269344. WHITE - CITV CLERK ������ PINK - FINANCE GITY OF � SAINT PAITL Council � CANARV - DEPARTMENT � Flle NO. BLUE - MAYOR � , ouncil Resolution � Presented By Referred To _ Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Summit-University Coalition for Action has requested that the Council of the City of Saint Paul take certain actions, including actions affecting the composition of the District 8 Planning Council; and WHEREAS, the Council on June 17, 1976 approved the . structure of this Planning .Council as set forth in their by-laws and elections have been held pursuant to these , by-laws; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council supports the position of the Mayor with respect to the requests of the Summit-University Coalition for Action as set forth in his correspondence with the- Coalition, copies of which have been received by the Council, and that a copy of this resolution be sent to Rev. Jam.es Battle, Chairman. of the Summit-University Coalition for Action. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Ho� In Favor Hunt Roedler �-- Against BY -- Sylvester � � JUL 7 �9n Form A pr d by City Attorney Adopted by ncil: Date — � �` Certi d Pass � Cou 1 Secretary BY � c Appro e y Mayor: Da _ ��. �2 197 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By PUBLtSHED ,1UL 16 197� • , ������ �`��•�_ °•ti,+ CITY OF SAINT PAUL " � OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY ? � S � ^ � ,;.. Harriet Lansing, City Attorney 647 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 George Latimer Mayor 612 298-5121 July 6, 1977 ��� � eD JUL G 1ai� � �.,,,: �J r�..J�,�.i `1;-'J•-.•�e�..,�.,���_� :t C. k�i'e r�,..a a:.!'m:i V � �.it.�e�,C.e"(r J�!!..`��Ei���R M E M 0 R A N D U M T0: Robert Sylvester City Council President FROM: Harriet Lansing��� City Attorney Attached please find resolution on the requests of the Sur�nit-University Coalition for Action which the Council requested at yesterday' s meeting. HL:jr Attachment ,