269356 WHI7E - CITV CLERI�C j� PINK - FINANCE � (jITY OF SAINT PAUL Council � CANARY - DEPARTMENT ��• ' 'BLUE - MAVOR . Flle NO. � r uncil Resolution Presented By Referred'To Committee: Date Out of Cpmmittee By Date WHEREAS, the Council of the C�ty of Saint Paul has amendc�d the City Charter to allow the Civil Service Rules to be esi�ablished by resolution rather than by ordinance; be it RE50LVED, Ordinance No. 3250, entitled "An administrative � ordin�nce relating to the Civil Service Commission and the Perso�nel Office of the City of Saint Paul approving and adopt- ing rt�les and regulations necessary to the administration of the City �ersonnel system on a merit basis" , are hereby adopted, in total, as the Civil Service Rules in the form of this resol�tion. , r �,i COU(VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas � Nays Christenseh P E O N E O I C E � Hu�t [n Favor Levine � Sy�r ii Against BY �o Pres ide HO Z Z c1 �UL � 2 �977 Form A rove y t tt ey Adopted Counc . Date � Ce fied d 6�, Co ' Secretary BY , . Y Approve Mayor: Date ,�-�' �5 � � Approved b May r for Submi C il By BY I ' �� puB��sHE� JUL 2 3 1977 ! . � � , , . > ` �D�; t10� d@#aC�1 ��1#$,11��1 f1�On! '�1�1 .� � ;. ' ` ordixtance so �t�at thi� i�fvrrriafion wltl be dI� O�k�� �.2 J 19?5 ` ' : _ �vailabie tv'fhe Cit� Cc�ur�cil. �e�. s- 918!'�b � ` . � .. �� ~ � . ��FI.�AN. �7�ON UF ADM,�T�S?R�.'TZiTE 4RL"�ERS,. � � RTSQLUTTON�: .ANI�rO��IN.�IIVG� �:; � . , �; � : � r . C,. t.' Date; J e 15, 1q77 �; �;` . � t_ , . �i T4: Y0�2 Ci�4I�G� LA�.T�viER . ,Y, � , � . : " . . . . � : . ' .. . -. . - � - � �.k . _-...,..:... Pe eoaael Office _ - ��1 _ .' , , RE: Re ol�tion for su�missifln. to the City Ce�v.nCil ', ' � : � �:� c ��y�� s�:��� ��� z977- . . . . . . . .. � � . ' ,.. . 'Y. . �� ,�r�sa's `ar•�rr.� , `.; . , _ . , , A.�Ti4N R LTESTED: We com�aend pour ap�roval and submisaion of'thie Reeolut3.+ct�t�bo the . Ci Coun.cil. FUR�06E . D•RATION�LE FC?R TH�S.AC'x'Ifa�T: Thi Resolution adopts Ordiaauce No. 3250:(Civi1 Service Rvles.j, �n. total., a� a Resolution. This wi11 allow futu.re changes a.nd'ameneim:enta ta the : : Ci ' Sgivi.ce R�es to be made by Resoleitioa ra�her than by;Ordi.nance. . Thi witl allow changes to be ma.de in a shorter period of time. � > , � , . � ,r.'. ATTACHME TSt � _ Res ution and co�y for the City Clerk. -