269360 WMITE - C1TV CI� ERK �hQ�h�
, ouncil Resolution
Presented By '
Refetred To Committee: Date
Out af Committee By Date +
� An administrative Resolution approving the terms and
conditions of a 1977 Agreement between tlie City of St.
Paul and the International Association of Fire Fighters,
Loca1 1Vo. 21.
WHEREAS, the Council, pursuant to the provisions of Section 12. 09 of ;
�he 5t. Paul City Charter and the Public Employees Labor Relations Act of
;1971, as arr�ended, recognizes the International Assoeiation of Fire Fighters;,
I,Loca1 No. 21, as exclusive representative for those classes of positions
�within the City of St. Paul certified by the Bureau of Mediation Services, ,
�for the purpose of ineeting and negotiating the terms and conditions of
�employment for all full-time personnel in the cla�ses of positions as set
'forth in the Agreement between t�.e City and the exclusive representatives
'hereinabove referenced; and
WHEREAS,: the City, through designated representatives, and the exclu-
Isive representatives have met in good faith and have negotiated the terms and
conditions of employment for the calendar year of 1977 for such personnel a�
�are aet forth in the Agreement between the Ci.ty af Saint �aul and exclusive �
j representatives; and
! WHEREAS, a 1977 Agreement has been reached which includes the resu�].ts
I of an Arbitration Award which includes a 6°jo wage adjustment retroactive to '
, January 1, 1977; now, therefore, be it •
- 1 - �
i _ __ .,,.........,�...- �
' I
Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of:
Butle� �J In Favor
Hunt J
Levin __ Against BY
rw�11r r
Sylve ter
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by ouncil: Date
Certified Ya.sed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by JVlayor: Date Approved ayor for Sub ' ion to Council
i �
BLUE '�,;n��oR� File NO.
Council Resolution
Presented By
Refeered To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
- 2 -
RESOLVED, tliat the Agreement, cited above, dated as of the effective
date of this Resolution, between the City of St. Paul and the International
;Association of Fire Fighters, Local No. 21, on file in the office of the
City Clerk, is hereby approved, and the authorized administrative officials
of the City are hereby authorized and directed to execute said Agreement
on behalf of th.e City.
Civil 5ervice Com 's sion
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Butler ,�
Hozza [n Favor
Levine � _ Against BY �
Sylv ster �
t 2 19� Form pprove or y
Ado by �ouncil: Date `NL c
Certified by uncil Se�retar By
Appro y IVlayor. Dat
� .IUL � 5 1977 Approved by Mayor for Submission to oun il
PUB�ISHEn JUL 2 � 1977 �
. . _ � Y� h this men�ora�wRn fror� tl� p� ��
. Do°not detac � wt11 be� '" r _
ordinanc�e so that thig icfformat� OM Q�:: ,�x/1475
avaitabie to the C1t� Councti. ��v. i 9!8/7b ` �
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Date: J e 16, 1977 .
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F�t: ersonnel Office
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R ; ' esolution for subrn.ission ta the C4ty Gauncil � ���� i7
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ACTZt1 R�Qt,TEa�TED. ' ' , �
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• We recommend your approval aad subrn.ission of this Resolution. to the �,�
City Council. � <n
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' This. Re solution approve s the ];977 Agreerne�t between the City of St.`Pa�]. . J�
and �he Fire Fighters Local I�to. 21. The Agree�aent i�np,lemeats t�ie � I
Arbitration Award. The Award inelv,d.es the foltov�ag,itexa�s: � ;.
. ; �,�;
_ 1. A 6�Jo salary increase.
2. Residency Clau�e.
, 3. A.provisinn establishi.ng a *Y+�_*Y+um on the City's contributi� towa
�he cost of Insurance. - f `
4. A provision allowing up to two employeea �to receive time off vc�a.th pay j� � a
for negotiata.ons. � �
ATT �H�viE�1T5; . ' { .
Ord�a:ance and copy for the City Clerk. : :
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' AG�T
- between -
- and -
Preamble iii
I Purpose 1
II Definitions 2
III Recognition 4
IV 3ecurity 5
V �.lnployer Authority 6
VI �nployee Rights - Grievance Procedure 7
VII Saving Clsuse u
YIII position Openings 12
� Working Out of Classification 13
X Seniority l�
XI Overtime 16
XII Call Back 17
XIII Military Leave of Absence 18
XIV Insurance �
XV Exchange of Tours of Duty �
3CVI vacation �3
XYII Holidays 24
XVIII Incapacitation 25
XIX Residence �
7QC Sick Leave �
XXI Fire-Fighting Equigment 28
7IXII Station Supplies �9
XXIII Telephones 30
XXN Wage Schedule �
� Uniform Allowance 32
XXVI Legal Service 33
JIXVII Severance Pay 3�
1IXVIII Physical Incapacitation 35
7IXIX City Mileage 36
xXX Paid Time Off For Negotiations 37
70IXI Duration of Agreement 3g
Appendix A �
Appendix B B1
_ �
� .
