269384 2�9:�8� CITY OF ST.PAUL COUI�ICI�, F'ILE NO. r ,�/ F I N A L O R D E R % ,,,�-� r ,,�.��,.�,,9' - � r`�.�c. .�. By . � � � File No. 1�� _ In the Matter of�x'0�11"� MNWOt�i St. ltEO� Nil�oa l�. t�0 �YC�id =t. � �t Dt�t�oo's s�u#! �tiott' r�ha►bf�Iifwatia�t ar�a, Cit�r tro,�a�t !»A�37 b^�v �pr+�i�i. arst�i�� saatts��tlt� �ea►�rt� c�ruEb ad �ettes. �ta! li,�at#� ..� :.e�ses�cci� �sn. ..e...ar�r a+a��r.R. xalki aai �w�ra�. under A�dministrative Order ��� approved � �► ���� under Preliminary Order ������ approved ���y�'/� ' The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. JUt 19 1977 , COUNCILMEN Adopted by t il: Date Yeas Nays �� 2 2 19� . Butler ified cil y�ecret Merzd— �,� In Favor Levine � Rcedle�! Against � Mayor TedescxZ PUBLISHED �UL 3 O 1977 � -� .� -- " _ ,r �` � . �-`_ . `_ " �, ,,�-�`'��,, " r��` w�,�t. -�c�Y ca.k-: '?- G�T� OF '�.f" A I NT ��ALTL ��`�;`,��.� ;,�,�' P�nk_-: —�insne�Dept.,_ . 1 .� „� ..,, ".. _ ,.. . .., � -- , ' , ,.. _, .,r:.,. �: .� t.sr►sjy,. ppt -..A..- . _ . .�, ,, . .: , d, r ,� �� • - OFFICrE 0I#" TtiE;D3AYOR .:� - . °�'�� . � - : � _ No. ,� -=�3�_9� `:=.�°: - � r: '��- �ADMINIS"FRATIYE ORDER -.'. . - : � ..{<. _ _ . _ . - _ ._ .,__ . . ���: �` �� ��` . : ._._: � � ..�: : ADMINISTRaTIVE ORDER, - . ' � , . . ' - : .. . . � . . � � r .' � . ,. ,, � , �...' ,.:. .. . . -- .. � e «.F' ..:; ...: . . ... .,.. . ' . . . . ' . . ' ' .. � ,� � . � . .r . � � . . in the �natter-of �mprovi�g a straet and walks in tha "DAYTON'S BLUFF" prFarlty . � rehabilita�ior�-ac�a, City Project. P-0727, bY regradtng, su�facing, ccanStructing concrets curb and gutter, ornat�tat itghttnq and��eeanstreseting where rtecessary � concrete wslks- and:d�iveways on�==�. _, .� : - _ .. . . _ . . . FIENDOTt� STREEC"�r�-�l t Z sa� A�ryse,tak Eue}I d s t r�e�. _ . ._ . ,_.. ,. _ .�_ : . The Departmen�. of: F�ns�c�ae� Manag+�rsnt_Servtcacs• is hereby autl�ocixe�€: t+c� s�eduie� . ` these tmproveane�tts�' for� a pabttc=�c�rtg beforeP the Ctty Councll« := : : .;: -- ;�_ �-: , _ , .m.,� � � . . • .. . � APPROVED AS TO FORM . r ista t C' ttor y ' _ epartment Head . , Date . • Administra ive Assistant to Mayor ._ _ f,. ° rA , , ������ CITY OF SA[NT PAUL. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DANIEL J. DUNF4RD May 25, 19�7 DIRECTOR Mr. 8ernard J. Carlson � Director of Finance Room lOg City Hall BUILDING Attn• Paul Desch Re: P-0727 DAYTON'S BLUFF Priority Rehabtlitatton Area Dear Slr: Attached are copies of our recortxnendations to the Mayor, Administrative Order D-3594, and a map of the proJect area. Please set up the public hearing for this project. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Allen J. Shetka at 5311 • Yours very truly, � �" .G l y�� Lt� Dan1e1 J. D ford Director of Public Works AJS/ck Attachments cc: J. William Donovan Thomas J. Eggum ,l �' . � . . � � . .�� ' h,�� � � �r �.-_� . ��� `� �^ ^'w `\ . . t�a \ �'+� ,— �,1@ 6:,��al,� ..;,�� -,,� :� ,.. ��:�'� _ �J�'�OG� �'' �4' �2 �� .,,,, �C�� �,;' `''� 234 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 � r �� .j :.t'• � � . . w i j ' � �,+i_'.,�:�=✓ �O . . ' - OM OL: I2/I375 ,./ , _ ` ,7'"r► Rev. : 9l8/76 ,. ;,�./ EXPLAr�F.TiON OF ADMI:IISTF.�ITI�IE ORDERS� 6 ����� . RESOL,U^tIOVS, r'1[JD ORDI�iANCES ��`-" ' ' . • UNIT ACTIQN INITiAL DATE � , Bureau = � f�� Date: May 9, 1977 Division '� �"'...._ Asst. Oir. _ � Director g�� . TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER ' Clerical FR: Daniel J. Dunford� Director of Pualic Works gE; improving streets, walks and lighting in DAYTON'S BLUFF PRIORITY REHABILITATION - . AREA, City Project P-0727 � � . . ACTION F.�QUESTED: � � Approval to set a public hearing before the City CouncTl PURPOS'r'. RND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: The final order for the street paving project for District 4, Dayton's Biuff � (P-0727� Co�way ITA) was approved by the City Council Aprtl 26, 1977• District 4 (with the C_D. office approva�l) , desires to add an additional block of street paving, i .e. Mendota Street from Wilson to Euclid. The estimated cost i� $15,000 and will be financed by Community Development funds. ' ATTACF161ENTS: !/�p� Administrative Order � � • Map AJS/ck � ' ��r,`� .r • . /�� -' • . y ; w . w+ �M.N � w ;�� . . ;.�yv' �"�ii '.., . . �'�l . t~ I 4 N ` �',�., .1 . �—'T__�,. 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