269359 WFiITE - CITV CLERK � ��
PINK - FINANCE (jITY OF SAINT PAUL Council �69;�`5� � �
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred T'o Committee: Date �
Out of Cor�mittee By Date
An administrative Resolution approving the terms and
conditions of a "Memorandum of Understanding" apply-
ing to "Supervisory Confidential Employees" of tlie City
of Saint Paul holding Classified titles.
WHEREAS, the Council, pursuant to the provisions of Section 12. 09 of the St.
Pau1 City Charter and the Public Employees Labor Relations Act, recognizes the
employec�s in the confidential group shall be those employees defi.ned as "Confidential .
EmployeQ s" in Section 179. 6 3, Subdivision 8, of the Minne sota Statute s; and
WH REAS, the City, through its designated representatives, has met and confer�ed
in order o establish the terms and conditions of employment for the calendar year of '
1977 for uch personnel as are set forth in the "Memorandum of Understanding"; and
WHFiREA5, a 197? "Memorandum of Understanding" has been reached which in-
cludes th{e same 1977 adjustments received,by the non-confidential classi.fied super- �
visory e � ployees, including the wage adjustm.ent retr�active to January 1, 1977;
now, the�efore, be it
RESmLVED, that the "Memorandum of Understanding" cited above, dated as of
the effecitive date of this Re�iution, on file in the office of the City"CYerk, is hereby
approved;, and the authorized administrative officials of the City are hereby authorized
and direGted to execute said "Memorandum of Understanding" on behalf of the City.
Civil Service Com ission
COUNCILM�N Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays �
' Butler ; P E S N N E O I C E
Hozza [n Favor
Levine � __ Against BY
_�e �� � 2 �977 Form ve y Ci A o y
Adopted by ncilt Date �
Certif Passed ouncil ecretary BY
Ap o d by Mayor: D e
� .lUL 15 1977 Approved b Ma r for Submission to Cou il
PususHEO �U L 2 3 1977
,s , • �
�, - 2 - �����
5• In addition to the $5,000 Life Insurance Coverage in 4 above, the City
agrees to contribute the cost oP additional Life Insur�nce Coverage or
$ .97 per thousand dollars of coverage per �aonth, whichever amount is
less. The total amount of Life Insurance Coverage provided under this
secvion and Section 3 above, for each employee shall be equal to the
employee's annual salary to the nearest full thousand dollars. For the
purpose of this section, the employee's annual salary shall be based on
the salary as of the beginning of a contract period. This contribution
shall be paid to the City`s Gro�zp Health and welfare Plan.
6. The EI�LOYER will provide for employees working under the aforementioned
titles who retire after the time of execution of this AGItEEMENT, and
until such employees reach sixty-five (65) years of age such health
and life insurance benePits as are provided by the employer for acti-re
employees Working under the aforementioned titles. .
� In order to be eligible for the early retiree benefits the emgloyee
l. Be receiving benefits from a public eraploy�ee retiree act
� at the time oP retirament.
. 2. Have severed his relationship with the City of 3aint Paul
under one of the ear�y retiree plans.
7. Hnployees employed in the aPorementianed titlea shall be eligible for
Severance Pay benefits in accordance with the Severance Pay Ordinanc�
I�o. 11490 with a maximum of $4,000.
_ _
� Do_not deta�h:this met�ior•and�m #rom the .
ordin�nce� so that thfs �-irifort�tation wi�t be' "
, availabte �ta ttis City Council. OM�,O1:. izli975
: , , .: : . Rev. : 9I$f�5
EX1��,.AN.A4�'�t�I'� Q��' A]a��^Z'�tAT�V� ORDERS,
; .:
,. _.,.._._,..�....�.,, � � . , .. � � , , , �
�t��Q�tTTIONS►� ArifiD fJ�l?TNANCES •
, , � , �� , , . ,
L?ate r Juae 15, 1977 ` . .
T4: , }v�A t'��t G�aRG� LATIA�#�R �, E C � I V E � �
J F.R; Pers nael O f fice , � "
,- . _ .�►.�ra 2�► 1�77 �
RE: Res ution for submission �o the City Council A�4YOR'5���
AC�IbN �E �7�STED;
, We r coxnmend your approval and eubmission of this Resolution to the
City ouac3l. : _
, , .
Thie esolntion approves a '�Memorandum of Understanding�� applica�le to
the assified Confidential Superviaary Employees of the Ci�y of St. Pau1.
Ther are eight employees ia this group who are in classified'titlea and� �
who uld be iri �he Professional. �mployees Association, Unit II,if they �
were no� "Confidential" employees. The Memoraadum of Undereta.ading +:
pro ' es the eam.e s�l.ary iacrease {5�) a,nd the same insuran�e coatribution °
� maxi ums that were granted to PEA I� for 19?7. Items 2 (Vacati.an�Schedt�.e), r"
4 an 5 {Life Insurance, 6 (Early Retiree Iasurance), and 7 (Severance Pay)
are t new provisions. These pro�isions existed i.n. 1976 and ia earlier yeara -
and ey are listed in this Mexnoraadum only ia order to indicate a11 provis3��s
whic are curreatly applicable.
� .
Reso utioa and copy for �he City Clerk. � � ;
This �emorandum of Understsnding shall apply to the Classified Confid�ntial
Supervising E�rployees holding the following classified titles:
Chief F,Scaminer and Director of Personnel
Assistant Director of personnel
Director oP School Cafeterias
General Manager-Water Department
Personnel Assistant IV
City Training Coordinator
l. Hnployees em�loyed in the aforementioned classified supervisoxy titl�es
and positions which are considered confidential shall be plr�ced in a salary
range equal to the 1977 salary range applicable to employees emgloyed in
clessified supervisory titles in non-confidential positions which are in
the same pay grade and occupational group as the confidential titles.
Employees employed in the aforementioned classified supervisory titles
and positions which are conaidered confidential and Which are in pay
grades in which there are no classified supervisory non-confidentim�l
titles, shall be placed in the 1977 salary range which would be applicable
to employees employ�ed in classified supervisory non�confidential positioas,
if they existed, in the same pay grade and occupational group as �h�
eonfis�ential titles.
2. �nployees employed in the aforementioned titles shall be cuvered by the
vacation schedule shown below:
Years of Servfce Vacation Uays
Less than years 1.5 days
After 8 yrs thru 15 yrs 2p days
After 15 yrs and thereafter 25 days
3• For employees employed iu the aPorementioned titles:
The City agrees to contribute the cost of Hospitalization e�nd M�dic�l
Coverage or $36.85 per month, whichever amount is less, for e�ch eaaployee
who is eligible for such coverage. In addition, for each eligible em�loyee
who selects Dependent's Coverage, the City will contribttte one-half (�) of
the cost of such Dependent's Coverage or $42.43 per month, whichever
amount is less. These contributions shall be paid to the City's Gr�ug
He$lth and Welfare Plan.
4. For employees employed in the aPorementioned titles the City agrees to
contribute the cost for $5,000 oP Life Insurance Covera�e for each employee
who is eligible for such coverage or $3.05 per month, whichever amount is
l.ess. This contribution shall be paid to the City's Group Health and Wel-
fare Plan. Any increase in this cost shall be paid by the emplc�yee.