269379 WH17E - CITV CLERK , �CQ�3�� PINK - FINANCE � COUTICll Vv�� CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL BLUE - MAYOR File NO. ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � WHEREpiS, the City of Saint Paul's Office of Econoini.c Development, at the direction of the Mayor and City Council, has submitted a proposal to the Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission for the utilization of the Midway Stadiwn Site as a "supplementary sports facility" designed exclusivelq for soccer, NO�T TI�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council, as the governing . body of Saint Paul hereby declare its full support of the proposal as submitted and agree to: (1) Allocate the necessary public utility capacity for the facility. (2) Make the necessary public improv�ments for facility. _ (3) Amend official controls to accott�odate the facility. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council urges the Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission to f�.vorably view this proposal. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas 'Qv��� Nays Hozza � In Favor Levine O Rcedler Against BY — i 1�.5,Sylvester T-.�ri�w�� L�s�i�i�wt Hunt Adopted by C ci Date ��� � 2 �977 Form ed by City Attorney � Certifie a y C nc' cretary Approv C or: Date .1 L 15 1977 Appro e b Mayor for Submis i to cil . By G'vC gy PUBLISHED ��J L � 3 1977 .• � ' �` � .� � Y , '� ' Public Utilitie ,���R�"�� -' � 8anitary Sewer sezvice to the stadium is by 6" force inain which is considered adequate to serve the new faci.lity. The stadium areu and ad3acent development currently utilize a holdino pond on site to accomrzodate storm drainage. A scheduled storm sewer project � will �eli.minate the holding pond and provide adequate storm sewer service to the site. Z'he site is currently served by a 12" water raaia which would be adequate for the new facility. Gas and electric service are readily available. Soil �orings_ � � Attached is a copy of the soil boring data taken prior to the con- structi.on of the present stadium. No unusual soil conditions are expected to be encountered. - Groundwater � � Water bearing san3 and gravsl is i.nd�cated by the soil borzngs at _ ` 'k �_ a depth of 28 to 2Q feet. ho problems are envisioned with ground- � water in this proposal. � Paved Area The proposal in�icates that approximatel.y 8C% o£ the site wil.l be � paved. - ` Zonin The site is presently zoned RT-1 (Ztao Family Townhouse). Al.though the stadium is an existing use, it would be more appropriate to . rezone 'the property I-1 (Zndustry). � � � ��:���� -6_ . ,r • - , ; �,,.__ � '•., .' ' � . _ . h .. . . � . r'' : . . ... �. . � �� . . : .': �. � .... s .- ,., .. a,.S.:SS:ad`._. .a,... . , �7+'zs . ,_ ..K%'�..»-.. s.� .. . � .r. .0 1�'�. .w�v�`t .'�i'xs- . �.r_,_ vYS�� i . : . . �. . . �' ' ' �f .�J+'�,���� r ' '�(/�y'� - f . �,.��� 11 ti � ACCESS TO THE FACILITY � Hi hwa Accessibilit The major access to the stadium site frori thz metropolitan area free- ' way systene is presently Snelling Avenue which is capable of handling ; • i large volumes of tra£fic. The street and highway plan for the City i � • � of Saittt Paul calls for the widening of Snelling Avenue betweett the ; . stadium and I-34 which would tacilitate the movement of traffic to F and from the south. Traffic to the east would be dispersed on various F � � i arterial streets such as Lexington Parkway, Front Street, Como Avenue, i Maryland ared Lazpenteur. To the west of the site the planned North- � . South Transfer Road Route and the East-West Kasota Avenue Route wi12 benefit the site immensely and provide an important connection to Highway 280. On-Site Pazking Spaces , � - _ The existing site czn accoramo3ate approxi�:ateZy 4,455 cars and 50 - - i buses. . � � � � � � l Of�-Si�e Parkin�Spaces � i , �he Midway Stadium site has ve;.y close and convenient access to the � I ap�roximately 30,000 parking spaces at the State Fairgrounds. The ;' ; site is also convenie^t to the parking facilities o€ the University j � of Minnesota Saint Paul Campus. The underutilized land east of the � site could readily accommodate expanded parking facilities. Publi.c Transit I � j Metropolitan Transit Commission bus service is readily availabl.e to � ; the site on Sne�.ling Avenue, Como, Front Street, Minnehaha, Larp�nteur � and University Avenue. In addition, Amtrak razl facilities run adjacent to the site. � i �. ,� , _ -o- _ ,. �. � i � � ���w p ....