269355 WHI7E - C�TV CLERK COUIICll PINK - FINA��E G�ITY OF SAINT PAUL CANARV - DEPP:RTMENT �i � ' . . BLUE - MAYOR File � NO. ��� �� �—, � � Council Resolution Presented B Ref rred To Committee: Date Out bf Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Counci.l of the City of Saint Paul has amended the City iCharter to allow the Civil Service Rules to be established by Resolution rather than by Ordi.nance; and WHEREAS, there is presently existing an ordinance, Ordinance No. 7607, entitled - "An ordi.nance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in tlze Classified Service of the City, " Iwvhich fixes the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications 'for the various classes of positions i.n the Classified Service of tlie City; and � � WHEREAS, it is desirable tliat the Civil Service Rules and Regulations i,contain such provisions within th� regulations themselves; now, �Eherefoxe, bie it I RESOLVED, �liat Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: • � "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibi.lities and the �� ' minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended, 'is hereby adopted, in total, as part of the Civil Service Rules in �he form of �thi s Re s olution. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler' � P E N N E L F I C E Hozza�!I [n Favor Hunt � 4� Levine _ Against BY Sylves er JUL 12 1977 For pproved b C� y or y � Adopted uncil: Date c Cer ied Pas y Coury�yLS cret�ry B Y Approve 1� vor. Date �"15 1977. Approved y May r for Submission to Coun i By BY pUBLISHED JUL � � ���7 � � . Do not de#sch.this �mo.re�dum frorn ttte . � �iiLd . � oKdlnance so th�t thls i�tc�eti0� �! � O�t�01: _ 12/1975 �va4lable to the Clty. E�!t#�+�. ' Rev. t 9/8!'�6; , , . . , _ .. . , : :.EX�'L1�N�kT�ON C�F ADMIN,IS'IRATIVE CJRDE�ta�, ' , � R�S4LUTIt3��' A�TT?�f���TNANCES �MV��}p�'� . . . . w r� r� � nir i � � i' , � T'I � . �8t�: 1�1A8 Z�J� 1���_ . _ F , . � T0: MAYOR GE4RG� LA�'J,M�R ` ' � 1�'Rt eraonaelOff'ice � RE: esolutican for submiasion to the'City Cot�.ci,l . � i�� CE :1:V � � � �� . � : ��:�, ��� ���� � ������s t��rc� � . # - �k ACTIt3 R��2UESTED: � : .,._�.._, �—�-.�,... e recomm.end your approval aad submission af thi� Resolution�to �he � ty Council. : . � � � - ' � � � � � � . . . . . � . ' . . - . � ..f � ' - . ' . � � � . . � . . . � . . . . ; j s _ � . . . . . . . .. . . . . . �. . . . . . . � : . . . � . j.� -- � � . . . . . . . . .. � . � � . . . ' - � . . ' � . � . � _ ' � . � . . . .' . . � . . ..i; �'U�PO E �lND�RAT�QNAT..� FQR THIS.AC7I4N: ' his Resolution adopts Ordina,�ce No. ?607 {Class �pec�i,##icat�pnaj, i� tc��at, �. s part of the �ivi.l. Se'rvice Rules, �s a. Resolution. This viiill �1].ow deei�*�. t , : encknents an.d ch�i.ages ixi Elass �apecifications to be made`bg R.e:solu�ion � ' ather than. by Ord.ivance. This wi11 allow changes ta be ntiade in a shorter : � . e�iod of time. r . - � r t ATTAC IviENTSs . . ...,._ �.... esolution , c�s aaad copy for the City Clerk. � A ; �, � i _ , ; .