERK COUIICll �� G�
BLUE - MAVOR . � Flle NO.
• O Zn `, Ordinance N�. C l.D���`-'
Presented By Leonard W. Levine
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An ordinance creating a new Chapter
329A of the Saint Paul Legislative Code
requiring dogs and cats of certain ages
to be vaccinated against rabies, establish-
ing procedures for the enforcement thereof,
and providing for the impoundment of ra�bies
Section 1.
That a new Chapter 329A of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is
adopted to read as follows:
329A.01. Definitions. For the purposes of this
chapter, the definitions found. in Chapter 329 shall
apply, where consistent, as well as the following
(a) Dog: The worcl "dog" means and includes any
male or female animal of the dog kind.
(b) Cat: The word "cat" means and includes any
• domesticated feline animal, male or female, whole or
(c) Vaccination against rabies: The term "vaccina-
tion agsinst rabies" refers to and means the inoculation
of a dog or cat with a rabies vaccine. Such vaccination
shall be performed by a veterinarian duly licensed to
practice veterinary medicine.
Yeas , Nays Requested by Department of:
Hozza In Favor
Roedler Against BY
Form Approved by ity ttorney
Adopted by Councii: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
� �%�
(d) Rabies Control Authority: The term "rabies
control authority" refers to and means any duly autho-
rized person or persons responsible for the enforcement
of this chapter in accordance with the directions of
the Health Officer.
329A. 02. Vaccination Requirements.
(a) Every dog or cat, four r►onths of age and
older, shall be vaccinate�. against rabies within six.tv
(60) da��s after the effective date of this ordinance.
Young dogs and cats, those under four (4) months of
aae as of the effective date of this ordinance, shall
be vaccinated ��ithin thirty (30) days after they attain
the age of four (4) months.
(b) Every dog and cat which is not vaccinated
at the time of its acquisition or transportation into
the Cit_y shall be vaccinated within thirty (3Q) days
of acquisition or arrival, whichever is applicable,
unless such dog or cat is under four (4) months of age.
(c) �very doa shall be revaccinated thereafter at
� not more than thirty-six (36) month intervals with a
live rabies vaccine or at not more than twelve (12)
month intervals with an inactivated rabies vaccine.
Every cat shall be revaccinated thereafter at not more
than twelve (12) month intervals regardless of the
t_ype of vaccine used.
(d) Those dogs and cats which have been vaccinated
against rabies within the past thirty-six (36) months
or twelve (12) months of the effective date of this
ordinance, whichever is applicable, are not required
to be revaccinated until said period has expired.
329A. 03. Vaccination Identification. A metal or
durable }alastic current rabies vaccination tag, issued
by the attending veterinarian, shall be securely attached
. c�G���
to the collar or harness of the dog or cat by the o��ner.
VJhenever the dog or cat is out-of-doors, whether on or
off the o�aner' s nremises, the collar or harness with
the vaccination tag must be worn. In addition, the
owner may be requested to �rovide a current certificate
or rabies vaccination issued by the veterinarian.
329A. Oa. Vaccination Cost. The cost of rabies
vaccination shall be borne by the owner of the dog or
cat, whichever is applicable.
329A. 05. Exer.lption from Vaccination ReRuirements:
Transient Doqs and Cats. The provisions of this chapter
with respect to vaccination shall not apply to any dog
or cat temporarily remaining within the City of Saint
Paul for less than thirty (30) days, or to any doa or
cat brought into the City for fiel� trial or show pur-
poses. Such dogs and cats shall be kept under strict
supervision by the owner. However, it shall be unlawful
to bring any dog or cat into the City of Saint Paul under
circumstances which are not in com�liance with the animal
health laws and import and exhibition regulations of the .
St�te of .�:�innesota whicl�i are appii�able to dogs or cats.
32�A. 06. Handling of Dogs and Cats Bitten by Rabid
Animals. The followinq rules shall apply in the case of
dogs or cats known to have been bitten by rabid animals.
For the purposes of this section, anv bat, skunk, civet
cat, raccoon or fox that bites a dog or cat shall be �
deemed a rabid �nimal, unless proven other���ise.
(a) If the bitten (exposed) dog or cat has not been
vaccinated in accordance with the provisions of section
329A. 02, said bitten exposed d.og or cat shall be destroyed
immediately. If the owner is unwillina to c3estroy the
bitten (exposed) do� or cat, said animal shall be placed
in strict isolation in a veterinary hospital under veter-
inary supervision for a minimum period of six (6) months.
Before release of the dog or cat to its owner, it shall
be vaccinated against rabies one (1) month prior to its
release at the owner' s expense.