` This AGREF.I�IVT is entered into on the 16th day of June , 1g17,
bet�reen the City of Saint paul, hereinafter referred to as the �IA7�R, and
the International Association of Fire Fighters AFL-CIO Local 21, hereiaaP`ter
referred to as the UNION. The II�LO]� and the UliIOP concur that tbis
; AGRS��T has as its basic ob�ective the promotion of the mutv,ail interests
of the City of Saint Paul and its employees to provide the highest lev�el of
services by methods which Will best sex�ve :the needs of the general public.
- iii -
, .
1.1 The EMPLOYER and the UNION agree that the purpose af entering into this AGREE-
. MENT i s to: ������
1 .11 Achieve orderly and peaceful relat�ons.
1 .12 Establish the full understanding of the parties cancern�ng terms
and conditions of this AGR�EMENT.
1 .13 Establish procedur.es to orderly and peacefully resolve dYSputes
as to the application or interpretation of this AGREEMENT.
1 .14 Place in written form the parties' agreemertt upon terms and con-
ditions of employment for the durafiion of this AGREEMENT.
2.1 UNION: International Association of Fire Fighters AFL-CI0 Local 21a
� 2.2 EMPLOYER: The City of Saint Paul .
2.3 UNI4N MEMBER: A member of the International Association of F�re Fighters
AFt-CI0 Local 21 .
2.4 EMRLUYEE: A member of tMe excTusively recognized bargaining unit.
2.5 VACANCY: As determine� by the department- head, a funded position oPening in a
class specified in Article 3.2.
2.6 POSITION: Any specifi.c offiee, employment or job in the Fire De�artment in a
class specified in �rticle 3.2.
A. For a fifty-six (56) hour work week employee:
! The performance of job duties and acceptance of the responsi-
bilities of a position for a consecutive and uninterrupted
twenty-four (24) hour period from 8:00 a.m. on a calendar day
to 8:00 p.m. on the following calendar day.
B. For a forty (40) hour work week employee:
The performance of aob duties and acceptance of the responsi-
bilities of a position for a consecutive arrd un�interrupted
eight (8) hour period within a calendar day.
2�8 SENIORITY: An EMPLOYEE'S length: of continuous emPloyment in the EMPCOYER'S`
Fire Department.
2 9 DEPARTMENT; The fire department of the City of Saint Pau.l as establ:ished and
amended from time to time pursuant to Section 9.01 of the City Charter.
2a1Q OVERTIME: Work performed by an EMPLOYEE in excess. ef the EMPLOYEE'S tour af
duty by order of the EMPLOYER.
2.11 OVERTIME PAY: Overtime pay for the purposes of Articles XI and XII wiTl be
- based on a forty (40) hour work week.
� 2.12 WORK WEEK: The work week for EMPLQYEES working twenty-four (24) hour tours of
duty wi]1 be an averaged fifty-six (56} hour per calendar week. The work week
for EMPLOYEES workfng eight (8) hour �ours of duty wi1l be forty (40) hours per
calendar week.
2.13 CACL BRCK: A call to report for work by the EMFLOYER during an EMPLQYEE'S
scheduled aff time.
, - ' 3.1 The EMPLOYER recognizes the UNION as the exclusive representative for tMe pur-
� pose of ineeting and negotiatinq the terms and conditions of emp�oyment for all
eligible personnel under Mi�nesota Statuteso
3.2 Job classes which ar.e within the bargaining unit and covered by this AGREEMENT
are as fotlows:
District Chief
Fire Captain
Fire Equipment aperatQr
Fire Engineer
Fire Fighter
Fire Marshal
Assistant Fire Marshal
F7re Investigator
Fire Prevention Inspector
� Supervisor of Fire Communications
Fire A1arm Dispatcher I and II
3.3 In the event the EMPLOYER and the UNION are unable to agree as to the inclus.i�n
or exclusion of a new or modified �ob position, the issue shall be submftted to
the Bureau of Me�iation Ser�ices for determfnation.
, � � �s���
4.1 The EMPLOYER shal] deduct from the wages of EMPLOYEES who authorize such a de-
� ductio.n in writing. an amount necessary to cover monthly llNIDN dues and assess-
ments. Such monies shalt be remitted as direc.ted by the UNION.
