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FINAL ORDER � jj �'�`
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In the Matter of �r�ttlatt� �ida�lk�r �t �1a1 l�011l�ria� IOQ�iti�s rad
de sll oth�nc wa►s� a�aHSS� to ao�lata Lyreo�r4t
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'; l�aiac� lil� Ilo. Dsscripti� ,
5-10434 ARLI�IG'DDIi AYE.. north side fro� 75 ft wtst of Dale St. to 125 ft. M�at o! bal•
5-10435 1CgNT ST.� both side• fror Univtr�ity Avs. to 8h�rburne Av�.
5-10436 RBNT ST., both sids• frow A�olly Av�. to Ashlas�l Av�,
3•1t3437 GROT'r0 3T.. east eida frc�r Ha,�ue Av�. to Selby Ave. ;
S•10� i�i$STSRN AVB., west aide fro� Goodrich Ave. to �outh 113 ft+
5-10439 iIESTERN AVB., both sides fro� Goodrich Av�, to Harriaoa Awe., �xcept Lot 1.
Blk. 10, T�rrac� Park 14dd.
5-10440 COLDOIWS ST., v�st aide fsos Grace St. or R.R. Tracks to St. Clair Ava.
at 241 Colbo��_qnly
. . . . , , , � , _
uuu�.l <�auiiuumuu�n.v vau... _Cr`_.__.__ .. . . . ..
under Preliminary Order ��� ��� approved ��/� / �
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice
thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and
WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve-
ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate
all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
JUL 19 i977
COUNCILMEN Adopted b ouncil• Date
Yeas �vays JUL 2�2 1977
Butler�� tified Pa se Council Secretary
ozz3 �
�� In Favor
Levine C
Roedl�l Against �
���'� Mayor
T ec3esco_`
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'Jh�te —�:ity Cierk G I I�' Q��` �A I NT ��A U L 61 � f �)
�ink Financa Oept. ���,?�`�� �
�a^e`�� ePt.• or•���ccr: ot? zti� rin�ot�
v No: � � � :i �._ `�
Date: '�f�' �/ - � �
Thai the Oi rectar ot thc Cepartr:�er�t of Pui�l ic Works is l�ereby auti�orized an� di rected
to prepare pl�ns , o�tain sure�eys , prc�p�re estir.�ates and I�vesti ,ate the necessity
to reconstruct side�•ralk at the foila�risiy locations and do all other works which is �
necess�ry and inciuenta) to co�plete said tmprove��ent.
itorth side of hRLIttGT��� AVE. fror:s 75` �rest of Daie St. to 12$'• west of Dale St.
Both side of KE�1T ST. f�on L'niversi ty Ave. t4 Sl�erburne Ave.
t3oth s i de of Y.Et�T ST. f rom t;ol ly l+vc. to Ash 1 and Ave.
Cast side of G�OiTO ST. frorn Hague Ave. to Selay Ave.
4.est sicle of '�fESTE:P.iI AVE. from Goodrich Ave. to south 113'+
. �oth s i ce of W�STEitt� AV�. f rom Good ri ch Ave. to il�rri son Ave. , except Lot 1 ,
81k. I0, Terrace Parlc Add.
blest side of COL�OR:iC ST. fron Grace St. �or Ft.R. Trks. to St. Clair Ave. ,
at 24i Colb�rne only.
7f�e Di recYor of Flnance and t�fanager=�nt Services is here5y di rected to prepare a
prel iminary orde� and sc:�eduie � pubi ic t�earing.
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Assistant City Attorney �Ub�i C Zf0{'�CS Department Head
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Date \�- i t � %�
Administrotive AssisCant to Mayor
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Apri 1 18, 1977 Al i Recorrstruction
Mr. Roger Mattson � No assessment
Di rector of Fi nance
and Management Services
Room 113 City Hall .
ATTENTIOPJ: Paul Desch •
Dear Sir: • '
Please prepare the Preliminary Order for the construction/reconstruction of
the sidewalks listed on the attached Administrative Order.
The estimated cost for new construction not in main routes
is as follows: .
$4.00 per ft. for 5 ft. wide walk A E 6 Residental
$6.81 per ft. for 5 ft. wide walk C Res. E Comm. •
$8. 17 per ft. for 6 ft. wide walk C Res. � Comm.
