269343 WHITE - CITY CLERK 1 �`-�� a(1
' �esolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 9. 01, Sub. C,
of the St. Paul Administrative Code, the Director of the Department
of Planning and Economic Development shall be appointed by the
Mayor with the consent of the Council; and
WHEREAS, the Mayor has nominated Gary Stout to the position
of Director of the Department of Planning and Economic Development;
now, therefore, be it �
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby
approves and consents to the appointment of Gary Stout to the
position of Director of the Department of Planning and Economic
Development. �
COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: �
Yeas Nays
Hozza In Favor
Hunt �
Levine __ Against BY
Adopted by Co . Date ��� 7 �977 Form Ap ov by City Attorney
Certifi asse ouncil Secretary BY ' �
Appr v b Mayor: Dat � ,U�- � � 1977 Appr by Mayor for Submi on Countil
By BY�
PuBUSH� JUL 16 19�7
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I Gary Stout
do solemnly swear (or affirm) to support the Constitutions
of the United States and of the State of Minnesota and to
discharge faithfully the duties devolving upon me as
Director of the Department of Planning & Economic Development
of the City of Saint Paul to the best of my judgment and
ability. - ,
� /�;� �� /� �
� Sworn to and subscribed to before me this
/�� day of� 19 ,
. �
,� /,
Ci y Cler �
ri/ ~
,- .
2230 N.E. Alameda t4arried
Port7 and, Qregon 97212 T���o Chi 1 dren
(503) 2�l8-4579 (Office) Born: Apri1 23, 19<<2
(503) 281-2197 (Home) Height: 6'4"
4leight: 200 1 bs.
To seek a position of gr�ater challenge in a dynamic goals-orie�ted
Bachelor ofi Science State University of IoVra
hlasters of Public Administration Pennsylvania State University
Sp�cial shart courses have also been taken as -FolloVrs: �
Computer Concepts and Uti7ization �� IB��1
Computer Programming IaM _
Mass Transit Planning Brook7yn Polytechnic Ir.�ti�u�e �
Traffic Engineering Georgia lnstitute of Technology
Community Shelter Planning University o-f 7ennessee
Solid l•laste P�1anagement Environmental Control Administration
Management of Planning and - Narvard Graduate Sch�ols of
Design Organizations Business and Design -
Managzment Systems Louis Allen Associates
August, 1973 to Present: Administrator of the Office of
Planning and Development, for
� the City of Portland, Oregon.
Septemoer, 1968 to August 1973: Assistant Director for the Joint
Planning COi��7SS?Ot1 �TC,r th?
Al 1 ento.vn-Bethl ehem-Easton
metro area) in Pennsylvania. .
January, 1968 to August, 1968: Graduate School
June, 7964 to January, 1968: Promoted through faur positions
t��ith the York County Planning
Commission in York, Penns�lvania.
June, 1963 to t4ay, 196�: Planning intern in Burlington and
� Iowa City, Ioti�ra
�y� `
American P�tanagement Association
� �Amercian Institute of Planners
American Society of Planning Officials '
International City Management Association
National Council for Urban Economic Development
National h1odel Cities Community Development
Directors Association
National Association of Develapment Organizations
hational Association af Housing and Redevelopme!�t
Urban Land Tnstitute
Family, skiing, photography, pleasure flying' � "� �.
Available upon request. �- ' �
. , .
� � .
Experience and Responsibilities -
OFFICE OF PLAfvNING APdD DEVELOPP�IENT. As Administra�or a� this ��fice, I am �
responsible for Portland's community development matters and a central office
staff, as Htel7 as that of the Planning Bureau, the Building Bureau and the
Portland Dzvelopment Commission. The staff exceeds 250 persons, and the
annual budget is in excess ofi $20 million. Several policy making Boards
and Con�missions are supported by this staff. P�lajor responsibilities and
projects are summarized belou�, by program area:
Housin�. During the last three years the sin�le family rehabilitatiof�
program has increased from 200-300 units per year to b00 per year.
An addi�ional 200 units per year are being jointly -Funded by HCD/CETA/OEO.
An emerge��cy i�ousing ioan program �ror oasic code compliance in multi-
family structures has been initiated, for more than 1 ,800 units in one - �
year. Annual fundi ng of l 2 mi 11 i on dol l ars C� 5 2�v has been obtai ned _ -
fror� local lending institututions, near mortgage criteria have been es-
tablished by the City's lending institutions, and a mortgage avai7ability --
review board has been established. State legislation was obtained that �
provides for tax exemptions for new housing construction on do�vnto.•rn or
renewa7 property, exemptions on improvements for older rental proper�ies,
and de�ferred maintenance exemptions on single family properties. Rehab
and housing inspectors have been cross-trained to eliminate duplicate .
overhead: . �
Neighborhood Program: A neighborhood improvement program was established
during 1975 in six neighborhood areas with over �20 million fund�ng
during 1975 and 1976. This program includes expenditures for housing,
parks, streets, lighting, community centers, other improvements, 1ow
income and minority training, and administration of other gran� and pri-
vate funds. -
Economic Developrrent. In the last three years OPD has established a
City Economic Development Program, hired a business advocate, and ti��orked .
to change business attitudes to:�rard City governmznt. Obtained EDR 301
and 302 grants, and an $800,000 capital grant for -inciustria1 street
an� sp�ar 1 i n� reconstructi on ;n an o�d�r i rtdus�t'i a1 a•r�a. 'Jacart
industrial property has been inventoried, and industria7ists' attitudes
to�•rard continued location in the city have been surveyed. Land under .
an elevated free��ay has been leased for business expansion. The rather
comp7ex zon-ing, building and other permzt processes have been streamlined.