4.2 The UNION may de�ignate EMPLOYEES from the tiargaining unit to act as stewards
and sha11 inform the EMPLOYER in writing of such choice.
4.3 The EMPLOYER shall make. space av-atlable on k�ul�etin boards for. postfng UNION
notice(s) and announcement(s).
4.4 The UNION agrees to indemnfi�Fy and hold the EMPLOYER harmless against any and
all claims, suits, ord�rs or �udgments brought or issued against the cfty as a
result of any act3on taken or rtot taken by the city under the provisions mf
this article.
6.1 Definition of Grievance
� A grievan.ce is defined as a dispute or disagreement as to the interpretation or
application of the speci�ic terms and conditions of this AGREEMENT. It fs spec-
ifically understood that any matters_ governed by civil service rwles or statu-
tory prnvisions shall not be c�ns#dered grievances and subject to the grievance
procedure hereirtafter se� forth. No disciplinary action which may be appeal�d
to a civi� service authortty will be considered a grievance an� su.b3ect to the
grievance procedure h�rein.
6.2 Union Representatives
The EMPLOYER will recognize EMPLOYEE REPRES:ENTATIVES designated by the U�IQN as
the grievance representatives of the bargaining unit having the duties and re-
sponsibilities established by this Article. The UNION sha11 notify the EMALOYER
in writ�ng of the names of such UNiON REPRESENTATIVES and of their successors
� when so designated. The EMPL4YER shall notify the UNION in writing of th� name
or names of the EMPLOYER'S griev�nce representati,ves and of tMeir successors
when s�o designated.
6.3 Processing af Grievances�
It is recognfized and accepted by the UNION and the EMPLOYER that the processtng
of grievances as �ereinafter provided is limited hy the �ob duties and respon-
sibilities of the EMPLOYEES and shall therefore be accomplished during �or�al
working hours only �hen coas�stent with such EMRLOYEE duties and resp�nsi�i-
lities. The agqrieved EMPLOYEE and the UNIflN sha11 be allowed a reasonab],�
amount of time witbout loss of pay when a grievance is investiga.ted an:d pr�sent-
ed to the EMPLOYER durir�g normal working hours provided the EMFLOYf E and the
UNION have notified aad received the approval of the desigr�ated s,upervisor v�ho
� � has determined that such absence is reasonable and would not be detrimental to
the work programs of the EMPLOYER.
16.4 Procedure
� � Grievances, as def�ned by Sectior� 6.1 , shall be resolved in conformance wi�th
� the following procedure:
Step l : An EMPLOYfE claiming a vialation concerning the
interpretation or application of this AGREEMEId? sha11 within
twenty-one (21 ) calendar days �f�er such alleged violation
has occured pres�nt such grievance to the EMPLOYEE'S super-
visar as designat�d by the EMPCOYER. The EMPLOYER-designated
� represen.tative will d:iscuss and give an answer to such �tep 1.
' grievance within ten (70) calendar days after rece�pt. a
grievance not r�so�-ved in Step l and appealed to Step 2 sha11
be placed in writing by the UNI�I� setting forth the nature of
the grievance, the facts on which it is based, the provision
or provisions of the AGREEMENT allegedly violated, the remedy
requested, and sha11 be appealed �a Step 2 within ten (10)
� calendar days after the EMPLOYER-Sesignated representative'°s
�inal answer in Step 1 . Any grievance not appealed in writing
to Step 2 by the UI�ION within ten (10) calendar days shaT1 be
considered waived.
Step 2: If appealed, the written g►^ievance shall be presented
to and discussed with the EMPtOYER-designated St�p 2 representa-
tive. The EMPLOYER-designated representative shall give the UNION
the EMPLOYER'S Step 2 answer in writing w�thin ten (10) calendar
days after the receipt of such Step 2 gri�vance. A grievance not
� resolved in Step 2 may be appeaTed to Step 3 by the UNIa�t within
ten (10) calendar days foll�wing the EMPLOYER-designated repre-
sen�ative's final Step 2 answer. Arry gr.�evance not appealed in
writing to Step 3 by the UNION within ten (10) calendar days shal]
be considered wa�ved.
-8- .
� Step 3. A gr.ievance u�resa1ved in Step 2 and appealed to St�p 3
� - ' shall be submitted to arbitratfon by the UNION subject to the pro-
visions of the Public Employment La6or Relations Act of 19t1 . The
� sel.ection of an arbitrator shall be made in accordance with the
"Rules Governing the Rrbitration of Grievances" as establ-ished
by the Publ�c Employment Relations Board.
