269383 � 'i
City of St.Paul COUNCI�,-,FILE NO.
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In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for ������ �
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l.ti. #265640 - MA�C�t1�IN ST., ��st sid• fro� Caiw to Snra�a• �
l.O. �2836tlb - CAPITOL �I.VD.. both sieles tro� Cww Av�. to Winter St.
l.0. 1►265663 - gt�EgS gT�� �� sides trow Wests�ra Aw. to hackub�.n St.
F.O. #265906 - W� �� A��� �� jia! fros Dale 8t. to th! veat 160 FC.
1►.0. �Z6S60Q - MAQUDIb ST.. ae�t aid+t l�om Coro Co �uraess
P.O. �2bS663 - EURG�SS BT., ba�h sid�es fro�, W�tst��i /I�L.,.� .
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A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement; and-said assessment'Having _:
been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, therefore,by it
RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, a^� +hP �amP is P*�by
.xew*.P�*�v ve vav e��--s€-t#�e-�et►�#�-a€-�.a:nse3�f^r ��n�rma ion.
RESOLVED FURTHER,That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in �
equal installments.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by cil: Date
Yeas Nays JU1. Z� � ��
Butieti i ied y Co ' ecretary _
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tIt�T1ti'� In Favor By �j��
Levine ; �
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c�y�}�gr, Mayor
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Constt�pctt/r�c, s c si • t
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F.O. �265663 � B�RG$SS ST., � both sides fro� Wesxer� Ave„� to �iacl�ubin 'St.
Bdna Gratz
Lot 15, Block 2, Fonndry A�ddition $160.40
Walter O. and Roaea�ary Johnson
I.c►t 16, Block 2, lon�crlry Additioa 165.68
M. Bakke, Inc.
Lot 17, Block 2, Fouadry Addition 227.76
Manford and Donna L. Bakk+e
Lots 18 and 19, Block 2, l��ndt�r Addition 475.68
University Motors, Iac.
Coatract: Sarl J. Wohlers, et al
Lot 20, Block 2, Faundry Additfon 167.60
Bvertt E. Myers, et al
West � of Lot 22 and all of Lot 21, Block 2, Foandry L�ddition 245.68
Joan V. 0'Connor
Irot 5, Block 3, Fewadry �dditioa 160.00
F.O. �265600 - MACKUBIN ST., west side from Co� to Be�rgess
Williao A. Reiling, Iac.
Lot 1, Block S, Fvandry /�ddition 691.51
Coatea Motor and lzai�er Sales, Inc. -
Bxcept sonthMesterly 10 feet fot aivenae Lot 2, �lock S, Foaadry /►�ddition 521.35
Gerwld F. Coates
Part southWeoterly of right-of-way of Great Northern Ry. of Lots 8 and
9, Block 5, Foundry Addition 190.36
Frances Wolkeratorfer, et al
Lot 1, Block 3, Merrian aad Moores Rearraage�ent 243.84
Donald L. Brigley, et al
Baccept north 10 feet for alley Lot 27, Block 3, Robert A. S'mith's Re. 137.60
Warr�n E. Salmon, et al
Lots 29 and 30, Block 3, Bobert A. Safths Re. 229.48
F.O. #265606 • CAPITOL BLOD., both sides from Couo Ave. to Winter St.
�Ial l ace 0 s lund
West 1/3 of Lots 1 and 2, Block 13 BreWSters Addition 634.88
Richard T. Maloneq, et al
Lot 3, Block 13, Brevsters Additicn 204,96
l�loyd R. Otis, et al �
Lot 4, Block 13, Brevaters Addition 203.44
M. T. Halgrea, et al
West 1/3 oE Lots 5 and 6, Block 13, Brevsters �ddition 206.16
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Jolnn D. Hoffsaa and Hqman S. Sigal
Lot 7, Block 14, Bre�►sters Addition �2�p��
Carl ii. Brauninger
Lot 8, Block 14, BreWSters Additioa 358.47
F.O. #265906 - W. MI1�iNEHAflA AVE., south side from Dale St. to the �est
160 feet
John J. and Evelyet C. White
Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, SyAdicate No. 4 Addition 740.92
Joha J. and Evelyn C. White
Lots 3 and 4, Block 1, 3yndicate No. 4 Addition 660.18
The as�essment of benefits, cost and expenaes have been filed in the offic� of the
Depart�ent of Fiaance and Kanag�ent Services. Withia tnenty daqs after the order
adopting the a:sess�ent, or xalcing a reasses+�ent, a neW asseas�ent, or auppl�egtal
assess�ent, any person �ay appeal to the Diatrict Coart by filing a notice of appeal
Nith the City Clerk stating the grcnuunds upon which the appeal ia taken« 3nch notice
shall be filed with the Clerk of District Court �rithin tea days after the filing �rith
the City Clerk.