$2.00 per sq. ft. for integral curb and walk Residential � Comrr�rical .
Attached herewith are the following:
l . Approved Administrative Order D-3So5 4/11/77 .
2. Advisability � Uesirability Report.
3. co�-�f-�rl,arrs-f��c.�tr�ter. ��,���6i?1$Ig�,��
_ �,� ,�, � ��
Yours very truly, � ApR 19�7 �
���� o I�E�:E1 VED �
�, DEPT, OF ti�
Hartley homas � F�ry .�;
�, AN�E �,
Supervisor of Sidewalk Construction � �y, q,'L
HT/gh S��L L I�•����Y
234 City Nal(, Saint Paui, Minnesota 55102
�� Dist. k+a. 1
� �
;�.5. Arlington Ave. - 7�' west of Dale St. to 125' llest of Date St. � � �3 L�
This order was initiated �y the Director of Public �lorks as public necess n the
basis of a petition with 2 signers represinting 100% of the frontage and x��'�19'-`��of
tiie wa 1 k. -
� ✓ Tnis walk is poured concrete witn badly scaled panels. '
The Engineering recornmendation is for approval of the order.
(Construct to width designated on pl�t)
CT HJ �.RR .
Di st: No. 1�
13.5. r.ent St. - Uni vers i ty Ave. to Sherburne Ave. 1� ���
Tnis order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the
basis of 1 complaint and inspection of the walk.
This walk is old tile and poured concrete with tree heaves , broken tile, high joints , •
tiripping hazards, cracked concrete panels, scaled, tipped panels. � ,
✓ The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the arder.
(construct to width designated on plat) '
Dist. No. i
B.S. Kent St. - Nolly Ave. to Ashland Ave. / Q �� �ni
This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the
basis of 1 complaint and inspection of the vralk, � .
Tfiis walk is old tile with tree heaves , broken tile, high joints, tripping hazards ,
� water pockets , holes in tile, offgrade, and asphalt patches.
The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order.
(ConstruGt to width designated on plat)
• � Qist.6� ' '
� � � �_-`����
E.S. Grotto St. - Hague Ave. to Selby Ave. /O y3 -�y
� �
This order was initiated by the �irectior of Public Works as public hecessity on the
basis of inspection of the r�alk.
This walk is old tile and poured concrete with broken tile, hig:� joints , and cracked,
settied panels.
The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order.
(Construct to width designated on plat)
. Dist. tJo. L �
W.S. 6lestern Ave. - Goodrich Ave. to south 113'+ �Q�t3 p•
7 �
This order a�as initiated by the Uirector of Public ��Jorks as public necessity on the
basis of inspection �f the walk. �
. / This walk is old tile with broken tile, high joints, tripping hazards, holes in tiie,
V and asphalt patches. .
The Engineering recommendation is for app roval of the order.
(Canstrucfi to width designated on plat)
Dist. No. 1
� /6y � �
Q.S. Western Ave. - Goodrich Ave. to Harrison Ave. , except Lot l , E31k. 10,
Terrace� Park Hdd.
This orderwas ini tiated by the Ui rector of Publ ic 4lorks as publ ic necessi t�r•�ron the
basis of a petition of 4 signers representing 409� of the frontage and inspection of the walk.
This walk is old tile and poured concrete with tree heaves, broken tile, high joints ,
tripping hazards , water pockets , holes in tile, high longtidinai joints , offgrade,
asphalt patches, cracked concrete panels and tipped panels.
� The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order.
Remarks : txcepted portion of walk that has no grade. Lot l , �lk. 10
(Reduce from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walk.)
,� , � . . � � . � . . .
F • ��_(�*`��� -
^ io� ya o�st. �,a. �
W.S. Colborne St. - Grace St. or R.R. Trks. ta St. Clair /�ve. , at 241 Calborne only�.
7h i s o rde r was i n i t i a ted by the D i rector of Pub 1 i c blo rks as pub T i c necess i ty on the
basis of inspection of the walk.
This walk is old ti le wi th broken ti le, h+ gh joints, tripping hazards, o-rater pockets
and asphalt patches.
V The Enginee�ing recommendation is for approval of the order.
Remarks: Walk very dangerous
(Reduce from a 6 ft. to � ft. walk)
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