6.5 Arbitrator`s Authori�y
A. The arbitrator sha11 have nQ right to amend, modify, nullify, ign�re, adc�
to, or subtract from the terms: and conditions of the AGREEMENT. The arbitratar
sha11 consi der arrd decide only the specifi c i ssue(s) submi tted i�r w►�i ti ng by
the EMPLOYfR and the UNI01�, and shall have no authority to make a decision art
any other issue not so submitted.
6. The arbitrator sk�all be ►�ithout pow�r to make decisions co.ntrary ta �r
inconsistent with or modifying or varying in any way the application of law�,
� rules, or regulations having �he farce and effect af law. The arbitrator's
decision sha11 be submitted in writing within thirty (30) days following close
of the hea.ring or the submission of briefs by the parties, whicheve.r �s later,
unless the parties agree tv an extension. The decision shall be based solely
on the arbitrator's interpretation or application of the express terms� o� the
AGREEMENT and to the facts o'f the� grievance presented.
C. The fees and expenses for the arbitrator's services and proceedings shatl
be borne equa-lly by the EMPLOYER and the UNI.ON provided that each party shall- be
respansiale for compensating its own representatives and witnesses. Ifi either
party desires a verbatim recard of tl�e proceedings, it may cause sue.h a record
to be ma�e., providing it pays for the record. If both parties desi-re a. ve�tra-
time record of the proceedings, the cvst shaT1 be shared equally.
5.6 Waiver
` - If a grieuance is not presented within the time limits set forth ahove, �t shall
. be considered "waived". If a grievance is not appealed ta the next step within
the specified time limit or any agreed extension thereof, it shall be considered
settled on the basis of the EMPLO�ER'S last answer. If the EMPLOYER does nnt
answer a grievance or an appeal thereof within the specified time limits, the
UNION may elect to treat: the grievance as denied at the step and immediately
, appeal �he grievance to the next step. The time limit in each step may be ex-
' tended by mutual. written agreement of the EMPLOYER and the UNION in each step.
` 7.1 In the event any provision of this AGREEMENT shall be held to be co�trary to
, law by a court of competent jurisdiction from whose final judgment or decree
no appeal has been taken withtn the time provided, such provisions shall_ be
voided.- All other provisions shall continue in full force and effect. The
voided provisions may be renegotiated at the request of either party.
8.1 To expedite the filling of vacancies under civil service procedures, the head
� of the department or designated representative will :
8.11 Make requisition for certification of eligible to fill a
vacancy within fifteen (15} days after determining that a
vacancy exists.
8.12 Within fifteen (15) days aft�r the department head has met
with the certified eligibles, he will fill a vacancy.
�.13 If no eligibility list is in effect when a vacancy occurs,
the department head shall within fifteen (15) days request
the appropriate civil service officials to conduct an exam-
ination for the purposes of establishing an eligibility
� .
., , ��
9.1 Any EMPLOYEE requfired by the EMPLOYER to perform the wor.k duties and accept the
� responsibilities of a higher class, will receive the rate of pay for that class
beginning with the tour of duty, provided that he shall work a full tour �f duty.
It is understood that the higher rate shall not apply when an EMPLOYEE works in
the higher class for less than a full tour of duty.
' .
� 10.1 Department Seniarity.
• For the purposes of this AGREEMENT department seniority shall 6e defined as the
length of continuous and uninterrupted employment in the fire department.
10.2 Seniority List�.
The department shall maintain at all times during this AGREEMENT seniority lists
by department,
1D.3 Loss of Department Seniority.
An EMPLOYEE will lose acquired department seniority in the following instances:
10.31 Resignation
10.32 Discharge
10.33 Retirement
10.4 Work Force Reduction.
� In the event of a reduction in the department work force, such reductian shall
occur on the basis of seniority in the department.
10.5 Reduction �n Rank.
Reduction in rank shall be in accordance with the Civil Service Rules as of
June 30, 1973. (Except as indicated below)
10.51 Reduction in rank for periods up to but no more than 30
consecu�ive calendar days will be by platoon seniority.
10.52 Reduction in rank for more than 30 consecutive calendar
days shall be in accordance with the Personnel Rules as
of lune 30, 1973,
10.:53 There wi11 be a minimum of 3.6 regular Fire Gaptains
appointed for each engi.ne, s,quad and ladder company.
10.54 There will be a minimum of 3.6 regutar Fire Equipmen�
Operators - Fire Engineers appointe� for each engine,
squad and ladder company.- This minimum number shall
include the starred men in this position until they
• are phased out by normal attrition.
