269386 ��9�86 CITY OF ST.PAUL COLJNC,I�;���'ILE NO. FI NAL ORDER BY �', � ,��, / �^�- .�.,�� �..,.�.�►7 ,�:f' R: �:,_ ,.,_ ___ __ --- In the Matter of ����� ��,,d��k! it t.�M �pilpYiOs �C@iC�t� #�rt alt Al�r Ms'rk. O�@�iq� t0 �ar�►l�t� !a*so�►�Mt�. . . _' "__ '_' _".�._- . '_' _ `.: _. ._ . � .Y 1�_." . _ : . � . 1 .i{ � '.. w� � *'�"'�l Y"1(,"'. . . ' ' , _,�"�� � � ,�FZ t� 'i��F[� • ` 1iaa�C� lii� .l� , � � ��srription ��Ye��r�. :��. , � , . . . 5-10427 W, NARYLAtiD AVB., soath side froai Ric� S�. to vast 8S ft. S10428 HA�G[18 AVB., both �id�a fro� Dal� St. to St. Albms St. 5-10429 iC81iT BT.. aest side froa Portland Awe. to Hollq Ave. 310430 MARSAALL AV$., aorth 4ide from St. A1ba�u 8t. to p. Grc�tto St. aad MARSI�AI.L AVE.� north side iroo St. Alb�ns St. to east iS5 ft. ' abuttiag 663•665, 669 Marshall � 240-258 St, Alban� St. S10431 MAR3tW.L A,�B. both sides frooa Grotto St. to Avcm St. 510432 ST. ALBAIiB ST., both sidea frae Swaowwit Av�. to Hollq Ave. 514433 JA!!ES AVE., north sida froa Bay St. to Vaace 8t. Abuttiag 747 Ja��a Ave. under Preliminary Order ��n��� approved � / l The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COLJNCILMEN Adopted by t oun 1: Date Jul 19 1977 Yeas Nays �--' Butlel, C, ified by Council Secretary� �U� 2.2 1977 . � �.� In Favor By Levine Rcedler � Against J� Mayor TedescQ �?UBLI�WED .�u� � � ��7 4 �(J pR^, ■ 'Y,�. _ �� � . . I•'��9 r\J`�/ • / - CtTY QF SAINT PAUL � DEPARTMENT OF PUBII� W4RK5 DANIEL }. DUNFORD DIRECTOft Apri 1 6; 1977 ' , . ' A11 Reconstr��tion `� Mr. Roger Mattson . Director of Finance No 'assessment. �and Management Servi,ces � - Room 113 City Hall ATTENTIOP�: Paul Desch Dear Sir: Please prepare the Preliminary Order for the construction/reconstruction of the sidewalks listed on the attached�'Administrative Order. • The estimated cost for new construction not in main routes is as follows: � $4.00 per ft. for 5 ft. wide walk A � B Residental $6.81 per ft. for 5 ft. wide walk C Res. E Comm. $8. 17 per ft. for 6 ft. wide walk C Res. � Comm. $2.00 per sq. ft. for integral curb and walk Residentiai S Commerical . Attached herewith are the following: : 1. Approved Administrative Order 3476 4/1/77 2. Advisability � Uesirability Report. 3. Eopy-of�pfiarts-for-�a�h-�r�sr. ��,���,?G {'}�,•,f. � R � �� � Yours very truly, �,,� Q � i ��` � S`t -7 f �- n° � ��Q C � � "�� � .� � N � � r'��j� �T,? Hartley Thomas � p 2� O�'Cs'� �� Supervisor of Sidewalk Construction `�� � � �•��� d'�cf1�'l�(�1����� HT/gh 234 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 �- Ank --r,,,u,+�; vi i i vr. .JA►1 1 i i�A.L.;I. � � ��f . Gnarlr— [3�as. �� . `� ;. • � of r[cr: t�r Tti� aia��t�t � !..`?,`p'*�..,�,� - I � Yu_ ' �T ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ' � � .� � Datc: �� �L��. • _ . �� AD�VIINISTRATIVE ORDER, . T�iat tt�e �irector of tt�e Departa�ent af PuStic `Horf:s is he�euy authorized and d�rected`�� to prepare pians, �St�in surveys, prepare estir�ates and investigate the necrssstty to recanstrucL �sidewatic'.at the fo] lowing iocations ar�d da a1 t �tner warlc i�hich is necessary anci incidenta1 to ca�Qlete said ir�prove�,ent. - ✓ ��,��'South side of �. 1L'�hYl.�;.D AVt. fror� kice St. to �rest �Sx � , �/�s�/Zg �ot� sicie of ii�1GUc AlIC. fro;:� �ale SL. to St. Albans St. -. V �a yay +�es t s i de of i.Et�T Si'. f ron Po rt i and Avs. to Hol ly Ave. - �/D�� North sidc of MARSN:�LL r�VE. fron St. Albans St. to N. Grotto St. and tForth si�e of M:,RSitALI r+V£. fron St. Albans St. to cast 1�S' , �Lut,ting G53-EbS. . 6b9 Ftarshall and 24,?-25f, St. :lbans. ,, /�3� 6oth side of M,'�RSHAt,I �VE. froc� Grotto St. to Avon St. v 10�3Z8oth side of Si'. tilSAttS ST. frora Sur.untt tive. to tiolly Ave. � � fd�33Horth side of JAM�S AVE. from £ay St. �to Vance St. , abuttin� 747 Jar.�es :.ve. The �i recLor of Fi nance and Manac�er:e;nt Servi ces i s here5y di rectec+ to prep�re a - preifninary ordar and sui�dul� a pc;blic t�earing. OAO ee: o.(W: �r �� REG - - . R11Y N'AH t��-Oo22 cKS �Fx ec� nee ` . ��s ccr � �,o ' TJE vHP OEN t . � P.S.Q. �R.H.R, APPROVED AS TO FOR�I • � l�� � 'ti �'-° � ; y , i � � /�isistant iit� Atturney ' . � / Vep�ruucnt ltea�t J PuL 1 i c W�r�s , , �: S i 4er�a l k ' / ,, . __-- %�., � . �, M1� ;�.