. � ���J�.X�
(b) If the bitten (exposed) dog or cat has been
vaccinated in accordance with the provisions of section
329A. 02, said bitten dog or cat shall be revaccinated
immediately and shall be placed in strict isolation in
a veterinary hospital under veterinary supervision for
a minimum period of forty (40) days following revacci-
nation. If the bitten (exposed) dog or cat is not
revaccinated immediatel_y, it shall be placed in strict
isolation in a veterinary hospital under veterinary
supervision for a minimum period of six (6) months.
329A. 07. Im�oundment of Dogs and Cats Wi:thout
Valid Rabies Vaccination Ta s. Any c�og or cat found
off the owner s premises an not wearing a valid rabies
vaccination tag may be impounded. Al1 impounded dogs or
cats shall be given proper care and maintenance. Impound-
ment of all animals shall be in accordance �vith the pro-
�isions of Chapter 329 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code.
Each dog or cat impounded pursuant to this section shall
be kept at least five (5) days after the impoundment
thereof, unless conditionall� r.eclainne�- h�.-:.i:t.� Qwner a�
here�:�n ,pro�ided. Any dag �or cat whic� is impounded
pursuant to this section may be conditionally reclair�led
,,by its owner by payment of the fees prescribed in
Chapter 329 and by compliance with the rabies vacci-
nation requirements of this ordinance vaithin seventy-
two (72) hours of release. L'pon claiming any dog or cat
which has not previously been �accinated, the owner shall
deposit the sum of $25. 00 with the poundkeeper, which
deposit shall be refunded upon the owner filing proof
that the dog or cat has been vaccinated ��ithin 72 hours
of release; otherwise the deposit shall be forfeited to
the City. If the owner of a dog or cat impounded because
of the absence of a valid rabies vaccination tag claims
that his or her animal has been vaccinated, such owner
may reclaim his or her dog or cat u�on production of
proof of vaccination, payment of all impoundment fees,
and acquisition of a valid rabies vaccination tag. If
a dog or cat impounded pursuant to this section is un-
claimed by its owner at the end of five (5) days, such
animal may be disposed of in accordance with the pro-
visions of section 329. 17 of the Saint Paul Legislative
PINF@._ • - FINANCE �GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council . ����(/�� �
' • � • �_ �.r�
Oxdin�znce ordinance N�. ��,� �
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
�'�'`/�',��---_.�.-_ .��.392A. 08. � Investigation.
(a) The Rabies Control Authority, animal warden,
or any police officer is authorized to enter any yard,
whether or not enclosed, or any open kennel in which a
dog or cat is kept or harbored for the purpose of de-
termining whether such dog or cat is wearing a valid
rabies vaccination tag.
(b) The Rabies Control Authority, animal warden,
or any police officer, having reasonable cause to be-
lieve a health hazard exists by virtue of an owner' s
noncompliance with the provisions of this chapter, is
authorized to apply to the appropriate authority as
otherwise permitted by law for a warrant empowering him
to enter the dwelling, residence or place of abode of
the owner of a dog or cat and to demand the exhibition
by the owner of such dog or cat and/or rabies vaccination
tag and/or rabies vaccination certificate.
329A. 09. Pound Fees. Impoundment fees shall be
borne by the owner as provided in section 329. 10 of the
Saint Paul Legislative Code.
329A.10. Penalty. Any person who violates any pro-
vision of this chapter shall be subject to a fine of up
to Three Hundred ($300. 00) Dollars or imprisonment of up
to ninety (90) days or both.
Section 2 .
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30)
days from and after its passage, approval and publication.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Butler • �
ia���� - In Favor
Levine � Against BY
Tedesco �
Adopted by Council: Date
Q�u 2 3 19� Form Approved by C' y Attorney
Certifie as e by Counci cre� BY
BY v rv
Appro y Mayor: Date p►U� 2��} � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
WN17E - CITV CLERK (�n(��[���i'�Q
PINK - FINANCE COUIICll ��.!'t ' ' l�
• " Or n�n 'nance N0.
Presented By Leonard W. Levi ne �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An ordinance creating a new Chapter 329A of
the Saint Paul Legislative Code requiring dogs
and cats of certain ages to be vaccinated
against rabies, establishing procedures for
the enforcement thereof, and providing for the
i�npoundment of rabies suspects.
Section l.
That a new Chapt r 329A of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is
adopted to read as fol s:
329A.01. Defini ions. For the purposes of this
chapter, the definitio found in Chapter 329 shall
apply, where consistent, as well as the following
(a) Dog: The word "do " means and includes any
male or female animal of the g kind.