. I' 8 ,d�
10.55 When promotion positions (Fire Captain - Fire Equipment '���`fn�
" � Operator) fa11 below minimum requ�rements (3.6 per positiorr),
� � the Chief of the Fire Department wi11 use existing eligibi}ity
lists to fill vacancies within 15 calendar days.
� 10.56 Short Term DemotTOn:
l . The man demoted goes ta the last rank held and is assigned
to the poo1.
2. Vacation selecti�ns will not be affected by short term demotion
(e.i . Fire Captai_n demoted for short term to Fire Fi'ghter will
retain his vacation selection in the Fire Captain rank. )
10.57 All Promoted personnel will be designated a platoon regardless of
assignm�nt. Such platoon ass,ignment. will determine their seniority
to be followed in case�s of reduction in accordance with Section 10.51 .
11 .1 EMPLOYEES required to work hours in excess of their assigned tour of du.ty will
. be compensated at the rate of one and ane-half (1�) times the EMPLOYEE'S normal
rate in cash.
11 .2 (a) EMPLOYEES working a forty (40) hour work week may accumulate up to a
maximum of forty (40) hours of compensatory timee
(b) It is aTso agreed that FIRE PREVEI�TION EMPLOYEES r�ay accumulate up to a
maximum of fifty-six (56) hours of compensatory time. It is understood
that compensator.y tiime shall be scheduled only with the prior approval of
management, and that such time shall not be scheduled so as to in�erfere
with operations. Such time shall normally be scheduled in eight (8)-hour
segments, except that FIRE PREVE�lTI01V EMPtUYEES may, with the approval of
the Fire Chief, take time off in four (4)-hour `segments.
, � 12.1 EMPLOYEES required to report for work by the EMPCOYER during scheduled off-
� duty time will be compensated at the rate of one and one-half (1�). times
the EMPLOYEE'S normal hourly rate. The minimum payment under this Art�cle
. will be four (4) times the EMPLOYEE`S hourly rate. An early report of two
(2) hours or less or an extensian of a normally scheduled tour of duty shall
not qualify an EMPLOYEE for this minimum payment.
i _
� . _ ���*��
13.1 Pay Allowance
Any EMPLOYEE who shall be a member of the National Guard, the Naval Militia or
any other component of the militia of the state, now or hereinafter organized or
constituted under state or federal law, or who shall be a member of the Officer's
Reserve Corps, the Enlisted Reserve Corps, the Naval Reserve, the Marine Corps
Reserve or any other reserve component of the military or naval force of the
United States, now or hereafter organized or constituted under federal law, shall
be entitled to leave of absence from employment without loss of pay, seniority
status, efficiency ra�ing, vacation, sick leave or other benefits for all the
time when such EMPLOYEE is engaged with such organization or component in train-
ing or active service ordered or authorized by proper authority pursuant to law,
whether for state or federal purposes, provided that such leave shall not exceed
a total of fifteen (15) days in any calendar year and further provided that such
• leave shall be allowed only in case the required military or naval service is
satisfactorily performed, which sha11 be presumed unless �he contrary is esta-
blished. Such leave shall not be allowed unless the EMPLOYEE (1 ) returns to his
position immediately upon being relieved from such military service and not later
than the expiration of the tlme herein limited for such leave, or (2) is prevent-
ed from so returning by physicai or mental disability or other cause not due to
such EMPLOYEE'S own fault, or (3) is required by proper authori�y to cont�nue in
such military or naval service beyond the time herein limited for such leaveo
13.2 Leave Without Pay
Any EMPLOYEE who engages in active service in time of war or other emergency
declared by proper authority of any of the military or naval forces of th� state
or of the United States for which leave is not otherwise allowed by law sMall be
� entitled to leave of absence from employment without pay during such service
with right of reinstatement and sub�ect to such conditions as are imposed by law.
. 13.3 Such leaves o� absence as are granted under Article XIII shall conform to Minne-
- • sota Statutes, Section 192, as amended from time to time and shall confer no
. additional benefits other than those granted by said statuteo
, 14.1 The EMPLOYER will continae for the period of this AGREEMENT to provide for EM-
� PLOYEES such health and life insurance benefits as are provided by EMFL�YER at
the time of the executi.on of this AGREEMENT.
14.2 The EMPLOYER will for the perted of this AGREEMENT provide for EMPLOYEES who re-
tire after the time of execution of this AGREEME�T and until su.ch EMPLOYEES reach
sixty-five (65) years of age such health insurance benefits as are provided by
14.3 In the event of the death of an active EMPLOYEE or an early retiree, the depen-
dents of such EMPLOYEE or retiree shall have the optaon within thirty (34) days
to continue or begin the curre�t haspitalization and medical benefits, inclwding
such improvement as may be made from time to time, which said dependents pre-
viously had, or be eligible for at the premium applicable to dependents of ac-
� tive employees. It is further understood that coverage shall cease in the event
14.31 Subsequent remarriage of the surviving spouse of the deceased
employee or retiree.