` Date .f� �%, ' ��f�� . `,�'--r:'�'"'�. ' -_ � �;j,_ • Admin�ctrauv�Axsists►nt t.�Ma�'4r . D i s t. Ncx. 1 `r _ . �,; � . . . � � � a? S.�. W. Maryland Ave. - Ri ce St. to west 8�' I D ���,�����' r . . This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of°petitton with 1 signer: and inspection of the walk. _ This wa�ik is poured concrete with heaves, high joints, tripping hazards, high Tongitudinal joints , cracked concrete panels, and tipped panels. �The Engineering recamrt�ndation . is for approval of the order. Remarks: Delmonte's will close up a beer chute. (Construct to width designated on plat.) . CT HJ RR ' Dist. No. 1 B.S. Nague Ave. - Dale St.� to St. Albans St. ' � 6 !�� � This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of inspection of the walk. This walk is old tile with tree heaves, broken tiie, high joints , tripping hazards, water pockets, holes in tile, and one lot very old concrete with holes. � � • The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. (Construct to width designated on plat) � CT HJ RR • Dist. No. 1 W.S. ifent St. - Portland Ave. to Holly Ave. �� � v`Z � This order was initiated by the Director of Public tJorks as public necessity on the basis of inspection of the walk. f This walk is old tile with tree heaves, broken tile, high joints, tripping hazards and water pockets. • The Engineering recommenation is for approval of the order. (Construct to width designated on plat) CT HJ RR • f ' ' �tSt. fs0. T .. � . N.S. Marshall Ave. - St. Albans St. to N. Grotto St. and �� ��,j Q ' • N.S. Marshall Ave. - St. Albans St. to east 155' , abutting 663-665, 66� Mars 11 and �/• 240-256 St. Albans. -��t.�,�� This order was initiated by the Director of Pubii.c bJorks as public necessity an the . basis of inspection of the walk. This walk is old tile with tree heaves , broken tile, high jaints, trippi�g hazards, water pockets. The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the arder. (construct to width designated on plat) CT HJ RR � Dist. No. i B.S. Marshall Ave. - Grotto St. to Avon St. ' � Q �3 � This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of 3 complaints and i�spection of the walk. � This walk is� old ti le with tree heaves, broken ti le, high joints, tripping hazards, water pockets, holes in tile and asphalt patches. The Engineering recommertdation is for approvai of the order. • (Construct to width designated on plat) � CT HJ RR • Oist. No. 1 B.S. St. Albans St. - Summit Ave. to Holly Ave. f� C� 3 �. This order was initiated.by the Director of Public Works as pubiic necessity on the basis of inspectton of the walk. ,� This walk is old ti }e with tree heaves , broken tile, high joints , tripping hazards, water pockets, missing tile, asphalt patches. • 'fhe Engineering.:recommendation is for approval of the order. Remarks : Many treesin walk not planned to be rem'd. (Construct to width designated on plat) � CT HJ RR � . � �� * � ��R � { w. � �,•ti�t,7 . . � , N.S. James Ave. - Bay St. to Vance St. , abutting 747 James Ave. I � � 3 3 , This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as pubiic necessity on the basis of inspection of the walk. This waik is old tile with tree heavss , broken tite, high joints, tripping hazard�, holes in tile, asphalt patches and disintegrated. J The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the orde�. (construct to width designated on plat) . CT• HJ RR - . � � � : � � ' � � p 'z� �,� 'k.^.�.. ,� _ -'� .-.. .. .w/�k �� E� �� Y�,x � � *�4 aZ $s�. . 3 . "`_� .4 ... �- . .. T.= i �x �T'��: F�i".•, r. . � ' .. '^e:�. . . . �,�� � ,.. _ _ __ E" .. .. � . x ' ' . a _ . i$. ��. ��}c � 1 �1 . . �H. .. �. .. v.:� f 4.;}:� �fw2'.� , . , R3'd A (� ? �_ � �. a ' .. . ,f„ �, x,�..�+`,� ��_„e „ *,�s .� ,. -.v, �,3_ '����':F�}{i Ah Y'M�.'�b��$��i i }} �� .� ..t..k.-. .:4 , e'f. �. �� f a ,� �. .. _. .:.i,��p':. �'R^!'' ' �' . :� �. .,... ,.:, ,.. A��� i �1Ez� �. .•. �;'�p� . - ._ _ � i'. s . � � �;p�M1, '�� _ �.:;;r , yr � ;f. .. ��, �