A prototype planning and implementation program for a neighborhood com-
mercial area is under��aay, and a 500 acre industrial neighborhood has
been selected for a prototype planning and improvement effort. A jointly
funded CETA/HCD training program is training lo�v-income and minority
residents in construction skills and allo4,�ing their entry into the Quildina
Trades. Ass�stance is being provided the Association of General Contractors
in estab7ishmen�t of a minority contractors �ssistance prograrn.
� ,
Do4mtown. The central office initiated a doG�rntotian improvement plann�i��g
program in 1974 that involved the business con�munity. SupporL
t�ras obtai►�ed for implemzntation of the majar recommendations, inc7uding
a parking space 7imitation for the do,•m toavn and a parking allacation
strategy. Obtained approval for construction of tti�ro municipal fu11
block parking structures.
OPD u�rorked to relocateand expand Penney's, for the renoaation o-F a 7arge
abandoned department store, and the construction of a net�r �8 R�illion
dollar department store. This ���as the first ne4•� department store con-�
structed in the do��m to�ran in 50 years, and it received no government
subsidy. Vacant retail space in the do�mtov�rn is currently 1�. . �
Ne►�r office construction in the down�to��m includes several ne��i buildings.
A total of 4.6 milli�n square feet of office sp�ce is available, t��ith
more than 91% occupied. Do�vntoVm office soace has increased 93% since
Other major doavntown activities inc7udz removal of one mile of obsolete � '
freeway to allow for construction of a riverfront park, a��ard of a $2 -
million contract for initial park implementation, acquis2tiQn of an
additional $1 .2 million riverfront property, and approval �o purchase
a parking strttcture for public open space at a cost in excess of �3 �
million do7lars. Transit ridership has increased 71% since 7971 , and � �
taio transit/pedestrian ma17s_ (each 11 b7ocks long} are now being
constructed at a _cos� o-F �16 million dollars.
Two historic districts in the downtoti�m have been established and
placed on the National Register. An Urban Conservation fiund has been
funded to assist in the renov�t:en of historic buildings. A tax �
increment renewal program ti�ras declared in 1974 and �10 million dollar
bond issue v�as so7d in 1976 to pay for these and other improvements.
Other Activities. Gtork also proceeded on the City's annexation program,
a HUD funded municipal energy research grant, and the establishnent and
operation of the City's first Gapital improver�ents program (approximately
�30 million annual budget) . �
Increased r�anagement ��1as stressed resulting in OPD staf-F reductions of
10i, and increased output over the past three years. TGVO long-term
department heads t•�ere replaced, and several capable and competent neti�r
staff t•�ere obtained at all levels in the organization.
Circumstances. Portland has a Commission form of government, ti•�ith the
Mayor and four Commissioners on the City Council . No p2rmanent po7itical
coalition has been opzrating during the past four years. Council approval
is required for many matters handled administratively in other types of
government, and a unanimous vote is required to avoid a 30-day delay
in implemen�tation. The P�iayor is an articulate, agoressive, and capable
former legal aid attorney.
z � .
JOTfr'T PLANNI�dG COi��iMISSIO�J. Assistant Director in a staff of 26,
ti•tith an annual budget of �500,000 (excluding grants and other administered
funds). l�las responsible for preparation of the annual �,�orF: program,
budgets, audits, personnel administration, grantsmanship and grant
administration. This position required liaison ���ith community groups,
7oca1 govern�nent officials and the local associatian o-f 7oca1 govern-
men�ts, social and health planning agencies, and various in�erest groups.
The t•�ork of this agency included preparation and adoption of regional
transportation system plan and program, a fair share housing plan,
adoption and implementation of a metropolitan solid t•�aste plan, open
space planning {4�hich included purchase of more than 200 acres of
urban park system) , mass transit planning, and implen�entation (inc7ud-
ing the establishmen�t of a public transit �utho•ri�y) , and preparation
of several comprehensive p7ans for communities. _ .
YORK COUNTY PI.ANNING COi�t�ti1ISSI0N. L�las responsible for Y�orEcing 4�rith local
officials as chief of the municipal planning prog'ram. Also prepared � �
studies and did other professional a•:ork in the areas of economic analysis, � �
data processing, land use, mass transit�; metropolitan transportation
planning, recreation land acquisition, community shelter planning, and �
pub7ic relations. �
CONS�LTI��G EXPERIE�JCE. During 1972 and 1973 t•ras one of three partners
in a Pennsylvania firm kno��m as Commun�ity Planning Associates. Preparec!
and updated comprehensive plans and implementing ordinances for small
municipalities on a part-time basis. �
� .