14.32 The employment of the surviving spouse where hospitalization and
medical insurance coverage is obtained through a group program
by said employer. It is further understoad, however, that in
said event, the surviving spouse shall have the r°fight to maintain
City hospitalization and medical insurance caverage for the first
ninety (90) days of said employmentm
T4.4 C�ty provided life insurance in existenc� at time of retirement shall continue
to be provided by the City after an employee shall take early retirement, but
� such coverage shall terminate at age 65.
14.5 All early retirees covered in this Bargaining Unit shall receive the
same health and welfare benefits regardless of the date of their early
retirement. In order to be eligible for the benefits under this early
retiree provision, the employee must:
14.51 Be receiving benefits from a public bnployee
Retirement Act.
14.52 Have severed his relationship with the City
of Saint Paul under one of the early retiree plans.
The City and above Union elso agree that any employee who is eligible
For a deferred Fire pension shall receive such health and welfare benefits
when he begins to receive his pension benefits.
14.6 The City will contribute the cost of hospitalization and medical coverage or
$36.85 per month for each employee who is eligible for such coverage. Ia
addition, for each eligible employee who selects dependent's co erage, the
City will contribute $42.43 per month Por dependent's coverage. These
contributions shall be paid to the City's Group Health and Welfare Plan.
Any additional premium costs shall be paid by the employee.
14.7 The City agrees to contribute the cost for $5,000 for life insurance
coverage for each employee who is eligible for such coverage.
- 21 -
� 15.1 Voluntary exchaages af tours of duty sflall b� granted only after approval by the
• department head or hfs designated representativeo
15.2 No EMPLOYEE shall be entitled to wowking out of classification pay under Article
IX as a result of any voluntary exchange of tours of duty.
16.1 EMPLOYEES shall be granted in each calendar year vacation at the rate of two (2)
. times the number of hours desiqnated as the �ork week. After five (5) years of
continuous employment in EMPLOYER'S fire department, EMPLOYEES shall be granted
vacation at the rate of three (3) times the number of hours designated as the
work week. After fifteen (15) years o�F continuaus employment in EMPLOYER'S fire
department, EMPLOYEES shal] be granted vacation at_the rate of four and two-
tenths (4.2) times the number of hours designated as the work week. After
twenty-five (25) years of continuous employment in EMPLOYER'S fire department,
EMPLOYEES shall be granted vacation at the rate of four and four-tenths (4.4)
times the number of hours designated as the work week.
16.2 The department head may permit EMFLOYEES to carry over into the following calen-
dar year vacation time equivalent to two work weeks. Vacation schedules shall
be fixed by the department head. An EMPLOYEE not worKing full-time sha11 be
. granted vacation o� a pro-rata basis.
16.3 EMPLOYEES separated from employment_ by reason of resignation shall be granted
such vacation pay as has been earned and remains unused at the time of separa-
tion, provided nvtification of resignation has been sent to the department head,
in writing, at least fifteen (15) calendar days prior to the date of resignation.
EMPLOYEES separated from empioyment by reason of discharge, retirement or death
shall be granted such vacation pay as has been earned and remains unused at the
time of separation. EMPLOYEES granted more vacation time tha.n earned at the time
of separation from employment shall pay the EMPLOYER for such unearned vacatian.
16.4 This article shall not apply to temporary or emergency employees.
17.1 In addition to what is provided in Saint Paul Ordinance No. 6446, add one
� additional floating holiday which is to be added to the vacation schedule by
increasing vacation by .2 (two-tenths) times the number of hours designated
as the work week.
. ' , 18.1 EMPLDYEES injured during the course of employment and thereby rendered incapable
� of performing job duties and responsibilities sha11 receive full wages during
the period of incapacity, not to exceed the period equal to twelve (12) months
plus accumulated sick leave. It is understood that in such cases, the twelve
(12) month period shall first be utilized and only when same is exhausted shall
accumu1ated sick leave be applicable.
18.2 EMFLOYEES disabled through in�ury or slckness other than spe�cified in Section
18.1 above shall receive fu11 wages far a period equal to accumulated sick
leave, plus six f6) months as provided hereino It is understood that in such
cases, accumulated sick leave shall first be utilized before the six (6) months,
or any part thereof, shall be applicable. It is further understood that the
six (6) month period sha�l be available only in those years where the last avail-
able Annual Report of the City Civi1 Service office shail show average sick Teave
• used per Fire Department Employee (based on the 1972 Annual Report method of
calculating same) of eight (8) days or less.