(b) Cat: The word "cat" m ns and includes any
domesticated feline animal, male female, whole or
(c) Vaccination against rabies: The term "vaccina-
tion against rabies" refers to and mean the inoculation
of a dog or cat with a rabies vaccine. uch vaccination
COUIVCILMEN Requested by Departm t of:
Yeas Butler Nays CON�IUNITY ERVI
Hozza In Favor _ _
Hunt �
Levine Against Y
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date �,,G�tfl�+
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY-�<`���
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved or for S mi ' n to Co cil
By By
� ���*~�8
Page 2.
shall be performed by a veterinarian duly licensed to
practice veterinary medicine.
(d) Rabies Control Authority: The term "rabies
control authority" refers to and means any duly auth-
orized person or persons responsible for the enforce-
ment of this chapter in accordance with the directions
of the Health Officer. �
329A.02. Vaccination Rectuirements.
(a) Every g or cat, four months of age and
older, shall be va cinated against rabies within sixty
(60) days after the effective date of this ordinance.
Young dogs and cats, those under four (4) months of
age as of the effecti date of this ordinance, shall
be vaccinated within t 'rty (30) days after they attain
the age of four (4) mont�s.
(b) Every dog and ca`� which is not vaccinated
at the time of its acquisit�,ion or transportation into
the City shall be vaccinatec�� within thirty (30) days
of acquisition or arrival, wYi�ichever is applicable,
unless such dog or cat is unde�r four (4) months of age.
(c) Every dog shall be reV,accinated thereafter at
not more than thirty-six (36) morith intervals with a
live rabies vaccine or at not more, than twelve (12)
month intervals with an inactivatec� rabies vaccine.
Every cat shall be revaccinated thei�eafter at not more
than twelve (12) month intervals reg�rdless of the
type of vaccine used.
(d) Those dogs and cats which ha�e been vac-
cinated against rabies within the past �thirty-six (36)
months or twelve (12) months of the effective date of
this ordinance, whichever is applicable, are not re-
quired to be revaccinated until said period has expired.
• �p�',tt�4"'�ll�
Page 3.
329A.03. Vaccination Identification. A metal or
durable plastic current rabies vaccination tag, issued
by the attending veterinarian, shall be securely attached
to the collar or harness of the dog or cat by the owner.
Whenever the dog or cat is out-of-doors, whether on or
off the owner ' s premises, the collar or harness with
the vaccination tag must be worn. In addition, the
owner may be requested to provide a current certificate
of rabies vac�;ination issued by the veterinarian.
329A.04. V ccination Cost. The cost of rabies
vaccination shall e borne by the owner of the dog or cat,
whichever is applic�ble.
329A.05. Exempt�pn from Vaccination Requirements;
Transient Dogs and Cats The provisions of this chapter
with respect to vaccinat�'on shall not apply to any dog
or cat temporarily remain�,,,ng within the City of Saint
Paul for less than thirty ��30) days, or to any dog or
cat brought into the City fd,r field trial or show pur-
poses. Such dogs and cats sYi�all be kept under strict
supervision by the owner. Hov�ver, it shall be unlawful
to bring any dog or cat into th`� City of Saint Paul under
circumstances which are not in cpmpliance with the animal
health laws and import and exhibition regulations of the
State of Minnesota which are applicable to dogs or cats.
329A.06. Handling of Dogs and �ats Bitten by Rabid
Anim�ls. The following rules shall a�,ply in the case of
dogs or cats known to have been bitten''^by rabid animals.
For the purposes of this section, any b�t, skunk, civet
cat, raccoon or fox that bites a dog or at shall be
deemed a rabid animal, unless proven othe wise.
(a) If the bitten (expose�.)dog or cat,,has not been
vaccinated in accordance with the provision� of section
329A.02, said bitten exposed dog or cat shall be destroyed
�� �,'�1,�!..�'��
Page 4.
immediately. If the owner is unwilling to destroy the
bitten (exposed) dog or cat, said animal shall be placed
in strict isolation in a veterinary hospital under vet-
erinary su�ervision for a minimum period of six (6)
months. Be e release of the dog or cat to its owner,
it shall be va inated against rabies one (1) month prior
to its release a the owner ' s expense.
(b) If the bi ten (exposed) dog or cat has been vac-
cinated in accordance with the provisions of section
329A.02, said bitten d g or cat shall be revaccinated
immediately and shall b placed in strict isolation in
a veterinaxy hospital un r veterinary supervision for
a minumum period of forty 40) days following revaccina-
tion. If the bitten (expos d) dog or cat is not revac-
cinated immediately, it shal be placed in strict isola-
tion in a veterinary hospital under veterinary supervision
for a minimum period of six (6 months.
329A.07. Im oundment of D s and Cats Without Valid
Rabies Vaccination Tacrs. Any do or cat found off the
owner' s premises and not wearing valid rabies vaccina-
tion tag may be impounded. All im ounded dogs or cats
shall be given proper care and main enance. Impoundment
of all animals shall be in accordanc with the provi-
sions of Chapter 329 of the Saint Pau Legislative Code.