18.3 EMPLOYEES injured or incapacitated by illnesses in the line of duty shall be
entitled to reinstatement at any time within five (5) years from the date of
injury or incapacity provided �hey are physically capable of resu�ing their job.
18.4 Except as specifically provided in this Article, all illness and incapacity
rules and policies previ6usly in effect shall continue,
. _
19,1 Tmployees shall be bona fide residents of the following areas:
Ramsey County, Washington County, Anoka County, Dakota County,
that part of Hennepin County which lies east of HighWay 101 and
that part of Chisago County lying south of Highway 95.
19.2 Failure to maintain residence shall be deemed insubordination and
misconduct and result in automnatic forPeiture of employment, except
to employees occupying a temporary suamqer residence outside of the
areas abov�e outlined during the period May 15 through September 15
of any calendar year.
19.3 Al1 new employees appoizted after the date of signing of the coutract
between the City and Uniform Fire Fighters Local 21 for the year of 1977
will be required to reside in the City of Saint Paul within one year
of their original appointment and thereaPter will be required to remain
within the City limits as long as they are employed by the City of
Saint Paul.
19.4 Applicants for position of Fire fighter in the City of Saint Paul will
not be required to be residents of the City of Saint Paul.
19•5 Employees failing to meet the residency requirement will be subject to
termination and a hearing process shall be established to determine whether
the residence requirement was met.
- � -
. s
� 20.1 As provided in Ordinance No. 3250, Section 35E.
� 20.2 Modify the sick leave conversion to vacation palicy, to allow eligibility
for conversion when one hundred eighty (180) days have been accumulated.
. 21 .1 The EMPLOYER will provide the folTowing fire fighting equipment for �ndividual
. EMPLOYEES; such as:
_� 22.1 The EMPLOYER will provide station supplies such as:
� Refrigerators
Brass Polish
Cleaning Rags
Light Bulbs
23.1 The EMPLOYER will provide a public telephone as a back-up to the alarm system.
• 23.2 Telephones �nstalled for individual EMPLOYEES or groups of EMPLOYEES will be
at the EMPLOYEES' expense. All such telephones must be approved prior to in-
stallation by the department head or his designated representative.
. � 24.1 The wage schedule for the purpose of this Agreement shall be Appendix A
. attached hereto.
24.2 Forty (4Q) hour work week EMPLQYEES regularly assigned to night du.ty (e.g. -
dispatcher, inspectors and fire prevention employees) will receive night
differential in accordance with existing City rules and policies.
� .
, 25,1 The 1972 base of One Hundred Twenty Dollars ($120�00) as a clothing allowance
� on a voucher system will be increased January 1 , 1974, and each year thereafter
on the basis of a yearly study of the increased cost of the defined uniform.
The 1972 base cost of the uniform is stipulated and attached as Appendix B.
25.2 It is further understood that Fire Prevention Employees shall receive a cloth-
ing allowance which is Thirty ($30.00) Dollars greater than that provided herein
for other employees.
� 26.1 Except in cases of malfeasance in office or willful or wanton neglect of duty,
. the EMPLOYER shall defend, sa�e harmless and indemnify an EMPLOYEE, and/or his
estate, against any claim or demand, whether groundless or otherwise, arising
out of an alleged act or omission in the performance and scope of the EMPLOYEE'S
duti es.
� 27.1 As provided in Ordinance No. 150060
• 27.2 Add One Thousand Dollars ($1 ,000.00) to severance pay allowance. (Severance
allowance will now become Four Thousand Dollars ($4,000.00). ) This improve-
ment will be implemented to the extent permitted by law.
. 28.1 Any physically incapacitated EMPLOYfE unable to perform normal work dut�es may
� be assigned at the discretion of the department head to perform the duties of
Fire Dispatcher or Fire Inspector. EMPLOYEES so assigned by the department
head will receive their regular rate of pay for a period not to exceed one hun-
dred and twenty (120) days. After one hundred and twen�y (120) days, EMPLOYEES
so assigned will receive their regular pay rate or the Dispatcher II pay rate --
wh�chever is lower.
� r
� 29.1 Automobile Reimbursement Authoriaed
• Pursuant to Chapter 92A of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, pertain-
ing to reimbursement ofi City officers and employees for the use of their own
automobiles in the performance of their duties, the following provisions are
29.2 Method of Computation
To be eligible for such reimbursement., all officers and employees must receive
wr3tten authorization from the Mayor. Reimbursement shall be made in accordance
with one of the following plans:
Type 1 : For those officers and employees who are required to
use thier own automobiles occasionally for official City business,
reimbursement at the rate of 13 cents for each mile driven.
Type 2. For those officers and employees who are required �Co use
their awn automobiles on a regular basis on City business, reim-
bursement at the rate of $2.5Q for each day of work, and in addi-
tion thereto at the rate of 6.5 cents for each mile driven.
29.3 Rules and Regulations
The Mayor shall adopt rules and regulations governing the procedures for auto-
mobile reimbursement, which regulations and rules sha11 contain the require-
ment that recipients shall file daily reports indicating place of origin and
destination and applicable mileage ratings thereat and indicating total miles
driven, and further required that they maintain automobile liability insurance
in amounts not less than $100,000/$300,000 for personal injury, and $25,000 for
property damage. These rules and regulations, toqether with any amendments
thereto, shall be maintained on file with the City Clerk.
30.1 Employees elected to office in Local 21 shall be granted reasonable
time off to meet with City officials for contract negotiations
without loss of pay. The number of employees permitted to attend
such negotiations shall be li.mited to two at any one meeting and
such employee shall give prior reasonable notice for such absence
and receive approval oP the employee's designated supervisor.
- 37 -
. � � �'��`�'��+�
31.1 Except as herein provided, this AGREEMENT shall be effective as of
the date the AGREEMENT is executed by the parties and shall continue
in f1111 force and effect thru the 31st day of December, 1}77, and
thereafter until modified or amended by mutual agreement of the parties.
Either party desiring to amend or modify this AGRTEMElaT shall notif�r
the other in writing so as to comply with the provisions of the
Minnesota Publie �lmployment I,Rbor Relations Act of 1g71.
31.2 The wage schedule attached hereto as Appendix "A" shall take Porce
and effect at such time as is specified in the administrative ordinance
recognizing and approviag this AGRffi�IT in accordance with Section
12.09 of the 3aint Pau1 City Charter.
31.3 The wage increase of 6� as in the arbitration award of May 3, 1977, is
to be granted retroactive to January 1, 1g77.
BY: . '�- �Ly�
City N otia Presi t
BY: BY:�� �._ .��� l/���try�tt
Civil Ser ce ssion Secretar -Treasurer
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BY: BY: •
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Mayor Recordiag �re ry
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City Attorney
- 38 -
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" Unit Price
Regulation '�West Point" long
sleeve police shirt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 7.00
Regulation "West Point" short
sleeve police shirt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.45
Ranking officer's white uniform
shirt, long sleeve, West Point 7500C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.50
Ranking officer's wl�ite uniform
shirt, short sleeve, West Point 7500C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.00
Jersey type long sleeve sweat shirt,
navy-blue - Wilson 8632 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3•30
Jersey type 3/4 sleeve sweat shirt,
navy-blue - Wilson 8632 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.30
Fechheimer Bros, navy blue trousers 32200 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.75
Fechheimer Bros. navy blue trousers 32250 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.25
Jacket - Light weight, waist style
Fechheimer #32100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00
Surcoat - Energy 100FD - Sizes 48 - 50,
add 10°�, - Longs, add 10°,�.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30•75
Parka - Navy - Butwin 111SP
Regular Sizes 34 - �+6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39.00
Extra Sizes - 48. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42.90
50. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44.85
52. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a9.00
Long. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42.9�
Liners for summer uniform fire fighter
�acket - Fechheimer Bros. 32704 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5�(�p
SEWING COSTS: No cost when ordered
with jacket, otherwise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00
Trooper Cap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �+.95
Chiefs Ravy Style Midwest-N.W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.25
8 pt. Mi.dwest-N.W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.25
Belts - leather - black - 12 inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.45
- Bl -
- •
, �
Unit Price
; Sho�es
Wedge style oxford - Red Wing shoe #101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 4.95
Slip on style oxford - FLQAT-AWAYS �J53�+7 • • • . . . . . . . . . 15•5�
Slip on style oxford - FLOAT-AWAYS #�T5318 . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.50
Lace style oxford - FLpAT AWAYS Z5096 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.50
Slip on style oxford Weinbrenner 1635 • • • • . . . . . . . . . . 15•95
' Slip on style oxford Weinbrenner 1�+35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.00
! 5
! Lace style oxford T5152 Mocc toe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16. 0
Lace style oxford Weinbrenner 1225. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.50
Lace style oxPord Weinbrenner 1250. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.50
Muns ingwe ar �40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65
Munsingwear �+15 - stretch style. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65
Ties - black - 4-in-hand, or snap-on style. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00
- B2 -