Each dog or cat impounded pursuant to his section shall
be kept at least five (5) days after th impoundment there-
of, unless conditionally reclaimed by i �s owner as herein
provided. Any dog or cat which is impou�ded pursuant to
this section may be conditionally reclaim�d by its owner
by payment of the fees prescribed in Chapt�r 329 and by
compliance with the rabies vaccination requ rements of
this ordinance within sev�nty-two (72) hour� of release.
If the owner of a dog or cat impounded becau�e of the
absence of a valid rabies vaccination tag cl�ims that
his or her animal has been vaccinated, such owner may
. ' t�
. . <s.�,�n���
Page 5.
reclaim his or her dog or cat upon production of proof
of vaccination, payment of all impoundment fees, and
acquisition c>.� a valid rabies vaccination tag. If a
dog or cat impOtinded pursuant to this section is un-
claimed by its ow�er at the end of five (5) days, such
animal may be disp sed of in accordance with the pro-
visions of section 9. 17 of the Saint Paul Legislative
Code. �
329A.08. Investi a ion.
(a) The Rabies Contro�� Authority, animal warden,
or any police officer is aut�orized to enter any yard,
whether or not enclosed, or ar'��r open kennel in which a
dog or cat is kept or harbored `�or the purpose of de-
termining whether such dog or ca� is wearing a valid
rabies vaccination tag. �,
(b) The Rabies Control Authori�ty, animal warden,
or any police officer, having reason le cause to be-
lieve a health hazard exists by virtu of an owner ' s
noncompliance with the provisions of t ' s chapter, is
authorized to apply to the appropriate uthority as
otherwise permitted by law for a warrant empowering him
to enter the dwelling, residence or place of abode of
the owner of a dog or cat and to demand th exhibition
by the owner of such dog or cat and/or rabi s vaccina-
tion tag and/or rabies vaccination certific te.
329A.09. Pound Fees. Impoundment fees �hall be
borne by the owner as provided in section 329.'�0 of the
Saint Paul Legislative Code.
329A.10. Penaltv. Any person who violates any pro-
vision of this chapter shall be subject to a fine of up
to Three Hundred ($300.00) Dollars or imprisonment of up
to ninety (90) days or both.
BLUE —MAVOR File NO.��� �+���
9 s
• .
� - Ordinccnce �lnan�e No.
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Page 6.
� Section 2.
This o��dinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30)
days from arrd after its passage, approval and publication.
Requested by Depar''�ment of:
Yeas Nays
Hozza In Favor
Hunt �
Levine Against BY
Form Approved by City Attorney �
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY___�,/X.dU ��
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved a r for Sub i s' to Co cil
- , 3a
� . - oM oi; z2/i9�5
� • � ' f •' • Rev. : 9/8,/76 "
� EXPLe�.iv�1.1'��:+ GE' AL':�SI:dISTRATIV�. OT.ZDERS, ,����
:tESOL��Ti0i1S , r�ND ORDZVrL?iC�S ��+�!�C7C7
Date: June 10, 1977
That the proper city officials adopt an ordinance creating a new Chapter 329A of the
Saint Paul Legislative Code requiring dogs and cats of certain ages to be vaccinated
against rabies, establishing procedures for the enforcement "ther�of, and providing
for the impoundment of rabies suspects.
. The City of Saint Paul has a large domestic dog and cat populatioFl, all of which have
the potential.. of becoming infected with rabies which coull! be �pread to man. It is ,
important to the health and safety of the citizen� to have these animals immunized
on a regular basis as a preventive health measure.
There were 940 citizens bitten by dogs, cats and other animals in St. Paul during the
, past year. The absence of an organized rabies irrnnunization program leads to signi-
ficant fear and apprehension among the victims. SQme of these victims are required
to have the rabies treatment �eries.
See proposed ordinan� .
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/ DQ�� August 8, 1977
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� � : �C]li�i t-�i.�� �'.1�'� �',OU�'I �l �
� Leonard .W. Levine � �nairman= m�kes fihe ;oElob�ling . - �
repor; on �.F. 269388 �X €7rdinance� -�
� � �?esolufion : - -
Q � - � Ofihsr_ - - - - _
. � � ��..� : An ordi nance requi ri ng rabi es -vacci nati on - � _
for dogs and cats z - - . : -
The Comni ttee recorrenends approval of this ordi nance � -
� witti the amendment that a $25.00 deposit be instituted � ' '
which would be returnable upon proof that an animal -
� released from the dog pound has been vaccinated �
against rabies. :
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3rd �l 1, �j Adopted ���3
Yeas Nays
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